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1.P roject Name:
2.J ob Scope: Location
3.C ompany Name:
Associated Work Permit Type
4.P erson In Charge:
Associated Work Permit Number
5.P IC H/P:
Electrical Isolation Certificate Number
Physical Isolation Certificate Number
WORK ACTIVITY Fuel Transfer from Tug Boat to Barge JLA Cross-Reference Number

Description of Job Steps Potential Hazards Control Measures
a) Check fender to be adequate and in good condition, additional fendering to be put in place
1. Tug boat damage due to:
where considered necessary
a. Inadequate fendering
b) Tug boat master and barge foremen to communicate via radio for best position of tug boat
1 Tug boat move to alongside barge b. Improper positioning / collision
c) Ensure correct mooring arrangement
2. Man overboard
d) All personnel working near edge shall wear workvest (on barge) / lifejacket (tug boat crew)
3. Bad weather condition
and monitor weather condition
1. Man overboard a) Riggers to always wear hand glove and beware where to put hand
2. Grated fingers b) Personnel to wear work vest and beware of standing position
Connecting and transfer fuel/bun- 3. Pollution due to leakage / spill to sea c) Check and ensure hose and connections in good condition before use
kering 4. Parting / failure of hose d) Oil spill kit to be ready
5. Deck spillage e) No hot work (welding, cutting, grinding) to be performed within bunkering area during trans-
6. Fire fer
1. Webbing Slings / shackles parted a) Rigging gears shall be inspected prior using in lifting
2. Crane failure causing dropped object b) Crane operator shall inspect his crane daily and ensure that his crane is fit for use
Lifting of empty fuel drum to tug
3. Load swing uncontrollably may hit workers and c) Use tag lines to control movement of loads
boat deck from barge
other facilities on board d) Only competent and experienced crane operator to operate crane
7. Bad weather conditions f) No lifting permitted if bad weather to be occur

1. Pollution due to leakage / spill to sea

g) Check and ensure hose and connections in good condition before use
Fuelling into drum using manual 2. Parting / failure of hose
h) Oil spill kit to be ready
pump on tug boat deck 3. Deck spillage
e) No hot work (welding, cutting, grinding) to be performed within refuelling area
4. Fire

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1. Webbing Slings / shackles parted f) Rigging gears shall be inspected prior using in lifting
2. Crane failure causing dropped object g) Crane operator shall inspect his crane daily and ensure that his crane is fit for use
Lifting of filled fuel drum from tug
3. Load swing uncontrollably may hit workers and h) Use tag lines to control movement of loads
boat onto storage on barge
other facilities on board i) Only competent and experienced crane operator to operate crane
4. Bad weather conditions j) No lifting permitted if bad weather to be occur
a) Ensure area is well illuminated
1. Poor visibility
b) Personnel shall wear clear safety glass for night duty
3 Working during night time 2. Fatigue
c) Apply buddy system, do not work alone
3. Fall overboard
d) Be vigilant anywhere you go
a) All personnel to wear workvest
1. Men or material /equipment fall overboard
b) Apply buddy system
4 Housekeeping 2. Pinch point
c) Beware of hand placement and movement
3. Slip and trip
d) No horseplay



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