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SPED 413 Final Project

Your Name: Shelly Townley

By: Shelly Townley

For: Student A
Primary Disability: Cognitive Disability
Reviewed on: February 14th, 2023

Education: Student A attends Blank Middle School, and she is in the RISE program. RISE is a self-contained

program for special education students. She receives public school bus transports to and from school. She starts

at 7:55 a.m. the same as her peers and ends at 3:38 p.m. which is ten minutes before her peers get out. She

goes to special class with her RISE classmates and no other peers. She sits at lunch with her RISE peers, but

there are also other peers around. She doesn’t eat at school, she has too much anxiety. The nurse tube feeds her

twice a day. She has academic challenges which are learning difficulties with math and with her memory. If she

hasn’t practiced something for a day or two, she completely forgets it. She struggles staying on task, counting

money is a concept that has been reviewed and she doesn't comprehend it. She does read very well and needs

no extra outside help with reading.

Family History: Student A moved from State A to State B at the beginning of last school year. She lives with both

his parents, an older sister and a younger brother. She has a good relationship with her parents. She gets along

with her brother and sister as all kids get along with their siblings. Her brother is in the same middle school, and

her sister just graduated High School in January.

Medical History: Student A’s primary disability is Cognitive Disability. She had lived in the Children’s Hospital for

over 2 years of her life. She is tube fed, and has slow muscles. She has had many surgeries. She is on medication

for his ADHD, Anxiety, Major Depression, and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder. She was born with many

of her diagnoses. She has severe astigmatism that she wears glasses for.
Strengths: Is always stepping up to help others in need. She is good at basic reading and can find a page in a

book when instructed to. She is good at listening to audio stories, and songs. She can write her name on her

paper. She can copy from the board what is written. She can use a basic calculator. She cares for people around


Likes: Student A likes listening to music with her ear pods. She loves to be outdoors, hunt, and fish. She likes to

play basketball and run. She loves her dog. She likes to hang with her friends. She likes fidget toys, and shiny

gold things.

Dislikes: Student A dislikes writing time and anytime she must write. She dislikes most food, she is selective on

taste and texture. She also doesn’t like to sit still, and is not fond of watching movies.

Challenges: When Student A misses any of her meds or gets overwhelmed she can become aggressive by

yelling, throwing objects, and hitting objects around her. Depending on the situation she will become hurtful to

others by throwing things at people, or she will go hide. She will also use foul language when she gets mad and

make threats that she doesn’t mean. Writing and money is a big challenge for her. Saving her has so much

impulse that she can’t understand the concept of saving. If she isn’t interested in the lesson, activity that is going

on she will refuse to do it.

Wishes/Goals: Student A’s goals is to go to High School, and when she becomes an adult work with her dad. She

wants to get her learner's permit. She wants to buy a Ferrari or a Lambo. She wants to get better at basketball.

Assessments: Student A has taken the MAPS testing the last two years. All tests were given to her by her case

manager and taken in an area by herself in the RISE classroom. She did get to use a calculator for math and audio

reading for any words.

Her results:

MAP Lexile: 35.000

MAP Math: 161.00 (0% percentile)

MAP Reading: 166.00 (0% percentile)


MAP Lexile: 80.000

MAP Math: 149.00 (0% percentile)

MAP Reading: 160.00 (0% percentile)


MAP Lexile: 215.000

MAP Math: 158.00 (0% percentile)

MAP Reading: 153.00 (0% percentile)


MAP Lexile: 75.000

MAP Math: 161.00 (0% percentile)

MAP Reading: 168.00 (0% percentile)


MAP Language: 158.000 (0% percentile)

MAP Lexile: 75.000

MAP Math: 159.00 (0% percentile)

MAP Reading: 168.00 (0 % percentile)

At school he also had a SRI(V01)

SRI Lexile: 126.000 on 4/5/22

Also, at school she had a Woodcock-Johnson IV-Test of Achievement done on 9/14/21. Given by her Case

Manager in a room by herself.

Her overall scores were:

Basic Reading: 80(Low)

Reading Comprehension: 64(Low)

Reading Fluency: 59(Low)

Math Problem Solving: 53(Low)

Math Calculation: 44(Low)

Written Expression:71(Low)

Observation: 2/14/23 by Dad and Me(Shelly Townley)

Student A was observed at her home, she showed her bedroom, living room, and backyard. When asking

questions about herself she had a hard time understanding words like wish and goal. I had to use different words

to help her understand. She doesn’t sit still;s he is constantly walking around. She also doesn’t stay in the same

room very long. She loves to show and talk about his toys. She has a great imagination. She can make his own

tuna. She can use the can opener to open tuna, put tuna in a bowl, then get mayo out of the fridge and mix it in.

She loves tuna with just tuna and mayo. She says he wants to learn to make ramen noodles on his own. She can

help unload the dishwasher but needs to be redirected throughout and doesn’t know where everything goes.
Skills to be Addressed:

Student A will work on learning to make ramen noodles on her own, and being able to unload the dishwasher

without distractions and learn where everything goes. To help with the steps for making ramen, I will make a

visual for each step. She likes timers, and will use a timer to help her stay focused on the task of unloading the


Goal #1: Making ramen noodles on her own.

Objective #1: Will be able to measure and put all the ingredients on his own into the pot. 10 out of 10 times of
making ramen noodles.

Objective #2: Will be able to measure and put all the ingredients on her own into the pot. Then be able to wait
the 3 minutes that it takes to cook. Stirring the ramen during that time. Then ask for help to pour the ramen into
a bowl. Student A will achieve this goal 80 percent of the time.

Goal #2: Student A will be able to unload the dishwasher on his own without distractions and be able to put
everything where it goes.

Objective #1: Will be able to unload the dishwasher without distractions for the time it takes to clear 75 percent
of the dishwasher. Will also be able to ask for help when he doesn’t know where it goes.

Objective #2: Will be able to unload the dishwasher without distractions to unload the whole dishwasher, and be
able to put everything away without help 90 percent of the time.


Date Assessment Given:

The student I have chosen to work with this semester is an eighth-grade student. She goes to middle
school all day. She is in a Rise Classroom all day except for when she goes to Rise PE, lunch, and Pro time.
Other than Pro time he is with the Rise students all day. I chose this student because he is slow at some things,
but she does have great ability on tasks. The objects I went with were chosen because they are his favorite toys
for sitting down. She has had many assessments since he was three years old, that he could have possibly had
this assessment in the past. She has only been in State B for a little over a year.

I administered the assessment with six actual objects. I put each object in front of the student ten times.
The first part, the object was shown five of ten times and the second five of ten times. When choosing my
student knew exactly which one she wanted in less than five seconds. She did amazing at giving the object back
so we could continue the assessment.

When the assessment was completed, I added up the scores. The two objects that were chosen the most
were the toy car and the toy truck with flatbeds with each at 30 percent. When the two were paired together to
pick his favorite, she chose the toy car in the first round. The second round she had chosen the toy truck with
the Flatbed. Below is a chart of his choice preferences for each object.

