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QUARTER: 1/ SEMESTER: First (Week 1)

Name: __________________________________________________ Score: _______

Grade & Section: ________________________ Subject: _______________________

Name of Teacher: ____________________________________Date: _____________

I. Title: Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses, and Kinds of Quantitative Research

II. Type of Activity: Concept notes with formative activities

LAS for summative assessment ( Written Work Performance Task)

III.MELC: Describes characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, and kinds of

quantitative research (CS_RS12-Ia-c-1).

IV. Learning Objectives:

1. Determine the different characteristics, strengths, weaknesses and kinds of

quantitative research;

2. Recognize the importance of qualitative research in one’s everyday life; and

3. Classify/categorize quantitative researches based on the sets of criteria.

V. Reference/s:
For Print Material/s:
Faltado, R. 2016. Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research for Senior
High School. LORIMAR Publishing, Cubao, Quezon City.
Leavy, P. 2016. Research Design (Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods,
Arts- Based, and Community Based Participatory Research Approaches.
The Guilford Press, New York.

VI. Concept Notes

Characteristics of Quantitative Research
By definition, quantitative research is an objective, systematic, empirical
investigation of observable phenomena through the use of computational techniques. It
highlights numerical analysis of data hoping that the numbers yield unbiased results that
can be generalized to some larger population and explain a particular observation.
Simply, quantitative research is concerned with numbers and its relationship with

1. Objective. It seeks accurate measurement and analysis of target concepts. It is not
based on mere intuitions and guesses. Data are gathered before proposing a
conclusion or solution to a problem.
2. Clearly Defined Research Questions. The researchers know in advance what they
are looking for. The research questions are well- defined for which the objective
answers are sought. All aspects of the study are carefully designed before data are
3. Structured Research Instruments. Data are normally gathered using structured
research tools such as questionnaires to collect measurable characteristics of the
population like age, socio- economic status, number of children, among others.
4. Numerical Data. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics, often organized and
presented using tables, charts, graphs and figures that consolidate large numbers of
data to show trends, relationships, or differences among others.
5. Large Sample Sizes. To arrive at a more reliable data analysis, a normal population
distribution curve is preferred. This requires a large number size, depending on how the
characteristics of the population vary.
6. Replication. Reliable quantitative studies can be repeated to verify or confirm the
correctness of the results in another setting. This strengthens the validity of the findings,
thus, eliminating the possibility of spurious conclusions.
7. Future Outcomes. By using complex mathematical calculations and with the aid of
computers, if-then scenarios may be formulated, thus predicting future results.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research
Whether it be qualitative or quantitative research, both carry strengths and
weaknesses. Through the use of the correct methodology, its strengths are
strengthened and its weaknesses are justified. In quantitative research, the following
are its strengths:
1. It is objective. Since it provides numerical data, it can’t be easily misinterpreted.
2. The use of statistical techniques facilitates sophisticated analyses and allows
you to comprehend a huge number of vital characteristics of data.
3. The numerical data can be analyzed in a quick and easy way. By exploring
statistically valid random models, findings can be generalized to the population about
which information is necessary.
4. Quantitative studies are replicable. Standardized approaches allow the study
to be replicated in different areas or over time with the formulation of comparable
On the other hand, the following are the weaknesses of a quantitative research:
1. Quantitative research requires a large number of respondents. It is assumed
that the larger the sample is, the more statistically accurate the findings are.
2. It is costly. Since, there are more respondents compared to qualitative research,
the expenses will be greater in reaching out to these people and in reproducing the
3. The information contextual factors to help interpret the results or to explain
variations are usually ignored. It does not consider the distinct capacity of the

