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Learning Paths

Adobe Digital Learning Services

Adobe Analytics ✓ Mandatory
❍ Optional

Bus iness Ca mpaign Ma rketing Sys tem Technical

Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Web Analys ts Devel opers
Ana l ysts Ma na gers Ana l ysts Admi ns Lea ds
Accel erate Customer Engagement with Personalized, Multi-Channel
3 da ys ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍
Ma rketing Programs

Crea te Reports and Visualizations Using Adobe Analytics I 2 da ys 16 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Crea te Reports and Visualizations Using Adobe Analytics II 2 da ys ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Adobe Qualified: Adobe Analytics Data Analyst Credential Exam ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Adobe Analyti cs Implementation 3 da ys ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Addi tional Courses

Spotl ight: Discover the New Analytics for Adobe Target 1 hr ✓

Spotlight: Using Adobe Sensi i n Analysis Workspace 1 hr ✓

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Adobe Audience Manager ✓ Mandatory
❍ Optional

Medi a Agency Ma rketing Ma nagers Opera tions Pers onalization

Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Bus iness Users
Ana l ysts & Ana l ysts Ma na gers & Ana lysts Ma na gers & Ana lysts

Accel erate Customer Engagement with Personalized, Multi-Channel

3 da ys ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ma rketing Programs

Fundamentals of Adobe Audience Ma nager 1 da y 8 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Adobe Campaign Classic V8 ✓ Mandatory
❍ Optional

Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Bus iness Users Sys tem Administrators Devel opers

Accel erate Customer Engagement with Personalized, Multi-Channel

3 da ys ✓ ✓ ✓
Ma rketing Programs

Getti ng Started with Adobe Campaign Classic V8 1 da y 8 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓

Des ign & Orchestrate Ma rketing Ca mpaigns Using Adobe Campaign Classic
2 da ys 16 hrs ✓

Ma na ge Data & Workflows i n Adobe Campaign Classic V8 2 da ys 16 hrs ✓

Confi gure & Ma nage Adobe Ca mpaign Classic V8 1 da y 8 hrs ✓ ✓

Devel op a nd Customize Data Models i n Adobe Campaign Classic V8 2 da ys ✓

Ja va Script Programming i n Adobe Ca mpaign Cl assic 8 hrs ✓ ✓

Additional Courses

Spotl ight: Enrichment i n Adobe Campaign Classic: Enhancing Workflows 1 hr ✓

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Adobe Campaign Standard ✓ Mandatory
❍ Optional

Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Bus iness Users Sys tem Administrators Devel opers

Accel erate Customer Engagement with Personalized, Multi-Channel

3 da ys ✓ ✓ ✓
Ma rketing Programs

Di s cover Adobe Ca mpaign Standard 8 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓

Des ign & Orchestrate Ma rketing Ca mpaigns 2 da ys 16 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓

Ma na ge Workflows in Adobe Ca mpaign Standard 2 da ys 8 hrs ✓ ✓

Cus tomize Adobe Ca mpaign Standard 1 da y ✓ ✓

Adobe Journey Optimizer (valid until September 1, 2023)

Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Bus iness Users Sys tem Administrators Devel opers

Crea te Personalized Customer Journeys Using Adobe Journey Optimizer 2 da ys ✓

Confi gure Adobe Journey Optimizer 1 da y ✓ ✓

Addi tional Courses

Spotlight: Drive Brand Engagement in New Ways with Adobe Journey

40 mi ns ✓
Opti mi zer

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Adobe Commerce Cloud ✓ Mandatory
❍ Optional

Front-End Archi tects &

Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Bus iness Users Ba ck-End Developers Dev Ops
Devel opers Cons ultants