Object Trial Set 1 Trial Set 2

Toy Car (30%) 5/5 4/5

Basketball (3%) 1/5 0/5

Transformer pop 0/5 1/5

Toy Truck with 4/5 5/5
Flatbed (30%)
Fire Truck (13%) 2/5 2/5

Fidget Ring (21%) 3/5 3/5

Findings from this assessment will help know the objects to use for reinforcement. First, I
would choose the flatbed truck with flatbed, second the toy car as both are her favorite. The third
would be a fidget ring. The basketball and transformer pop I will not use because she had little
interest, and that wouldn’t give her the reinforcement he needs. When starting out I would use the fire
truck (13%) and the fidget ring (21%). On days where she has achieved a new goal or is working hard
through a bad day, I will use the toy car (30%) and the toy truck with a flatbed (30%).
Ecological Inventory
Environment: Student A’s Home
Sub environment: Kitchen

Date: 2/21/23
Performance of Performance of student Instructional
peer/person without with disabilities Decision
disabilities + performed correctly T Teach Skill Instruction, Adaptation or
Include - performed incorrectly A Adapt Support Needed
communication/language S Support
Walked to pantry door Teach where the pantry door is.
and opened it - T
Grabbed the Ramen Teach where the noodles are and
Noodles package out of where to set it on the counter.
the box and set it on the - T
Went to the pan cupboard Teach where the pan cupboard is and
and got the pan out. - T
where the pan is.
Put pan on the stove S Say, where does the pan go?
Went to the measuring Teach where measuring cupboard
cup cupboard and and cup is.
grabbed the measuring - T
Went to sink and put one Remind her to put one cup of water
cup of water in the cup. + S
in the measuring cup.
Put water in the pan Say put water in the pan when a
+ S
reminder needed.
Turned stove dial up to 5 + S Point to the number 5 on the stove.
Opened Ramen Noodle Teach her how to open a package.
package and put the - T
Ramen in the Pan
Open the seasoning and Teach her how to open a package.
put it in the pan. - T
Threw the packages away Remind her to throw it away in the
in the trash can + S
trash can.
Went to silverware drawer Teach her where the drawer is and
and grabbed a fork - T
that he needs a fork.
Flipped over the Ramen Teach her how to flip the Ramen
noodles - T
Watched the stove clock Will have her use his timer to know
for a minute, then flipped - A when a minute is up.
ramen again.
Turn the stove dial down Teach her when to turn down and
to 3. - T
where the 3 is at.
Watched the stove clock Use her own timer for the clock and
for a minute, flipped and - A teach her to stir the noodles.
stirred the noodles.
Turned the stove off. Teach her when it is time to turn off
- T
Went to cupboard and got Teach her where the cupboard is and
a bowl - T the bowl.
Set the bowl on the Remind her if needed to set bowl on
counter + S
the counter
Waited a minute watching Use her timer for time and show him
the stove clock, then - A how to stir the noodles.
stirred the noodles.
Continued watching the Use her timer to watch the clock,
stove clock for one minute and remind her to ask for help
then poured ramen - A
pouring the noodles into the bowl.
noodles into the bowl.

Task analysis: Making Ramen Noodles

Natural Cut: Let’s make Ramen Noodles
Independence Prompt: I am going to make Ramen Noodles
Date: 2/20/23
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Where: Student A’s home
Filled out by: Shelly Townley
SKILLS 2/20/ Notes to help explain.
1. Walk to the pantry door. 3 Needs told where the pantry door is.
2. Grab a ramen noodle package out of the box. 2 Need modeling on how and where to grab the ramen.
3. Put the package on the counter. 5 Pointed to the counter where he was to lay it.
4. Go to the pan cupboard. 3 Needed told where cupboard is
5. Grab pan out of cupboard 2 Modeled how to grab and where the pan was.
6. Put pan on the stove 5 Pointed to stove
7. Go to the measuring cup cupboard. 3 Needs told where the measuring cup cupboard is.
8.Grab the measuring cup 2 Modeled how to grab the measuring cup from.
9. Go to sink and put one cup of water in the 2 Could go to sink but needed help with knowing how to
measuring cup fill and how much.
10. Pour water into the pan. 5 Pointed to the pan.
11. Turn the stove on to 5. 5 Pointed to 5.
12. Open the Ramen Noodle package and put 2 Modeled how to open the package and put ramen in.
Ramen in the Pan.
13. Open seasoning and put in the pan. 2 Modeled how to open the package and put seasoning in.
14. Throw package and seasoning paper in the 5 Pointed towards trash can
15. Go to silverware drawer 5 Pointed at drawer
16. Get fork out of drawer 5 Pointed at fork
17. Flip the Ramen noodles over. 2 Modeled how to flip the ramen over.
18. Wait one minute. Then flip the noodles again. 3 Told him to flip over and set the time
19. Turn the stove down to 3. 5 Pointed to 3.
20. Wait one minute, flip, and stir ramen noodles. 3 Told him to set timer, flip and stir the ramen
22. Turn stove off 5 Pointed to off position
23. Go to Bowl cupboard 5 Pointed at cupboard
24. Get the bowl out and set it on the counter. 5 Pointed at counter
25. Wait one minute, then stir the Ramen. 3 Told him to set timer and stir
26. Wait one more minute, then ask for help to 3 Told him to set timer and ask for help
pour the ramen into a bowl.
Student A’s score 90
Total Points possible if Independent (26 skills x 156
His percentage of accuracy (90/156) x 100 58% A future task analysis will be made and done on making
the same steps as this analysis. We will practice the
steps and every now and then pull this task analysis out
and score it under the next date to see the growth.

Scoring: (This part is taken from Teaching Individuals with Physical or Multiple Disabilities 5th Edition by
Sherwood J. Best, Kathryn Wolff Heller, and June L. Brigge. (2005) page 165.)
“Falvey (1989) provides a formula for determining percentages for the levels of assistance provided when
individuals engage in different activities. Falvey presents a scale in which the heaviest weighting (6) is given to
those skills or subtasks of activities which are accomplished in response to natural cues in the environment,
without any physical assistance or verbal and gestural cues. The more assistance needed, the less the weighting.
Therefore, a low rating is given if full physical assistance is needed. It is assumed that increases in a percentage
of independence in skills within an activity reflect an overall increase in independence in the activity.
The weighting-scale items chosen by Falvey (1989) for the methods of assistance are as follows:
1 = Physical guidance (hand-guided manipulation)
2 = Modeling (demonstration followed by imitation from the learner; always face the task from the
same direction as the learner would).
3 = Direct Verbal (“Flip it over”; “Other hand”; “trace the line”; “add the next number” “look at
the hands on the clock”)
4 = Indirect Verbal (“Where does it go?”; “What do you do next?”)
5 = Gestural (Pointing; making a straight line motion; tapping near where it goes).
6 = Natural Cue (basically able to do what is expected independently at an appropriate time)”

Calculating the Score: “Two kinds of information are needed to calculate the percentage of independence:
level of student performance and independence level. (Falvey, 1989). Level of student performance is the total
rating of each skill at any one attempt at a particular activity. A student rating of 30 would have been attained
by a person who completed five skills with ratings of 6 on each response to natural cues. For a student who
performed five skills with ratings of 3, 2, 3, 4, and 6, the student level would be 18. Independence level is the
total representing the performance of all skills in response to natural cues (all 6’s). If there are five skills, the
independence level is 30 (5x6); if nine skills, the independence level is 54 (9 x 6). Percentage of independence
is determined by the student level divided by the independence level, multiplied by 100.


