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When I was in Junior High, I remembered few of my teachers started the class discussion without
mentioning the learning objectives or learning outcomes. After the prayer they just proceed to discussed
the content of their topic rather than explaining the outcomes that we could be able to demonstrate at
the end of their lesson.

However, one of my teachers in Housekeeping strand begin his lesson by stating " After this lesson,
class, you should be able to..." And I realized, that it is really essential in the classroom environment in
order to know, what are the specific goals need to achieved at the end of the lesson. For instance, there
is an activity happened by in this subject that I've mentioned which is about demonstrating the proper
bed make up which we are able to apply our skills and knowledge. It involves knowledge and skills in
order to address problems in the real world, Mueller (2012).

I conclude, that in order to be effective teacher your lesson plan should be connected to your learning
objectives or learning outcomes in order to assessed the learnings of the students. The teachers should
made very clear to their students about the goals that they will acquire at the end of the lesson proper.
Thus, learning never stop in the four corners of classrooms therefore we need to adapt and readjust to
these changes.

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