Adobe Commerce Essentials for Developers 3 da ys ✓ ❍

Bui ld and Manage an Online Store Using Adobe Commerce 2 da ys 16 hrs ✓ ✓

Requirements Discovery 8 hrs ✓

Ma na ge Catalogs a nd Products Using Adobe Commerce 2 da ys ✓ ✓

Ma gento Security for Developers 16 hrs ✓ ✓

Ma gento: Pa ge Builder for Business Users 24 hrs ❍ ❍

Ma gento 2: Fundamentals of Development (Part 1) 16 hrs ✓

Ma gento 2: Fundamentals of Development (Part 2) 16 hrs ✓

Additional Courses

Ma gento B2B for Business Users 4 hrs

Getti ng Started with JavaScript Development 16 hrs

Adobe Commerce: Ma gento Business Intelligence (MBI) 5 ½ hrs

Spotlight: Introduction to Managing Your Ma gento Store 2 hrs

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Adobe Experience Cloud ✓ Mandatory
❍ Optional

Ma rketing &
Project Content Optimi zation Technical Sys tem
Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Ca mpaign Devel opers
Ma na gers Ma na gers Ma na gers Lea ds Admi nistrators
Ma na gers

Integrate Adobe Experience Cl oud Solutions Using La unch 8 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Accel erate Customer Engagement with Personalized Multi-Channel

3 da ys ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ma rketing Programs

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Adobe Experience Manager: Assets ✓ Mandatory
❍ Optional

Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Bus iness Users Power Us ers Archi tects Technical Users DevOps

Accel erate Customer Engagement with Personalized, Multi-Channel Ma rketing Programs 3 da ys ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍

Ma na ge and Deliver Digital Assets 2 da ys 16 hrs ✓ ✓ ❍ ❍

Cus tomize Digital Assets 2 da ys 16 hrs ✓ ❍ ✓

Admi nister and Securely Ma intain AEM v6 (On Prem) 3 da ys 24 hrs ❍ ❍ ✓


Confi gure and Maintain AEM a s a Cl oud Servi ce (New Cl oud Servi ce Customer) 3 da ys ❍ ❍ ✓

Deploy Using Cl oud Ma nager for AEM As a Cl oud Service (Upgrading to Cl oud Servi ces) 1 da y ❍ ❍ ✓

Addi tional Courses

Spotlight: Deliver Intelligent Image Crops and Swatches with Dynamic Media i n Adobe
1 hr ❍ ❍
Experi ence Manager Assets

Spotl ight: Ma ke Metadata Work for Your Business in Adobe Experience Ma nager Assets 45 mi ns ❍ ❍

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Adobe Experience Manager: Forms ✓ Mandatory
❍ Optional

Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Des igners Devel opers

Crea te Adaptive Forms Using Adobe Experience Ma nager 3 da ys 24 hrs ✓ ✓

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Adobe Experience Manager: Sites ✓ Mandatory

Front-End ❍ Optional
Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Content Authors Archi tects Ba ck-End Developers DevOps
Devel opers
Accel erate Customer Engagement with Personalized, Multi-Channel
3 da ys ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍
Ma rketing Programs

Author a nd Ma nage Pa ges Using AEM I 2 da ys 16 hrs ✓ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍

Author a nd Ma nage Pa ges Using AEM II 2 da ys 16 hrs ✓ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍

Adobe Qualified: AEM Si tes Content Author Credential Exam ✓

Devel op Websites and Components 4 da ys 32 hrs ✓ ✓ ❍

Extend a nd Customize AEM 3 da ys 24 hrs ✓ ❍ ✓

Devel op Global Websites 2 da ys 16 hrs ❍ ❍ ✓ ❍

Devel op Single Pa ge Applications with React i n AEM 2 da ys ❍ ✓ ❍

Admi nister and Securely Ma intain AEM v6 (On Prem) 3 da ys 24 hrs ❍ ❍ ❍ ✓

Confi gure and Maintain AEM a s a Cl oud Servi ce (New Cl oud Servi ce
OR 3 da ys ✓ ❍ ❍ ✓
Cus tomer)
Deploy Using Cl oud Ma nager for AEM As a Cl oud Service. (Upgrading to Cl oud
1 da y ❍ ❍ ❍ ✓
Servi ces)

Additional Courses

Crea te and Ma nage DITA Content 16 hrs ❍

Spotl ight: Get to Ma rket Fast with Adobe Experience Ma nager Sites 1.5 hrs ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍

