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Marketing Introduction & Planning

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Waleed Atya ©2020
Marketing Planning
What is Marketing ?

What is Marketing ?

Marketing & Exchange

 What is marketing? Is marketing selling?
 Marketing (Kotler, 1980)
Human activity directed as satisfying needs and wants through exchange

For exchange to occur, there must be:

• Two parties
• Each with something of value to the other
• Capable of communication and delivery
• Free to accept/reject the offer
• Agreement to terms ©2020
Marketing Planning
Selling is only the tip of the iceberg

“There will always be need for some selling. But the aim of
marketing is to make selling nonessential. The aim of marketing is
to know and understand the customer so well that the product or
service fits him and sells itself. Ideally, marketing should result in a
customer who is ready to buy. All that should be needed is to make
the product or service available.” Peter Drucker ©2020
Marketing Planning
What is Marketing

The Official American Marketing Association (AMA’S) Definition:

• Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of

goods and services from producers to consumers.
(The 1935 Definition)

• Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception,

pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create
exchanges that satisfy individual and organization objectives.
(The 1985 Definition) ©2020
Marketing Planning
What is Marketing
The Official (AMA’S) Definition:

• Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for

creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for
managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization
and its stakeholders.
(The 2000 Definition)

• Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,

communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for
customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
(Approved 2017) ©2020
Marketing Planning
Business Practices Changed

Old Economy VS New Economy

• Organize by customer
• Organize by product units.
• Focus on profitable transactions.
• Focus on customer lifetime value
• Look primarily at financial
• Look also at marketing
• Focus on shareholders
• Focus on stakeholders
• Marketing does the marketing
• Everyone does the marketing
• Build brands through advertising.
• Build brands through behavior
• Focus on customer acquisition
• Focus on customer retention and
• No customer satisfaction
• Measure customer satisfaction
• Over-promise, under-deliver
and retention rate
• Under-promise, over-deliver ©2020
Marketing Planning
Business Evolution

1880 - 1930 1930-1950 1950-1980 1980-2000s

Production Product Selling Marketing Societal Information

Concept Concept Concept Concept Marketing Age
Focus on Focus on Focus on Focus on Focus on all •Transparency
increasing product aggressive target aspects of •Competition
production design and selling and Customer Marketing as •Globalization
and quality promotion needs, before, and
reducing market and society’s
costs company well being

Seller’s Market Product Base Buyer’s Market Customer Base ©2020
Marketing Planning
Business Orientations to the Marketplace

1- Production concept:
Assumes consumers favor those products that are widely
available and affordable. (Focus: wide distribution; high volume).

2- Product concept:
Assumes consumers will favor those products that offer the most
quality, performance, and features.

3- Selling concept:
Assumes that consumers will either not buy or not but enough of
the organizations’ products unless the organization makes a
substantial effort to stimulate the customer’s interest in the
product. (Focus: needs of the seller) ©2020
Marketing Planning
Business Orientations to the Marketplace

4- Marketing concept:
Holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists in determining
the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired
satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors. (Focus:
different needs of buyers) ©2020
Marketing Planning
Comparing Selling & Marketing Concept

Starting Point Focus Means Ends

Selling & Profits

Selling Factory Products through Sales
Promoting volume

Make-Sell Philosophy Right

Customers for your products

Marketing Target Market Customer Integrated Profits through

needs Marketing Satisfaction

Sense-Respond Philosophy Right

Products for your customers ©2020
Marketing Planning
Marketing Core Concepts

Marketing Perform Two Primary Tasks:

1.Discovering Customers Needs
2.Satisfying Needs

Need: Basic human requirements; a state of felt deprivation.

