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Jan. 2022
Version 1.0
User Manual




Name Version No. Description

Preventive 1.0 This document outlines the User Manual of PM business

maintenance processes of SBPL in SAP.

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User Manual

1. AMC PROCESS OVERVIEW..............................................................................................................6

1. CREATE AMC ORDER........................................................................................................................7

1.1 CHANGE THE AMC MAINTENANCE ORDER........................................................................................................................10

1.2 CREATION OF SERVICE PR FOR AMC MAINTENANCE ORDER :......................................................................................11

1.3 CREATION OF SERVICE PO FOR AMC MAINTENANCE ORDER........................................................................................12

2. CREATE TASK LIST..........................................................................................................................14

2.1 FIELD DESCRIPTION:.............................................................................................................................................14

2.2 PROCEDURE........................................................................................................................................................15

3. AMC PLAN...................................................................................................................................17

3.1 CREATE AMC PLAN (STRATEGY)...................................................................................................................................18

3.2 SCHEDULING OF STRATEGY AMC PLAN..........................................................................................................................24

3.3 SCHEDULING OVERVIEW LIST.......................................................................................................................................26

3.4 CHANGE NOTIFICATION: T CODE-IW22......................................................................................................................27

3.5 CREATION OF SERVCIE ENTERY SHEET:............................................................................................................................28

3.6 ORDER CONFIRMATION: T CODE-IW41.........................................................................................................................29

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3.7 ORDER TECO: T CODE-IW32....................................................................................................................................30

3.8 ORDER SELLEMENT: TCODE -KO88............................................................................................................................30

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The AMC maintenance process shall consist of the following major activities:

An annual maintenance contract, or contract maintenance agreement, is a business arrangement for ongoing
maintenance, agreed on by the manufacturing facility and a service provider.

As opposed to ad-hoc or emergency maintenance services, industrial contract maintenance covers all aspects of
maintenance on a plant’s critical assets, including:

Scheduled preventive maintenance

Regular check-ups and diagnostics

Emergency repairs

A dedicated workforce of skilled, certified technicians

1. Creation of AMC Maintenance order by maintenance department for external service (contractual job) is
needed to carry out the maintenance
Planning of operations (activities)

Planning or materials if required

Planning of manpower require to monitor the AMC activities

Planning of external service quantity required

2. Release of order by authorized person in maintenance department

3. Creation & release of Purchase requisition with account assign cat ‘F’(order)
4. Creation & release of purchase order ref. to PR
5. Creation AMC task lists
6. AMC plan creation & scheduling through by either deadline monitoring or by maintenance personnel.
7. Receipt of notification means AMC visit due & intimation to vendor for visits. Notification release (Put in
process) by maintenance department/Production dept.

8. Entry of consumed quantity of external services in the service entry sheet and acceptance of service entry
sheet, once vendor completes the AMC visits by purchase dept
9. Time confirmation of order operations by maintenance. department
10. Completion of tasks in notification and Notification completion (NOCO).
11. Once all services are consumed, Technical Completion (TECO) of order.
12. Order settlement of maintenance order by Finance department

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Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu Logistics > Plant maintenance > Maintenance processing >
Order>Create (Special) > Order for notification
Transaction code IW31

On the screen Create Notification Order: Initial Screen, make the following entries:

Field Name Description R/ User Action and Values Comments

Order Type R Select from the drop-down ZM04 for AMC maintnecae internal
list. Enter it if known at this order
Equipment Equipment R Enter if known or select
no to be from the drop-down list.

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C” ; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

Press enter will take user to new screen

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Check Cnnrl key should be PM03 as marked in red, press enter new screens will get pop up

Select suitable material group and purchasing group as marked in red (ref from purchase dept.)

Click on operation tab ,following screen will be displayed

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Here scrolls the screen to right side, check requi. /Purchase Requisition must be “Never” (For this order type only)

Click on external tab will take user to below screen

Here select suitable service no(service master ) for under AMC equipment and quantity (number of visits agreed)

As marked in red.

Press save, orders created with massage “Order saved with number 4100000000”

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Use : Change the Shutdown maintenance Order of a Notification

Procedure: Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options

SAP Menu Logistics > Plant maintenance > Maintenance processing > Order
Transaction code IW32

Presse enter, take the user to new screen,

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Press on green flag as marked in red to release the order, status of order will be changed to REL


Here creation of Service PR is a onetime offline process to be done by purchasing department.