Spotlight: Build Single Pa ge Applications with Adobe Experience Manager 1.5 hrs ❍

Spotl ight: Deliver Headless Experiences with Adobe Experience Ma nager 1.5 hrs ❍

Spotl ight: Empower Business Users in a Headless Implementation with GraphQL (AEM Si tes) 1 hr ❍ ❍

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Adobe Experience Platform (valid until September 1, 2023) Legend
✓ Mandatory
❍ Optional

Da ta Da ta Da ta Da ta Da ta Appl ication
Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Ma rketer
Ana l yst Stewa rd Archi tect Sci entist Engi neer Devel oper

Getti ng Started with Adobe Experience Platform 2 da ys 16 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Crea te and Analyze Reports using Adobe Customer Journey Analytics 1 da y ✓ ✓

Extend a nd Customize Adobe Experience Platform 1 da y ✓ ✓ ✓

Confi gure Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection 1 da y ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Impl ement Application Servi ces Powered by AEP 2 da ys ✓ ✓ ❍ ❍ ✓

Extend Data Ca pabilities of Adobe Experience Platform 1 da y ❍ ❍ ✓ ✓ ✓

Crea te and Activate Segments i n Adobe Experience Platform 1 da y ✓ ✓

Crea te Segments and Activate Destinations in Adobe Real-Time Customer

1 da y ✓ ✓
Da ta Platform

Additional Courses

Spotlight: Get Introduced to Adobe Experience Platform 1 hr ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Spotlight: Orchestrating Customer Journeys Powered by Experience

50 mi n ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pl a tform
Spotl ight: Explore Application Services Powered by Adobe Experience
1.5 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pl a tform
Spotlight: Ma naging Real-time Customer Profiles i n Adobe Experience
1.5 hrs ✓ ✓
Pl a tform

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Adobe Experience Platform (valid after September 1, 2023) ✓ Mandatory
❍ Optional

Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Bus iness Users Power Us ers Technical Users

Experience Platform Courses

Get Sta rted with Adobe Experience Platform 1 da y 16 hrs ✓ ✓

Confi gure and Manage Adobe Experience Platform 2 da ys ✓ ✓

Confi gure Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection 1 da y ✓

Extend Data Ca pabilities of Adobe Experience Platform 1 da y ✓

Real-Time CDP Courses

Confi gure Adobe Real-Time CDP 1 da y ✓ ✓

Crea te Segments and Activate Destinations in Real-Time CDP 1 da y ✓ ✓ ✓

Journey Optimizer Courses

Confi gure Adobe Journey Optimizer 1 da y ✓ ✓

Crea te Personalized Customer Journeys Using Adobe Journey Optimizer 2 da ys ✓ ✓ ✓

Customer Journey Analytics Courses 1 da y

Confi gure Adobe Customer Journey Analytics 1 da y ✓ ✓

Crea te and Analyze Reports Using Adobe Customer Journey Analytics 1 da y ✓ ✓ ✓

Additional Courses

Spotl ight: Orchestrating Customer Journeys Powered by Experience Pl atform 50 mi n ✓ ✓ ✓

Spotlight: Explore Application Services Powered by Adobe Experience Pl atform 1.5 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓

Spotl ight: Ma naging Real-time Customer Profiles i n Adobe Experience Pl atform 1.5 hrs ✓ ✓

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Adobe Marketo Engage ✓ Mandatory
❍ Optional