Want: A specific object that can satisfy a need

Demands: Wants for specific object, driven by a need and backed by an

ability to pay. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Marketing Core Concepts

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs ©2020
Marketing Planning
The Marketing Plan Process

Defining The Market Marketing Mix 4 Ps

Needs, Wants, Demand
Market Research
Price Place Promotion
Variety Price List Channels Sales

Quality Discounts Coverage Promotions


Design Allowances Assortment Advertising

Features Payments Location Personal
Brand Credit Inventory Selling Public
Packaging Transport Relation
Size Services
Return ©2020
Marketing Planning
The Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan

• Comprehensive, written statement of what is expected from each

business unit in the future
• Evolves from the company’s mission statement
• Usually prepared annually
• Includes both historical information and recommendations on how to
improve performance
• Combines strategies with timetables for action ©2020
Marketing Planning
Contents of the Marketing Plan

Contents of the Marketing Plan

1. Executive Summary
2. Market Summary
3. SWOT Analysis
4. Marketing Strategy, Target Markets, Positioning,
Marketing Mix/ Research
5. Objectives (marketing, financial)
6. Financial Projections
7. Implementation (action programs or “milestones”) and
Controls ©2020
Marketing Planning
Evaluating a Marketing Plan

Evaluating a Marketing Plan

Is the plan simple?

Is the plan specific?

Is the plan realistic?

Is the plan complete? ©2020
Marketing Planning
SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

Cost Advantage Financial Too Narrow Product Line Lack

Resources Customer Loyalty of Management Depth High
Modern Production Facility Operation Cost Poor Financial
Patents Capability Weak Market Image

Opportunities Threats

New Market Potential New Changing Buyer Tastes Likely

Technology Required Income Entry of New Competition
Levels increasing Adverse government policies ©2020
Segmenting ©2020
Marketing Planning
Effective Targeting Requires

Effective Targeting Requires

• Identify and profile distinct groups of buyers who differ in their needs and
• Select one or more market segments to enter
• Establish and communicate the distinctive benefits of the market offering ©2020
Marketing Planning
What is a Market Segment?

What is a Market Segment?

A market segment consists of a group of customers who share a similar set

of needs and wants.


A process of subdividing the market into distinct subsets of customers that

behave in the same way or have similar need. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Basic Market Preference Patterns for Ice Cream Buyers ©2020
Marketing Planning
Segmentation Process
1- Identify Bases for Segmenting markets

2- Develop Relevant marker segment profiles

3- Forecast total market potential for each segment

4- Analyze competitive forces within each segment

5- Determine marketing program to serve each segment

6- Forecast own market share for each segment

7- Estimate cost benefit for each segment

8- Do benefits achieve company goals and justify development of each segment

9- Decision on selection of Target market segment (s)
Marketing Planning
Evaluating a Marketing Plan

Stage 1: Identify Market Segmentation Bases

The process starts when a company looks at the potential customers and
identifies those customers as having particular characteristics - these
characteristics will allow the marketing company to classify them into market
segments. The segments should be selected so that you can group together
customers who have similar needs. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Bases Of Segmenting
These segmentation variables can be used singly or in combination ©2020
Marketing Planning
Segmentation Process

Stage 2 Develop Relevant Profiles for each Segment

Once the segments have been identified - should develop a profile of the
relevant customer needs and behaviors in each segment. What does your
customer look like (profile) !! What do they like !! What do they do !! - you
need this description to be very precise in order to make your marketing
“match” the needs of the customer

Stage 3 Forecast Market Potentials

You create a “Forecast” of the market potential within each segment. This is
the “go, no-go” stage. When you are at this stage you gather the information
on sales potential to determine whether you can go further ahead and justify
further analysis. Forecast - “what if” - an expectation of future action. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Segmentation Process

Stage 4 Forecast Probably Market Share

Once the market potential has been estimated, you have to determine how
much of that market you can obtain (what “market share” can you capture.
Then you develop specific marketing strategy for the segments you are
trying to develop.

Stage 5 Select Specific Market Segments

Finally, you take all this information, and identify specific target markets. ie.
University students who have part-time jobs, and do not have credit cards ©2020
Marketing Planning
Segmenting for Business Markets


1- Industry: Which industries should we serve?

2- Company size: What size companies should we serve?
3- Location: What geographical areas should we serve?

