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Letter of Recommendation
To be filled by the Applicant:

Applicant’s Name: SAAD UR REHMAN

Program Applied to: MS PhD

Faculty / Program:

To be completed by the referee:

For how long have you known the applicant? 4 years

In what capacity? I have known him since September 2019 to date during the MS degree

In comparison with other students you have known in similar position, how would you rate the
applicant with respect to the following qualities?

Not enough
Outstanding Very good Good Average opportunity
to judge
Intellectual 


Analytical skills




Self confidence
English 

Ability to get 

along with others

Topi-23460, District Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Tel: 0938-281026.

Please comment on the academic class standing, research potential, standard of projects/
presentations/ publications, potential as a researcher, major weaknesses (if any) of the applicant.
You may use a separate sheet if the provided space is insufficient.
Mr. Saad Ur Rehman is an energetic young man and I rank him among top 5 students 5 students of his class. Throughout his.

academic progression he has shown positive attitude towards academics. I found him regular, kind, honest and dedicated

individual. Mr. Saad Ur Rehman also has good research skills. His M.Sc. thesis work was on “An experimental investigation

to thermal performance of different PV module for efficient system design” where he received best thesis award.

Furthermore, he has worked as research fellow in our department where he is assisting undergraduate students with their

laboratory and tutorial work. He has worked on 2 research papers which is published in international Journals, one as first

author and remaining as 5-author.In my view point Mr. Saad Ur Rehman will be highly suitable candidate for doctoral
education at your institute. I wish him success in his future

How would you rate your recommendation for the applicant?

1. Strongly Recommended

2. Recommended For MS Program

3. Recommended with reservation

4. Do not recommended For PhD Program

Referee’s Name Dr Hassan Izhar Khan Position Assistant Professor

Institution/University Name University of Engineering and technology Lahore

Telephone No. 03217746866 E-mail:

Signature Office Stamp


Instructions for submission of recommendation letter:

i. Please place the filled recommendation letter in an envelope and return it to the applicant
for submission along with other application material.
ii. The applicants must use both sides of paper to print/copy this letter of recommendation.
(Don’t use single sheet/paper for each page).

Topi-23460, District Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Tel: 0938-281026.

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