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Please find the questions below:

● Referee’s Name and Position Title:

→ Paralegal / Junior Associate
● What would you consider as (the candidate)’s key strengths?
→ a person who focuses on his goals and berpegang teguh pada pendirian, cekatan dalam
melakukan pekerjaan, memiliki ide-ide yang kreatif dan inovatif, tepat waktu
● What would you see as (the candidate)’s key areas for improvement or further development?
→ developing strong professional networks and cultivating relationships within their industry can
provide candidates with valuable opportunities and support throughout their careers
● How would you rate his/her performance in that job on a 1-10 scale? What about her performance
causes that rating?
→ 9 because he takes responsibilty in his job, open minded, great at comunication with his
employer and colleague
● Any advice for us to manage and onboard him/her?
→ semoga dapat memberikan kontribusi ats kemampuan yang dimiliki
● Is there anything that you want to share about him/her aside from above?
→ dia orang yang menyenangkan dan sangat peduli terhadap keluarga dan orang yang dicintai,
memiliki motivasi yang ditinggi dan kompetitiv

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