Operating Variables

4- Technology: What customer technologies should we focus on?

5- User or nonuser status: Should we serve heavy users, medium users,
light users, or nonusers?
6- Customer capabilities: Should we serve customers needing many or few
services? ©2020
Marketing Planning
Segmenting for Business Markets
Purchasing Approaches

7- Purchasing-function organization: Should we serve companies with a

highly centralized or decentralized purchasing organization?
8- Power structure: Should we serve companies that are engineering
dominated, financially dominated, and so on?
9- Nature of existing relationship: Should we serve companies with which we
have strong relationships or simply go after the most desirable
10- General purchasing policies: Should we serve companies that prefer
leasing? Service contract? Systems purchases? Sealed bidding?
11- Purchasing criteria: Should we serve companies that are seeking
quality? Service? Price? ©2020
Marketing Planning
Segmenting for Business Markets

Situational Factors

12- Urgency: Should we serve companies that need quick and sudden
delivery or service?
13- Specific application: Should we focus on a certain application of our
product rather than all applications?
14- Size or order: Should we focus on large or small orders?
Personal Characteristics

15- Buyer-seller similarity: Should we serve companies whose people and

values are similar to ours?
16- Attitude toward risk: Should we serve risk-taking or risk-avoiding
17- Loyalty: Should we serve companies that show high loyalty to their
suppliers? ©2020
Marketing Planning
Requirements for Effective Segmentation
Size, purchasing power, & characteristics of the segments can be measured
Segments are large & profitable enough to serve
Segments can be effectively reached & served
Distinguishable & respond differently to different Marketing mix elements &
Programs can be formulated for serving the segments

* Marketers don’t create a segment; they identify segments and then focus
on which one to target ©2020
Targeting ©2020
Marketing Planning


The act of evaluating and

comparing the identified
groups and then
selecting one or more of
them as the prospects ©2020
Marketing Planning
Choice of Target Market Strategies

1.Company Resources

2.Product Homogeneity

3.Stage in the Product Life Cycle

4.Market Homogeneity

5.Competition ©2020
Targeting Strategies
Single segment Selective Product Market Full Market
Concentration Specialization Specialization Specialization Coverage

M1 M2 M3 M1 M2 M3 M1 M2 M3 M1 M2 M3 M1 M2 M3
P1 P1 P1 P1 P1
P2 P2 P2 P2 P2
P3 P3 P3 P3 P3

The company The company The company The company The company
selects a single selects a concentrates on concentrates on serves all
segment, it gains number of a certain product serving many customer groups
a strong segments all that it sells to needs of a with all the
knowledge of the fits objectives several particular products they
segments needs & resources. segments. customer group. might need.
& wants& & all promises It builds a strong It builds a strong Only very large
achieves a to be money reputation in the reputation in firms can
strong market makers specific product serving this undertake a full
position in the area customer group market coverage
segment strategy ©2020
Positioning ©2020
Marketing Planning
Value Proposition

Value Proposition

A good hot pizza, delivered to your door within 30 minutes of ordering, at a
moderate price

The Smartest Way to Get Around

Apple iPhone
The Experience IS the Product ©2020
Marketing Planning

Positioning is the act of designing the company’s offering and image to

occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market.
The goal is to locate the brand in the minds of consumers to maximize the
potential benefit to the firm.

Unique place for product in customer’s minds relative to competitors ©2020
Marketing Planning


The process of adding a set of meaningful and valued differences to

distinguish a company’s offering from competitors’ offerings.

Differentiation strategies:

• Product
• Services
• Personnel
• Channel
• Image ©2020
Marketing Planning
Developing and Communicating a Positioning Strategy


The act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a

distinctive place in the mind of the target market.

Value proposition:

A cogent reason why the target market should buy the product. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Table: Differentiation Variables

Product Services Personnel Channel Image

Form Ordering ease Competence Coverage Symbols

Features Delivery Courtesy Expertise Media

Performance Installation Credibility Performance Atmosphere

Conformance Customer Reliability Events

Durability Customer Responsiven
consulting ess ©2020
Marketing Planning
Positioning process


It’s the art of creating a relevant identity or image for our product or brand in
the mind of your customer.

