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Line Protection
Class Exercise: Autotransformer
High-Voltage Side
Fault Calculation

© SEL 2022

This exercise reinforces the concept of calculating the fault currents for a single-phase-to-ground
fault at the high-voltage side of an autotransformer, using the theory of symmetrical components,
and appropriately connecting the sequence networks.

Transformer data

 Three single-phase units rated 374 MVA each

(tertiary winding is rated 83.78 MVA)
 525 / 230 / 13.8 kV (High-H / Low-X / Tertiary-T)
 ZH = j0.0127433 on 100 MVA
 ZX = –j0.0015402 on 100 MVA
 ZT = j0.0446690 on 100 MVA

Transformer data:
Three single-phase units rated 374 MVA each (tertiary winding is rated 83.78 MVA).

525/230/13.8 kV (High-H/Low-X/Tertiary-T).
ZH = j0.0127433 on 100 MVA
ZX = –j0.0015402 on 100 MVA
ZT = j0.0446690 on 100 MVA

ZH is the high-voltage side impedance of the autotransformer wye-equivalent impedance diagram.
ZX is the low-voltage side impedance of the autotransformer wye-equivalent impedance diagram.
ZT is the tertiary impedance of the autotransformer wye-equivalent impedance diagram.

Power system equivalent source
impedance data
 525 kV
– Z1HS = j0.05310 per unit on 100 MVA
– Z0HS = j0.02862 per unit on 100 MVA
 230 kV
– Z1XS = j0.01950 per unit on 100 MVA
– Z0XS = j0.02469 per unit on 100 MVA

525 kV system equivalent source impedance data:

Z1HS = Z2HS = j0.0531 pu on 100 MVA.
Z0HS = j0.02862 pu on 100 MVA.

230 kV system equivalent source impedance data:

Z1XS = Z2XS = j0.01950 pu on 100 MVA.
Z0XS = j0.02469 pu on 100 MVA.

Exercise 1: Draw sequence networks and
calculate autotransformer fault currents
 Draw the sequence networks for an A phase-to-ground fault
 Calculate the sequence and phase fault currents in per unit
and amperes at
– Fault point
– Autotransformer high-voltage side (series winding)
– Autotransformer low-voltage side
– Autotransformer common winding

• Draw the sequence networks for an A-phase-to-ground fault at the high-voltage side bus of an
• Calculate the sequence and phase fault currents in per unit and in amperes at the fault point, the
autotransformer high- and low-voltage sides, and the autotransformer common windings.

Draw the positive-, negative-, and zero-sequence networks and connect them in series at the fault

Autotransformer wye-equivalent
impedance diagram





The slide above depicts an autotransformer wye-equivalent impedance diagram showing the
winding polarity marks. In this example, IX and IT enter polarity marks and IH leaves polarity mark.

Draw the sequence networks

 Positive-sequence
 Negative-sequence
 Zero-sequence

Draw the positive-, negative-, and zero-sequence networks.

Thévenin equivalent source voltage and
sequence impedances
 Source voltage: V1TH = ____ pu
 Positive-sequence impedance: Z1TH = ____ pu
 Negative-sequence impedance: Z2TH = ____ pu
 Zero-sequence impedance: Z0TH = ____ pu

Calculate the Thévenin equivalent source voltage and network impedances.

525 kV sequence fault currents

 Positive-sequence fault current: I1_F = ____ A

 Negative-sequence fault current: I2_F = ____ A
 Zero-sequence fault current: I0_F = ____ A

Connect the sequence networks in series at the fault point

Using the autotransformer, 525 kV and 230 kV data, calculate the sequence currents at the fault
point. Connect the sequence network in series at the fault point to perform the calculation.

525 kV phase fault currents

 A-phase fault current: Ia_F = ____ A

 B-phase fault current: Ib_F = ____ A
 C-phase fault current: Ic_F = ____ A

Calculate the phase fault currents at the fault point.

