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7B GRAMMAR simple past: regular verbs

Complete the conversations in the past tense. Use the verbs in parentheses.

1 Annie 1
Did you study French in college? (study)
No, I 2 didn’t study
Beth  French; I 3 studied Italian. I 4 lived in
Rome for six months in my junior year. (not study, study, live)
Where 5 did
Annie  you
live in Rome? (live)
Beth Near the Forum. I rented 6
a house with some Italian students. (rent)
Annie  did you you in Italian all the time? (talk)
Not always, because they wanted 8
to practice their English. But I
9 learned
to cook great pasta! (want, learn)

2 Alan 10 did you like Brazil? (like)

We 11 loved it! We 12 didn’t want to come home. (love, not want)
13 did
Alan  you travel around the country? (travel)
We 14 didn’t travel much, because we were only there for two weeks.
(not travel)
15 did
Alan  you stay in hotels? (stay)
No, we 16 stayed with Brazilian friends. (stay)

17 did watch
3 Dave  you the game? The Warriors and the Cavaliers? (watch)
Carl No, I 18 didn’t .
Dave Why not?
I 19 worked
Carl  late last night. I 20 didn’t finish until 7:00. (work, not finish)
But the game 21 started at 7:45. (start)
Yeah, but I 22 missed my train. I 23 didn’t arrive home until 9:30.
(miss, not arrive)
What a shame! It was a great game.

4 I 24 called
Sam  you three times last night, but you 25 didn’t arrive .
(call, not answer)
Lucy Sorry. I was at the movies with my sister.
And I 26 texted
Sam  you, too. Why 27 you text me back?
(text, not text)
Because I was angry.
Sam Angry? Why?
Because you 28
Lucy  didn’t talk to me at the party last week. You
chatted with Eva for about an hour. (not talk, chat)
I 30
didn’t chat with Eva for an hour! She had a problem, and she just
31 wanted to tell me about it. (not chat, want)
A problem? Is that why you 32 danced
Lucy  with her for 20 minutes? (dance)

Practice the conversations with a partner.

American English File©third 2020 edition Teacher’s
Oxford University PressGuide Level 1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2021
Copying, modification, publication, broadcast, sale or other distribution of the book is prohibited.

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7C GRAMMAR simple past: irregular verbs
a Complete the blog with the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses.

This happened to me a couple of years ago. Some college friends and I wanted to
celebrate New Year’s Eve at the famous street party in Chicago. We 1knew (know) it
2 was (be) difficult to get tickets for the party, but we 3 were (be) really lucky and
4 bought (buy) some online six months before. On 31st December, we 5
got (get) a fast
train from Madison, Wisconsin.

We arrived in Chicago at 6:00 p.m. and walked from the station to our hotel. We relaxed,
6 had
(have) dinner, and then 7 got (get) ready to go out. We 8 wore (wear)
9 10
warm clothes, because it was (be) really cold. We got (get) downtown at about
11 12
9:30 p.m. It was (be) wet and quite windy. We got (go) into the first warm cafe
13 14
we fount (find) and drank (drink) some coffee. At about 10:30 p.m., we 15 put on
(put on) our warm coats again and 16 got (go) back outside. The streets 17 was (be)
nearly empty! Some people 18 said (say) “The street party is canceled because of the
19 couldn’t(not can) believe it! The weather 20 wasn't
terrible weather.” We (not be) good,
21 felt
but it (feel) like a normal winter night in Chicago.

In the end, we 22 got (get) a taxi back to our hotel and 23 spent (spend)
midnight in our rooms! We 24 didn't have
(not have) a very happy New Year’s Eve!

b Complete these questions about the blog.

1 Where did they buy tickets for the party? They bought tickets for the party online.
2 Why did they wear warm clothes? Because it was really cold.
3 What time did they get downtown? They got there at about 9:30 p.m.
4 What was the weather like? It was wet and quite windy.
5 What did they do / drink in the cafe? They drank some coffee.
did they do
6 What at 10:30 p.m.? They put on their coats and went outside.
7 What did some people say to them? They said “The street party is canceled.”
8 Did they get a bus back to their hotel? No, they didn’t. They got a taxi.
9 Where did they spend midnight? They spent midnight in their rooms.
10 Did they have a good time? No, they didn’t.

Work with a partner. Cover the answers. Take turns answering the questions.
Then cover the questions and take turns making the questions from the answers.

American English File third © 2020edition Teacher’s
Oxford University Guide Level 1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2021
Copying, modification, publication, broadcast, sale or other distribution of the book is prohibited.

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