SLP Data Sheet: Making Ramen Noodles

Natural Cut: Let’s make Ramen Noodles
Independence Prompt: I am going to make Ramen Noodles
Date: 3/20/23
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Where: Student A’s home
Filled out by: Shelly Townley

Steps 3/20/23

1. Walk to the pantry door. V

2. Grab a ramen noodle package out of the V


3. Put the package on the counter. I

4. Go to the pan cupboard. V

5. Grab pan out of cupboard V

6. Put pan on the stove I

7. Go to the measuring cup cupboard. G

8.Grab the measuring cup I

9. Go to sink and put one cup of water in the M

measuring cup

10. Pour water into the pan. G

11. Turn the stove on to 5. G

12. Open the Ramen Noodle package and put M

Ramen in the Pan.

13. Open seasoning and put in the pan. M

14. Throw package and seasoning paper in the

trash G

15. Go to silverware drawer G

16. Get fork out of drawer I

17. Flip the Ramen noodles over. M

18. Wait one minute. Then flip the noodles V


19. Turn the stove down to 3. G

20. Wait one minute, flip, and stir ramen V


22. Turn stove off G

23. Go to Bowl cupboard G

24. Get the bowl out and set it on the counter. I

25. Wait one minute, then stir the Ramen. V

26. Wait one more minute, then ask for help to V

pour the ramen into a bowl.

Total/percent Independent 7/26 = 27%

Total/percent Verbal 8/26 = 31%

Total/percent Gesture 7/26 = 27%

Total/percent Model 4/26=15%

I = independent, V = verbal, G= Gesture, M = model

Dakota State University

College of Education

SPED 413


Name: Shelly Townley

Student: Student A
Skill: Making Ramen Noodles
Date: 3/20/2023
Time: 6:00 p.m.

Reflection from prior lesson

● She struggled with knowing where the cupboards and drawers were. Need to work on her knowing
where to go for cooking utensils.

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics

● Supper time, she sometimes isn’t hungry. When he says she isn’t hungry it's usually because she
doesn’t want to stop playing to eat. Tell her she will have play time after she makes ramen and eats. If
you need an incentive, tell him she can choose between a small bag of doritos or have 3 small slim jims
after she has made the ramen and ate it.
● She is restless, and doesn’t like to wait. If she is restless, set a timer for 5 minutes. Show her the times,
and point out that when the timer is done, she is done. This helps her know it won’t take a long time.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards

● Student A will do 7 steps of making ramen noodles on her own.

Lesson Objective(s)
● The student will be 5 percent gesture
● The student will be 5 percent verbal.

Generalization Goal(s)
● Student will be able to find where each cupboard and drawer is in the kitchen.
● Student will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks, chocolate milk, and
alfredo noodles.
● To observe the first 6 steps without modeling and see how she does.
● Use a SLP Data Sheet as she goes through the steps.
● Parents will be part of the team with this lesson.

Other Professionals
● Occupational Therapist
● Speech Therapist
● Physical Therapist
● Special Education Teacher
● General Education Teacher
Materials Needed
● Pan
● Measuring cup
● Ramen noodles
● Bowl
● Small Bag of Doritos
● 3 small slim jims
● SLP Data Sheet

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

● Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): ABA is a research-based intervention that focuses on modifying
behavior through the use of reinforcement techniques. System of Least Prompts
● Task Analysis: Task analysis involves breaking down complex skills into smaller, more manageable
steps. This method helps students with severe disabilities to acquire new skills and perform tasks

● Reminding her how last time making ramen noodles went

● Observe the steps she does to make the ramen.
● Ask questions throughout as needed.
● Using a task analysis to breakdown the steps
● Using a SLP Data Sheet to breakdown the steps
● Will use System of Least Prompts based on Applied Behavior Analysis

A. The Lesson

● Introduction (2 minutes)
○ getting attention: Ok, Student A let's get started on making ramen noodles.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: We have worked on making ramen noodles more
○ creating a need to know: Today I am going to observe more and let you do more steps by
○ sharing objective, in general terms: You will be able to make ramen noodles more by yourself.

● Content Delivery 15 minutes)

○ Ok, Student A you will start to make ramen. As you are cooking I will observe and help as needed.
I am going to watch you do more by yourself today.
○ Now go through the steps one by one, while making ramen noodles.
○ Will give her 30 seconds to a minute to remember the step on her own. Then will start with the least
prompt first.
○ As needed throughout I will use gestural, indirect and direct verbal, gestural, and natural cues, to
help her through the steps. For example pointing to cupboards to help her find the right one. Saying
a number so she knows what to have the stove as.
○ When she does a few steps well, I will give him a verbal praise.
○ Student A can ask for help throughout the whole process
○ Doing prompts, for example what is the next step after adding water?
○ Use the SLP Data Sheet to remember each step, and the order in which to do it.
○ If she gets mad or overwhelmed, she can have a 3 minute break to breathe and calm down.
○ Verbal reinforcements.

System of Least Prompts Steps What exactly you will say, do.

Give attentional cues. General or specific cue Student A, Let’s get started making
Ramon Noodles.

Wait for an attentional response. General or specific response Student A comes to the kitchen or
counter area.

Deliver task direction. Verbal Verbal direction as needed on each

individual step.

Wait for an independent response. Interval required for fluency Give 30 seconds to let her remember
the next step on his own.

Provide a controlling prompt from Beginning with least intrusive prompt, Will move through these as needed
hierarchy, if needed. moving through prompt hierarchy until for each individual step.
correct response is performed for
Time delay (30 seconds)
each trial or step

Provide consequences. Reinforcement or error correction; Verbal Praise “Great job, Student A,
may add non targeted information remembering and doing that step”
“Awesome, you did that step
Error correction done verbally paired
with modeling if needed.

Record data. Correct or incorrect response

Repeat. Session continues for designated

number of trials or steps

● Closure (3 minutes)
○ Ask Student A how he thought he had done.
○ I will point out where she did well.
○ Will remind her of the goal of being able to make ramen noodles on her own.

B. Generalization/Maintenance Overall Plan

Generalization objective: Student A will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks,
chocolate milk, and alfredo noodles.

Materials and activities for generalization: Measuring cups and spoons will be used for activities. Also, glasses and
silverware will be used. Making drinks, and different foods.

Instructional strategies for generalization: Will use the system of least prompts to help the student become

Opportunities for practice: Will use kitchen at home, and use kitchen at the grandparents house.

Data collection: Will use the SLP Data Sheet to collect the data. The teacher will collect the data. The data will be
collected weekly.

Evaluation and modification: Will ask the parents every week how they believe Student A is doing on becoming
more independent. Will also ask Student A how she thinks he is doing weekly. Will look at what prompts need to
change based on the information from the parents and Student A.

Collaboration and communication: Will talk to Students A case manager on how she is at school working
independently. Will talk to parents about the plan and how the plan is going.

Reinforcement and feedback: Positive reinforcement will include verbal phrases. Will tell the student weekly what
they did well at. If s he does a step right make sure he gets phrased for doing it right.
Clear Generalization Goals (Should include across materials, people, settings)
o Be specific what materials will be used to promote generalization.
o Be specific what environments the student will be able to practice the skill and how these will be
incorporated into lessons/units.
o Be specific on the plan to include more individuals for the student to practice the skill with.
o Once the student has mastered the skill, what is the plan for maintenance?
o How will the data be collected?
o How often will the data be collected in the maintenance plan?

