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Artwork Details

Triple Self‐portrait, 2007 Herbert Consunji Jr∗

Conte, pastel and charcoal on cartridge paper (59 x 83 cm)

As a portrait can not only be an external representation but also

reveal the personality of both the sitter and the artist, this can be
further expressed in a self portrait more so. I wanted to create an
ʺinnerʺ self portrait and used the picture plane as a mental, and
emotional landscape. In the midst of random thoughts, feelings, my
psyche, etc. an image of myself is formed; simultaneously malleable
and defiant.

The First Three Minutes, 2007 Pat Holloway†

Digital Image (2436 x 1914 pixels)

The First Three Minutes represents the chaos of one’s mind upon
leaving dreams and waking up.
The image was constructed with 12 layers comprising a total of
almost 50 separate images, each digitally manipulated to create the
final result.
Within the image are remnants and characters of earlier works as
well as new material which create the shape of a chaotic eye in the
top left corner stretching across the screen surrounded by the
vagueness of sleep.

Multicultural Festival, 2007 Jennifer Law‡

Digital Image (1400 x 980 pixels)

The multicultural festival I attended in Canberra back in February

inspired me. I had never seen so many different cultures festively
celebrating their unique backgrounds. It was an amazing experience
and I wanted to capture past traditions in a modern setting.

Herbert Consunji is in his first year of a Bachelor of Visual Arts at the Australian
National Univeristy. He is a current resident of Bruce Hall.
† Pat Holloway is in his third year of a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts degree at the

Australian National University. He is a current resident of Bruce Hall.

‡ Jennifer Law is in her final year of a Bachelor of Arts (IT/Digital Arts) degree at the

Australian National University. She is a former resident of Bruce Hall.

84 Cross‐sections | Volume III 2007

Foliage #2, 2007 Samuel Lewin§

Still Photograph (2496 x 1920 pixels)

This piece explores the dimensions of nature through the use of a

short depth of field in the photograph, creating a sense of depth in
the image, resulting in a more realistic representation of the flower.

Harbour, 2004 Ying Lei°


The dynamic nature of the fishing vessels at Tauranga Harbour is

exemplified in this watercolour imporession. Particular attention
was parid to the water reflections in the foreground so as to
emphasise the constancy of motion. For the same reason, detail int
he background was diminished. This work took two hours to
complete with no second layer addtions.

Dare to be Different, 2006 Veng Hoong Loh⊗

Still Photograph (2496 x 1920 pixels)

This photograph was taken in my fatherʹs bakery. Normally, you

would expect that all the croissants would turn out to look the same,
but here you can see one that ʹdares to be differentʹ. This is just a
light‐hearted way of emphasising that everybody has a unique
identity, despite being largely identical with people around us.

Venetian Stairwell, 2006 Lucy Martin•

Still Photograph (2816 x 2112 pixels)

Tiger, 2006 Wu Ru Gway‡‡

Metal Wire (20 cm)

§ Samuel Lewin is in his third year of a Bachelor of Engineering degree at the Australian
National University. He is a current resident of Bruce Hall.
° Lei Ying is in her first year of a Bachelor of Medicial Science at the Australian National

University. She is a current resident of Bruce Hall.

Veng Hoong Loh is in his second year of a Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Economics at
the Australian National University. He is a current resident of Bruce Hall.

Lucy Martin is in her first year of a Bachelor of Arts degree at the Australian National
University. She is a current resident of Bruce Hall.
‡‡ Wu Ru Gway is in his third year of a Bachelor of Science degree at the Australian

National University. He is a current resident of Bruce Hall


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