respondents to share and elaborate further information on the topic being studied unlike
the qualitative research.
4. Many pieces of information are difficult to gather using structured research
instruments, specifically on sensitive problems and issues.
5. If not done seriously and correctly, data from questionnaires may be incomplete
and inaccurate. Researchers must be on the look- out on respondents who are just
guessing in answering the instrument.
Kinds of Quantitative Research
The kind of research is dependent on the researcher’s aim in conducting the study
and the extent to which the findings will be used. The following are the various kinds of
quantitative research that a researcher may employ.
1. Descriptive Research. This design is concerned with describing the nature,
characteristics and components of the population or a phenomenon. For example, you
want to know how many hours senior high school students spend in social media, the
number of malnourished students who failed in the achievement test, and how healthy
is the food served during recess in public schools.
2. Correlational Research. It is the systematic investigation of the nature of
relationships, or association between and among variables without necessarily
investigating into causal reasons underlying them. It is also concerned with the extent of
relationship that exists between or among the variables.
3. Evaluation Research. This kind of research aims to assess the effects, impacts or
outcomes of practices, policies or programs. Assessing the implementation of nursing
are in a hospital and determining the impact of a new treatment procedure for patients is
an example.
4. Survey Research. This is used to gather information from groups of people by
selecting and studying samples chosen from a population. This method has two
categories, namely: cross- sectional, if the information is collected from a sample in just
single point in time, and longitudinal if the researcher collects information on the same
subjects over a period of time.
5. Causal- Comparative Research. It is also known as ex post facto (after the fact)
research. This kind of research derives conclusion from observations and
manifestations that already occurred in the past and now compared to some dependent
variables. For example, a researcher is interested in how weight influences stress-
coping level of adults. Here, the subjects would be separated into different groups as
underweight, normal, and overweight. This is ex post facto because of the pre- existing
characteristic (weight).
6. Experimental Research. This research utilizes scientific method to test cause-
and- effect relationships under conditions controlled by the researcher. An independent
variable is manipulated to determine the effects on the dependent variables.
Task 1. Check your Concepts. Read the statements carefully. Write True if the
statement is correct, or False if not.
____1. Research is advantageous and useful not only to students but to life as a whole.
____2. Research requires no step- by- step procedure for as long as results are
____3. Correlational research is called ex post facto.

____4. A fewer number of respondents is needed in a study to minimize the error.
____5. In quantitative study, respondents are given very limited opportunity to elaborate
their responses.
____6. The independent variable is the variable being predicted.
____7. Longitudinal survey covers a single period of time.
____8. In quantitative research, everything (variables, questionnaires, etc) are pre-
____9. A variable in quantitative research is not measurable.
____10. Examples of quantitative data are pictures, documents, and observation/ field
Task 2. Classify Me. From the word bank provided, identify the characteristics of
research described in the following statements.

Future Outcomes Objective Clearly Defined Research Questions

Numerical Data Replication Structured Research Instruments
Large Sample Sizes

_________1. The purpose of conducting such kind of research is to check the

correctness and verify the findings of a study that has been conducted
from different settings.
_________2. “The more, the merrier”. This is usually the statement that is mostly fitted
in quantitative studies because it is presumed that through this,
researchers are able to arrive at a more valid and reliable data.
_________3. This quantitative characteristic suggests that data come in the form of
statistics that are presented in charts, tables, and graphs.
_________4. Quantitative researches are accurately measured and can never be
_________5. Quantitative studies, through its complex mathematical calculations may
predict future results.
Task 3. Check your Understanding. Read and understand the situations carefully.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Kim is only interested to look into the level of awareness of the students on the
different DRRM programs. What kind of quantitative research should he use?
a. Correlational Research
b. Experimental Research
c. Causal- Comparative Research
d. Survey Research
2. Pertaining the Question number 1, Kim would like to deepen this research by looking
into relationships of the variables he specified with the level of awareness, what will
be the best kind to use?
a. Correlational Research

b. Experimental Research
c. Causal- Comparative Research
d. Survey Research
3. The 4P’s Program of the government has been implemented years ago. Actually, it
has been into different issues, both positive and negative. Allan, as a student who is
very much interested with social issues decided to assess the impact of 4P’s
program in their barangay. What kind of quantitative research will be most
a. Survey Research
b. Evaluation Research
c. Correlational Research
d. Descriptive Research
4. I am an English teacher and I would like to determine the reading preferences of my
students. What kind of quantitative research will you advise me to use?
a. Descriptive Research
b. Experimental Research
c. Correlational Research
d. Causal- Comparative Research
5. Eva, a new teacher is exploring about the effectiveness of a teaching strategy she
learned through her rigorous readings. She would like to prove whether it will be
effective to her students. She then decided to group her respondents wherein she
intends to use that new strategy in one section while the other section will be her
usual strategy. What kind of quantitative research will Eva use?
a. Descriptive Research
b. Experimental Research
c. Correlational Research
d. Causal- Comparative Research

Task 4. You can do More. Provided are sample research titles of a study. Determine
the appropriate kind of quantitative research that fits-in with the propose title. Write the
letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each item.
____1. Effectiveness of Pageantry in the Oral a. Descriptive
Communication Skills of Students
____2. Impact of Feeding Programs to the Academic b. Survey Research
Performance of Malnourished Students
____3. Level of Satisfaction of Students to the c. Correlational
Canteen Services of ISNHS
____4. Stress Coping Mechanisms of Students d. Experimental
With OFW Parents

____5. Study Habits of Grade 12 Students e. Causal- Comparative
during the Final Examinations f. Evaluation

Task 5. Research Quest. Identify what is described on the following statements. Write
your answer on the space provided before each item.
_________1. This research utilizes scientific method to test cause- and- effect
relationships under conditions controlled by the researcher.
_________2. This kind of research derives conclusions from observations and
manifestations that already occurred in the past and now compared to
some dependent variables.
_________3. This research is used to gather information from groups of people by
selecting and studying samples chosen from a population which can
either be done cross- sectional or longitudinal.
_________4. This kind of research aims to assess the effects, impacts or outcomes of
practices or programs.
_________5. It is the systematic investigation of the nature or relationships, or
associations between and among variables without necessarily
investigating into causal reasons underlying them.
_________6. This design is concerned with describing the nature, characteristics and
components of the population or a phenomenon.