Clear Generalization Goals

o Student A will be able to make ramen noodles in different settings, including the kitchen of her house
and grandparents house with 75 percent accuracy.
Student A will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks, chocolate milk,
and alfredo noodles.

C. Resources

Ramen Noodle package


SLP Data Sheet: Making Ramen Noodles

Natural Cut: Let’s make Ramen Noodles
Independence Prompt: I am going to make Ramen Noodles
Date: 3/20/23
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Where: Student A home
Filled out by: Shelly Townley

Steps 3/20/23

1. Walk to the pantry door. V

2. Grab a ramen noodle package out of the V


3. Put the package on the counter. I

4. Go to the pan cupboard. V

5. Grab pan out of cupboard V

6. Put pan on the stove I

7. Go to the measuring cup cupboard. G

8.Grab the measuring cup I

9. Go to sink and put one cup of water in the M

measuring cup

10. Pour water into the pan. G

11. Turn the stove on to 5. G

12. Open the Ramen Noodle package and put M

Ramen in the Pan.

13. Open seasoning and put in the pan. M

14. Throw package and seasoning paper in the

trash G

15. Go to silverware drawer G

16. Get fork out of drawer I

17. Flip the Ramen noodles over. M

18. Wait one minute. Then flip the noodles V


19. Turn the stove down to 3. G

20. Wait one minute, flip, and stir ramen V


22. Turn stove off G

23. Go to Bowl cupboard G

24. Get the bowl out and set it on the counter. I

25. Wait one minute, then stir the Ramen. V

26. Wait one more minute, then ask for help to V

pour the ramen into a bowl.
Total/percent Independent 7/26 = 27%

Total/percent Verbal 8/26 = 31%

Total/percent Gesture 7/26 = 27%

Total/percent Model 4/26=15%

I = independent, V = verbal, G= Gesture, M = model


Student A was happy to make ramen noodles, and became more independent. She does better with less verbal
correction. Next time I will try to do less verbal. Her task analysis score went up to 67 percent. If she continues
improving at this speed, in the next 5 sessions will see how she will do most of the cooking on his own. She was
ok asking for help to pour his ramen noodles into the bowl. Next time I will use less verbal help and the main
verbal will be praise.

Dakota State University

College of Education

SPED 413


AewName: Shelly Townley

Student: Student A
Skill: Making Ramen Noodles
Date: 3/27/2023
Time: 5:00 p.m.

Reflection from prior lesson

● Worked on making ramen noodles. I observed that she now knows where the pantry door, cupboards,
and silverware drawer are. She still needs help with pouring the ramen into a bowl. Also, she needs
help with measuring the water and the stove temperature.
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics
● Supper time, he sometimes isn’t hungry. When she says he isn’t hungry it's usually because she
doesn’t want to stop playing to eat. Tell her she will have play time after she makes ramen and eats. If
you need an incentive, tell her he can choose between a small bag of doritos or have 3 small slim jims
after she has made the ramen and ate it.
● She is restless, and doesn’t like to wait. If she is restless, set a timer for 5 minutes. Show her the times,
and point out that when the timer is done, she is done. This helps him know it won’t take a long time.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards

● Student will do 7 steps of making ramen noodles on her own.

Lesson Objective(s)
● The student will be 25 percent independent.
● The student will be 25 percent verbal.

Generalization Goal(s)
● Student, will be able to say what is in each cupboard and drawer in the kitchen.
● Student will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks, chocolate milk, and
alfredo noodles.

● To observe the first 8 steps without modeling and see how she does.
● Use a SLP Data Sheet as he goes through the steps.
● Parents will be part of the team with this lesson.
Materials Needed
● Pan
● Measuring cup
● Ramen noodles
● Bowl
● Small Bag of Doritos
● 3 small slim jims
● SLP Data Sheet

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

● Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): ABA is a research-based intervention that focuses on modifying
behavior through the use of reinforcement techniques. System of Least Prompts
● Task Analysis: Task analysis involves breaking down complex skills into smaller, more manageable
steps. This method helps students with severe disabilities to acquire new skills and perform tasks
● Reminding her how last time making ramen noodles went
● Observe the steps he does to make the ramen.
● Ask questions throughout as needed.
● Using a SLP Data Sheet to breakdown the steps
● Will use System of Least Prompts based on Applied Behavior Analysis

A. The Lesson

● Introduction (2 minutes)
○ getting attention: Ok, Student A let's get started on making ramen noodles.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: We have worked on making ramen noodles more
○ creating a need to know: Today I am going to observe more and let you do more steps by
○ sharing objective, in general terms: You will be able to make ramen noodles more by yourself.

● Content Delivery 15 minutes)

○ Ok, Student A, you will start to make ramen. As you are cooking I will observe and help as needed.
I am going to watch you do more by yourself today.
○ Now go through the steps one by one, while making ramen noodles.
○ Will give her 30 seconds to a minute to remember the step on her own. Then will start with the least
prompt first.
○ As needed throughout I will use gestural, indirect and direct verbal, gestural, and natural cues, to
help her through the steps. For example pointing to cupboards to help her find the right one. Saying
a number so he knows what to have the stove as.
○ When he does a few steps well, I will give her a verbal praise.
○ Student A can ask for help throughout the whole process
○ Doing prompts, for example what is the next step after adding water?
○ Use the SLP Data Sheet to remember each step, and the order in which to do it.
○ If he gets mad or overwhelmed, she can have a 3 minute break to breathe and calm down.
○ Verbal reinforcements.

System of Least Prompts Steps What exactly you will say, do.

Give attentional cues. General or specific cue Student A, Let’s get started making
Ramon Noodles.

Wait for an attentional response. General or specific response Student A comes to the kitchen or
counter area.

Deliver task direction. Verbal Verbal direction as needed on each

individual step.

Wait for an independent response. Interval required for fluency Give 30 seconds to let her remember
the next step on his own.

Provide a controlling prompt from Beginning with least intrusive prompt, Will move through these as needed
hierarchy, if needed. moving through prompt hierarchy until for each individual step.
correct response is performed for
Time delay (30 seconds)
each trial or step

Provide consequences. Reinforcement or error correction; Verbal Praise “Great job, Student A,
may add non targeted information remembering and doing that step”
“Awesome, you did that step

Error correction done verbally paired

with modeling if needed.

Record data. Correct or incorrect response

Repeat. Session continues for designated

number of trials or steps

● Closure (3 minutes)
○ Ask Student A how she thought she had done.
○ I will point out where she did well.
○ Will remind her of the goal of being able to make ramen noodles on her own.

B. Generalization/Maintenance Overall Plan

Clear Generalization Goals

o Student A will be able to make ramen noodles in different settings, including the kitchen of her house
and grandparents house with 75 percent accuracy.
Student A will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks, chocolate milk,
and alfredo noodles.