Series winding (high-voltage side)
sequence fault currents
 Positive-sequence fault current: I1_H = ____ A
 Negative-sequence fault current: I2_H = ____ A
 Zero-sequence fault current: I0_H = ____ A

Applying the current distribution principle in the three sequence networks, calculate the high-
voltage side sequence fault currents that flow through the series windings.

Series winding (high-voltage side)
phase fault currents
 A-phase fault current: Ia_H = ____ A
 B-phase fault current: Ib_H = ____ A
 C-phase fault current: Ic_H = ____ A

Calculate the high-voltage side phase fault currents that flow through the series windings.

Low-voltage side sequence fault currents

 Positive-sequence fault current: I1_X = ____ A

 Negative-sequence fault current: I2_X = ____ A
 Zero-sequence fault current: I0_X = ____ A

Calculate the low-voltage side sequence fault currents.

Low-voltage side phase fault currents

 A-phase fault current: Ia_X = ____ A

 B-phase fault current: Ib_X = ____ A
 C-phase fault current: Ic_X = ____ A

Calculate the low-voltage side phase fault currents.

Common winding sequence fault currents

 Positive-sequence fault current: I1_C = ____ A

 Negative-sequence fault current: I2_C = ____ A
 Zero-sequence fault current: I0_C = ____ A

Calculate the common winding sequence fault currents.

Common winding phase fault currents

 A-phase fault current: Ia_C = ____ A

 B-phase fault current: Ib_C = ____ A
 C-phase fault current: Ic_C = ____ A

Calculate the common winding phase fault currents.

Exercise 2: Show magnitudes and directions
of autotransformer fault currents
In a single-line diagram, show the magnitudes and directions
of sequence and phase fault currents with respect to
autotransformer winding polarities

In a single-line diagram, show the magnitudes and directions of sequence and phase fault currents
with respect to autotransformer winding polarities.

Example of autotransformer fault currents

I0_H I0_RS



The slide above shows an example of the zero-sequence fault current contributions for a single-
phase-to-ground fault on the high-voltage side of the autotransformer.

I0_F 525 kV zero-sequence fault current.
I0_RS 525 kV source zero-sequence current contribution.
I0_H High-voltage side zero-sequence current (equal to the series winding zero-
sequence current).
I0_X Low-voltage side zero-sequence current.
I0_C Common winding zero-sequence current.
I0_T Tertiary winding zero-sequence current.

Positive-sequence fault currents

 525 kV fault current: I1_F = ____ A

 High-side fault current: I1_H = ____ A
 Low-side fault current: I1_X = ____ A
 Common winding fault current: I1_C = ____ A

Depict these currents on an autotransformer single-line diagram

Using Exercise 1 solution results, fill the blanks with the magnitudes of the positive-sequence fault

Depict the magnitudes and directions of these currents on an autotransformer single-line diagram.

Negative-sequence fault currents

 525 kV fault current: I2_F = ____ A

 High-side fault current: I2_H = ____ A
 Low-side fault current: I2_X = ____ A
 Common winding fault current: I2_C = ____ A

Depict these currents on an autotransformer single-line diagram

Using Exercise 1 solution results, fill the blanks with the magnitudes of the negative-sequence
fault currents.

Depict the magnitudes and directions of these currents on an autotransformer single-line diagram.

Zero-sequence fault currents

 525 kV fault current: I0_F = ____ A

 High-side fault current: I0_H = ____ A
 Low-side fault current: I0_X = ____ A
 Common winding fault current: I0_C = ____ A

Depict these currents on an autotransformer single-line diagram

Using Exercise 1 solution results, fill the blanks with the magnitudes of the zero-sequence fault

Depict the magnitudes and directions of these currents on an autotransformer single-line diagram.

A-phase fault currents

 525 kV fault current: Ia_F = ____ A

 High-side fault current: Ia_H = ____ A
 Low-side fault current: Ia_X = ____ A
 Common winding fault current: Ia_C = ____ A

Depict these currents on an autotransformer single-line diagram

Using Exercise 1 solution results, fill the blanks with the magnitudes of the A-phase fault currents.

Depict the magnitudes and directions of these currents on an autotransformer single-line diagram.

