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Name of Teacher DIANA Y.


NG Quarter First Quarter 10 Mabini 10 Gomez Tue 2:20-3:20 pm Thu 3:15-4:15

PLAN Mon 1:05-2:05 pm Fri 4:10-5:10

Week September 4-8, 2023 10 Jaena 10 Zamora Tue 4:10-5:10 Fri 3:15-4:15

Wed 2:00-3:00 pm Thu 5:05-6:05 pm

MELC/s 1.1 Napatutunayan na ang isip at kilosloob ay ginagamit para 10 Jacinto 10 Gomez

lamang sa paghahanap ng katotohanan at sa Mon 4:10-5:10 pm Tue3:15-4:15 Wed/Thu 9:05-10:05 am

paglilingkod/pagmamahal. EsP10MP-Ib-1.3
1.2 Nakagagawa ng mga angkop na kilos upang maipakita ang Del Pilar Agoncillo
kakayahang mahanap ang katotohanan at maglingkod at
Mon 5:05-6:05 Thu 1:05-2:05pm Wed 1:05-2:05 pm Thu 2:00-3:00 pm
magmahal EsP10MP-Ib-1.4
1.3 Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang pagunawa sa konsepto ng
paghubog ng konsiyensiya batay sa Likas na Batas Moral
1.4 Lapu-Lapu Wed 3:15-4:15 pm Fri 1:05-2:05 pm

Performance Standard Nakakagawa ang mag-aaral ng mga angkop na kilos upang 10 Silang Tue 1:05-2:05 pm Wed 2:20- 10 Bonifacio
(PS) maipakita ang kakayahang mahanap ang katotohanan at Wed 4:10-5:10pm Fri 5:05-6:05 pm

maglingkod at magmahal.

Learning Area Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 10

Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities

● I- orient ang mga Students Orientation Ang klase ay sisimulan ng isang panalangin at pagbati. Magbibigay ang guro ng mga paalala tungkol sa mga panuntunan sa klase, health
mag-aaral sa EsP (Classroom Rules and protocols, requirement, Grading System at mga paksang tatalakayin sa Unang Markahan, pagtsek ng attendance at oryentasyon tungkol sa
classroom rules,
4,7,8 requirement, Regulations) Mental Health Psychosocial Support (MHPSS).
(Mon, Grading System at
Tue,Fri)) pagbibigay ng
mga paksa para sa
A. Recall (Elicit)
Unang Markahan
Mental Health Ask the student: "How are you feeling today? How has it been since the start of ECQ/MECQ/GCQ? Classes are about to start again and this
Psychosocial First Aid is how we will be conducting classes but before we can do that, it is important that we talk about how you are first. Before we begin, can
you make sure that you have a sheet of paper with you please?
● Identify
related to the
Mental Health
pandemic/any B. Engage ( Motivation)
form of disaster Psychosocial First Aid
● Accept that all Orientation (Module I: Let the students identify 5 feelings or emotions emotions that you have experienced during the past few months/weeks or days.
feelings and Validating Feelings and
reactions are Normalizing Reactions)
normal and valid C. Discussion of Concepts (Explore)

Immediate Reactions

There are a wide variety of positive and negative reactions that students can experience during and immediately after crisis situations.
These Include:

Domain Negative Positive Responses


Cognitive Confusion, worry, Determination courage, optimism, faith


Emotional Shock, sorry, Feeling involved, challenged, mobilized

grief, sadness,
fear, anger,
numb, irritability,
guilt, and shame

Social Fights with others Seeks out others who can help them, helps others in need
or does not speak
with others

Physiological Tired, headache, Alertness, readiness to respond, increased energy

muscle tension,
sleeping, fast
heart beat

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

What Helps

● Talking to another person for support or spending time with others

● Engaging in positive distracting activities (sports, hobbies, reading)

● Getting adequate rest and eating healthy meals

● Trying to maintain a normal schedule

● Scheduling pleasant activities

● Taking breaks

● Reminiscing about a loved one who has died

● Focusing on something practical that you can do right now to manage the situation better

● Using relaxation methods (breathing exercises, meditation, calming self-talk, music)

● Participating in a support group

● Exercising in moderation

● Keeping a journal

● Seeking counseling

What Doesn’t Help

● Using alcohol or drugs to cope

● Extreme withdrawal from family or friends

● Overeating or failing to eat

● Withdrawing from pleasant activities

● Working too much

● Violence or conflict
● Doing risky things (driving recklessly, substance abuse, not taking adequate precautions)

● Extreme avoidance of thinking or talking about the event or a death of a loved one

● Not taking care of yourself

● Excessive TV or computer games

● Blaming others

E. Application and Generalization ( Elaborate)

Today we learned that our reactions to the pandemic, to any stressful event/disaster are normal and valid. How can you apply this learning
to your life especially because the pandemic is not yet over?

