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How do parents keep their children entertained around the world( bad
and good things)

Piero: Entertainment is good for children as it is part of their stage. This can be detrimental if
parents don't control It. For example, my uncles in Italy only let my cousins watch cartoons
with a máximum of two hours while my cousins from Perú watch TV for up to five hours.
This is because my uncles work and they stay home alone.

Celeste: The good ideas to entertain children calm and happy is one of the best ways to let
your children express themselves coloring, which is often mixed with illustrations or letters
and Free visits to museums are perfect to keep children entertained. Another ideal activity at
home for example can be It's a great kitchen with children.
A bad idea is to give them everything they want. with no tolerance or flexibility, and no room
for or listen to any kind of movie or music. Or let them stay in front of the
computer or television all day long.

2.Conversation: How have computers, the internet, email and mobile phones changed
your life?

Celeste: Hello, Piero

Piero: Hi, Celeste
Celeste: What do you think about technology?
Piero: Technology has changed my life. This because he was not used to using the phone
for a long time. Now it is very necessary to coordinate tasks, events, outings to parties. It
also allows me to google meet with my friends and talk about our lives.

Celeste: ooh that’s interesting for me, computers have changed the way the world works,
many jobs that used to be done only have been made much more efficient through the use
of technology, and has made it possible for people from all walks of life to have access to
different resources.

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