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Probability is primarily concerned with predicting chances especially the occurrence of

an event.
Probability Value:
More likely to happen (more than 50%)
Less likely to happen (less than 50%)
Experiment- probability activity
Outcomes- probability results
Sample Space- the set of all possible outcomes

Learning Objectives:
1. To determine the total number of outcomes in a sequence of events.
2. To differentiate permutation from combination.

Counting Techniques are the ways to determine the total number of outcomes in a
sequence of events.
1. Tree Diagram 4. FCP: Addition Rule
2. Systematic Listing 5. Permutation
3. FCP: Multiplication Rule 6. Combination

Experiment 1: Tossing two coins in succession.
Total number of possible outcomes: 4
Sample Space:

Experiment 2: A pair of dice is rolled.
Total number of possible outcomes: 36
Sample Space:


Experiment 3: A coffee shop offers 4 types of coffee and 3 types of doughnuts. How
many snack combination is possible?
Total number of possible outcomes: 12
Sample Space:

Experiment 4: A four-digit number is formed using the digits

2,4,5,6, and 9 such that no digit can be used more than once.
How many distinct four-digit numbers can be formed?
Total number of possible outcomes: 120
Sample Space:

How many distinct even four-digit numbers can be formed?

Total number of possible outcomes: 72

How many distinct four-digit numbers can be formed such that it is greater than or
equal to 6000?
Total number of possible outcomes: 48


Experiment 5: A student, either a junior or a senior, is to be chosen as the school’s
representative for an extemporaneous speech contest. If there are 50 juniors and 70
seniors, in how many ways can the selection be done?
Total number of possible outcomes: 120
Sample Space:
Experiment 6: To reach UCLM, Ms. Suson can either grab a taxi or ride a habal-habal. In
how many ways can Ms. Suson reach UCLM if there are 3 taxi cabs and 10 habal-habals
are available?
Total number of possible outcomes: 13
Sample Space:

Permutation is the arrangement of objects in a set order.
Combination is the unordered selections which do not take into consideration the
arrangement of the objects.

Identify if each scenario involves PERMUTATION or a COMBINATION.
1. A team of 17 softball players needs to choose three players to refill the water cooler.
2. A group of 45 people are going to run a race. The top three runners earn gold, silver,
and bronze medals, respectively.
3. A class of 50 needs to choose 10 students for the Math Sayaw competition.
4. 5 out of 35 students are chosen to ride in a car instead of the school bus .
5. In how many ways can ten persons line up at the Tamiya Ride Station to avail the first
6. There are 7 horses in a race, how many 1st, 2nd, 3rd place order are possible?
7. Mikee and Alex are planning trips to three countries this year. There are twenty
countries they would like to visit.
8. Choosing a combination of 2 clubs and 3 hearts in a standard deck of cards.
9. Arranging men and women alternately in a round table at the dinner party.
10. Miss Suson plans to choose 2 prayer leaders for the next Synchronous Session. The
first one chosen is for the Opening Prayer while the second one is for the Closing Prayer.


Identify if each scenario involves MULTIPLICATION RULE or ADDITION RULE

1. There are 2 vegetarian options and 5 meat options on a dinner menu. What is the
total number of possible food combinations?
2. Choosing one side dish from a dinner menu of 2 different vegetable side dishes and 5
different meat side dishes. What is the total number of possible side dishes can be
3. Students are classified according to gender (male or female), status (regular or
irregular), and field of specialization (Academic or TechVoc). Determine the total
number of possible classifications of students.
4. In how many ways can you choose a student for Ms. ABM 2019 if the selection is from
6 Grade 11 students and 6 Grade 12 students?

Permutation is the arrangement of objects in a set order.
Combination is the unordered selections which do not take into consideration the
arrangement of the objects.

Identify if each scenario involves PERMUTATION or COMBINATION.