Recommended Ma rketing Sys tem

Cours e Name Note Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Ma rketer Da ta Analysts
Order Ma na ger Admi n
Recommended to help users prepare for the Adobe
1 Ma rketo Core Concepts I 2 da ys 14 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Certified Professional (Marketo Engage) exa m
Recommended to help users prepare for the Adobe
2 Ma rketo Core Concepts II 2 da ys 14 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Certified Professional (Marketo Engage) exa m
Recommended to help users prepare for the Adobe
3 Reporting and Insights 3 hrs 3 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Certified Professional (Marketo Engage) exa m
Ca n be ta ken i n ✓ ✓
Opti mi zing Ma rketo Engage Email
a ny order after 3 hrs 3 hrs
Del iverability
Cours es 1-3
Ca n be ta ken i n
Crea ti ng Event & Webinar Programs in
a ny order after 3 hrs 3 hrs ✓ ✓
Ma rketo
Cours es 1-3
Ca n be ta ken i n
For s ys tem admins (people who have Admin
a ny order after Confi guring & Ma naging Ma rketo 3 hrs 3 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓
permi ssions)
Cours es 1-3
For us ers with the following add-on capabilities:
Ca n be taken i n Progra m Analyzer, Opportunity Influence Analyzer,
Ma rketo Attri bution Models & Journey
a ny order after Success Pa th Analyzer, Revenue Cycl e Models, and 3 hrs 3 hrs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ana l ytics
Cours es 1-3 Performa nce Insight. Not all users have purchased
thes e features.
Ca n be taken i n For us ers with the Target Account ✓ ✓
Es tablishing a Successful ABM Program
a ny order after Ma na gement/ABM add-on ca pability. Not all users 3 hrs 3 hrs
i n Ma rketo
Cours es 1-3 ha ve purchased this feature.

Additional Courses

Spotlight: Adobe Marketo Engage – Optimizing Email Delivery 2 hrs ✓ ✓

Spotl ight: Adobe Marketo Engage – Beyond the Batch and Blast 2 hrs ✓ ✓

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Adobe Target ✓ Mandatory
❍ Optional

Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd Bus iness Users

Fundamentals of Adobe Target 1 da y 8 hrs ✓

Levera ge Experience Cl oud Audiences i n Adobe Target 1 da y 8 hrs ✓

Pers onalize and Automate with Adobe Target 1 da y ✓

Pers onalize Dynamic Content Using Adobe Target Recommendations 1 da y ✓

Additional Courses

Spotlight: Personalize Adobe Target Ca mpaigns with Experience Cl oud

1 hr ✓
Audi ences
Spotl ight: Improve Shoppers’ Personalized Experiences with
1 hr 20 mi ns ✓
Recommendations (Adobe Target)

Spotlight: Stop Guessing with Adobe Ta rget Mul tiva riate Testing 50 mi ns ✓

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

Adobe Workfront ✓ Mandatory
❍ Optional

Col l aborator / Project Ma nager / Res ource / Tra ffic Group Sys tem / Fusion
Cours es Li sted in Recommended Order Ins tructor Led On Dema nd
Worker 1 Power Us er 2 Ma na ger 3 Admi nistrator 4 Admi nistrator 5

Ma na ge Projects with Adobe Workfront 3 da ys 24 hrs ✓ ❍ ✓ ✓

Admi nister and Maintain Adobe Workfront I 3 da ys 24 hrs ❍ ✓ ✓

Admi nister and Maintain Adobe Workfront II 3 da ys 24 hrs ✓ ✓

Ma na ge Connections and Workflows i n Adobe Workfront

3 da ys 24 hrs ✓
Fus ion

Addi tional Courses

Spotl ight: Learn About the Collaborator Role - Workfront

40 mi ns ✓
Col l aborator Essentials

Worker Fundamentals in Adobe Workfront 1 hr ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Spotlight: Results Oriented Collaboration with Adobe

1 hr ✓ ✓ ✓
Spotl ight: Learn about the Proofing Admin Role - Admin
1 hr 20 mi ns ❍ ❍
Proof i n Adobe Workfront

Spotl ight: Reviewing Proofs with Adobe Workfront 1 hr 10 mi ns ❍ ❍

Spotl ight: Ma naging Proofs i n Adobe Workfront 1 hr 30 mi ns ❍ ❍

1 = Submi ts requests a nd i s assigned majority of tasks.

2 = More experienced. Assigned work that uses a dditional Workfront features.
3 = Us es Workfront for managing i ncoming work requests and resource a vailability.
4 = Admi nisters and maintains Workfront s etups for specific groups.
5 = Admi nisters and maintains Workfront s etups globally. Ma nages workflows and connections using Workfront Fusion.

©2023 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

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