Perquisite for AMC PR : Service No ,AMC order to be crated (here 4100000000)

Herewith PR crated with no-3600002246

Select suitable PR document type and GL no .(here selected 403000 for testing process)

Note: Always select Account assignment category -F (2) and Item category -D(1) as marked in red
Enter order no created for AMC (3 ) as highlighted in red (3)

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Apply release strategy to created PR


Here creation of Service PO is a onetime offline process to be done by purchasing department.

Perquisite for AMC PO : Service PR ,AMC order to be created (here 4100000000)

Herewith PO created with no- 9700000000

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Check & verify account assignment cat. -F and order no, service no etc.

Apply the Release strategy to purchase order

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Maintenance task lists describe a sequence of individual maintenance activities which are repeatedly performed
within a company. They are used to standardize repetitive work processes to plan them more effectively and to save
time when creating maintenance orders and maintenance plans.


Logistics>Plant Maintenance > Planned Maintenance > Maintenance

SAP menu
Task Lists> Task lists > Equipment Task List>Create
Transaction code IA01

Logistics.>Plant Maintenance > Planned Maintenance > Maintenance

SAP menu
Task Lists > Task lists > General Task List >Create
Transaction code IA05


On the Create Equipment/General Task List: Task List Overview press “New Entries” button and enter the following
Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Group If a group contains several R Accept the default or manually key in

counter standard task lists, they are a unique number.
identified by a group counter.

Task list Description of task list O Enter a description Long text is possible.
description The text is
transferred to the
first line of the long
text for the task list.

Assignments Section Header

to header

Work Center Key for identifying the work O Enter the work center.
center. Work center
responsible for the completion
of the maintenance tasks

Work Center Number which clearly identifies Enter the plant. There is no name for
Plant the maintenance plant. The this field
plant that the work center
belongs to.

Usage Indicates the area(s) where the O Enter or select from list. Usage 4 will limit the
task list can be used. usage to only Plant

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Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments


Planner group Key which identifies the O Enter a planner group within the
planner group responsible for maintenance plant
maintaining the task list.

Strategy Rule for the sequence of O Enter a strategy. (For strategy-based Choose from codes
planned maintenance and task lists) PM-ST and OH-ST
inspection tasks.

Deletion flag Used to identify that task list O Enter only if planned to be deleted. You can reset the
should deletion flag anytime
before the next
be deleted on the next
archiving run.
archiving run.

QM data Section Header

Inspec. points Set this indicator if you desire O Enter the inspection point field Enter 300 for
to use the task list to process combination. Equipment specific
the task on the basis of and 310 for
inspection points. Functional location
specific task list

(Note: On above table, “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)


Here we shall process with general task lists .enter the T code as shown in below screen

New screen will be displayed as shown below

Enter group name if number range is external or keep blank then click on arrow mark

Kindly Follow the Preventive maintenance user manual ,here only selective screen sill be displayed

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Enter all required relevant fields here ,ensure usage & status always selected to ‘4’. Select maint. Strategyas per
process requirement

Tab on operation menu will take u details operation screen , Enter the tasks /operations (1) required to perform
during preventive maintenance of particular equipment’s

Notes: In case if strategy entered in header view then tab on operation select maintenance pack tick mark as per
your AMC activity to be performed during particular time frame

Now click on save button will be displaying message as “General task list AMCTL1 saved”

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Maintenance plans merge the records of specific strategies, task lists, items and measuring points (when necessary)
to generate a recurring maintenance schedule for the resultant orders/notifications which are copied from the task

Field Details:
Input – Required Fields Field Value/Comments

Maintenance Plan leave this field blank and the system will number the plan on

Maint. Plan cat. Key used to categorize the maintenance plan. Further process is
influenced by the category chosen. The standard categories are

PM-Preventive Maintenance Plan


CM-Condition Monitoring Plan

CL- Calibration Plan

Maintenance Plan short text Short text description of the maintenance plan.

Cycle / Unit For the single cycle plan, this must be entered to tell the system
when to automatically generate the PM order or notification.

Planning Plant If a technical object is entered, this will default from the
technical object master record.