Identify Identify Conduct a Determine

Competitiv your target
Buyer your Examine the
e market
profile Unique positioning
Positioning preference
Selling Analysis fit & Decide
Point ©2020
Marketing Planning
Defining Associations


Attributes or benefits consumers strongly associate with a brand, positively

evaluate, and believe they could not find to the same extent with a
competitive brand


Associations that are not necessarily unique to the brand but may be shared
with other brands ©2020
Marketing Planning
Perceptual Map: Current Perceptions ©2020
Marketing Planning
Perceptual Map: Current Perceptions
For example, A hypothetical perceptual map for a beverage category. The four
brands—A, B, C, and D—vary in terms of how consumers view their taste profile
(light versus strong) and personality and imagery (contemporary versus traditional).
Also displayed on the map are ideal point “configurations” for three market
segments (1, 2, and 3). The ideal points represent each segment’s most preferred
(“ideal”) combination of taste and imagery. Brand A is seen as more balanced in
terms of both taste and imagery.

Are two possible repositioning strategies for Brand A. By making its image more
contemporary, Brand A could move to A' to target consumers in Segment 1 and
achieve a point-of-parity on imagery and maintain its point-of-difference on taste
profile with respect to Brand B. By changing its taste profile to make it lighter, Brand
A could move to A" to target consumers in Segment 2 and achieve a point-of-parity
on taste profile and maintain its point-of- difference on imagery with respect to
Brand C. Deciding which repositioning is most promising, A' or A", would require
detailed consumer and competitive analysis. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Perceptual Map: Possibilities ©2020
Marketing Planning
Perceptual Map: Current Perceptions ©2020
Marketing Planning
Positioning Criteria
A Difference is worth establishing to the extent that it satisfies the following
Important Highly valued benefit to buyers

Distinctive The difference isn’t offered by others

Superior Superior to other ways of obtaining such

Communicable Visible to buyers
Preemptive Difference cannot be easily copied to
Affordable Buyer can afford to pay the difference
Profitable The company will find it profitable to introduce
the difference ©2020
Marketing Planning
Positioning Criteria

VOLVO: 20% premium, the safest most durable wagon in

which your family can ride

Domino’s: 15% premium, a good hot pizza delivered to your

door within 30 mins of ordering at a moderate price

Crest: Constantly promotes its anti cavity protection

Mercedes: Constantly promotes its great automotive
engineering ©2020
Marketing Mix :Product ©2020
Marketing Planning
What is a Product?
What is a Product?

Product: bundle of physical, service, and symbolic attributes designed to

enhance buyers’ want satisfaction ©2020
Marketing Planning
Three Levels of Product ©2020
Marketing Planning
Types of Consumer Products ©2020
Marketing Planning
Types of Business Products ©2020
Marketing Planning
Product Life Cycle

Product Life Cycle

Product life cycle: progression of products through introduction, growth,
maturity, and decline stages ©2020
Marketing Planning
Product Life Cycle ©2020
Marketing Planning
Product Life Cycle ©2020
Marketing Mix :Price ©2020
Marketing Planning


Is the sum of all values that consumers exchange for the

benefits of having or using the product or service. ©2020
Marketing Planning
The Pricing Process

1. Selecting the Pricing Objective

2. Determining Demand
3. Estimating Costs
4. Analyzing Competitors’ Costs, Prices, and Offers
5. Selecting a Pricing Method
6. Selecting the Final Price ©2020
Marketing Planning
Step 1: Selecting the pricing objective

Step 1: Selecting the pricing objective

Pricing Product/Service
• Survival (as long as prices > VC and some FC)
• Meet competition
• Maximize current profits or ROI
• Maximize market share

New product/service pricing:

