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If there was something that I would never understand , it would be married couples.
They wasted away their day yelling profanities at each other and declaring their hate to one another, to only at the end of
the day say I love yous. That didn't make sense , did it ? Was that how love supposed work ? Wasn't it supposed to be
joyful and painless? Wasn't it supposed to be magic as my grandmother used say ?
Maybe I was wrong maybe love wasn't supposed to make since at all . Maybe it was me , after all , what did I know about it
? Nothing . I've never felt in love . Love was subject that was foreign to me , I sure did have plenty of crushes in high school
, but none of them resembled to love , at least not how they described it. Not how my nana described it .

I watched the couple exchanging their last before they parted angrily.

One must be crazy , to want something like this.

Once I finished cleaning all the table , I went to the counter to see if Dane needed help. It had been a slow day , but I
wasn't really complaining . Usually the place would be full to bursting so it's good to have some break .

"I'm so bored " Dane moaned in his very not understandable Danish accent . It was always struggle to not chuckle when he
was speaking. Not that's was making fun of his accent - maybe a little , but hey the man's name is Dane .

"I was wondering, did your parents call you Dane on purpose?"

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind" I mumbled

"Whatever. It's time for my break , want me to bring you something?" He asked taking of his apron.

"Yeah , maybe some -"

"Nothing ? Yeah okay " he cut me off marching to the door

"Iced tea" I finished , though I was alone in café.

Sighing I look out the café's windows. It was starting to get pretty windy outside, newspapers and autumn leaves were
flying all over the street. Beside the middle aged woman standing in front of the cafe , the street was empty of people . For
a moment I thought she was going to enter the cafe to shelter herself from the gust , but she surprised me by only
readjust her coat hook on her handbag and stood still .

I shake my head and walk behind the counter .

Brave lady

Maybe she's waiting for someone?

Hearing a loud shriek, I look up to see her on the crouch down , trying desperately to gather her belongings that had fallen
from her handbag. I went to help her , but a familiar looking man beat me to it . He helped the lady to get up and said
something to her which made her laugh and said something back . Just on cue a black pulled in front of the cafe , the
woman - what p I assumed thank the young man then climbed in the car . He waved her off before turning on his heels to
step into the cafe .

I quickly look down , distracting myself with my hand , pretending I wasn't stalking them just moment ago . The bell rang
notifying that he had just walked in .

I look up and smiled kindly at him .

"Hey Ed" I greeted him , which caused him to looked at me confusedly

It's been two weeks since we had meet and exchange our numbers . we haven't been talking to each other twenty four
seven since then , but her we did talk here and there and met once or twice . He couldn't have possibly forgotten about me
could he?

He smiled at me then blinked a few times. "I really don't want to sound rude , but I know you "

Does have Alzheimer or something?

"What you're an actor too ? We talk just two days ago"

He tilted his head to the side "I can assure you that I wasn't me " he laughed

"Stop it Ed , it's not funny " I slammed my hand over the counter top , though I couldn't the smile on my face. Those past
few days I've got to know , Ive realized that he was a really and mean really funny guy . He liked to confuse people and
make fun of them . He also was a kind hearted guy with a bright spirit and full of aspirations. And let's not talk about how
attractive he looked .It's been long since I had met a guy like him and I'd say that it changes a little . All men around me are
jerks. not to me though but I've grown up in a family with only me as a girl , I know how they work . To see how they treated
women was enough for me to vomit and to think that there was some women who was willing to have it their way was
honestly baffling .

I could say that Mark my neighbor and my savior was one of the rare men that I know who wasn't a complete jerk . He sure
had a short temper and did had look that could scared anyone off, but deep inside her was carrying man and I will always
be grateful to him for saving me a year or so ago.

"I am not joking. I think I'd remember a face like yours" he smiled "wait , you said Ed ?" He asks but I only stared at him.

He is not going to get me . He did the same thing last week and I'm not going to lie he got me , he got me good .

"I have a brother named Edward ,maybe it's him your friend."

"Yeah ? And you're his twin?" I asked crossing my arms

"No. I'll admit that we do look alike but we have our differences. Like his a tad taller than me , my accent is a lot thicker
than his and while his eyes is deep forest green mine emerald and Ed doesn't have tattoos does he ?"

I frowned and shook my head .

He smiled and took off his leather jacket "see?"

Ed wouldn't go this far just for a good laugh would he? Now that I think about it, he did mention that her a two sibling but I
couldn't remember their names. When you look at closely He did look different from Ed , for example the way they dress .
Ed wears shirts , jeans and boots whereas this man in front of me is dressed like biker .
I bet his Harley Davidson is parked just across the street.

"Oh my I'm sorry! I thought-"

"It's alright" he brushed off my apologies

"You two are not twins you said ?" Asked again just to make sure

"No , Ed is two years older than me "

"That's strange... Anyways what can I get you ?"