C. Resources

Ramen Noodle package


SLP Data Sheet: Making Ramen Noodles

Natural Cut: Let’s make Ramen Noodles
Independence Prompt: I am going to make Ramen Noodles
Date: 3/20/23
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Where: Student A’s home
Filled out by: Shelly Townley
Steps 3/27/23

1. Walk to the pantry door. I

2. Grab a ramen noodle package out of the I


3. Put the package on the counter. I

4. Go to the pan cupboard. I

5. Grab pan out of cupboard I

6. Put pan on the stove I

7. Go to the measuring cup cupboard. I

8.Grab the measuring cup I

9. Go to sink and put one cup of water in the V

measuring cup

10. Pour water into the pan. V

11. Turn the stove on to 5. M

12. Open the Ramen Noodle package and put M

Ramen in the Pan.

13. Open seasoning and put in the pan. M

14. Throw package and seasoning paper in the

trash I

15. Go to silverware drawer I

16. Get fork out of drawer I

17. Flip the Ramen noodles over. V

18. Wait one minute. Then flip the noodles V


19. Turn the stove down to 3. V

20. Wait one minute, flip, and stir ramen V

22. Turn stove off V

23. Go to Bowl cupboard V

24. Get the bowl out and set it on the counter. I

25. Wait one minute, then stir the Ramen. V

26. Wait one more minute, then ask for help to V

pour the ramen into a bowl.

Total/percent Independent 13/26 = 50%

Total/percent Verbal 10/26 = 38%

Total percent Model 3/26 = 12%

I = independent, V = verbal, M = model


Student A had a great time making ramen noodles. She has improved and has become 50 percent independent.
Will continue to improve, especially when she doesn’t need anything modeled. She gets flustered when she
struggles and needs it modeled. She has improved her verbal to 38 percent. Will work towards making verbal 50
percent. In 4 more sessions she would be able to cook her ramen noodles on her own. She did a great job asking
for help to finish making her ramen noodles. Next time I will make sure to have more verbal praise.

Dakota State University

College of Education

SPED 413


AewName: Shelly Townley

Student: Student A
Skill: Making Ramen Noodles
Date: 4/03/2023
Time: 6:00 p.m.

Reflection from prior lesson

● She can do the first 13 steps independently.
● She is still working on knowing when to turn on the stove, and how much water to put in the measuring
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics
● Supper time, she sometimes isn’t hungry. When she says she isn’t hungry it's usually because she
doesn’t want to stop playing to eat. Tell him she will have play time after she makes ramen and eats. If
you need an incentive, tell her she can choose between a small bag of doritos or have 3 small slim jims
after she has made the ramen and ate it.
● She is restless, and doesn’t like to wait. If she is restless, set a timer for 5 minutes. Show her the times,
and point out that when the timer is done, she is done. This helps her know it won’t take a long time.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards

● Student will do 9 steps of making ramen noodles on her own.

Lesson Objective(s)
● The student will be 30 percent independent.
● The student will be 30 percent verbal.

Generalization Goal(s)
● Student, will be able to go to the cupboard and drawer and get the utensils out on her own.
● Student will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks, chocolate milk, and
alfredo noodles.

● To observe the first 10 steps without modeling and see how she does.
● Use a SLP Data Sheet as she goes through the steps.
● Parents will be part of the team with this lesson.
Materials Needed
● Pan
● Measuring cup
● Ramen noodles
● Bowl
● Small Bag of Doritos
● 3 small slim jims
● SLP Data Sheet

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

● Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): ABA is a research-based intervention that focuses on modifying
behavior through the use of reinforcement techniques. System of Least Prompts
● Task Analysis: Task analysis involves breaking down complex skills into smaller, more manageable
steps. This method helps students with severe disabilities to acquire new skills and perform tasks
● Reminding her how last time making ramen noodles went
● Observe the steps she does to make the ramen.
● Ask questions throughout as needed.
● Using a SLP Data Sheet to breakdown the steps
● Will use System of Least Prompts based on Applied Behavior Analysis

A. The Lesson

● Introduction (2 minutes)
○ getting attention: Ok, Student A let's get started on making ramen noodles.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: We have worked on making ramen noodles more
○ creating a need to know: Today I am going to observe more and let you do more steps by
○ sharing objective, in general terms: You will be able to make ramen noodles more by yourself.

● Content Delivery 15 minutes)

○ Ok, Student A you will start to make ramen. As you are cooking I will observe and help as needed.
I am going to watch you do more by yourself today.
○ Now go through the steps one by one, while making ramen noodles.
○ Will give her 30 seconds to a minute to remember the step on his own. Then will start with the least
prompt first.
○ As needed throughout I will use gestural, indirect and direct verbal, gestural, and natural cues, to
help her through the steps. For example pointing to cupboards to help her find the right one. Saying
a number so she knows what to have the stove as.
○ When she does a few steps well, I will give her a verbal praise.
○ Student A can ask for help throughout the whole process
○ Doing prompts, for example what is the next step after adding water?
○ Use the SLP Data Sheet to remember each step, and the order in which to do it.
○ If she gets mad or overwhelmed, she can have a 3 minute break to breathe and calm down.
○ Verbal reinforcements.

System of Least Prompts Steps What exactly you will say, do.
Give attentional cues. General or specific cue Student A, Let’s get started making
Ramon Noodles.

Wait for an attentional response. General or specific response Student A comes to the kitchen or
counter area.

Deliver task direction. Verbal Verbal direction as needed on each

individual step.

Wait for an independent response. Interval required for fluency Give 30 seconds to let her remember
the next step on his own.

Provide a controlling prompt from Beginning with least intrusive prompt, Will move through these as needed
hierarchy, if needed. moving through prompt hierarchy until for each individual step.
correct response is performed for
Time delay (30 seconds)
each trial or step

Provide consequences. Reinforcement or error correction; Verbal Praise “Great job, Student A,
may add non targeted information remembering and doing that step”
“Awesome, you did that step

Error correction done verbally paired

with modeling if needed.

Record data. Correct or incorrect response

Repeat. Session continues for designated

number of trials or steps

● Closure (3 minutes)
○ Ask Student A how she thought she had done.
○ I will point out where she did well.
○ Will remind her of the goal of being able to make ramen noodles on her own.

B. Generalization/Maintenance Overall Plan

Clear Generalization Goals

o Student A will be able to make ramen noodles in different settings, including the kitchen of her house
and grandparents house with 75 percent accuracy.
Student A will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks, chocolate milk,
and alfredo noodles.

C. Resources
Ramen Noodle package


SLP Data Sheet: Making Ramen Noodles

Natural Cut: Let’s make Ramen Noodles
Independence Prompt: I am going to make Ramen Noodles
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Where: Student A home
Filled out by: Shelly Townley
Steps 4/03/23

1. Walk to the pantry door. I

2. Grab a ramen noodle package out of the I


3. Put the package on the counter. I

4. Go to the pan cupboard. I

5. Grab pan out of cupboard I

6. Put pan on the stove I

7. Go to the measuring cup cupboard. I

8.Grab the measuring cup I

9. Go to sink and put one cup of water in the V

measuring cup

10. Pour water into the pan. I

11. Turn the stove on to 5. M

12. Open the Ramen Noodle package and put M

Ramen in the Pan.

