Tugas 3 Sesi 7 Bahasa Inggris

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Tugas 3 bahasa inggris

Bahasa Inggris (Universitas Terbuka)


Nama : Imam Harmaen

NIM : 047860814

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Tugas 3 Sesi 7

1. Surat Lamaran

Fachrival Mustari
Hiring Manager
Bhayangkara Hospital

14 November 2022

Hi Mr. Mustari,
I’m Rezha Adityo Akhmad, a fresh graduate from Hasanuddin University. I read about
your company job advertisement in Harold Newspaper. I am really interested in the
Admissions Officer position in Bhayangkara Hospital. I have learned for three years
about an administration that is related to Admission Officer positions. As a bonus of
my dedication, I graduated as the best student or cum laude. I am also attracted to
your’s company outstanding reputation in the industry.
I believe I am a good fit to fill the position. I have many experiences in any kind of
organization when I was in college. I am a very dedicated person, pay attention to
detail, and like to expand my experiences. I also do not easily give up, am disciplined
and like to work in a team.
I have attached my resume. I can be reached anytime via email
adityorezha@gmail.com and phone 082293******. I look forward to speaking with
you about this employment opportunity. Thank you.
Best regards,
Rezha Adityo Akhmad.

2. Receptionist: Hello. Welcome to Uptown Medical Centre. How can I help

you? Linda: Hi. I need to see the doctor, please.
Receptionist: Have you been here before?
Linda: No, I haven’t.
Receptionist: Okay. Can I have your name,
please? Linda: It’s Linda Newton.
Receptionist: Now, can you describe your health concern?
Linda: I have been having skin problems that aren't going
away. Receptionist: Are you in any pain?
Linda: No. Except for the rash, I feel fine.
Receptionist: Noted. Today, we had a cancellation at 3 p.m. Is that okay?
Linda: It’s okay, I have free time to meet the doctor.
Receptionist: Okay, then. I will set you up today at 3 p.m. See you then.
Linda: Thank you. See you.

3. Identifikasi ungkapan apa yang tersirat dalam kalimat yang bergaris bawah nomor 1 dan 2. /
Identify what expression is implied in each underlined sentence 1 and 2.
1. Expression of uncertainty.
2. Expression of closure.

4. Ubahlah kalimat kesimpulan berikut menjadi frasa sederhana. / Simplify the conclusions below
into simple phrases.
1. To ensure we are run an efficient business, we need to practice consistent working
capital management.
2. The essence of our digital transformation is corporate culture and the transformation of
the employee mindset.

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