• Market penetration
• Market skimming (e.g., product/quality leader)
• Partial cost recovery (nonprofits; public org.) ©2020
Marketing Planning
Step 2: Determining Demand
Step 2: Determining Demand
Methods of Estimating Demand

1- Historical data: Statistically analyzing existing data on past prices,

quantities sold & other factors to estimate their relationships

2- Price Experiments: varied prices of several products in a store or –

charge different prices in similar territories to see how sales are affected

3- Asking Buyers: how many units would you buy at different proposed
prices ©2020
Marketing Planning
Step 2: Determining Demand
Inelastic and Elastic Demand ©2020
Marketing Planning
Step 3: Estimating Costs

Step 3: Estimating Costs

• Determine the price floor (VC)

• Fixed costs: do not vary with the quantity produced.
• Variable costs: do vary with the quantity produced and sold (e.g., labor,
materials, commissions)
• Average cost (TC/unit): Tends to decline due to economies of scale and
FC spread over greater units. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Step 4: Analyzing Competitors’ Cost,

Step 4: Analyzing Competitors’ Cost,

Analyzing Competitors’ Cost, Prices, and Offers (“price mix”)

Step 5: Selecting a Pricing Method

1.Cost-based pricing methods:

A. Markup pricing
B. Target return pricing
C. Variable cost pricing
D. Peak-load pricing ©2020
Marketing Planning
Choice of Target Market Strategies
A. Markup pricing: adds an amount to the cost of the item to cover overhead
and profits.

Markup Price = Unit Cost / ( 1 - desired return on sales )

B. Target return pricing: pricing used to achieve a planned or target rate of

return on investment

Target Return Price = Unit cost + (Desired return X invested capital) /Unit
Sales ©2020
Marketing Planning
Choice of Target Market Strategies
C. Variable cost pricing: the objective is to cover variable costs and try to
make some contribution to fixed costs.

D. Peak-load pricing: rates are raised during peak, high demand periods to
above average cost and reduced to variable cost during off peak periods.

2. Value Pricing
• Everyday low pricing (EDLP)
• High-low pricing ©2020
Marketing Planning
Step 6: Selecting the Final Price

Step 6: Selecting the Final Price

(Issues: reference prices; price and guarantees;, quality, advertising; PLC;

company policy; impact on other parties – distributors, sales force,
competitors, govt. anti-trust agencies) ©2020
Marketing Mix :Place ©2020
Marketing Planning


A marketing channel system is the particular set of interdependent

organizations involved in the process of making a product or service
available for use or consumption. ©2020
Marketing Planning
What is a distribution channel?

What is a distribution channel?

A distribution channel consists of the group of individuals & establishments

which enter in the process of transferring the product/service from the
original manufacturer to the end consumer ©2020
Marketing Planning
Types of Marketing Channels

Consumer Goods ©2020
Marketing Planning
Types of Marketing Channels

Business Goods & Services ©2020
Marketing Mix :Promotion ©2020
Marketing Planning
Designing & Integrating Marketing Communication Promotion:

Function of informing, persuading, and influencing the consumer’s purchase

Marketing Communications:
Process of transmission from a sender to a receiver of a message dealing
with the buyer-seller relationship

Integrated Marketing Communications:

A concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added
value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety
of communication disciplines and combines these disciplines to provide:
clarity, consistency and compelling messages to your target market. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Steps in Developing Effective Communications

Identify target audience

Determine objectives
Design communications (message strategy)
Select channels
Establish budget
Decide on media mix
Manage IMC (Evaluation/Control) ©2020
Marketing Planning
Setting Promotion Objective

1. Establish need for new category

Such as electric cars

2. Build brand awareness

Such as FMCG products

3. Build brand attitude

Helping consumers evaluate the brand’s perceived ability to meet a currently
relevant need.

4. Influence brand purchase intention

Moving consumers to decide to purchase the brand or take purchase. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Elements in the Communications Process ©2020
Marketing Planning
Micromodel of Consumer Responses ©2020
Marketing Planning
Micromodel of Consumer Responses
All these models assume the buyer passes through cognitive, affective, and
behavioral stages in that order.