B-phase fault currents

 525 kV fault current: Ib_F = ____ A

 High-side fault current: Ib_H = ____ A
 Low-side fault current: Ib_X = ____ A
 Common winding fault current: Ib_C = ____ A

Depict these currents on an autotransformer single-line diagram

Using Exercise 1 solution results, fill the blanks with the magnitudes of the B-phase fault currents.

Depict the magnitudes and directions of these currents on an autotransformer single-line diagram.

C-phase fault currents

 525 kV fault current: Ic_F = ____ A

 High-side fault current: Ic_H = ____ A
 Low-side fault current: Ic_X = ____ A
 Common winding fault current: Ic_C = ____ A

Depict these currents on an autotransformer single-line diagram

Using Exercise 1 solution results, fill the blanks with the magnitudes of the C-phase fault currents.

Depict the magnitudes and directions of these currents on an autotransformer single-line diagram.

Exercise solutions:
Exercise 1

• Draw the sequence networks for an A-phase-to-ground fault at the high-voltage side bus of an
• Calculate the sequence and phase fault currents in per unit and in amperes at the fault point, the
autotransformer high- and low-voltage sides, and the autotransformer common windings.

Positive-sequence network

Neutral Bus

– –
E1XS = 10° E1HS = 10°
+ +


I1_X I1_H


The slide shows the positive-sequence network.

Positive-sequence Thévenin equivalent
source voltage and impedance

V1TH  1.0
 Z1 XS  Z X  Z H  Z1HS
Z1TH   j 0.0194543 pu
Z1 XS  Z X  Z H  Z1HS

We find the Thévenin equivalent source voltage and impedance of the positive-sequence network
using the equations in the slide.

Negative-sequence network

Neutral Bus



I2_X I2_H


The slide shows the negative-sequence network.

Negative-sequence Thévenin
equivalent impedance

 Z 2 XS  Z X  Z H  Z 2 HS
Z 2TH   j 0.0194543 pu
Z 2 XS  Z X  Z H  Z 2 HS

We find the Thévenin equivalent impedance of the negative-sequence network using the equations
in the slide.

Zero-sequence network

Neutral Bus

I0_T I0_HS


I0_X I0_H


The slide shows the zero-sequence network.

Zero-sequence Thévenin
equivalent impedance

 Z 0 XS  Z X  ZT
Z0 P   Z H  j 0.0279913 pu
Z 0 XS  Z X  ZT
Z 0 P Z 0 HS
Z 0TH   j 0.014151 pu
Z 0 P  Z 0 HS

We find the Thévenin equivalent impedance of the zero-sequence network using the equations in
the slide.

525 kV sequence fault currents

ZT _ TH  Z1TH  Z 2TH  Z 0TH  j 0.0530596 pu (1)

1.0 1
I 0T _ pu  I1T _ pu  I 2T _ pu     j18.84673 pu (2)
ZT _ TH j 0.023205
100,000 (3)
I Base _ 525   109.97 A
3  525
I 0T  I 0T _ pu I Base _ 525   j18.84673  109.97   j 2,072.6 A (4)

We use Equation (1) to find the total Thévenin equivalent impedance in per unit by summing the
positive-, negative-, and zero-sequence Thévenin impedances.

We use Equation (2) to calculate the zero-sequence current in per unit at the fault point. The
positive- and negative- sequence currents at the fault point equal the fault zero-sequence current.

We use Equation (3) to calculate the base current.

We use Equation (4) to calculate the zero-sequence current in amperes at the fault point.

525 kV sequence fault currents

 Positive-sequence fault current: I1_F = –j2,072.6 A

 Negative-sequence fault current: I2_F = –j2,072.6 A
 Zero-sequence fault current: I0_F = –j2,072.6 A

The slide shows the 525 kV sequence fault currents.

525 kV phase fault currents

 I a _ F  1 1 1   I 0 _ F  1 1 1    j 2,072.6    j 6,217.8 
    
 I   1 a
a   I1_ F   1 a 2 a    j 2,072.6     j 0.0  A
b _ F      
 I c _ F  1 a  
a   I 2 _ F  1 a
a    j 2,072.6    j 0.0 

We use the matrix equation in the slide to calculate the phase fault current in amperes at the fault.

