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Speak Too and Go

Fuente: Material tomado de ejemplos de exámenes publicados en YouTube

iTEP Test
General Directions

The listening section has 3 part:

Part 1: Four short conversations, each followed by 1 question.

Part 2: One longer conversation, followed by 4 questions.
Part 3: One lecture, followed by 6 questions.

You will hear each conversation or lecture only one time. You must answer each question before
continuing. To continue to the question, click the ‘Next’ button. In this section, you cannot use
the ‘Back’ button to return to an earlier question. The number of questions and the amount of
time you have to answer the questions will be shown separately for each section in the
‘Question-Time Left’ window on your screen. Time is not counted while you are listening to the
conversation or lecture.

Speak Too and Go
Fuente: Material tomado de ejemplos de exámenes publicados en YouTube

Listening - Part 1
Script 1.

Woman: I wanted to go to the movies tonight but I have to study for the physics exam. Do you
want to study together?

Man: I have a history report to write first. If I finish early I’ll come over.

Question 1: What will the woman do tonight?

- Take a physics exam.

- Go to the movies.
- Study physics.
- Write a history report.

Script 2.

Men: Did you enjoy your history class yesterday?

Woman: Well, I feel a little silly. I was talking to a friend in the student union, well, someone I
hadn’t seen in a long time. When I remembered the class, it was already over.

Question 2: What did Sharon tell the man about her history class?

- She did not attend it.

- She thought it was over.
- She thought it was silly.
- She thought it was too long.

Listening - Part 2

Now prepare to listen to 1 longer conversation, and to answer 4 questions about the

You will have a total of 2 minutes to answer the four questions. This will be shown in the ‘Time
Left’ window.

Speak Too and Go
Fuente: Material tomado de ejemplos de exámenes publicados en YouTube


In the following conversation a student speaks with a departmental assistant.

Man: Good afternoon, I’m looking for professor land.

Assistant: I’m his assistant. Can I help you?

Man: Well, I’d like to take sociology 512 but I see that you need permission from the professor.
Assistant: That’s right! By the way, I'm Jamie Jones.

Man: Nice to meet you, Miss Jones. I’m David Salazar.

Assistant: Nice to meet you, David.

Man: Well, I want to enroll in sociology 512, and…

Assistant: okay! Well, now there are some other sociology classes you need to complete before
you can take sociology 512.

Man: Yeah! I took them all at my first college. I’m a transferred student from.

Assistant: Oh! A transferred student, then we’ll have to see your grade reports and the
description of the courses you’ve already taken.

Man: but I sent my transcripts to the Dean’s office. I’ve already been accepted here.

Assistant: and have you received credit for all your courses?

Man: Yes, I have. For all except an art course, a drawing course that I took during my freshman

Assistant: Okay! Well, then I’ll phone the Dean’s office and ask them to fax me the information.
Man: Will that take long?

Assistant: Well, I could do it right now, but it’s late. They may be closed for the day.

Man: Would you mind trying? I really want to take this class.

Assistant: I’ll try calling. No, I’m just hearing their voicemail. It looks like they’re closed for the

Man: Could you try first thing in the morning?

Speak Too and Go
Fuente: Material tomado de ejemplos de exámenes publicados en YouTube

Assistant: I’ll do that. Now, besides the transcripts Dr. Land is going to want to talk to you
Man: Oh! Like an interview?

Assistant: Kind of! The class is a seminar and there’s a lot of work to do on your own. He wants
to make sure that you’ll be motivated to do that.

Man: There’s no problem about that. I really want to do my own research.

Assistant: on what?

Man: on public opinion, specially on how public opinion influences television.

Assistant: Oh really? That’s something professor Land has done a lot of research on.

Man: I know, that’s why I’m so eager to take this course.

Assistant: If all your records are in order. I’ll set an appointment with Professor Land. I’ll try to
call you back about this before noon tomorrow.

Man: Thank you very much!

Now prepare to answer four questions about the conversation you may refer to your notes when
answering the questions.

Question 1: What does the man need from Professor Land?

- Permission to take his course

- A telephone call
- A study of public opinion
- Transcripts

Question 2: Why does the man want to take Professor Land’s class?

- He thinks the class will be easy.

- He needs this course in order to transfer to another college.
- Dr. Land is an expert in the subject.
- Professor Land is a popular teacher.

Question 3: Why does the woman need to see the student’s transcripts?

- Because he is transferring from another college

Speak Too and Go
Fuente: Material tomado de ejemplos de exámenes publicados en YouTube
- Because he is enrolled in Sociology 512
- Because he hasn’t taken any sociology classes
- Because he hasn’t been accepted to the college

Question 4: What is the main reason the assistant says this:

He wants to make sure that you’ll be motivated to do that.

- All the students taking the class have to work together.

- A student must have the ability to work alone.
- There is a lot of reading for the class.
- The course includes a lot of interviewing.

Listening - Part 3

Now prepare to listen to a lecture, and to answer 6 questions about the lecture.