"I'm Harry" he ignored my question

"And I'm the shopgirl who's trying to do her job "

"That a pretty weird name but who am I tell people how name their kids ?" He shrugged, smiling "can I call you shopgirl ?"
He ask but don't answer him
"Cool . I'll have a coffee please"

"How do you like it ?"

He stared into my my eyes for a moment then said "black"

Of course

"You can go sit down, I will bring it to you "

"I like the view from where I am " his eyes never left mine

"Are you trying intimate me ?" I laugh at him

"Maybe , is it working ?"

"No" I lied

I turned around to retrieve his drink , I could feel his instance gaze on my back all the while. I took a cup and wrote his
name on it before shakily placed it under coffee machine.
Was this stranger making me nervous ?
I shake my head and close my eyes for a moment , trying to contain myself.
Unlike his brother , Harry's was very intimidating. He had assurance when he talks and he stared straight into your eyes
which make you look away from him because his gaze is too intense and dark .

"Gabby" I hear my boss' son call me from the back of the coffee .

"yes ?" I answered , leaning forward to get a better view of him .

"Where's Dane ?" He Asks

"He went to get his lunch "

"Okay , You close when he comes back , I am needed somewhere else " he said , and I only nod at him before he
disappeared into his office .

Finishing to prepare his drink , I place it in front of him without a word before walking from the counter and towards the
glass door. The wind hasn't calmed down a breath since the last time I had look out the window.

And it's only the beginning of fall . I sigh to myself

I flip the placard to 'sorry we're close ' then walk up to the nearest table to place the place the stools on it . Feeling my
phone vibrate , I take I out of my pocket and look down at the screen .

From Mark : late shift ?

To Mark : actually, I'm closing the cafe . Why ?

From Mark : might not be able to take you home tonight .

To Mark : it's okay Mark . It's only 5:30 I'll walk

From Mark : okay .......

With the strangers eyes still on me , I finished the last table before walking back to counter where he was sitting by on a
stool .

"Anything else ?" I ask him

He shakes his head , a smirk plastered on his face .

I don't know but , he's really infuriating me with that stupid smirk of his . I mean who keeps a constant on their face ? It
makes one looks like an idiot to me .

"Very well then" i turn my back on him then walk behind the counter to occupy myself with something , anything , as long
as it gets me away from this intimidating stranger .

" " he asks to

"I am not allowed to befriend the customers sir " I answer him with my back still facing him.

"Well you're closed , so technically I'm not a customer; just a stranger siting in a closed cafe , drinking dark coffee "

I turn around "I think you should take your drink and leave "

He shakes his " the note on the wall says clearly that customers are kings , therefore I'll do as I please " he smirks

"You said it , we're closed "

He smiles and said nothing .

"You know " he speaks after a moment " I find it quite surprising that Ed has a friend like you. Hell I'm surprised that he has
friend at all "

I frown "why would you say that "

"Because Ed was never one to be social " he explAins. He looks down at his cup , seeming in deep thought.

I profited to take a better look at his face ; pale complexion, straight nose , long thick lashes , strong sharp jaw that is
covered with a shadow of facial hair . Although he was younger than Ed he looks more manly , and the way he sits himself
makes him look a lot more carefree than Ed . It is like they were raised in two different world ; Ed was calm , composed ,
and serious at time while Harry is ... Well different and slightly annoying.

I wonder what he is thinking about .

It must be something important, seeing the way his eyebrows were knitted together and the way his eyes look so distant.

A girl ?
He doesn't seem like the type of guy who would do relationships

Maybe his mother ?

Whatever it was it invaded his mind .

"Staring is rude " he startles me by saying .

"So is intruding " I tell him and laughs

"I should get going . How much is it ?"

"35 c"

He places a twenty dollars bill and said to keep the change .

"Was lovely meeting you Gabrielle " he nods at me then march to the door .

"How ?" I call after him

He smiles boyishly, his dimples on full display " you don't look like a Gabriella " he winks at me before walking out .

What just happened ?

Walking out of the cafe , the cold autumn win slaps my face forcefully , making a wave of goosebumps surge throughout
my body .its in days like these that I curse at myself for letting my hair down and not wear a hairband on my wrist . Pushing
the hair out of my face , I hook on my coat and begin to walk the direction of my home .

"Hey Patrick " I smile at the old man before me

"Hello miss daisy "

It's funny how no matter how many time I remind him my name , he still find a way to call me daisy . I mean , Gabrielle has
nothing to do with daisy .

Patrick was an old man who lives in the park that I usually cross to go to my flat .