525 kV phase fault currents

 A-phase fault current: Ia_F = –j6,217.8 A

 B-phase fault current: Ib_F = 0.0 A
 C-phase fault current: Ic_F = 0.0 A

The slide shows the 525 kV phase fault currents at the fault.

Series winding (high-voltage side)
sequence fault currents
Z1HS j 0.00531
I1_ H _ pu  I1F _ pu   j18.84673   j11.94182 pu
Z1HS  Z1 XS  Z X  Z H j 0.0838031
I1_ H  I1_ H _ pu I Base _ 525   j1, 313.3 A
I 2 _ H  I1_ H   j1, 313.3 A
Z 0 HS j 0.02862
I 0 _ H _ pu  I 0 F _ pu   j18.84673   j 9.52802 pu
Z 0 HS  Z 0 P j 0.02862  j 0.0279913
I 0 _ H  I 0 _ H _ pu I Base _ 525   j1, 047.8 A

We calculate the autotransformer series winding (high-voltage side) sequence current

contributions to the fault using the current distribution principle:

Series winding (high-voltage side) sequence
fault currents
 Positive-sequence fault current: I1_H = –j1,313.3 A
 Negative-sequence fault current: I2_H = –j1,313.3 A
 Zero-sequence fault current: I0_H = –j1,047.8 A

The slide shows the tertiary winding sequence fault currents.

Series winding (high-voltage side)
phase fault currents

 I a _ H  1 1 1   I 0 _ H  1 1 1    j1, 047.8   j 3, 674.4 

    
 I   1 a
a   I1_ H   1 a 2 a    j1, 313.3    j 265.5  A
b _ H      
 I c _ H  1 a  
a   I 2 _ H  1 a
a    j1, 313.3   j 265.5 

We use the matrix equation in the slide above to calculate the series winding (high-voltage side)
phase fault currents in amperes.

Series winding (high-voltage side)
phase fault currents
 A-phase fault current: Ia_H = –j3,674.4 A
 B-phase fault current: Ib_H = +j265.5 A
 C-phase fault current: Ic_H = + j265.5 A

The slide shows the autotransformer series winding (high-voltage side) phase fault currents.

Low-voltage side sequence fault currents
100, 000
I Base _ 230   251.02 A
3  230
I1_ X _ pu  I1_ H _ pu   j11.94182 pu
I1_ X  I1_ X _ pu I Base _ 230   j 2, 997.6 A
I 2 _ X  I1_ X   j 2, 997.6 A
I 0 _ X _ pu  I 0 _ H _ pu
Z 0 XS  Z X  ZT
j 0.044669
I 0 _ X _ pu   j 9.52802   j 6.27565 pu
j 0.044669  j 0.0015402  j 0.02409
I 0 _ X  I 0 _ X _ u I Base _ 230   j1, 575.3 A

We calculate the autotransformer low-voltage side sequence fault current contributions to the fault
using the equations on the slide above.

Low-voltage side sequence fault currents

 Positive-sequence fault current: I1_X = –j2,997.6 A

 Negative-sequence fault current: I2_X = –j2,997.6 A
 Zero-sequence fault current: I0_X = –j1,575.3 A

The slide shows the autotransformer low-voltage side sequence fault currents.

Low-voltage side phase fault currents

 I a _ X  1 1 1   I 0 _ X  1 1 1    j1, 575.3    j 7, 570.5 

    
 I   1 a
a   I1_ X   1 a 2 a    j 2, 997.6    +j1, 422.3  A
b _ X      
 I c _ X  1 a  
a   I 2 _ X  1 a
a    j 2, 997.6    j1, 422.3 

We use the matrix equation in the slide above to calculate the autotransformer low-voltage side
phase fault currents in amperes.

Low-voltage side phase fault currents

 A-phase fault current: Ia_X = –j7,570.5 A

 B-phase fault current: Ib_X = +j1,422.3 A
 C-phase fault current: Ic_X = +j1,422.3 A

The slide shows the autotransformer low-voltage side phase fault currents.