13. Open seasoning and put in the pan. M

14. Throw package and seasoning paper in the

trash I
15. Go to silverware drawer I

16. Get fork out of drawer I

17. Flip the Ramen noodles over. V

18. Wait one minute. Then flip the noodles V


19. Turn the stove down to 3. V

20. Wait one minute, flip, and stir ramen V


22. Turn stove off V

23. Go to Bowl cupboard I

24. Get the bowl out and set it on the counter. I

25. Wait one minute, then stir the Ramen. V

26. Wait one more minute, then ask for help to V

pour the ramen into a bowl.

Total/percent Independent 15/26 = 57%

Total/percent Verbal 8/26 = 31%

Total percent Model 3/26 = 12%

I = independent, V = verbal, M = model


Student A had a great time making ramen noodles. She has improved and has become 57 percent independent.
Will continue to improve, especially when she doesn’t need anything modeled. She is getting better at not being
flustered when she has to have something modeled. She has improved her verbal to 31 percent. Will work
towards making verbal 50 percent. In 3 more sessions she would be able to cook her ramen noodles on her own.
She did a great job asking for help to finish making her ramen noodles. Next time I will continue making verbal

Dakota State University

College of Education

SPED 413


AewName: Shelly Townley

Student: Student A
Skill: Making Ramen Noodles
Date: 4/10/2023
Time: 6:00 p.m.

Reflection from prior lesson

● She can do the first 15 steps independently.
● She is still working on knowing when to turn on the stove, and how much water to put in the measuring
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics
● Supper time, she sometimes isn’t hungry. When she says she isn’t hungry it's usually because she
doesn’t want to stop playing to eat. Tell him she will have play time after she makes ramen and eats. If
you need an incentive, tell him she can choose between a small bag of doritos or have 3 small slim jims
after she has made the ramen and ate it.
● She is restless, and doesn’t like to wait. If she is restless, set a timer for 5 minutes. Show her the times,
and point out that when the timer is done, she is done. This helps her know it won’t take a long time.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards

● Student will do 13 steps of making ramen noodles on her own.

Lesson Objective(s)
● The student will be 40 percent independent.
● The student will be 40 percent verbal.

Generalization Goal(s)
● Student, will be able to go to the cupboard and drawer and get the utensils out on her own.
● Student will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks, chocolate milk, and
alfredo noodles.

● To observe the first 10 steps without modeling and see how she does.
● Use a SLP Data Sheet as he goes through the steps.
● Parents will be part of the team with this lesson.
Materials Needed
● Pan
● Measuring cup
● Ramen noodles
● Bowl
● Small Bag of Doritos
● 3 small slim jims
● SLP Data Sheet

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

● Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): ABA is a research-based intervention that focuses on modifying
behavior through the use of reinforcement techniques. System of Least Prompts
● Task Analysis: Task analysis involves breaking down complex skills into smaller, more manageable
steps. This method helps students with severe disabilities to acquire new skills and perform tasks
● Reminding her how last time making ramen noodles went
● Observe the steps she does to make the ramen.
● Ask questions throughout as needed.
● Using a SLP Data Sheet to breakdown the steps
● Will use System of Least Prompts based on Applied Behavior Analysis

A. The Lesson

● Introduction (2 minutes)
○ getting attention: Ok, Student A let's get started on making ramen noodles.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: We have worked on making ramen noodles more
○ creating a need to know: Today I am going to observe more and let you do more steps by
○ sharing objective, in general terms: You will be able to make ramen noodles more by yourself.

● Content Delivery 15 minutes)

○ Ok, Student A you will start to make ramen. As you are cooking I will observe and help as needed.
I am going to watch you do more by yourself today.
○ Now go through the steps one by one, while making ramen noodles.
○ Will give her 30 seconds to a minute to remember the step on her own. Then will start with the least
prompt first.
○ As needed throughout I will use gestural, indirect and direct verbal, gestural, and natural cues, to
help her through the steps. For example pointing to cupboards to help her find the right one. Saying
a number so she knows what to have the stove as.
○ When she does a few steps well, I will give her a verbal praise.
○ Student A can ask for help throughout the whole process
○ Doing prompts, for example what is the next step after adding water?
○ Use the SLP Data Sheet to remember each step, and the order in which to do it.
○ If she gets mad or overwhelmed, she can have a 3 minute break to breathe and calm down.
○ Verbal reinforcements.

System of Least Prompts Steps What exactly you will say, do.

Give attentional cues. General or specific cue Student A, Let’s get started making
Ramon Noodles.

Wait for an attentional response. General or specific response Student A comes to the kitchen or
counter area.

Deliver task direction. Verbal Verbal direction as needed on each

individual step.

Wait for an independent response. Interval required for fluency Give 30 seconds to let him remember
the next step on her own.

Provide a controlling prompt from Beginning with least intrusive prompt, Will move through these as needed
hierarchy, if needed. moving through prompt hierarchy until for each individual step.
correct response is performed for
Time delay (30 seconds)
each trial or step

Provide consequences. Reinforcement or error correction; Verbal Praise “Great job, Student A,
may add non targeted information remembering and doing that step”
“Awesome, you did that step

Error correction done verbally paired

with modeling if needed.

Record data. Correct or incorrect response

Repeat. Session continues for designated

number of trials or steps

● Closure (3 minutes)
○ Ask Student A how he thought she had done.
○ I will point out where she did well.
○ Will remind her of the goal of being able to make ramen noodles on her own.

B. Generalization/Maintenance Overall Plan

Clear Generalization Goals
o Student A will be able to make ramen noodles in different settings, including the kitchen of her house
and grandparents house with 75 percent accuracy.
Student A will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks, chocolate milk,
and alfredo noodles.

C. Resources

Ramen Noodle package


SLP Data Sheet: Making Ramen Noodles

Natural Cut: Let’s make Ramen Noodles
Independence Prompt: I am going to make Ramen Noodles
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Where: Student A’s home
Filled out by: Shelly Townley
Steps 4/10/23

1. Walk to the pantry door. I

2. Grab a ramen noodle package out of the I


3. Put the package on the counter. I

4. Go to the pan cupboard. I

5. Grab pan out of cupboard I

6. Put pan on the stove I

7. Go to the measuring cup cupboard. I

8.Grab the measuring cup I

9. Go to sink and put one cup of water in the V

measuring cup

10. Pour water into the pan. I

11. Turn the stove on to 5. V

12. Open the Ramen Noodle package and put V

Ramen in the Pan.

13. Open seasoning and put in the pan. V

14. Throw package and seasoning paper in the

trash I

15. Go to silverware drawer I

16. Get fork out of drawer I

17. Flip the Ramen noodles over. I

18. Wait one minute. Then flip the noodles V


19. Turn the stove down to 3. V

20. Wait one minute, flip, and stir ramen V


22. Turn stove off V

23. Go to Bowl cupboard I

24. Get the bowl out and set it on the counter. I

25. Wait one minute, then stir the Ramen. V

26. Wait one more minute, then ask for help to V

pour the ramen into a bowl.

Total/percent Independent 16/26 = 62%

Total/percent Verbal 10/26 = 38%

I = independent, V = verbal

Student A had a great time making ramen noodles. She has improved and has become 62 percent independent.
Will continue to improve, especially when she doesn’t need anything modeled. She is getting better at not being
flustered when she has to have something modeled. She has improved her verbal to 38 percent. Will work
towards making verbal 50 percent. In 2 more sessions she would be able to cook her ramen noodles on her own.
She did a great job asking for help to finish making her ramen noodles. Next time I will continue making new
verbal phrases.