It's crazy how ones life can change drastically, and Patrick is a good example.
At the age of fifty he had lost his wife to a tragic car accident, his children after the funeral told him that they wanted
nothing to do with him , blaming him their mother's death . Go figure he was the one driving. He then became a game
addict and by the age of sixty he had played all of his retirement fund . Now he is compelled to live in the street .
What amaze me about this man is that he accepted it ; he had accepted the fact he was living out here in the cold while he
had children who could take care of him . He had accepted it , saying that he was the only one to blame if he is where he is
today , that it was his punishment from life for living it wrong all his life . He is not angered, he doesn't hate and although
his deplorable conditions he always has a smile on his face .

Life is a merciless brat isn't it

"Got your favorite ; chicken sandwich and hot chocolate " I smile down at him , handing him the paper bag .

"Daisy you're a darling, thank you " he beams

"Gotta go Pepe I'll see you tomorrow "

"Okay , be carful daisy "

"Will do , bye "

Walking out of the park and crossing the vacant street , I walk into the building.

I say a quick hello to the concierge whom I always seem to forget her name and walk to the staircase. I'm claustrophobic ,
hence why I don't use the elevator. being confined in small room I hate that .
When I was younger my stepmother tried everything in her power to fix me as she said . Therapy, payers nothing worked .
I think there are some things that aren't meant to be change .

Walking into the apartment ,I turn on the light and place the keys in the tidy on the table near the front door .

"Rosalyn are you home ?" I call out for my room mate and also friend of ten years .

No answer

It's been three weeks since I've last seen her and I'm really starting to worry . She won't answer my calls nor my

The thing is that she met a guy when we first came here . He was British and had that James Dean look . so long story
short she fell for him and I mean fell hard , she literally went all Bella on him . I've been friend with her for nearly eleven
years and even I barley recognize her anymore.

My thoughts are interrupted by the phone ringing

"Rose ?"

"Nope it's me "

"Oh hey Cassidy "

"Please hide your fucking happiness " my friend hisses

"Sorry Cassie I'm just worrying"

"Rose hasn't come back ?"

"Nope " I take a sit on the couch

"She went MIA before gabby , she's probably getting it on with Jake ." Snickers

"I don't think so . They had a fight weeks ago and the day after Jake had to back to his mother land because of some
family problem"

"Maybe she's with that Katrine girl -"

"Katelyn " I correct her .

"Right , OR she followed Jake in the UK , you know that girl is crazy "

"You're probably right , I'll ask Kate tomorrow. How are you ? "

"I'm good , however that's not why I called "

I gasp playfully "why else would you if its not to check on your best friend"

"Hahah . What are you doing this weekend ?"

"I'll be busy" I say just to annoy her .

"Yeah ? Doing what ? Fucking the boyfriend that you don't have"

"That was mean"

" for real Gaby , I have V.I.P card for this super trendy club downtown and your be damned if don't come with me tomorrow
night "

"I don't -" I start to deny and she instantly cut ,e off

"Come one Gabrielle , you'll get to shake your tamtam and we'll find some pretty rich dude to buy us drinks all night " hshe
exaggeratedly plea

"Gold digger much " I tease her

"Ya know me baby "

"When and where ?" I give in

We chat for a good thirty minutes before we say goodbye . Afterward I watched some tv , took a shower and went to bed . I
fell asleep as soon as ,y head touched the pillow .

The next day went by as a blur and before I knew it , i was meeting Cassidy at the club
*~*~* Third Person P.O.V *~*~*

It was very cold for an autumn night , and he curse himself for not taking his coat with him every time the cold wind
slapped his face . He shove his hands in his pockets and continued his journey through the crowded street . That was one
of the many reasons he detested to go out at night in the weekend ; the streets were crowded . Everyone was out with a
stupid grin plastered on their face , happy to finally have a break from their jobs or lives in general. They waited all week
just to see those three days .

Pathetic . He thought

He grimaced as another puff of wind slaps his face , feeling as though someone had implanted hundreds of needles in his
face . Taking his hand out of his front pocket , he reached for his back one take out his phone that was buzzing.
He was not one to be glue to their phone, in fact he was one amongst a few who thought that little device was overrated .
But ever since he had me Her , he became addicted to that little device that he really didn't much Impotence until then.

'Guess what ?'

'What ?' He text back

'I'm at the club !'

'Heaven ! Are you lost ?!'

'Hahah , no.'
'Some girl in front of me is dancing like a goat XD'
'She kinda reminds me of you :))'

'Why does this hurt'

'I hope it does'

'Where are you ?'


'That mysterious shit doesn't fit you lol'

'Got some who wouldn't agree with that'

'*rolling eyes*'
'Really why can't u tell me ?'
'*gasp* are you killing someone?'
'Should I call the police ?'