1. A team of 17 softball players needs to choose three players to refill the water cooler.
2. A group of 45 people are going to run a race. The top three runners earn gold, silver,
and bronze medals, respectively. PERMUTATION
3. A class of 50 needs to choose 10 students for the Math Sayaw competition.
4. 5 out of 35 students are chosen to ride in a car instead of the school bus.
5. In how many ways can ten persons line up at the Tamiya Ride Station to avail the first
6. There are 7 horses in a race, how many 1st, 2nd, 3rd place order are possible?
7. Mikee and Alex are planning trips to three countries this year. There are twenty
countries they would like to visit. COMBINATION
8. Choosing a combination of 2 clubs and 3 hearts in a standard deck of cards.
9. Arranging men and women alternately in a round table at the dinner party.
10. Miss Suson plans to choose 2 prayer leaders for the next Synchronous Session. The
first one chosen is for the Opening Prayer while the second one is for the Closing Prayer.

Permutation is the arrangement of objects in a set order.
1. In how many ways can you arrange 8 books on a shelf?
Formula: 8P8 or 8!
Total number of possible outcomes: 40,320

2. In how many ways can you arrange 8 books on a shelf if only 5 books can fit at a
Formula: 𝑛𝑃𝑟 = (𝑛−𝑟)!
Total number of possible outcomes: 6,720

3. There are 7 horses in a race, how many 1st, 2nd, 3rd place order are possible?
Total number of possible outcomes: 210

4. How many distinct permutation are there for the word PHILIPPINES?
Permutation with Repeated Elements:
Total number of possible outcomes: 1,108,800

5. In how many ways can you sit 8 people in a round table with 8 seats?
Circular Permutation: (n-1)!
Total number of possible outcomes: 5,040

6. In how many ways can 7 trees be planted following a circular arrangement?

Total number of possible outcomes: 720

7. In how many ways can 5 teachers, 3 parents and 4 children be arranged in a row of
12 seats if the teachers want to sit together?
Total number of possible outcomes: 4,838,400

Combination is the unordered selections which do not take into consideration the
arrangement of the objects.
1. A team of 17 softball players needs to choose three players to refill the water cooler.
In how many ways can the selection be done?
Formula: 𝑛𝐶𝑟 = 𝑟!(𝑛−𝑟)!
Total number of possible outcomes: 680

2. A class of 50 needs to choose 4 speakers for the Math debating team. In how many
ways can the selection be done?
Total number of possible outcomes: 230,300

3. Choosing a combination of 2 clubs and 3 hearts in a standard deck of cards.

Hint: Combination with Multiplication Rule
Total number of possible outcomes: 22,308

4. There are 5 defective light bulbs in a bin containing 60 light bulbs. How many ways
can you select at least 4 defective light bulbs when you choose 6 light bulbs at random?
Hint: Combination with Multiplication Rule and Addition Rule
Total number of possible outcomes: 7,480
Identify the total number of possible outcomes.
Suppose 7 female and 6 male applicants have been successfully screened for 5
A. In how many ways can you arrange the 13 applicants in a row?
B. In how many ways can you arrange the 13 applicants in a round table?
C. In how many ways can you choose 5 applicants regardless of gender?
D. In how many ways can you choose 5 females?
E. In how many ways can you choose 3 females and 2 males?
F. In how many ways can you choose at least 3 females?

Additional Activity:
1. From a group of 7 men and 6 women, 5 persons are to be selected to form a committee
so that at least 3 men are there on the committee. In how many ways can it be done?
Answer: 756 ways
2. In how many different ways can the letters of the word LEADING be arranged in such a
way that the vowels always come together?
Answer: 720 ways
3. Out of 7 consonants and 4 vowels, how many words of 3 consonants and 2 vowels can
be formed?
Answer: 210 words
4. How many 3-digit number can be formed from the numbers 2,3,5,6,7,9, which are
divisible by 5 and none of the digits is repeated?
Answer: 20 numbers

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