Common winding positive-sequence
fault current
I1_H = 1,313.3 I1_HS = 759.3

I1_F = 2,072.6
I1_X = 2,997.6

I1_C = 1,684.3

I1_ C  I1_ X  I1_ H   j 2,997.6  ( j1,313.3)   j1,684.3 A

We calculate the positive-sequence fault current in the common winding using Kirchhoff’s current
law at the node where the series winding connects to the common winding.

Common winding negative-sequence
fault current
I2_H = 1,313.3 I2_HS = 759.3

I2_F = 2,072.6
I2_X = 2,997.6

I2_C = 1,684.3

I 2 _ C  I 2 _ X  I 2 _ H   j 2,997.6  ( j1,313.3)   j1,684.3 A

We calculate the negative-sequence fault current in the common winding using Kirchhoff’s
current law at the node where the series winding connects to the common winding.

Common winding zero-sequence fault current

I0_H = 1,047.8 I0_HS = 1,024.8

I0_F = 2,072.6
I0_X = 1,575.3

I0_T = 7,856.1

I0_C = 527.5

I 0 _ C  I 0 _ X  I 0 _ H   j1,575.3  ( j1,047.8)   j 527.5 A

We calculate the zero-sequence fault current in the common winding using Kirchhoff’s current
law at the node where the series winding connects to the common winding.

Common winding sequence fault currents

 Positive-sequence fault current: I1_C = –j1,684.3 A

 Negative-sequence fault current: I2_C = –j1,684.3 A
 Zero-sequence fault current: I0_C = –j527.5 A

The slide shows the autotransformer common winding sequence fault currents.

Common winding phase fault currents

 I a _ C  1 1 1   I 0 _ C  1 1 1    j 527.5    j 3, 896.1
    
 I   1 a
a   I1_ C   1 a 2 a    j1, 684.3   +j1,156.8  A
b _ C      
 I c _ C  1 a  
a   I 2 _ C  1 a
a    j1, 684.3   j1,156.8 

We calculate the common winding phase fault currents using the matrix equation in the slide

Common winding phase fault currents

 A-phase fault current: Ia_C = –j3,896.1 A

 B-phase fault current: Ib_C = +j1,156.8 A
 C-phase fault current: Ic_C = +j1,156.8 A

The slide shows the autotransformer common winding phase fault currents.

Exercise solutions:
Exercise 2

In a single-line diagram, show the magnitudes and directions of sequence and phase fault currents
with respect to autotransformer winding polarities.

Positive-sequence fault currents

I1_H = 1,313.3 I1_HS = 759.3

I1_F = 2,072.6
I1_X = 2,997.6

I1_C = 1,684.3

The slide shows the magnitudes and directions of positive-sequence currents.

Negative-sequence fault currents

I2_H = 1,313.3 I2_HS = 759.3

I2_F = 2,072.6
I2_X = 2,997.6

I2_C = 1,684.3

The slide shows the magnitudes and directions of negative-sequence currents.

Zero-sequence fault currents

I0_H = 1,047.8 I0_HS = 1,024.8

I0_F = 2,072.6
I0_X = 1,575.3

I0_T = 7,856.1

I0_C = 527.5

The slide shows the magnitudes and directions of zero-sequence currents.

A-phase fault currents

Ia_H = 3,674.4 Ia_HS = 2,543.4

Ia_F = 6,217.8
Ia_X = 7,570.5

Ia_T = 7,856.1

Ia_C = 3,896.1

The slide shows the magnitudes and directions of A-phase currents.

B-phase fault currents

Ib_H = 265.5 Ib_HS = 265.5

Ib_F = 0
Ib_X = 1,422.3

Ib_F = 7,856.1

Ib_C = 1,156.8

The slide shows the magnitudes and directions of B-phase currents.

C-phase fault currents

Ic_H = 265.5 Ic_HS = 265.5

Ic_F = 0
Ic_X = 1,422.3

Ic_F = 7,856.1

Ic_C = 1,156.8

The slide shows the magnitudes and directions of C-phase currents.



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