This “learn-feel-do” sequence is appropriate when the audience has high

involvement with a product category perceived to have high differentiation, such as
an automobile or house.

An alternative sequence, “do-feel-learn,” is relevant when the audience has high

involvement but perceives little or no differentiation within the product category,
such as airline tickets or personal computers.

A third sequence, “learn-do-feel,” is relevant when the audience has low

involvement and perceives little differentiation, such as with salt or batteries.

By choosing the right sequence, the marketer can do a better job of planning
communications. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Pulling and Pushing Promotional Strategies

Pulling strategy:

Promotional effort by a seller to stimulate demand among final users, who

will then exert pressure on the distribution channel to carry the good or
service, pulling it though the marketing channel

Pushing strategy:

Promotional effort by a seller to members of the marketing channel intended

to stimulate personal selling of the good or service, thereby pushing it
through the marketing channel ©2020
Marketing Planning
Push Vs Pull Strategy ©2020
Marketing Planning
Selecting the promotion Strategy

Push Strategy when:

• Customers do not have strong loyalty to specific brands.
• Make their decision to buy in the store, preferably on impulse.
• Know what they will get by buying the product.

Pull Strategy When:

• The purchase is important
• Customers perceive differences between the competing products
• Customers have strong brand loyalty
• Customers decide what brand they want ©2020
Marketing Planning
Examples of the Eight Common Communication Platforms
Advertising Sales Events and Public Relations Online and Mobile Direct and Personal
Promotion Experiences and Publicity Social Media Marketing Database Selling
Marketing Marketing
Print and Contests, Sports Press kits Web sites Text Catalogs Sales
broadcast games, messages presentat
ads sweepstak ions
Packaging– Premiums Entertainm Speeches E-mail Online Mailings Sales
outer and ent marketing meetings
Packaging Sampling Festivals Seminars Search ads Social Telemarketing Incentive
inserts media programs
Cinema Fairs and Arts Annual reports Display ads Electronic Samples
trade shopping
Brochures Exhibits Causes Charitable Company blogs TV shopping Fairs and
and donations trade
booklets shows
Posters and Demonstra Factory Publications Third-party chat Fax
leaflets tions tours rooms, forums,
and blogs ©2020
Marketing Planning
Examples of the Eight Common Communication Platforms
Advertising Sales Events and Public Relations Online and Mobile Direct and Personal
Promotion Experiences and Publicity Social Media Marketing Database Selling
Marketing Marketing
Directories Coupons Company Community Facebook and Catalogs
museums relations Twitter
and videos
Reprints of Rebates Street Lobbying
ads activities

Billboards Low- Identity media

Display Trade-in Company
signs allowances magazine

Point-of Continuity
purchase programs
DVDs Tie-ins ©2020
Marketing Planning

Advertising reaches geographically dispersed buyers. It can build up a long-

term image for a product (Coca-Cola ads) ©2020
Marketing Planning
5 Basic Functions Performed by Advertising

2.Influencing (Persuading)
3.Reminding and Increasing Salience
4.Adding Value
5.Assisting Other Company Efforts ©2020
Marketing Planning
Characteristics Of Advertising

• Non-personal
• Public
• Message repeated
• Expressive
• Multiple media
• One-way communication
• Expensive ©2020
Marketing Planning
Sales Promotion

What is Sales Promotion ?

Sales Promotion: all promotional activities (excluding advertising, personal

selling, and public relations/publicity) that stimulate short term behavioral
responses from consumers, the trade (reseller support), or the company’s
own sales force.
- Incentives in addition to the product’s basic benefits. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Sales Promotion

Characteristics of Sales Promotions

• Short-term incentive
• Aimed at influencing demand
• Good for small firms
• Offers direct invitation
• Encourages immediate sales
• Effects are short lived
• Not good for long-term brand preference ©2020
Marketing Planning
Public Relations

What is Public Relations?

