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Experiment No.

Title: Transverse Waves_Frequency of Vibration

PHYS101L/ A1 Group No. 1

Group Leader: Bruno, Jarod E.

Date of Performance: Month/date/year

Name Contribution of Group Member in Members Rating

the Experiment Report (1-10)
From the leader/s
Barroga, Emmanuel F. Analysis & Conclusion 10
Bruno, Jarod E. Group Data/Interpretation/Graph 10

Table 1. Frequency and Tension (constant linear density)

linear mass density of wire (μ) = 3. 2 𝑥 10 𝑘𝑔/𝑚

length of string (L) = 4 m

Frequency Frequency
TRIAL Tension Number of (simulation) (computed) Percent Error
Segments (experimental) (accepted)
1 60 N 5 85.582 85.58 0.00234 %

2 70 N 5 92.439 92.43 0.00974 %

3 80 N 5 98.821 98.82 0.00101 %

4 90 N 5 104.816 104.81 0.00572 %

5 100 N 5 110.485 110.48 0.00453 %

Table 1 shows the frequency and tension of a wire. The table shows that each trial has
different tensions that will affect the wire. The number of segments is constant. To keep the
number of segments constant, it can be seen that the experimental vibration frequency increased
throughout the experiment. The table shows that the experimental and accepted frequency values
are the same. This means that the frequency and the tension of the wire are proportional. The
percent error values are not far from each other because the accepted and the experimental values
are almost identical.

Table 2. Frequency and Linear Density (constant tension)

Tension (T) = 50 N

length of string (L) = 4 m

TRIAL linear mass Frequency Frequency
density of wire Number of (simulation) (computed) Percent Error
(μ) Segments (experimental) (accepted)
1 1 x10-3 kg/m 5 139.754 139.75 0.00286 %

2 2 x10-3 kg/m 5 98.821 98.82 0.00101 %

3 3 x10-3 kg/m 5 80.687 80.68 0.00868 %

4 4 x10-3 kg/m 5 69.877 69.87 0.01001 %

5 5 x10-3 kg/m 5 62.500 62.50 0.00000 %

Table 2 shows the frequency and linear density of a wire. The table shows that each trail
has a different linear mass density of wire. The number of segments is still constant. The
experimental value of the frequency can be seen as decreasing during the entire laboratory
experiment. The actual value of frequency is almost the same as the experimental value. This
means that the linear mass density and frequency are not proportional. The percent error values
are not far from one another because the experimental and actual values are identical.

B) ANALYSIS: (15%)

This experiment focuses on how the frequency of a vibrating string is affected when the
tension and linear mass density is changed. The standing waves produced from the string are
observed throughout the experiment. The experiment is divided into two parts. The first part
makes the tension change every trial, while the second part makes the linear mass density
𝑛 𝑇
change. Both parts use the equation 𝑓 = 2𝐿 µ
, where f is the frequency of vibration, n is the

number of segments, L is the length of vibrating string, T is the tension, and µ is the linear mass
density of the wire. We can see that the tension is directly proportional to the frequency of
vibration. Therefore, if the linear mass density and the length remains constant, the frequency of
vibration increases as the tension increases and vice versa. Also, when the linear mass density
increases, while the tension and length remains constant, the frequency of vibration decreases.
This is because in the equation, we can see that the frequency of vibration is inversely
proportional to the square root of its linear mass density. An example is finding the frequency of
vibration of a 1.0 m long wire that has a mass of 2.0 g and stretched by a tension of 15.0 N.
1 15
Using the equation given, we can substitute the variables to 𝑓 = 2(1) −3 , we can get the
2 𝑥 10

frequency of vibration which is 43.30. We can also know that the wave is moving 86.6 m/s by
using the formula ν = 𝑓 𝑥 λ. If ever the length is halved while the tension is doubled, the
frequency of vibration will become 122.47.
The experiment done managed to support the theories given. Each trial also had almost
identical accepted and experimental values, which resulted also in a very low percentage error.
This means that the gathered data from the experiment is accurate. Another thing we noticed is
that in the first part, as we increase the tension, the frequency also increases. In the second part,
when the linear mass density is increased, the frequency decreases. This means that it is indeed
that frequency is directly proportional to the tension and inversely proportional to the square root
of its linear mass density.

The experiment is all about transverse waves and their different properties. The
experiment helped us identify what influences the frequency of vibration of a wave and gather
the needed data to solve for the frequency of vibration. In the first part, a variable that affects the
frequency of vibration is the tension. Each trial increases the tension by 10 N, and in these trials,
the frequency also increases. Another factor that affected the frequency of vibration is discovered
in the second part, which is the linear mass density. Everytime this factor increases, the
frequency decreases, implying that these two have an inverse relationship with each other.

After finishing the experiment, it is clear that the objectives of the experiment were
satisfied. We managed to determine the relationship between the frequency and the tension.
Looking at how the frequency increases every time the tension increases, it can mean that the
frequency is directly proportional to the tension. Similarly, the second objective, which is to
determine the relationship between frequency and linear mass density, was also satisfied. By
increasing the linear mass density in every trial, the frequency decreases, meaning that the
relationship between these two is indirectly proportional to each other. In conclusion, the
experiment was successful in satisfying the objectives and provided a new way to understand
these concepts.

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