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Week 2

2022年9⽉14⽇ 星期三 上午10:30

Understand your audience

1. Characteristics of the audience
a. Background
b. Needs and interests
c. Psychographics(motivates, attitudes, personalities and lifestyles)
d. Different cultures
e. Other demographic characteristics
2. What is the purpose of your communication ?
a. ”Inform” the audience
b. Who what where when why how
3. Types of business communication
a. Emails (mostly used)
i. Replace inter-office typed or printed memos
ii. Attaching documents
iii. Advantage: fast
iv. Disadvantage: privacy
b. Letters/memos (Complaint, request, reference, instruction)
i. most important information put in the middle of the letter
ii. Used when contact with people from another company
c. Reports
i. Title page
ii. Executive summary
iii. Table of contents
iv. Introduction
v. Body (detail discussion)
vi. Recommendation/conclusion
vii. References
viii. Appendix(optional)
d. Proposals (written to decision makers e.g. customer and client)
Formal proposals -> prepared for request for proposal (RFP)
i. Usually involve spending money
ii. Persuasive language
iii. sales or marketing Feel
iv. Creative
1) 4 types of proposal
a) Internal solicited (requested)
b) Internal unsolicited (not requested)
ii. Persuasive language
iii. sales or marketing Feel
iv. Creative
1) 4 types of proposal
a) Internal solicited (requested)
b) Internal unsolicited (not requested)
c) External solicited (ie. Sales proposal)
d) External unsolicited

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