Order Type This is the order type that will automatically be generated when
the maintenance plan is scheduled.

Main Work Center If a technical object is entered, this will default from the
technical object master record.

Maintenance Item The maintenance item contains the information that will be
populated onto the PM order/notifications generated by the
maintenance plan.

Output - Results Comments

Maintenance plan is created. The outputs of all three types of maintenance plans are work
orders (and notifications) automatically created based on pre-
established work requirements and planning parameters.

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Access transaction by executing following t codes

Via Menus Logistics > Plant Maintenance > Planned Maintenance > Maintenance
Planning > Maintenance Plans > Create > Strategy plan

Via Transaction Code IP42

Type the T code & enter

After entering will take the user to following screen

Enter Main plan cat. Like Notification as per requirement and strategy

After entering will take u new screen

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On screen Create Maintenance Plan: enter information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Field Name Description R/ User Action and Values Comments


Maintenance A short description in the R Enter a description of the plan.

plan header for the maintenance

Item Tab Strip

Reference Section Header


Funct. Functional Location Identifier C Enter functional location

Location of technical object assigned to

Equipment Equipment Identifier of C Enter Equipment Identifier

technical object assigned to number

Assembly Assembly Identifier of C Enter Assembly Identifier

technical object assigned to

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Planning Data Section Header

Planning plant Identifier for Plant where R Enter Planning Plant if different
technical objects and planning from default from technical
object are defined object

Planner group Identifier for persons O Enter Planner Group if different Departments like
responsible for maintaining from default from technical 010 ,030 ,050 are
plan profiles object used as planner

Order type Identifier for Order type. O Enter Order Type if different from
Different order types may default from technical object
have different options

Maint. Activity Identifier for Maintenance O Enter Maintenance Activity Type

Type Activity Type if different from default from
technical object

Main WorkCtr Identifier for Work Center R Enter Main Work Center if
which has responsibility for different from default from
maintenance of technical technical object

(Main Identifier for Plant that Main R Enter Main Work Center Plant if
WorkCtr) / Work Center is assigned to different from default from
technical object

Business area Identifier for Business Area O Enter Business Area if different
organizational unit from default from technical

Priority Importance level for O Enter Priority if different from

processing default from technical object

Task list / Section Header O Select the Task List to be assigned

General task to orders via this plan

Object list Tab Strip O Used to assign multiple technical

item objects to the plan

Item Location Tab Strip O Displays location information of

technical objects

Maintenance Tab Strip

plan cycle

Cycle/Unit The cycle length or frequency R Enter a number for the cycle Ex: 100 days, 1000
which the plan will be based length and select a unit of KM
on. measure

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A basic label to describe the
numeric data in a field
IMP: The cycle can only be
entered for single cycle plans
The cycles will be entered as
default for strategy based
Cycle text A short description of the R Add a free text description (For
cycle(For single cycle plans) single cycle plans)

Counter A performance monitoring O Enter a counter number which is Only necessary if

gauge attached/linked to a linked to the reference object. the cycle unit is
piece of equipment or based on activity
functional location (performance)

Maintenance Tab Strip O The scheduling parameter data

plan which defaults into maintenance
scheduling plans can be changed as
parameters necessary. This allows the
planner some flexibility in the
execution of the maintenance
plans, without getting too far
from the standardization
provided in the maintenance

Date Section Header


Call control Section Header


Call horizon Call horizon is how much of R Accept the default or modify
the cycle length you want to
wait before SAP creates the
next order automatically

Scheduling Used to determine the length C Accept the default or modify .

Period of time for which the system
creates maintenance calls
during scheduling of a
maintenance plan.

Requires The next call is generated only O Put a check in the box if this is
confirmation when the previous one has desired.
been closed.

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Scheduling Section Header

Time A maintenance strategy based C Accept the default or modify Used with time-
on the 12-month calendar. Ex: based plans
A 30-day maintenance
package will be due every 30
days, 7/1, 7/31, 8/29 etc.

Time-key date A maintenance strategy based C Accept the default or modify Used with time-
on the 12-month calendar, based plans
which allows the planner to
select a specific date the
maintenance, will be
performed on, regardless of
the day of the week. Ex: every
20th of the month.

