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REGION 4 ‘CALENDAR YEAR, 2002 PROVINCE: : LAUNON BARANGAY LeTTac su MuNiciaLTY —: SANTOL BARANGAY LETTAC SUR, SANTOL, LA UNION Barangay Nutrition Council Accomplishment Report CY 2022 PPR “Raiiies Fad Aiosaton | Fund Uization [Source of Fund [Balan Satpat on vam | SupHemenial Feeding = = ay ‘Supplemental Feeding Pro ae a So capFund | 0.00 | Prpamsionetendgznd Candt PABASA SS Pabass Sa Nutieyon | Nutionimotrers cass | 20,000.00 2090000} GaoFund | 0.00 | Conducted PABASA sa Nutiion proper nutiion Daoming ‘Gendt Dower, = Te Fun Nessed | 005 Conaied Donarning ‘Veamin A Supplementation | Coniec'Viemip® [= FE NoFund Needed | 0.00 | Consed vane: — und No r Suppor “Traning Seminar expense | — GNS Congress TE, Teo “CAD Fund —| 006, Bis cepa TOTAL 41,500.00 “41,500.00 ‘We hereby cetlythat we have reviewed the contents and hereby attest othe veracly and cocecness ofthe data rnformaton contained inthis document. Seb Brew Eettincen ‘Barangay Treasurer Punong Barangay BARANGAY NUTRITION ACTION PLAN ‘Year 2022 Region! Province of La Union Municipality of Santol Barangay Lette Sur ‘Object of Expenditure ‘Objective Performance indicators Romans 7. Pabasa sa Nutrisyon “To educate the mothers on_—_| Nariber of paricpants tended, | Accomshea proper ways in securing healthy babies and on thers 2, Supplemental Feeding Program To sustain healthy and ‘Number of chien benetiod Recap uous foods for the eile. 3. Training and Seminar Expense “To acquire more knowledge | Atended seminarairaining or BNS | Aczomplaed ‘and ils regarding nutiton of ‘| Congress. people inthe barangay. . Profling Updates TTohave a clean and order | Records of chiaren, matheralpregnant | Aorplaned socords relating to nutiton. _| and others '& Operation Timbang “To ensure the proper weight OF Record a chid to ensure its nution , Municipal and Barangay Meotinge “To make plansiprograme forthe | Aflended Municipal and Barangay | Resomelahed betterment of Nutiton ofthe | Mectings people and ensuring monthly Feporing and updates. ‘TOTAL EXPENDITURE PROGRAM Altestod by: Srgy. Nutton Schoiar Republic the Pilpines Proving of La Union Muni of Sei BARANGAY LETTAC SUR, EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 16 ‘Series of 2022 [RE-ORGANIZATION THE BARANGAY NUTRITION COMMITTEE. (BNC) WHEREAS, there i a need o recone the Barangay Nuiton Commitee which shal play 2 vital ole in edveating, monitoring and implemeating food and nuion program of cur soverment WHEREAS, ther is need to strengthen and recognize the Barangay Nuron Commitee toward mos effective nurion planing, implementation, monitoring and economically productive people wit high sense of aiiy: NOW, THEREFORE, as Punong Barangay ofthis Baransay, by Vitus of the power vested ia sme bylaw, do hereby ode: ‘SECTION 1, REORGANIZING THE BARANGAY NUTRITION COMMITTEE AND ITS COMPOSITION. ‘The Barangay Nutrition Commits ie hersby reorganized which sal be composed ofthe following: (CHAIRMAN: Luror, sacra Ponong Barney co-citam: SONIA A.BALANON ae oe KagrwodConmitee Chiron Heath, Sanitation & Beataton ‘Kapnwod Commitee Chair on Sovial Welle Services agawad Commitee Chai on VAWC ‘Bide & Awards Commitee MEMBERS: LATA.0,GoRosrE Kagawed/Commite Chiron Budget, Finance & Appropriations ‘Kagamed'Commitee Chiron Justice and Huan Rights KagawediCommite Chon Worn and Family {WINSTON L, ORIENT, KagawadCommisee Charon Peace & Order and Puli Safety Kagawad Commitee Chair on Information & Technology asia Comte Chat cnEveaneil Pct Anal Were DANILOV. BISCARRA Kegaac/Canaitce Chai cn Public Wok Infasmutr Dv't [EUERAEM C. DICANG agawad Commitee Csi on DRRM ‘agawad'Commitee Charon Cooperatives ‘Kagawad'Commitee Charon Barangay AM Kagawad Commit Chair Tourism Kepnwod Commit Chiron Religious EN yan Kagawa Commitee Chsican Ways & Means Kegamad Commitee Charon Boundary Dispute Kagawad Commitee Charon ery & Person w/ Disbilty ‘RODEL.O. OPINALDO Kagawad’Commite Charon Food & Agriculture ACEALORFIANO, SSK Chairperson Cision Youth & Sports & Development Commitee Chair on Education (CRISTINA B. MANANG Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Represenative (PMR) ‘Commitee on Indigenous People & Culture ‘Commitee on