Task 6. Stay Focus. Read and comprehend the situations carefully. Answer the
following questions briefly, but substantially (5 points each).
1. In quantitative research, the use of statistical techniques brings sophisticated
analyses of data. This strength of this kind of research then allows numbers and
figures to be included. As a researcher, how will this strength be utilized fairly without
bluffing your readers?
2. One of the weaknesses of a quantitative research is that it does not give much time
for the respondents to elaborate on their answers. As a researcher, how will you
address this concern?

Task 7. Challenge Yourself. Tell whether the following situations convey a strength or
a weakness in quantitative research. Write S if it is strength and W if it is a weakness.
______1. Maria is conducting a study that requires her to have 1, 500 respondents from
different municipalities in the province. She then has to reproduce her
questionnaires and at the same time travel.
______2. Jerald was able to consolidate all responses of his respondents, then tallied.
He was able to gather all the data he needed in order to interpret each
accurately because he used these numerical data as his basis, thus,
members of the panel cannot question his interpretations.
______3. Jeki would like to prove if the results of a similar study conducted in UNP will
be the same when conducted in ISPSC. By doing so, he will be able to
compare the results.
______4. Because some of the respondents of Jimmy are from another schools, he
then ended up asking favor from his friends studying in those schools to float
his questionnaires. Due to this, Jimmy was not able to witness whether the
proper way of floating the questionnaire was observed or in case there were
questions, his friends might not answer them properly.
______5. Mike presented his results in numerical values, added to the colorful graphs
and tables. With all these, panelists are able to easily understand his
presentation, thus, lesser questions were raised.
Task 8. Bottomline. From the following situations, determine what characteristics of a
quantitative research is depicted. Write your answer on the space provided before each
____________1. Lyka is conducting a research about study habits. She gathered all
necessary data, following a step- by- step process. After completing
her data, she analyzed then interpreted them, then finally forwarded
her conclusions. There were some parts that confused her because
her personal beliefs contradict them, but she still confined her
conclusions through her data.
____________2. Jeremy is interested to look into the acceptability of LGBTQ among
students of ISNHS. Due to some constraints like finances and time,
he decided to only include his classmates from his section. However,
he was discouraged by his adviser because it will not give him valid
and reliable data. Thus, he was advised if he cannot do total
enumeration, he should at least do a sampling technique that will
cover all sections in the school.
____________3. Mica is preparing her proposal paper. Actually, she is almost finished
when her adviser noticed that her research questions are too broad.
She was then advised to simplify the questions then asked to prepare
he questionnaire.
____________4. Pertaining to situation 3, Mica is finally drafting her questionnaire. She
made sure that every variable she included in her SOP and Paradigm
were properly aligned, arranged, and are complete in order to
accurately measure what is being measured.
____________5. Leah was reading some researches at the library when she
encountered a paper from another institution. She would like to

conduct similar study, but this time her respondents and locale will be
her school.
Task 9. Spotlight. Read and analyze the situation below, then write a constructive
speech convincing US with your side. You may stand as an affirmative or a negative
speaker (10 points).
1. It has been years passed since SHS is implemented. One of the subjects that made
the SHS students difficult is Research Subjects. Parents, students, and even teachers
would claim that Research given to SHS students is improper because they are still too
young and their skills and knowledge are not yet that full. Some would even argue that
they are not yet earning a degree for them to be required to conduct their own
researches just like the college students. Still some question the availability of relevant
references like books and researches just like those of the Colleges and Universities.
However, Research subjects were still offered in the SHS Program. As a research
student and as an SHS student, what is your stand regarding this issue? Elaborate your
Task 10. Level Up. Being able to learn the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative
research, write a note, motivating yourself to still conduct a research that is quantitative
in nature. You may follow a letter format or a reflection format (10 points).

Task 11. Learning Assessment. Write your concise learning about the following.
Strictly one or two sentences ONLY (2 points each).

1. Characteristics of quantitative research

2. Strengths of quantitative research
3. Weaknesses of quantitative research
4. Descriptive Research
5. Correlational Research
6. Evaluation Research
7. Survey Research


Task 12. Critical Thinking. In the course of the discussion, propose a specific subject
or topic of a research that you are likely to conduct, discuss briefly the topic, identify
what kind of quantitative study will you employ, and why (15 points).


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