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Annotation for the discipline "Foundations of the theory of the target language"

The purpose of the discipline is to study the general principles of the organization and
functioning of the language system, study the historical stages of the development of the
phonetic, lexical and grammatical system, familiarize students with the main trends in the
development of lexicology, grammar and stylistics of the English language; teaching students to
operate with the concepts of phonetics, lexicology, grammar and stylistics, the ability to
recognize them in context, analyze, identify their relationship for a more accurate transfer of a
foreign language text during translation;
familiarizing students with the system of phonetic units by determining their composition, nature
(characteristics) and functions; identification of the based trends in the development of the
phonetic system of the English language; comparative study of the phonetic features of English,
native and Russian languages; the development of students' ability to comprehend and critically
evaluate the theoretical positions expressed by domestic and foreign linguists, to various
approaches and directions in the theory of phonetics and phonology;
mastering the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for students in the field of
historical lexicology and theoretical grammar of the English language;
promoting the formation of students' professional skills and abilities for the practical application
of the acquired knowledge;
the formation of students' skills of creative and critical understanding of the provisions,

Discipline content
1. Introduction to linguistics and special philology. 2. The origin of the English language.
3. Theoretical phonetics. 4. Theoretical grammar. 5. Lexicology. 6. Stylistics. 7. Borrowings.
8. Polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy. 9. Regional variants of the English language.
10. Lexicography.

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