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Test Bank for Anatomy and Physiology From

Science to Life 2nd Edition by Jenkins

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Test Bank for Anatomy and Physiology From Science to Life 2nd Edition by Jenkins

1. Which of the following is not a function of the nervous system?

A) Sensory function
B) Integrative function
C) Motor function
D) Both a and b
E) All are functions of the nervous system
Ans: E Difficulty: easy

2. The peripheral nervous system can be divided into:

A) Somatic nervous system D) Both a and b
B) Autonomic nervous system E) All of the above
C) Enteric nervous system
Ans: E Difficulty: easy

3. The motor portion of the autonomic nervous system can be divided into:
A) Sympathetic division
B) Parasympathetic division
C) Enteric division
D) Sympathetic division and parasympathetic division
E) All of the above
Ans: D Difficulty: easy

4. This has the property of electrical excitability.

A) Muscle cells B) Neurons C) All of the above D) None of the above
Ans: C Difficulty: medium

5. This is the site of protein synthesis in a neuron.

A) Mitochondria B) Nucleus C) Nissl body D) Dendrite E) Axon
Ans: C Difficulty: medium

6. This type of neuron has one main dendrite and one main axon.
A) Multipolar neuron D) Purkinje cell
B) Bipolar neuron E) Renshaw cell
C) Unipolar neuron
Ans: B Difficulty: medium

7. This contains neuronal cell bodies, dendrites, unmyelinated axons, axon terminals and
A) Gray matter D) Satellite cells
B) White matter E) Ependymal cells
C) Astrocytes
Ans: A Difficulty: medium

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Chapter 12: Nervous Tissue

8. Which is not a type of channel used in production of an electrical signal in neurons?

A) Leakage channel D) Mechanically gated channel
B) Voltage-gated channel E) Ion dependent channel
C) Ligand-gated channel
Ans: E Difficulty: easy

9. A polarized cell
A) Can vary from +5 to –100 mV
B) Includes most cells of the body
C) Exhibits a membrane potential
D) Includes most cells of the body and exhibits a membrane potential.
E) All of the above
Ans: E Difficulty: hard

10. A depolarizing graded potential

A) Makes the membrane more polarized
B) Makes the membrane less polarized
C) Is not considered a graded potential
D) Is the last part of an action potential
E) Is seen when the cell approaches threshold
Ans: B Difficulty: medium

11. When a depolarizing graded potential makes the membrane depolarize to threshold
A) Ligand gated Ca+ channels close rapidly
B) Voltage gated CA+ channels open rapidly
C) Ligand gated Na+ channels close rapidly
D) Voltage gated Na+ channels open rapidly
E) None of the above
Ans: D Difficulty: medium

12. During which period can a second action potential be initiated by a larger than normal
A) Refractory period D) All of the above
B) Absolute refractory period E) None of the above
C) Relative refractory period
Ans: C Difficulty: medium

13. Saltatory conduction

A) Occurs through unmyelinated axons
B) Happens due to even distribution of voltage gated channels
C) Encode only action potentials in response to pain
D) Occurs through unmyelinated axons and happens due to even distribution of
voltage gated channels
E) None of the above
Ans: E Difficulty: medium

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Chapter 12: Nervous Tissue

14. Which axons have the largest diameter?

A) A fibers B) B fibers C) C fibers D) None of the above
Ans: A Difficulty: easy

15. What phenomenon explains why a light touch feels different than a touch applied with
more pressure?
A) Saltatory conduction D) Propagation
B) Continuous conduction E) Refractory period
C) Frequency of impulses
Ans: C Difficulty: medium

16. Which of the following terms describes synapses?

A) Axodendritic D) None of the above
B) Axosomatic E) All of the above
C) Axoaxonic
Ans: E Difficulty: easy

17. Faster communication and synchronization are two advantages of

A) Chemical synapsis D) Voltage gated channels
B) Electrical synapses E) Mechanically gated channels
C) Ligand gated channels
Ans: B Difficulty: medium