Time-factory A maintenance strategy based C Accept the default or modify Used with time-
calendar on the 12 months calendar based plans
which only takes working days
into consideration. Ex: A 30-
day maintenance package will
have maintenance due ever
30 working days (usually 6
calendar weeks)

Start Section Header


Start Counter Counter reading which the C Enter a counter reading Used with strategy
Reading plan starts the planned plans based on
maintenance activities

Maintenance Tab Strip


Sort field Maintenance plan sort field O Select one of the pre-maintained
used as selection parameter entries to group maintenance
to group maintenance plans plan
with similar characteristics

As shown in below screen in create mode, enter description, Equipment press enter. Rest details like work center,
plant & function location will get copied from equipment master, Maintenance strategy also get copied & displayed (

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Here select suitable task lists by pressing F4.

Notes : ensure to select Notification -Z4 for AMC order as marked in red

Press enter, then tab on Main. Plan scheduling will take u below screen

Here enter all relevant fields like call control parameters, start of cycle etc.

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Press save button to save the maintenance Plan, Creation message will be display as “Maintenance plan 1259


Use :

In order to generate call objects (Maintenance orders/Notifications) the plans need to get scheduled


Via Menus Logistics > Plant Maintenance > Planned Maintenance

>Maintenance Planning > Maintenance Plans > Schedule

Via Transaction Code IP10/IP30

Kindly follow the preventive maintenance maintenance process user manual, here few important screens only
being displayed.

Scheduled list of calls defined in maintenance Plan got displayed includes plan date & call date .

Important Icons:

-Manual release of a call-This can be used to release a call object i.e. to call an order or a notification whose date
lies in the future and is still on hold and provided that the previous call has occurred.

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Fix call- This functionality can be used to fix a call for a particular date, provided the previous call has occurred.
The fixing can only be done between the previous call date and next call date.

Skip call-This functionality can be used to skip a call which is on hold provided the previous call is released or
skipped or called.

Select call no.1 to be release manually to the generate object (here Notification /Z4)

Press to save scheduling, the action needs to be saved

In order to display the Notification selects the line and below a display icon can be used
to display the order.

Notification 4000000000 generated as shown below.

Auto Scheduling means intimation to AMC vendor that’s AMC due for Diesel Generator


Used for Scheduling overview lists in SAP


Via Menus Logistics > Plant Maintenance > Planned Maintenance >
Maintenance Planning > Maintenance Plans > Scheduling for

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maintenance plans > Scheduling Overview>List display

Via Transaction Code IP24

Kindly follow the preventive maintenance user manual for steps, here we shall use few required steps only

By executing IP24 t code following overview scheduling lists got displayed, here Call object (work order) also get
displayed, press button to modify the layout of reports.

User specific notification list layout variant can be saved after setting the columns & their sequence. This way every time
the user will get the order list layout defaulted when he will execute the transaction IP24.


Type order number and prese enter will take you below screen

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Click on Reference object enter the AMC vendor name (optional) and other relevant data.

Notification will ger released (Put in process) by authorized person by selecting user status “APR” as highlighted in
red color.

Click on green flag to release and save the notification .

Once approved maintenance team will informed to AMC vendor for visit



Service entry sheet is nothing but the GR doc. sheet...instead of the material we maintain the services which are
performed and for which we need to pay to the vendor in MIRO..the service entry sheet is made when you procure
for the service
A list of services performed by a vendor on the basis of a purchase order, containing service descriptions and details
of quantities and values.
The descriptions of planned services deriving from the purchase order are used as default descriptions in the service
entry sheet.

Here with SES (No-1000053900) created & accepted as shown in below screen
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Here Service consumed for single visit as highlighted in red color

Note : For each Vendor AMC visits subsequent Service entry sheet to be created/consumed

Once SES consumed, AMC cost will be reflected in AMC order, will be displayed in below screen by executing T code


Type the code and enter will take u new screen as

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Here enter all relevant field like actual duration, personnel number, text. etc. and press on right arrow

to confirm next operation if any and continue till last operation. Press save will display the message

“Number of confirmations saved for order 4100000000: 1


Once all predefined services in PO are consumed then only AMC order to be technically completed

Change the order and press button for technically completion of order

Status of Order changed to TECO as

Cost of order before pre settlement

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Note: Order settlement & business closure to be done by finance department.

Here cost of order will be settled to cost center and order cost becomes zero

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