You will have a total of 3 minutes to answer the 6 questions. This time will be shown in the ‘Time
Left’ window.


Following is part of a lecture on the subject of birth order.

Think about where you stand in relation to the rest of the children in your family age-wise. Were
you the firstborn child the last or somewhere in the middle, or are you an only child with no
brothers or sisters? Long before scientists got interested in the topic of birth order and how it
affects people’s personalities, people noticed that birth order where you stand in the list of
children had some influence on your personality. Psychologists started studying birth order a
number of decades ago to find out if it’s really true that birth order affects who you become. Birth
order has quite a bit of influence on personality.

The early research indicated that first-born children were more likely to be leaders than children
born later on. Now, we’re not saying that it’s a guaranteed outcome, these are just tendencies.

Now, the studies found that only children and first-born children we can light-heartedly refer to
these children as onlys and earlies are often very conscientious, organized, very confident and
they have strong leadership abilities.

Speak Too and Go
Fuente: Material tomado de ejemplos de exámenes publicados en YouTube
They got a lot of practice by leading their younger siblings. They tend to value academic
success. So, they do well in school, only children and first borns are also used to getting a lot of
time and attention from their parents because they have no competition.

Now, there’s some new research that suggests that birth order may also play a role in the type
of occupations people choose when they grow up earlies and onlys are more likely to be
interested in intellectual and academic pursuits than our later born children the younger

Let me give you an example:

21 of the first 23 American astronauts who went into the space, were either the first born or only
children. These astronauts were mostly military pilots. A high achievement career that might
expect those children to pursue.

Later born children in contrast are generally more interested in artistic careers and careers that
let them work outdoors a lot. Later born children are often characterized by having good people
skills, they’re not so worried about excelling in school, they’re often charming and even enjoy
showing off. So, not surprisingly you find these later born kids in fields like sales, performing arts
and entertainment.

Now, one hypothesis about why birth order influences career choices is that it may have to do
with parenting styles. Parents of only children and first -born children may discourage the
pursuit of physical activities because they parents are more fearful, they’re brand new parents,
they have no experience and they don’t want their new little darling to get hurt.

There’s some evidence also that parents may encourage only or first-born children to follow
interests that could lead to a prestigious career. Someone that can bring respect to the family.
So, if the first born says: ‘I want to be an actor’ the parents might resist because that’s not a
traditional professional career. However, as those parents go on to have more children they tend
to relax, they learn that children are pretty durable and so they allow younger children to take
more risks and pursue non-traditional careers.

By the time the parents get to the third or fourth or fifth child, they’ve gotten over their initial
desire for someone to lead the family to prestige. Now, what’s an application of this research
that we can make?

Well, it’s useful for people who do career counseling but shouldn’t be thought of as a
deterministic thing. There are plenty people who don’t fit the pattern the last thing we want is
someone saying: ‘you can’t do that job because it doesn’t match your birth order’. The
information can be helpful, however, because people perform best when they’re in a position
that uses their strengths.


Speak Too and Go
Fuente: Material tomado de ejemplos de exámenes publicados en YouTube
Now prepare to answer the 6 questions about the lecture.

Question 1: What is the talk mainly about?

- Advantages of being the oldest sibling in a family

- The role of birth order in parenting style
- The influence of birth order on personality and career choice
- Relationship among siblings

Question 2: What is a typical characteristic of a first-born or only child?

- Strong leadership abilities

- Strong interest in outdoor activities
- Strong attention to other people’s needs
- Strong value placed on non-traditional role

Question 3: The professor mentions the early astronauts to provide an example of:

- Why careers such as astronauts and pilot are highly esteemed by society
- Why the astronauts’ experience failed to support the birth order hypothesis
- How birth order may have influenced the astronauts’ decisions to become pilots
- How first-born children are more likely to pursue non-traditional careers

Question 4: Why are later- born children often employed in sales or performing arts?

- Their parents expect them to pursue traditional careers.

- They are exceptionally interested in excelling in academics.
- Their parents encourage them to follow the example of their other siblings.
- They are often drawn to careers that involve a high level of interaction with people.

Question 5: What is one hypothesis about how parenting styles change as additional children
are born into a family?

- Parents want later born children to remain at home.

- Parents allow later born children to take more risks.
- Parents desire that later-born children enter prestigious careers.
- Parents become more nervous about the safety of later-born children.

Question 6: Now, what’s an application of this research that we can make? Well, it’s useful for
people who do career counseling, but it shouldn’t be thought of as a deterministic thing - there
are plenty of people who don’t fit the pattern. The last thing we want is someone saying: ‘you
can’t do that job because it doesn’t match your birth order’. What does the professor imply?

Speak Too and Go
Fuente: Material tomado de ejemplos de exámenes publicados en YouTube

- The field of career counseling is especially attractive to first-born children.

- Some people may misapply the result of the research on birth order.
- Birth order should be the primary consideration for choosing a career.
- Birth order has little relevance to a person’s eventual career path.

Get Ready For The Speaking Part!

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