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Diabetes mellitus-most common endocrine disorders in pregnancy

Increase in maternal blood glucose-increase in fetal glucose---stimulates fetal

pancreas to produce insulin---fetal beta cell hyperplasia and hyperinsulemia---
infant morbidity and mortality

Types: f . iDDM ( insulin dependent diabetes mellitus)

Genetic predisposition, immune dependent( destruction of pancreatic

cells leading to low insulin )

2. NIDDM ( Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus)

Adult onset, familial, abnormal insulin secretion, obese

Pregnancy is diabetogenic, reversible( insulin secretion is impaired by placental

lactogens and to a lesser degree by estrogen and progesterone )

Gestational diabetes-disorder induced by pregnancy related to exaggeration of the

physiological changes in glusose metabolism, commonly in obese women

Maternal effects of Diabetes during pregnancy: increase incidence of

preeclam psia/eclam psia, increase bacterial
infection,macrosomia,polyhydramios,increase maternal mortality(hypertension, C-
section, infection )

Fetal effects of Diabetes: increase peranatal death,increase fetal anomalies, preterm

labor,neonatal morbidity due to macrosomia,hereditary predisposition to
dia betes, neonata I cardiomyopathy

Macrosomia-results when an increase in fetal glucose---- increase insulin secretion-

promotes growth factor by increase glycogen synthesis,lipogenesis and protein

SCREENING for high risk ( more than 30yo,(+) family history of DM,previous
macrosomia or deformed baby,obese, hypertension,glucosuria)

Performed al 24-28 weeks on pregnant women with no known glucose intolerance

ONE-STEP: Fasting sample, ingest 75g glucose,extrac blood after 2 hrs -Value: FBS
> 105mgo/o/ L4Omgo/o
TWO-STEP APPROACH: OGCT-509 glucose load (non fasting )- a value of
> 140mgo7o--Oroceed to OGTT

HgbAlc-glycosylated marker, long term picture of blood glucose


Glycemic control with insulin and oral hypoglycemics,C-section for large baby,
Induction of labor, Contraception( POP, IUD, barrier method, sterilization )


Hyperthyroidism-characterized by tachycardia, thyromegaly,exopthalmos,failoure to

gain weight, increase T4

Treatment: PTU(propylthiouracil), methimazole(cross placenta causing

hypothyroidism and goiter)


Hypothyroidism-usually related to infertility


Changes during pregnancy-increase renal and interstitial vascularity which leads to

increase renal size and weight

Hydroureter and hydronephrosis( due to dextrorotation and "cushion effect"of the

sigmoid colon )

Assymptomatic Bacteriuria( ASB)

-due to Escherichia coli, patient is asymptomatic, if unrteated wil lead to UTI

Urinary tract infection (UTi)- caused by E. Coli

Pyelonephritis- ascending infection from untreated bacteriuria

- Associated with preterm labor, growth retardation, feta I death

- SSX: costovertebral angle tenderness, chills, myalgia, nausea and
vom iting
- Tx: hospitalization, antibiotic and hydration

Change in motility during pregnanc casusing -prolonged transit time

Nausea and Vomitting

- usually early morning,, due to HCG hormone

Usually at 1't trimester and resolves at 20th week

Hyperemesis gravidarum-severe form of vomiting

- Requires hospitalization for electyrolyte replacement and nutritional

- Presence of ammonia in urinalysis( signifies protein breakdown )

GERD( Gastro-esophageal Reflux D iseases) -'pyrosis/hea rtburn "

-usually end of 2nd trimester to term
-due to relaxed esophageal sphincter, stomach compression,and increase
intraabdominal pressure

Tx]head-of-bed" elevation, small meals,Limit fat in the diet, so smoking, antacids


PUD( Peptic Ulcer Dioseases )- uncommon in pregnancy

Appendicitis ( AP)-most common non-obstetrical exploratory laparotomy in
pregnancy, difficult to diagnosis because of changing location of the appendix in
relation to the pregnancy progression
Pregnancy change-" dyspnea in pregnancy" due to high progesterone that stimulate respiratory center

ASTHMA - chronic inflammatory disorder of airway

Caused by stimuli-> allergy resulting in limitation of airflow
a. contraction of smooth muscle
b. mucosal edema
c. secretion
Diagnosis: Spirometry
Tx: Safe to treat rather than episode of hypoxia( benefit vs. risk)
Ex. Salbutamol

a Bacterial - Streptococcus pneumonia/Mycoplasma pneumoniae

SSx: cough, phlegm, nasal congestion, shortness of breath

Cough fever with dyspnea
X-ray: sign of con solid ation
Sputum: gram positive lancet shape diplococcus

