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Biochemistry (Nursing)

Module #10 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Lesson title: ENZYMES (Commercial, Pharmaceutical, and Materials: Book, pen and notebook
Medicinal Enzymes)
Learning Targets: References:
At the end of the module, students will be able to: Tyler, V.E., L.R. Brady and J.E. Roberts,
1. Identify the sources and uses of different enzymes. Pharmacognosy 9th ed. Lea and Febiger,


As discussed from previous session, name the Six (6) Major Classification of Enzymes.


SOME ENZYMES WITH THEIR SOURCES AND USES (Commercial, Pharmaceutical and Medicinal):
a. Pepsin
o obtained from the stomach of Sus scrofa, Fam. Suidae
o Use: assist in gastric digestion
o Found in gastric juice
o In neutral or alkaline environment, it is inactive
o Converts proteins to proteases and peptones
o Proenzyme: Pepsinogen which is activated by HCl
o Protein digestion starts in the stomach
● Digestive aid in pre-cooked foods
b. Alcalase
● additive to remove protein stains
c. Bromelains
o mixture of protein-digesting & milk clotting enzymes from the juice of Ananas comosus, Fam.
o Meat tenderizer
o Use: Adjunctive therapy to reduce inflammation & edema
o Accelerate tissue repair, especially following episiotomy
d. Papain
● Obtained from the latex of Carica papaya, Caricaceae
● Use: – Relieve symptoms of episiotomy – Cleaning solutions of soft contact lenses
● Meat/Beef tenderizer

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Biochemistry (Nursing)
Module #10 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

● As skin whitener (Papain, natural enzyme that promotes skin renewal and cell turnover. It helps in
exfoliating the skin to reveal newer cells, and has restorative properties that soften the skin.)
● Stabilizer for chill-proof beer
● Chymopapain
- Nonpyrogenic proteolytic enzyme obtained from the latex of Carica papaya, Fam. Caricaceae
- It is a sulfhydryl enzyme similar to papain with respect to substrate specificities but differing in
electrophoretic, mobility, stability and solubility
- Employed in the treatment of herniated lumbar intervertebral discs, chymopapain is injected into
the nucleus pulposus to hydrolyze the noncollagenous polypeptides or proteins that maintain the
tertiary structure of the chondromucoprotein
- Relieves the comprehensive symptoms of lower back pain by lessening osmotic activity and
thereby decreasing fluid absorption and reducing intradiscal pressure
e. Trypsin
● Converts proteases and peptones to polypeptides and amino acids
● Secreted by the pancreas – Released in the intestines – Active in an alkaline environment
● For wound debridement
● Chymotrypsin
- Crystallized from an extract of the pancreatic gland of Ox (Bos Taurus, Fam Bovidae)
- For ophthalmic solution
- Administered in solution to the posterior chamber of the eye, under the iris, to achieve zonal lysis
f. Sutilains
● from Bacillus subtilis
● Use: Wound Debridement
g. Rennin
● Coagulating enzyme that is present in the mucous membrane of the stomach of animals
● It curdles the soluble casein in milk
● For cheesemaking
h. Erepsin
● Found in the intestinal juice
● Converts proteoses and peptones into amino acids
i. Streptokinase
● It is a purified bacterial protein elaborated by group C ß-hemolytic streptococci
● Supplied as lyophilized powder
● Acts to convert plasminogen to plasmin (degrades not only fibrin clots but also fibrinogen and other
plasma proteins)
● Use: treatment of pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, arterial thrombosis and embolism,
arteriovenous cannula acclusion and coronary artery thrombosis
j. Urokinase
● Isolated from human urine or obtained from human kidney cells by tissue culture techniques
● Converts plasminogen to enzyme plasmin
● Use: treatment of pulmonary embolism, coronary artery thrombosis, and restoring the patency of
intravenous catheters
k. Fibrinolysin
● In the blood serum as a protease and in plasma as the inactive precursor, profibrinolysin (or
● It is prepared commercially by activating a human blood plasma fraction with streptokinase

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Biochemistry (Nursing)
Module #10 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