• Public Relations: promotional efforts used to foster goodwill between a

company and its various publics (consumers, employees, suppliers,
stockholders, govt., general public, labor groups, citizen groups) ©2020
Marketing Planning
Public Relations

Characteristics of Public Relations

1. Build image
2. Handle crisis
3. Media coverage
4. Authentic and credible
5. Wide reaching
6. Can be dramatic
7. SMEs sometimes lacking PR expertise ©2020
Marketing Planning
Personal Selling
Characteristics Of Personal Selling

• Personal selling is the most effective tool at later stages of the buying
process, particularly in building up buyer preference, conviction, and
action. It has three notable qualities:

1. Face-to-face
2. Creates personal attention
3. Closer to needs
4. Quick adjustments
5. Personalized service possible
6. Long-term relationship with customers
7. High cost ©2020
Marketing Planning
Events and Experiences
Characteristics Events and Experiences

• Events and experiences offer many advantages as long as they have

the following characteristics:
1. Relevant—A well-chosen event or experience can be seen as highly
relevant because the consumer is often personally invested in the
2. Engaging—Given their live, real-time quality, events and experiences
are more actively engaging for consumers.
3. Implicit—Events are typically an indirect soft sell. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Online and Social Media Marketing
Characteristics Online and Social Media Marketing

• Online marketing and messages can take many forms to interact with
consumers when they are in active search mode or just browsing and
surfing online for something to
do. They share three characteristics:
1. Rich—Much information or entertainment can be provided—as much or
as little as a consumer might want.
2. Interactive—Information can be changed or updated depending on the
person’s response.
3. Up to date—A message can be prepared very quickly and diffused
through social media channels. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Mobile Marketing
Characteristics Mobile Marketing

• Increasingly, online marketing and social media rely on mobile forms of

communication and smart phones or tablets. Three distinguishing
characteristics of mobile marketing are:
1. Timely—Mobile communications can be very time-sensitive and reflect
when and where a consumer is.
2. Influential—Information received or obtained via a smart phone can
reach and influence consumers as they are making a purchase
3. Pervasive—Consumers typically carry their smart phones everywhere,
so mobile communications are at their fingertips. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Direct and Database Marketing
Characteristics Direct and Database Marketing

• The advent of “Big Data” has given marketers the opportunity to learn
even more about consumers and develop more personal and relevant
marketing communications. Three noteworthy characteristics of direct
and database marketing are:

1. Personal—Personal facts, opinions, and experiences can be stored in

massive databases and incorporated into personal messages.
2. Proactive—A direct marketing piece can create attention, inform
consumers, and include a call to action.
3. Complementary—Product information can be provided that helps other
marketing communications, especially in terms of e commerce. A good
catalog might spur online shopping. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Developing Effective Communications

Identify target audience

Determine objectives

Design communications

Select channels

Establish budget

Decide on media mix

Measure results

Manage integrated marketing communications ©2020
Marketing Planning
Relative Importance of Tools ©2020
Marketing Planning
Competitor Analysis
It is very important to understand who your competitors are and have a
strategy ready for competing with them. Yours sales team will need to
understand exactly how the product or service they are responsible for
selling differs from the competition. Completing this analysis will enable you
to prepare a sales plan that focuses on the key benefits of your product or
service and provide your sales staff with the material to defeat the

In the following table list your main competitors, provide an analysis of their
capability in terms of product, pricing, resources and market perceptions.
Finally, rate the scale of their threat to your business from the following
scale. ©2020
Marketing Planning
Choice of Target Market Strategies
Major threat Medium risk Low risk
1 2

Competitor Name Analysis of capability Scale of threat

For all those competitors that you have rated 1 - a

major threat - describe how you will compete? What
will differentiate your product or service?
Competitor Name Product How will you
differentiate &
Position your product
or service

Are any new major competitors likely to enter the

market in the next 12 months? ©2020
Marketing Planning
PESTEL analysis ©2020
Marketing Planning
Choice of Target Market Strategies ©2020
Thank You ©2020

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