18. If a neurotransmitter depolarizes the postsynaptic membrane it is referred to as:

A) Excitatory B) Inhibitory C) Spatial D) Temporal E) Summation
Ans: A Difficulty: medium

19. IPSP stands for:

A) Inhibitory presynaptic summation potential
B) Inhibitory postsynaptic summation potential
C) Inhibitory postsynaptic potential
D) Inhibitory presynaptic potential
E) None of the above
Ans: C Difficulty: easy

20. Diffusion, enzymatic degradation, and uptake by cells are all ways to
A) Remove a neurotransmitter D) Inhibit a presynaptic potential
B) Stop a spatial summation E) Excite a presynaptic potential
C) Continue a temporal summation
Ans: A Difficulty: medium

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Chapter 12: Nervous Tissue

21. Where does summation occur?

A) In the synaptic cleft D) In the neuron nucleus
B) In the dendrites E) In the neuroplasm
C) At the trigger zone
Ans: C Difficulty: medium

22. A postsynaptic neuron may respond to inhibitory and excitatory effects in which of the
following ways:
A) EPSP B) Nerve impulse C) IPSP D) Both a and c E) All of the
Ans: E Difficulty: medium

23. Plasticity means

A) The ability to regenerate
B) Sending a signal through a converging circuit
C) Signal transmission at a synapse
D) Capability to change based on experience
E) The ability to stretch without damage
Ans: D Difficulty: easy

24. What factors limit neurogensis.

Ans: Inhibitory influences from neuroglia, mainly from oligodendrites and the absence
of growth stimulating cues present during fetal development.
Difficulty: medium

25. Describe the two conditions that allow maintenance of the resting membrane potential in
excitable cells.
Ans: Unequal distribution of ions across the plasma membrane and the relative
permeability of the plasma membrane to Na+ and K+ help maintain the resting
membrane potential.
Difficulty: easy

26. Briefly describe what causes the depolarizing phase.

Ans: Voltage gated Na+ channels open rapidly then both the electrical and chemical
gradients favor the inward movement of Na+. The inward rush of Na+ causes
depolarization phase of the action potential.
Difficulty: medium

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Chapter 12: Nervous Tissue

Use the following to answer questions 27-30:

Refer to below figure for the following the question(s) below.

27. Which part of the diagram contains organelles and Nissl bodies?
A) A B) B C) C D) E E) Both a and b
Ans: E Difficulty: medium

28. Which portion of the diagram contains cytoplasm and a myelin sheath wrapped around
A) C B) D C) E D) F E) G
Ans: C Difficulty: medium

29. In the diagram, where is the axon collateral?

A) C B) D C) F D) H E) I
Ans: A Difficulty: medium

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Chapter 12: Nervous Tissue

30. In the diagram where are axon terminals?

A) F B) G C) H D) I E) None of the above
Ans: C Difficulty: medium

Use the following to answer questions 31-32:

Refer to below figure for the following the question(s) below.

31. Which of the following neurons is attached to a receptor that mainly detects painful
A) A B) B C) C D) D E) Both B and C
Ans: C Difficulty: medium

32. Which of the following neurons is attached to a receptor that mainly detects touch
A) A B) B C) C D) D E) Both A and D
Ans: C Difficulty: medium

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Test Bank for Anatomy and Physiology From Science to Life 2nd Edition by Jenkins

Chapter 12: Nervous Tissue

Use the following to answer questions 33-36:

Refer to the below figure to answer the following questions.

33. This is comprised of flattened cells that encircle the axon.

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E
Ans: A Difficulty: easy

34. This electrically insulates the axon of a neuron to increase the speed of nerve impulse
A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E
Ans: E Difficulty: easy

35. In the diagram where are the Nodes of Ranvier?

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E
Ans: B Difficulty: easy

36. In the CNS, this is produced by oligodendrocytes.

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E
Ans: E Difficulty: medium

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