F. Evaluation

My feelings toward this disaster/pandemic are normal and valid. Others may also feel the same way. It is okay to not feel okay.

September ● To identify one’s Mental Health - Prayer

current needs and Psychosocial First Aid
- Greetings
(Tue,Wed) those of one’s
Module III: Identifying
family - Checking of attendance
and Addressing Needs
● Become aware of
the various
institutions, A. Recall (Elicit)
departments and
Remember when I asked you to identify your feelings and reactions to Covid-19/disaster? Can you recall what those feelings were? Now. I
centers present
want you to consider some ways to help you manage your feelings of stress and anxiety
within the school
environment or
the immediate
community B. Engage ( Motivation)

Take note of the important Imagine that what you are catching are feelings. Those were some of the feelings you caught during the lockdown/pandemic/disaster. They
numbers and information are feelings of fear, boredom, anxiety, etc. Stop playing for a moment. You accepted the ball. Hold it. Look at it. Accept the feeling. Say to
regarding who to approach yourself, “Yes, I was feeling afraid.” Or “Yes, I was feeling anxious.”
for their needs

C. Discussion of Concepts (Explore)

Can you compare how you feel right now with how you felt before we started with the activity? Do you see some changes? Are the feelings
positive? What are these new changes in the way you feel at the moment?

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Catching your Feelings. It is always good to catch what you are feeling. It is a normal and valid feeling. It’s okay to Not feel okay. But they
are real and true only as the not-so-normal situation that triggers it.

Check your Feelings. Were those feelings helpful to me? You will probably answer with both a yes and a no. That means that some of your
feelings were helpful but others were not. For instance, if you keep feeling fearful, do you need to stay in fear for long? How helpful is fear
to you? How accurate or appropriate is the feeling of anxiety, now? How helpful is it to always be worrying about things?

Change that Feeling. In this part, I want you to think of something else to help you feel better. This means that you can replace that feeling.
Some feelings are productive and useful while some may be unproductive and useless. It is because they are no longer appropriate to the
situation. You have the power to change your feelings by actually changing your thoughts about the feeling. This process is called
REFRAMING.. Where is the feeling coming from? Or, you can ask, “Where is the ball coming from?” Why did it hit you? How do you manage
your feelings? You can manage it by changing the name of the ball into feelings of gratefulness, understanding, happiness, and

E. Application and Generalization ( Elaborate)

I can manage my own emotions and I am able to bring myself to calm down

F. Evaluation

Repeat this line to yourself: “Emotions can be caught (like in a ball), checked (on helpfulness or usefulness and accuracy) and changed.”

Septem ● To identify one’s Mental Health - Prayer

ber current needs and Psychosocial First Aid
7,2023 - Greetings
those of one’s
Module III: Identifying
family - Checking of attendance
and Addressing Needs
● Become aware of
the various
institutions, A. Recall (Elicit)
departments and
Ask the students the following:
centers present
within the school Remember when I asked you to identify your feelings and reactions to Covid-19/disaster? Can you recall what those feelings were? Now. I
environment or want you to consider some ways to help you manage your feelings of stress and anxiety
the immediate
B. Engage ( Motivation)
Take note of the important
numbers and information Imagine that what you are catching are feelings. Those were some of the feelings you caught during the lockdown/pandemic/disaster. They
regarding who to approach are feelings of fear, boredom, anxiety, etc. Stop playing for a moment. You accepted the ball. Hold it. Look at it. Accept the feeling. Say to
for their needs yourself, “Yes, I was feeling afraid.” Or “Yes, I was feeling anxious.”

C. Discussion of Concepts (Explore)

Can you compare how you feel right now with how you felt before we started with the activity? Do you see some changes? Are the feelings
positive? What are these new changes in the way you feel at the moment?

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Catching your Feelings. It is always good to catch what you are feeling. It is a normal and valid feeling. It’s okay to Not feel okay. But they
are real and true only as the not-so-normal situation that triggers it.

