PA Interaction Scenarios

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Interaction Scenarios
Use the graphic organizer below to record your answers to the interaction scenarios.
Relationship Symbiosis
Case Explanation of Interaction Circle the Relationship
(+, -, 0, RIP) (Y/N)
Case #1 An algae and a fungus live together in a form known
as a LICHEN. Their life together works out well, Predation Commensalism Yes
Algae/Fungus because the algae provides food for both and the
fungus stores water for both. Mutualism Parasitism No

Case #2 The fox eats and swallows the grape. The skin and
pulp of the grape digest in the fox’s stomach, giving Predation Commensalism Yes
Fox/Grape him nourishment. When the fox excretes, the seed
comes out, wrapped in fertilizer, as far away from the Mutualism Parasitism No
parent plant as the fox traveled after eating the grape.

Case #3 Resurrection ferns need a place to grow high out of

the shade of the lower forest. Resurrection ferns Predation Commensalism Yes
Fern/Oak grow on the bark of oak tree branches. The oak tree
is very strong. It has no problem carrying the weight Mutualism Parasitism No
of the ferns, and the ferns do not block the sun from
reaching the leaves of the oak.
Case #4 Honey guide birds alert and direct honey badgers to
bee hives. The Honey Badger tears open the hive Predation Commensalism Yes
Honey Guide/ and eats the honey… and the Honey Guide waits.
Honey Badger When things have settled down, the bird eats the Mutualism Parasitism No
bees’ wax that has been tossed on the ground by the
Honey Badger.
Case #5 The Pearl Fish is a tiny, nocturnal fish with very
small fins and very slippery skin. It is not very fast Predation Commensalism Yes
Sea Cucumber/ or strong, and it is very vulnerable to predators.
Pearl Fish When predators come near, the Pearl Fish swims into Mutualism Parasitism No
the rear end of the Sea Cucumber. The fish hides
safely inside its host. Neither organism is harmed.
Relationship Symbiosis
Case (+, -, 0, RIP) Explanation of Interaction Circle the Relationship (Y/N)
Case #6 The Remora takes no blood from the shark, and eats
only the scraps of food that the shark did not want. It Predation Commensalism Yes
Shark/Remora is safe from enemies. The Shark is not weighed
down by the Remora, but it is not helped either. Mutualism Parasitism No

Case #7 Squirrels nest, hide, and eat acorns in Oak Trees.

Squirrels eat what they want, and then bury many Predation Commensalism Yes
Squirrel/Oak acorns to eat another day. The only acorns that grow
to become Oak Trees are the ones that get buried Mutualism Parasitism No
below the surface of the soil.

Case #8 Sea Anemones have stinging cells they use to

paralyze their food. Clown Fish find protection by
Sea Anemone/ living inside Sea Anemones. They are not stung by Predation Commensalism Yes
Clown Fish the Sea Anemone because they cover themselves
with the slime from the Anemone. Sometimes the Mutualism Parasitism No
Clown Fish brings home the small animals it catches,
and the Sea Anemone uses the leftovers as food.
Case #9 The Lamprey attaches itself to the side of a
Mackerel, rasps a hole into the side of the fish, and
Lamprey/ sucks its blood. The mackerel reacts to the Lamprey Predation Commensalism Yes
Mackerel by diving into water too deep and cold for the
Lamprey. This forces the Lamprey to let go and Mutualism Parasitism No
swim back to the surface. The Mackerel gradually
heals its wound.
Case #10 The Lamprey attaches itself to the side of a Lake
Trout, rasps a hole into the side of the fish, and sucks Predation Commensalism
Lamprey/ its blood. The Lake Trout does not have the instinct Yes
Lake Trout to dive deep when attacked by a Lamprey. The Mutualism Parasitism
Lamprey sucks blood until the Lake Trout dies. No

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