Dakota State University

College of Education

SPED 413


AewName: Shelly Townley

Student: Student A
Skill: Making Ramen Noodles
Date: 4/17/2023
Time: 7:00 p.m.

Reflection from prior lesson

● She can do the first 15 steps independently.
● She is still working on knowing when to turn on the stove, and how much water to put in the measuring
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics
● Supper time, she sometimes isn’t hungry. When she says she isn’t hungry it's usually because she
doesn’t want to stop playing to eat. Tell her he will have play time after she makes ramen and eats. If
you need an incentive, tell him she can choose between a small bag of doritos or have 3 small slim jims
after she has made the ramen and ate it.
● She is restless, and doesn’t like to wait. If she is restless, set a timer for 5 minutes. Show her the
times, and point out that when the timer is done, she is done. This helps her know it won’t take a long

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards

● Student will do 16 steps of making ramen noodles on her own.

Lesson Objective(s)
● The student will be 60 percent independent.
● The student will be 40 percent verbal.

Generalization Goal(s)
● Student, will be able to go to the cupboard and drawer and get the utensils out on her own.
● Student will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks, chocolate milk, and
alfredo noodles.

● To observe the first 10 steps without modeling and see how she does.
● Use a SLP Data Sheet as she goes through the steps.
● Parents will be part of the team with this lesson.
Materials Needed
● Pan
● Measuring cup
● Ramen noodles
● Bowl
● Small Bag of Doritos
● 3 small slim jims
● SLP Data Sheet

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

● Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): ABA is a research-based intervention that focuses on modifying
behavior through the use of reinforcement techniques. System of Least Prompts
● Task Analysis: Task analysis involves breaking down complex skills into smaller, more manageable
steps. This method helps students with severe disabilities to acquire new skills and perform tasks
● Reminding her how last time making ramen noodles went
● Observe the steps she does to make the ramen.
● Ask questions throughout as needed.
● Using a SLP Data Sheet to breakdown the steps
● Will use System of Least Prompts based on Applied Behavior Analysis

A. The Lesson

● Introduction (2 minutes)
○ getting attention: Ok, Student A let's get started on making ramen noodles.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: We have worked on making ramen noodles more
○ creating a need to know: Today I am going to observe more and let you do more steps by
○ sharing objective, in general terms: You will be able to make ramen noodles more by yourself.

● Content Delivery 15 minutes)

○ Ok, Student A you will start to make ramen. As you are cooking I will observe and help as needed.
I am going to watch you do more by yourself today.
○ Now go through the steps one by one, while making ramen noodles.
○ Will give her 30 seconds to a minute to remember the step on her own. Then will start with the least
prompt first.
○ As needed throughout I will use gestural, indirect and direct verbal, gestural, and natural cues, to
help her through the steps. For example pointing to cupboards to help her find the right one. Saying
a number so she knows what to have the stove as.
○ When she does a few steps well, I will give her a verbal praise.
○ Student A can ask for help throughout the whole process
○ Doing prompts, for example what is the next step after adding water?
○ Use the SLP Data Sheet to remember each step, and the order in which to do it.
○ If she gets mad or overwhelmed, she can have a 3 minute break to breathe and calm down.
○ Verbal reinforcements.

System of Least Prompts Steps What exactly you will say, do.

Give attentional cues. General or specific cue Student A, Let’s get started making
Ramon Noodles.

Wait for an attentional response. General or specific response Student A comes to the kitchen or
counter area.

Deliver task direction. Verbal Verbal direction as needed on each

individual step.

Wait for an independent response. Interval required for fluency Give 30 seconds to let her remember
the next step on his own.

Provide a controlling prompt from Beginning with least intrusive prompt, Will move through these as needed
hierarchy, if needed. moving through prompt hierarchy until for each individual step.
correct response is performed for
Time delay (30 seconds)
each trial or step

Provide consequences. Reinforcement or error correction; Verbal Praise “Great job, Student A,
may add non targeted information remembering and doing that step”
“Awesome, you did that step

Error correction done verbally paired

with modeling if needed.

Record data. Correct or incorrect response

Repeat. Session continues for designated

number of trials or steps

● Closure (3 minutes)
○ Ask CJ how he thought he had done.
○ I will point out where he did well.
○ Will remind him of the goal of being able to make ramen noodles on her own.

B. Generalization/Maintenance Overall Plan

Clear Generalization Goals

o Student A will be able to make ramen noodles in different settings, including the kitchen of her house
and grandparents house with 75 percent accuracy.
Student A will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks, chocolate milk,
and alfredo noodles.

C. Resources

Ramen Noodle package


SLP Data Sheet: Making Ramen Noodles

Natural Cut: Let’s make Ramen Noodles
Independence Prompt: I am going to make Ramen Noodles
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Where: Student A home
Filled out by: Shelly Townley
Steps 4/17/23

1. Walk to the pantry door. I

2. Grab a ramen noodle package out of the I


3. Put the package on the counter. I

4. Go to the pan cupboard. I

5. Grab pan out of cupboard I

6. Put pan on the stove I

7. Go to the measuring cup cupboard. I

8.Grab the measuring cup I

9. Go to sink and put one cup of water in the V

measuring cup

10. Pour water into the pan. I

11. Turn the stove on to 5. V

12. Open the Ramen Noodle package and put V

Ramen in the Pan.

13. Open seasoning and put in the pan. I

14. Throw package and seasoning paper in the

trash I

15. Go to silverware drawer I

16. Get fork out of drawer I

17. Flip the Ramen noodles over. I

18. Wait one minute. Then flip the noodles I


19. Turn the stove down to 3. V

20. Wait one minute, flip, and stir ramen V


22. Turn stove off V

23. Go to Bowl cupboard I

24. Get the bowl out and set it on the counter. I

25. Wait one minute, then stir the Ramen. V

26. Wait one more minute, then ask for help to I

pour the ramen into a bowl.

Total/percent Independent 18/26 = 69%

Total/percent Verbal 8/26 = 31%

I = independent, V = verbal


Student A had a great time making ramen noodles. She has improved and has become 69 percent independent.
She didn’t need anything modeled. She has improved by going down to 31 percent in verbal. Will work
towards making verbal 30 percent. In 1 more session she would be able to cook his ramen noodles on her own.
She did a great job asking for help to finish making her ramen noodles. Next time I will continue making new
verbal phrases.

Dakota State University

College of Education

SPED 413


AewName: Shelly Townley

Student: Student A
Skill: Making Ramen Noodles
Date: 4/24/2023
Time: 5:00 p.m.

Reflection from prior lesson

● She can do the first 18 steps independently.
● She is still working on knowing when to turn on the stove, and how much water to put in the measuring
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics
● Supper time, she sometimes isn’t hungry. When she says she isn’t hungry it's usually because she
doesn’t want to stop playing to eat. Tell him she will have play time after she makes ramen and eats. If
you need an incentive, tell her he can choose between a small bag of doritos or have 3 small slim jims
after she has made the ramen and ate it.
● She is restless, and doesn’t like to wait. If she is restless, set a timer for 5 minutes. Show her the times,
and point out that when the timer is done, she is done. This helps her know it won’t take a long time.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards

● Student will do 20 steps of making ramen noodles on her own.

