Palabras en Ingles y Frases

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Normal vocabulary
Ingles Español Oración
1-Fragile Frágil That pencil is fragile
2-Can Poder Can you play soccer?
3-Camping Acampar I´ll go camping
4-Book Libro He's the author of my favorite book
5-Job Trabajo I have a job for you
5-Homework Tarea I finished my homework
6-Beach Playa I Will go to the beach tomorrow
7-Keys Llaves I lost the keys at the party
8-Sky Cielo The sky is blue
9-Good Bueno(a) My friend is a good person
10-Time Tiempo Take your time
11-Sit Sentarse She like to sit in the sun
12-Speak Hablar I speak spanish
13-Home Hogar Welcome to our home
14-Room Habitacion My room is very comfortable
15-Call Llamar Call the pólice
16-Lose Perder Carlos lose his glasses
17-Food Comida Mexican food is delicius
18-More Más He needs more time
19-With Con You play soccer with my brother
20-Hate Odiar We hate mondays
21-Money Dinero She is counting her money
22-Clean Limpio(a) I clean the room
23-Life Vida This is the life!
24-Year Año I am eighteen years old

25-Make Hacer Make a phone call

26-Shake Agitar He shakes the milk
27-Want Desear She want a candy
28-Give Dar Give me power
29-Have Tener I have a pet.
30-Make Hacer Make a phone call
31-Work Trabajar I work in an office
32-Watch Mirar I watch some movies
33-Time Tiempo Take your time
34-Child Niño(a) Miriam is having a child
35-State Estado She lives in the state of Chiapas
36-Week Semana I have a lot of work this week
37-Story Historia The city of Edinburgh is rich in history
38-Month Mes In the month of August
39-Ask Preguntar To ask somebody the time
40-Stand Pararse My job requires me to stand all the time
41-Meet Encontrarse Can we meet tomorrow?
42-Try Intentar Try to park in that spot
43-Say Decir Can you say that again?
44-Learn Aprender I'm using inglé to learn English!
45-Understand Entender From what i understand, she got divorced
46-Truth Verdad Tell me the truth
47-Useful Util The computer is useful
48-Sick Enfermo(a) He is sick
49Grow Crecer He grow fast
50-Hide Esconder He hides the cookies
Catch Atrapar He catch the ball
Enginering vocabulary
Ingles Español
1-Oil Aceite
2-Water Agua
3-Age Edad, piso, época
4-Bit Barrena, broca, trepano
5-Cave Cueva, caverna
6-Chistmas tree Árbol de navidad
7-Machine Maquina
8-Mud Lodo
9-Pipe Tubo, tubería, cañera
10-Pump Bomba
11-Offshore Costa fuera
12-Separation battery Batería de separación
13-Fuel Combustible
14-Platform Plataforma
15-Density Densidad
16-Lubricant Lubricante
17-Sweet crude Crudo dulce
18-Do Hacer
19-Kelly Cuadrante
20-Traveling block Bloque viajero
21-Crown Corona
22-Drilling Perforación
23-Cement Cemento
24-Gang, crew Cuadrilla
25-Iron Hierro
26- Valve Válvula
27-Bake Hornear
28-Bar Palanca, barra, varrilla
29-Boiling Ebullición, hervir
30-Brick Ladrillo
31-Brass Laton, bronce
32-Clay Arcilla
33-Hook Gancho, garfio
34-Diver Buzo
35-Engine Motor
36-Flame Llama, Flama
37-Glove Guante
38-Gypsum Yeso
39-Hammer Martillo
40-Hose Manguera
41- Cut Cortar
42-Ladder Escalera
43-Lime Cal
44-Pulley Polea
45-Shovel Pala
46-Tar Brea, alquitrán
47-Weld Soldadura
48-Bolt Perno, tornillo
49-Cloud Nube
50-Container Envase
1- 2- 3-

4- 5- 6-

7- 8- 9-

10- 11- 12-

14- 15- 16-

17- 18- 19-

20- 21- 22-

23- 24- 25-

26- 27- 28-

29- 30- 31-

32- 33- 34-

35- 36- 37-

38- 39- 40-

41- 42- 43-

44- 45- 46-

47- 48- 49-


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