'Maybe :D'
'Shit ! His still alive ! Gotta go finish him'
'Don't have too much fun ;) bye '

He put his phone back in his pocket and inter the bar. As he steps in the strong smell of alcohol filled his nostrils. Sighing ,
he inhaled deeply , welcoming the smell into his lungs to the point of dizziness . Even since he had met her , he started
see life differently , as though he was just beginning to get a tasted of it and all the good things he had to offer ; he went
out for other purposes than to go get something in the store . He talked more , well even if it was only with his sister and
mother . He even found himself smiling genuinely at an old lady in the street two days prior.
To some it might seem like it was nothing , but to him it was big step . That girl suddenly came into his life and like ball of
light she invaded his darkness and vanished it like it was never there . At least that's how he felt when he was with or
talking to her .for the first time he was seeing where he was going and was actually happy to have someone close to him .
The girl was changing him so fast that it was scarring him . He was afraid that she might be a meteor , that when the light
would be out the darkness would come back ten time more intense .

He pLaced his phone on the bar counter and took a sit on a stool . "A scotch please " he told the bartender.

"Make that twos " I girly voice says from behind him

Less than a two second later a woman with red hair appeared beside him .
To say she was superficial, was an understatement . She look beautiful though ; red hair , pale complexion, eyes as blue as
the ocean and luscious lips and curvy body . She carried herself like a strong , confident, reckless , independent woman ,
but examined more intensely one could see that she was everything but . Examined more intensely he could see that she
was timid and fragile. Something that he thought was exhilarating.
She looked as though she had been walk on all her life and was pushed to put a strong persona just get accepted. He
found himself pitying him somehow .

"Hi" she greeted him


"Mind if I sit next to you ?" She asked him

"Not at all " he answered

"Are you waiting for someone?"


"Oh , may I know why a handsome guy like is all alone in some country bar on this lovely Friday night ?" She asked
suggestively and he felt the beast inside him awaken
He was not out for this but oh well . Red headed was always his weakness; he always loved the smell of their hair , the feel
of their skin , and the freckles on the tips of their noses . Of course that woman had two centimeters of makeup covering
up her face and hers could not be seen , but the ones on her cleavage was a proof of their existence.

He shrugged at her question and decided to introduce himself instead , to which he earned an endearing smile.

"I'm- " she started to introduce herself but was cut short by the bartender serving them their drinks .

He smiled at the bartender's perfect timing and she smiled back at him thinking that he was only being charming when I'm
realty he was just happy that she hasn't had the chance to tell him her name . That way it would be easier for him to
garrote her with her scarf later on .

"So..." She trailed , slowly sipping on her beverage. "Why are you here by yourself?" She asks

' actually I'm a psycho , I go from bar to bar , looking for innocent looking girl and lure them into the dark before killing
them ' he thought of telling her but instead he said "I'm doing the tour of the Grand Dukes"

which wasn't really a lie ; he was out to have fun and drink his liver out and this luscious looking , red headed woman
crossing his path was only a plus . She came to him like a temptress and he was willing to play along.

She tilted her head to the side and scrunch up he nose a little "alone ? But that's sucks ! Why are you doing it alone ?"

He snugs and said "I'm sort of a loner "

She smiles "that's pretty hard to believe. You look like Mr Popular"

"That doesn't mean anything , appearance can be really deceiving. Like I'm a psycho , a very dangerous person, I kill
people once or twice a week but it's not written on my forehead is it " he told her and she laughed.

"I think it's written just there " she pointed the center of his forehead.

"Shit !" He palmed his forehead "guess I forgot to cover it up this morning "
"But for real I once saw an old lady being arrested for weed dealing and since then I decided to never Judge a book by its
cover "

"Weed dealing ? That must have been my grandmother " she jokes

"She was a quite interesting lady "

She went to say something but was interrupted by a bald headed man whom purposely launched himself on her lap .

"Watch it " he seethed before forcefully pushing the bald headed man off of her lap

"Sorry lil mama" he slurred . He staggered to his feet , swaying a little.

He watches him until he disappeared outside the bar then turned his full attention to her . "Wanna go somewhere else ? It's
starting to get stuffy I'm here ?" He proposed

"Gladly " she quickly responded to him , already to her feet .

He smirked down at her and leaded her out . Flickering

He leaned his back against the dump behind an old abandoned building and stared down at the corpse before him . He
scoffed and light up his cigarette.
It seems like those little death sticks become his best friend in the last decade. They were always there ,silent and
uncritical like the perfect partner in crime. Always was what Kept him warm when the coldness of the world showed him no
mercy, always was that little ember In the dark night that preclude the darkness from consume him wholly .

"I did told you that I was dangerous " with trembling hands he brought the cigarette to his lips and took a drag from it .

"Yet you didn't listen to me . No one ever listened to me " he gritted .

He scoffed once more and walked away . By now his good mood disappeared, he no longer wanted to go back to that bar
or to do anything for that matter.

Might as well go home .

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