Treatment: Antibiotic

b. Aspiration- due to increase intragastric pressure, relaxed GE sphincter delayed gastric emptying

TUBERCULOSIS- caused by mycobacterium tuberculi

High incidence of pre-eclampsia, vaginal bleeding with fetal death
with Apgar score
Congenital tuberculosis- maternal transfer thru umbilical vein & aspiration
chronic cough, weight loss, chills, sweat, fever, body malaise

Diagnostic- sputums exam (3 samples early morning)

TB culture and Chest X ray
First line -
lsoniazid, Rifampicin, Ethambutol with PZA (safe)
6 months treatment with 2 months intensive phase (quadruple)
4 months maintenance phase (2/3 drugs)


Venous thromboembolic disease (VTE) pregnant > non pregnant

Risk Factor: age >35
obese (>L65lbs)
family History due to hypercoagulable state
SSx: leg swelling, pain, dyspnea, tachypnea
Tx: Heparin

Amniotic Fluid Embolism (AFE)

Amniotic fluid, fetal cells, hair enter maternal circulation causing respiratory collapse
SSx: Dyspnea -) hypotension +cardiac arrest +DlC
Tx: Supportive

Drug dependence
Cigarette 6,000 chemical (carcinogenic)
Tx: Nicotine replacement


I ncidence1,1 L00 pregnancies

Effects of pregnancy on heart

-increase blood volume with cardiac output
-increase workload in labor with delivery (volume shift with auto transfusion)
-Effect of anesthesia
-blood loss in delivery
- lower vascular resistance

Fu nctional Classification
Class I - uncompromised -no limitation of activity, asymptomatic
-continue and do well in pregnancy

Class II - slightly cornpromised -slight liniitation of activity close medical supervision. risk forcardiac

Class III - markedly compromised -marked limitation of activities

-excessive fatigue with ordinar,v activity
-bed rest w'ith medication
-special rronitoring witli anesthetic management during labor and delivery

Class IV- severely compromised -symptomatic even at rest

-close monitoring
-sterilization to prevent future pregnancy

*Class III and IV- against pregnancy 1-7% mortality

l. Difficulty of breathing - dyspnea. orthopnea. nocturnal dyspnea
2. Arrhythmia
3. Palpitation
4. Chest Pain
5. Syncope
6. Cyanosis
7 .
Clubbing of fingers
8. Neck vein distention
9. Murmurs
10. Cardiomegaly

l. Pre-natal - team care (OB/cardiologist or IM/ Midwifb/Anesthesiologist)
2. Rest - 8- 10 hrs sleep /day
Light work
Diet - high in iron. protein and minerals
Prevent Infection
Avoid high altitude, smoking areas
Watch for danger sign of heart f-ailure
Medication: Rest
Cardiac drugs

Mode of Deliveries
Vaginal vs. Cesarean
Early hospitalization
Semi- fowler position
Forceps with painless delivery
Watch out 4tl' stage of labor for cardiac decompensation
Post-parlum - promote rest
Cleared cardiac status prior to discharge
Gradual ambulation
Breastfeed (Class I-ll)
Sterilization to prevent future pregnancy

Female genitaltract with normal vaginalflora( Gram (+) and cram (-) both aerobes and an aerobes),
fungal and non=pathologic protozoal

lnfections are POLYMICROCIAL

lntraamnionic lnfecion (lAl )

---infection of the amniotic sac, its contents ( fetus,placenta, fluid and membranes)

-*-predisposing factor : PROM

Dx: fever,uterine irritability causing preterm labor, maternal and fetal tachycardia, passage of turbid,
foul smelling fluid/vagina

Tx: a ntibiotics

Puerperal Sepsis

----fever during the 1" 10 days postpartum excluding the first 24hrs

---main focus: endometrium

Dx: fever,hypogastric pain, foul smelling lochia, uterus boggy and tender, cervix open and tender

Tx: a ntibiotics

lnfection of the IOWER GENITAL TRACT

Fungal vaginitis- caused by Candida specie( albicans)

- Characterized by "curd-like" "cheesy" vaginal discharge with " beefy red" itchy vulva
- lnfections during delivery can cause neonatal oral moniliasis