Check your Feelings. Were those feelings helpful to me? You will probably answer with both a yes and a no. That means that some of your
feelings were helpful but others were not. For instance, if you keep feeling fearful, do you need to stay in fear for long? How helpful is fear
to you? How accurate or appropriate is the feeling of anxiety, now? How helpful is it to always be worrying about things?

Change that Feeling. In this part, I want you to think of something else to help you feel better. This means that you can replace that feeling.
Some feelings are productive and useful while some may be unproductive and useless. It is because they are no longer appropriate to the
situation. You have the power to change your feelings by actually changing your thoughts about the feeling. This process is called
REFRAMING.. Where is the feeling coming from? Or, you can ask, “Where is the ball coming from?” Why did it hit you? How do you manage
your feelings? You can manage it by changing the name of the ball into feelings of gratefulness, understanding, happiness, and

E. Application and Generalization ( Elaborate)

I can manage my own emotions and I am able to bring myself to calm down

F. Evaluation
Repeat this line to yourself: “Emotions can be caught (like in a ball), checked (on helpfulness or usefulness and accuracy) and changed.”

- Prayer

- Greetings

- Checking of attendance

A. Recall (Elicit)

Ask the student about feelings, thoughts and how to accept and reframe them.

B. Engage ( Motivation)

Activity: Saan ka Pupunta?

C. Discussion of Concepts (Explore)

Please get a piece of paper and make three columns (you can show an example). On the first column, list down all the members of the
family whom you live with. On the second column, identify the immediate needs of this person that your family cannot address as of this
moment. On the third column, identify where you can refer this person to or who you can approach in order to ask for help regarding the
needs of this person. If you do not know anyone who can help that person, just leave it blank first.

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

List of Common Needs of Survivors after a Disaster or Pandemic

Gene To find missing family members, to provide medical

r assistance to those who were hurt, to gain access to list
a of casualties, to know how many were affected, to
l provide proper burial facilities for those who have
passed on

Food and To provide waterline to homes, to gain access to source

Water of water for multiple purposes, food for x number of
Family Blankets, clothes, beddings, tarp, flashlight,
Goods storage boxes, underwater, dignity kits,

Fuel For vehicle, gas for cooking, for kerosene lamps

Shelter Temporary shelter, building materials to be used for


E. Application and Generalization ( Elaborate)

I am capable of identifying my own and other people’s needs. I can link others to the proper channels which can best address their

F. Evaluation

Now that you know how to LINK, can you tell me how you will apply this new knowledge to your life right now?

1. Ask students to come up with a chant or cheer after that activity. It should be a chant that will remind them to find
people/organizations to help them/their loved ones address their most pressing needs.

- Prayer

- Greetings

- Checking of attendance

A. Recall (Elicit)

Ask the student about feelings, thoughts and how to accept and reframe them.

B. Engage ( Motivation)

Activity: Saan ka Pupunta?

C. Discussion of Concepts (Explore)

Please get a piece of paper and make three columns (you can show an example). On the first column, list down all the members of the
family whom you live with. On the second column, identify the immediate needs of this person that your family cannot address as of this
moment. On the third column, identify where you can refer this person to or who you can approach in order to ask for help regarding the
needs of this person. If you do not know anyone who can help that person, just leave it blank first.

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

List of Common Needs of Survivors after a Disaster or Pandemic

General To find missing family members, to provide medical assistance

to those who were hurt, to gain access to list of casualties, to
know how many were affected, to provide proper burial
facilities for those who have passed on

Food and To provide waterline to homes, to gain access to source

Water of water for multiple purposes, food for x number of

Family Blankets, clothes, beddings, tarp, flashlight,

Goods storage boxes, underwater, dignity kits,

Fuel For vehicle, gas for cooking, for kerosene lamps

Shelter Temporary shelter, building materials to be used for


E. Application and Generalization ( Elaborate)

I am capable of identifying my own and other people’s needs. I can link others to the proper channels which can best address their

F. Evaluation

Now that you know how to LINK, can you tell me how you will apply this new knowledge to your life right now?
1. Ask students to come up with a chant or cheer after that activity. It should be a chant that will remind them to find
people/organizations to help them/their loved ones address their most pressing needs.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


G10 EsP Teacher EsP, Head Principal IV

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