Inventory ‘MAYOLENE 0. MARIANO. Barangay Secretary Braga Teer im Sot Pcl Sc ante Mie Sime Ha Weer MERUITAY.D1A.0 Skidoo Wane Etec Her Bika reste PEDRON, OsIAS (Chie Tanod ‘SECTION 2, FUNCTIONS. The funetions of the Barangay Nutiton Commitee (BNC) areas follows: Foster the proper mititon of every cil inthe Barangay. Encourage proper performance of duties of parents in proving proper mutton to their cilden| Implement fod ad ntiton polices and satepes Formulate Barangay Nutron Plan Ensure that Nutition Program are provided wit allocation in the Barangay Budget, Perform other elated functions ns may be drete by th National Nation Counell, Provincial and City Nutttion Commitee. [SECTION 3, ROLE OF MEMBER. Each member has «major ole towards the atsinment of the Barangay: 1. Ofte ofthe Panong Barangay-Provie lesdersip in the overall implementation of the {fd and nition program ofthe barangsy 2. Barangay Kagawad Commitee on Health Implement, promote, preventive, and ‘curative health programs to adress malotridon using primar health care approach in ‘preventing, controling and elimination of PEM,YADD,IDA and ID 13 Barangay Kagawa Shall ast nthe implementing of the barangay'smtron progr. Enact ordinances, reslutins in effect fo good mutton. 4. Barangay Kegawad Committee on Agriculture» Provides interventions to inerease Income of farmers especialy nthe nationally ats files. 5. Barangay Kegnved Commitee on Education Shall verse the proper implementation ofthe 10 KUMAINMENTS, 10 NOF & PINGGANG PINOY though the supplemenal {Reding etvies forthe improvement of Wate and Severely Wasted School Childe, 6. Child Development Worker Shall implement the supplemental feeding assistance rogram among Underweight (UW) malnourished Pre-school Chlden 7, Barangay Treasurer Responsible fo th imely release of funds and ober resources for the mutton progam. ‘8. Non-Government Organization: Such as BHWs sal asset in promoting good nutiton, ‘underake nue projecss, research, and evaluative stale, pata noel nation programs. ‘SECTION 4. BNC SECRETARIAT. The Barangay Notiton Scholar BNS) shall provide sctetait services tthe commit. ‘SECTION 5. Meeting ofthe Barangsy Nutition Commitee The Barangay Natron Comittee shall mest every 3 Saturday ofthe Fst month ofthe quatro as scheduled bythe BNC Members. ‘SECTION 6, EFFECTIVITY- the Executive Order shal effet upon approval DONE in Barangay Leta Su, Municipality of Sal, La Union this 14 day of Febery, 2. L Pong Bargay Repu of the Pippnes Province ofl Union ‘Maricpaty of Sanat OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL HEALTH OFFICER PRESCHOOLERS WEIGHED 2022 0-59 MONTHS SUMMARY a 20 310 7 BARANGAY | quanren| quarter | quarter | quarter | TOTAL connooy | 128 5 6 147 Lerracnorre |e 5 2 6 7 werracsur | 60 2 2 7 8 Mancaan | 69 9 3 3 2 PAGAN 85 5 4 7 101 rosiacion | 99 6 6 6 7 PUGUL 13 5 4 5 27 RAMOT 73 6 6 85 saPDAAN | 39 2 4 3 @ SASADA a 3 1 2 7 Tusapay | 66 8 5 2 a ‘TOTAL 37 5 7 48 1036 4 TOTALPREScHOOLERS WEIGHED 1036 ‘¢ PROJECTED POPULATION 0-59 MONTHS aunz Prepared by: Noted by: conven Dane Dr. ROBEY‘. LEDDA JR ‘MNAO Municipal Health Ofieer Republic ofthe Phiippines Provne of La Union Munipaty of Santot OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL HEALTH OFFICER PRESCHOOLERS WEIGHED 2021 0-59 MONTHS SUMMARY a 2x0 300 am BARANGAY | quarrer| quarter | quarter | quarter | TOTAL conro-oy | 1H 4 6 ° 154 LETTACNORTE | 96 5 2 ° 108 wsrmacsun | 9+ 2 3 ° a MANGAN a 2 2 4 2 PAAGAN 1 4 4 4 103 postacion | 110 7 2 4 13 PUGuIL 117 6 2 ° 125 RAMOT 76 2 4 2 oy SAPDAAN 38 1 ° 2 2 SASABA 0 1 3 ° 4 TTUBADAY n 4 3 2 80 TOTAL 962 30 31 18 1049 4 TOTAL PRE SCHOOLERS WEIGHED 1.049 “& PROJECTED POPULATION 0-59 MONTHS 4.120 Prepared by: Noted by: canmetiTa imanQuez pr. rosen EDDA JR. ‘NAO Municipal Health Officer @ Repub ofthe Phi Proves a a Union Munky of Santat i OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL HEALTH OFFICER MALNOURISHED IDENTIFIED 0-59 PRESCHOOLERS 2021 2022 ana roa Tora nace ; 5 |SLETTACSUR k= — ‘ananor = 3 = ; : TOTAL 59 37 } = . emit snsaglcoam NAD) Tana STB Municipal Heath oftcer Pabasa sa Nutrisyon BNS Congress oar | AUSTEN at Supplemental Feeding

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