Bacterial vaginosis - caused by Gardnerella vaginalis

- With fishy odor, grayish vaginbaldischarge and presence of " clue cells"


Trichomoniasis - caused by Trichomonas vaginalis

- Frothy, greenish vaginal discharge, vulvovagibalsoreness,dyspareunia and dysuria

' Dx; wet mount (presence offlagellates/parasites)
- Tx: Metron idazole

Gonorrhea (GC)- caused by Neisseria gonorrhoea

--*infection during delivery can caused Gonococcal opthalmia neonatorum which can be prevented by
neonatal prophylaxis : 1% silver nitrate, 1% tetracycline, 0.5% erythromycin eye ointment

Chlamydia-caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, which can cause infertility

Dx: wrights or Giemsa stain

Tx: Erythromycin

Syphilis (SY )- caused by TReponema pallidum

Crosses the placenta to cause premature birth, growth retardation and fetal death
Dx: presence of spirochetes on darkfield microscopy
Screening: RPR/VDRL ( Rapid plasma Reagin ), confirmatory FTA_ ABS
Tx: Penicillin


Genital warts( Condyloma acuminata )

-- caused by HPV( human papiloma virus ), which flourishes during pregnancy with spontaneous
resolution puerperium

-'*- aim: to achieve a lesion-free stated at term/ delivery

Genital herpes- caused by HSV( herpes simplex virus type 2)

'-characterized by vesicles that are tender and ulcerates

--- facilitate HIV tra nsm ission

HIV ( human immunodeficiency virus )

----transmitted thru blood and body fluids, delivery by C-section to minimize transmission

Tx: Antiretrovira I

Hepatitis- caused by Hepatitis virus

---Types :A- infectious, B- serum hepatitis, C- parenteral hepatitis, D- delta, E- enteric

Hepatitis B- diagnosed by HbsAg

- Neonates of infected mother be given HepB lg and HepB vaccine after birth

Rubella- causes multisystem abnormalities ( microcephaly, hearing deficit,cataract, retinopathy,

blueberry -muffin syndrome )
---vaccination should be done before pregnancy, infection during early pregncny results in death of the
embryo or varyinB degrees of congenital abnormalities

-----infection in later stage do not result in such outcome

----many infections are either symptomatic with mild non-specific symptoms ( fever and rash )

lnfluenza ( Flu )- influenza A and B

- Vaccinatron du ring pregnancy


Malaria-caused by Plasmodium specie( ovale, vivax, falcifarum. Malariae), transmitted by Anopheles

mosq uitoes

----effects during pregnancy abortion, stillbirths, transplacentaltransfer leading to congenital malaria is


Tx: benefits outweighs the risk-- Chloroquine

Amoebiasis E ntamoeba hist o lyt ica

No transplacental tra nsfer

Dx; presence of Entamoeba histolytica on stool exam
Tx; Mte ronidazole

Toxoplasmosis- caused by Toxoplasma gondii

Thru ingestion, can cause abortion, or liveborn with evidence of the diseases( LBW,
icterus, hepatosplenomega ly, anemia, neurologic deficit, m icrocephaly,
hyd rocepha lus)
Dx; Serologic
Tx; Spiromycin


Clostridial infection- caused by Closridium tetani, due to poor aseptic technique in delivery and cord

-:-- causes Tetanus neonatorum( trim us/lockjaw,seizu res) symptoms may not be apparent at birth,
incubation period from 24hrs- 30 days post natal

----prevented by immunization of pregnant women with Tetanus toxoid

Group B Streptococcus- most common cause of neonatalsepticaemia, treated with Ampicillin


in plasma
Anemia- in pregnancy is haemoglobin level < 11g/dl( due to hemodilution, a 50% increase
volume vs.20-30% increase in red cell mass)

lron deficiency anemia

placenta, expanding
lncrease in iron demand during pregnancy due to : demand of growin8 fetus and
maternal blood volume and blood loss during delivery

--risk for preterm delivery and low birth welght

--screenlng be done during first


meet the demands of pregnancy, an addltional 500mg iron to increase maternal volume,3oomg
fetal erythropoiesis, 200mg for blood loss

Daily dose of iron for pregnant women -27mg elemental iron and 60-120 mg elemental iron if with

Folate Deficiency

--- usually dietary deficiency, can cause Neural tube defect spina bifida, anencephaly)

-'-daily dose of 600ug folate

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