Lesson Objective(s)
● The student will be 80 percent independent.
● The student will be 20 percent verbal.

Generalization Goal(s)
● Student, will be able to know when to turn the stove off and on.
● Student will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks, chocolate milk, and
alfredo noodles.

● To observe the first 10 steps without verbalizing and see how she does.
● Use a SLP Data Sheet as he goes through the steps.
● Parents will be part of the team with this lesson.
Materials Needed
● Pan
● Measuring cup
● Ramen noodles
● Bowl
● Small Bag of Doritos
● 3 small slim jims
● SLP Data Sheet

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

● Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): ABA is a research-based intervention that focuses on modifying
behavior through the use of reinforcement techniques. System of Least Prompts
● Task Analysis: Task analysis involves breaking down complex skills into smaller, more manageable
steps. This method helps students with severe disabilities to acquire new skills and perform tasks
● Reminding her how last time making ramen noodles went
● Observe the steps she does to make the ramen.
● Ask questions throughout as needed.
● Using a SLP Data Sheet to breakdown the steps
● Will use System of Least Prompts based on Applied Behavior Analysis

A. The Lesson

● Introduction (2 minutes)
○ getting attention: Ok, Student A let's get started on making ramen noodles.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: We have worked on making ramen noodles more
○ creating a need to know: Today I am going to observe more and let you do more steps by
○ sharing objective, in general terms: You will be able to make ramen noodles more by yourself.
● Content Delivery 15 minutes)
○ Ok, Student A you will start to make ramen. As you are cooking I will observe and help as needed.
I am going to watch you do more by yourself today.
○ Now go through the steps one by one, while making ramen noodles.
○ Will give him 30 seconds to a minute to remember the step on her own. Then will start with the least
prompt first.
○ As needed throughout I will use gestural, indirect and direct verbal, gestural, and natural cues, to
help her through the steps. For example pointing to cupboards to help her find the right one. Saying
a number so she knows what to have the stove as.
○ When she does a few steps well, I will give her a verbal praise.
○ Student A can ask for help throughout the whole process
○ Doing prompts, for example what is the next step after adding water?
○ Use the SLP Data Sheet to remember each step, and the order in which to do it.
○ If she gets mad or overwhelmed, she can have a 3 minute break to breathe and calm down.
○ Verbal reinforcements.

System of Least Prompts Steps What exactly you will say, do.

Give attentional cues. General or specific cue Student A, Let’s get started making
Ramon Noodles.

Wait for an attentional response. General or specific response Student A comes to the kitchen or
counter area.

Deliver task direction. Verbal Verbal direction as needed on each

individual step.

Wait for an independent response. Interval required for fluency Give 30 seconds to let her remember
the next step on her own.

Provide a controlling prompt from Beginning with least intrusive prompt, Will move through these as needed
hierarchy, if needed. moving through prompt hierarchy until for each individual step.
correct response is performed for
Time delay (30 seconds)
each trial or step

Provide consequences. Reinforcement or error correction; Verbal Praise “Great job, Student A,
may add non targeted information remembering and doing that step”
“Awesome, you did that step

Error correction done verbally paired

with modeling if needed.

Record data. Correct or incorrect response

Repeat. Session continues for designated
number of trials or steps

● Closure (3 minutes)
○ Ask Student A how she thought she had done.
○ I will point out where she did well.
○ Will remind her of the goal of being able to make ramen noodles on her own.

B. Generalization/Maintenance Overall Plan

Clear Generalization Goals

o Student A will be able to make ramen noodles in different settings, including the kitchen of her house
and grandparents house with 75 percent accuracy.
Student A will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks, chocolate milk,
and alfredo noodles.

C. Resources

Ramen Noodle package


SLP Data Sheet: Making Ramen Noodles

Natural Cut: Let’s make Ramen Noodles
Independence Prompt: I am going to make Ramen Noodles
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Where: Student A home
Filled out by: Shelly Townley
Steps 4/24/23

1. Walk to the pantry door. I

2. Grab a ramen noodle package out of the I


3. Put the package on the counter. I

4. Go to the pan cupboard. I

5. Grab pan out of cupboard I

6. Put pan on the stove I

7. Go to the measuring cup cupboard. I

8.Grab the measuring cup I

9. Go to sink and put one cup of water in the I

measuring cup

10. Pour water into the pan. I

11. Turn the stove on to 5. I

12. Open the Ramen Noodle package and put I

Ramen in the Pan.

13. Open seasoning and put in the pan. I

14. Throw package and seasoning paper in the

trash I

15. Go to silverware drawer I

16. Get fork out of drawer I

17. Flip the Ramen noodles over. I

18. Wait one minute. Then flip the noodles I


19. Turn the stove down to 3. V

20. Wait one minute, flip, and stir ramen V


22. Turn stove off V

23. Go to Bowl cupboard I

24. Get the bowl out and set it on the counter. I

25. Wait one minute, then stir the Ramen. V

26. Wait one more minute, then ask for help to I
pour the ramen into a bowl.

Total/percent Independent 21/26 = 81%

Total/percent Verbal 5/26 = 9%

I = independent, V = verbal


Student A had a great time making ramen noodles. She has improved and has become 81 percent independent.
She didn’t need anything modeled. She has improved by going down to 19 percent in verbal. Will work
towards making no verbals . She did a great job asking for help to finish making her ramen noodles. Next time I
will continue making new verbal phrases.

Generalization and Maintenance Plan

Generalization objective: Student will be able to make food and drinks on their own, including protein drinks,
chocolate milk, and alfredo noodles.

Materials and activities for generalization: Measuring cups and spoons will be used for activities. Also, glasses and
silverware will be used. Making drinks, and different foods.

Instructional strategies for generalization: Will use the system of least prompts to help the student become

Opportunities for practice: Will use kitchen at home, and use kitchen at the grandparents house.

Data collection: Will use the SLP Data Sheet to collect the data. The teacher will collect the data. The data will be
collected weekly.

Evaluation and modification: Will ask the parents every week how they believe Student A is doing on becoming
more independent. Will also ask Student A how she thinks she is doing weekly. Will look at what prompts need to
change based on the information from the parents and Student A.

Collaboration and communication: Will talk to Student A case manager on how she is at school working
independently. Will talk to parents about the plan and how the plan is going.
Reinforcement and feedback: Positive reinforcement will include verbal phrases. Will tell the student weekly what
they did well at. If she does a step right make sure she gets phrased for doing it right.


Final Reflection
Student A did an amazing job progressing and making ramen noodles on her own. She isn’t
fully independent on making ramen noodles. She is very close and has achieved a lot. She will be able
to continue to learn to make basic foods on her own. It helped that she now knows where everything is
in the kitchen.
Student A did make great steps in the six lessons we did. I believe in a couple more times and
she will be able to do it on her own. At the beginning she would get frustrated that she needed so much
help. Now she is excited about how much she can do on her own. She ended up not needing any
rewards. She was so excited to make ramen noodles on her own.
She liked learning to make the food, and she wants to continue to learn not only food, but
drinks, for example chocolate milk and protein shakes.

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