● Use: treatment of blood clots within the cardiovascular system, exclusive of thrombi of the coronary
and cerebral ateries
i. Peroxidase
● Widely distributed in plants
● Bring about the oxidation reactions that cause the discoloration of bruised fruits
ii. Thrombin
● Converts the fibrinogen of the circulating blood into the insoluble fibrin of the blood clot
● Also known as Coagulation factor II, plays a physiological role in regulating hemostasis and maintaining
blood coagulation. Once converted from prothrombin, thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin, which, in
combination with platelets from the blood, forms a clot

a. Amylase
● found in the salivary glands
● a.k.a. salivary diastase or ptyalin
● digestive aid in pre-cooked foods
b. Diastase
● A yellowish white, amorphous powder obtained from an infusion of malt
● Can convert 50 times its weight of potato starch into sugars
c. Amylopsin
● found in the digestive tract of animals
● sometimes called “animal diastase”
d. Invertase or sucrase
● found in yeast and in the intestinal juice
● aids in the hydrolysis of sucrose into glucose and fructose
● prevention of granulation of sugar in soft-centered candies
e. Zymase
● Fermenting enzyme causing the conversion of monosaccharides (glucose, fructose) into alcohol and
f. Emulsin
● Found in almonds
● Causes the hydrolysis of ß-glucosides; thus, amygdalin is hydrolyzed into glucose, benzaldehyde and
hydrogen cyanide
g. Myrosin
● Found in white and black mustard
● Hydrolyzes sinalbin, sinigrin and other glycosides
h. Amyloglucosidase
● Production of dextrose from starch
i. Cellulase
● Preparation of coffee liquid concentrate
j. Lactase
● Prevention of lactose crystals in ice cream
k. Pectinase
● Clarification of wines and juices
l. Hyaluronidase

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Biochemistry (Nursing)
Module #10 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

● Mucolytic enzyme capable of depolymerizing and catalyzing hyaluronic acid and similar hexosamine-
containing polysaccharides
● Spreading and a diffusing factor/agent
● It occurs in human testes, in various bacterial cultures as a metabolic product, in heads of leeches and
in snake venoms
● Promotes diffusion and hastens absorption of subcutaneous infusions
a. Lipase
● lipolytic enzyme widely distributed in the animal and vegetable kingdom
● found in the pancreatic juice of animals and in oily seeds
● hydrolyzes fats into glycerin and fatty acids
● flavor production in cheese
b. Pectase
● Splits pectin into pectic acid and methyl alcohol
c. Steapsin
● Lipolytic enzyme capable of digesting dietary fat
d. Urease
● Obtained from soybeans
● Used as a laboratory reagent for converting urea to ammonia
a. Collagenase
● An enzyme preparation obtained from fermentive cultures of Clostridium histolyticum
● Cleaves collagen and is used topically to debride dermal ulcers and severely burned areas
❖ Care should be exercised to avoid heavy metal inactivation of the enzyme; Burow’s solution can
be used to stop the enzyme’s action if the risk of bacteremia develops
b. L-Asparaginase
● An enzyme obtained from cultures of certain stains of Escherichia coli
● Induces hematologic and clinical remissions of short duration in a significant percentage of children
with acute leukemia
❖ The antitumor effect may be attributed to degradation by the enzyme of circulating L-asparagine,
which results in the death of cells that require exogenous sources of this amino acid for survival
● Adverse reactions: allergic reaction and fatal anaphylaxis
c. Lipoxygenase
● Bread – whitening

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Biochemistry (Nursing)
Module #10 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________


You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct
answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You
are given 20 minutes for this activity:

1. Papain assist in gastric digestion. Bromelains accelerate tissue repair, especially following episiotomy
A. The first statement is correct. The second statement is incorrect.
B. Both of the statements are correct.
C. The first statement is incorrect. The second statement is correct.
D. Both of the statements are incorrect

ANSWER: ________
1. Cellulase, a carbohydrase enzyme, used in the preparation of coffee liquid concentrate. Pectinase is an esterase
enzyme used in the clarification of wines and juices.
A. The first statement is correct. The second statement is incorrect.
B. Both of the statements are correct.
C. The first statement is incorrect. The second statement is correct.
D. Both of the statements are incorrect.
ANSWER: ________
2. An enzyme found in white and black mustard.
A. Lactase
B. Pectinase
C. Emulsin
D. Myrosin
ANSWER: ________
3. Amylase is also known as ptyalin. Amylopsin is sometimes called animal disease.
A. The first statement is correct. The second statement is incorrect.
B. Both of the statements are correct.
C. The first statement is incorrect. The second statement is correct.
D. Both of the statements are incorrect.
ANSWER: ________

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Biochemistry (Nursing)
Module #10 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

4. A protease enzyme which is also known as coagulation factor II.

A. Peroxidase
B. Urokinase
C. Thrombin
D. Zymase
ANSWER: ________



In today’s session, what was least clear to you?

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