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If a business should be can not

Sign of Job fails to make Failing subsidised by compete with returning to

success satisfaction money, it will financiall the international their jobs
close government businesses

People who can not build a sense

are unhappy compete with of community
take regular international the legal
think retail
holidays businesses retirement
therapy will
help them Local
To Prove Matters business
sedentary job
worthy positions
can boost the Applying for a job
Relevant work raise job
Landing your first
eperience satisfaction do repetitive
People may over job
jobs for very
spend and get
into debt
low pay
Source of pride and
communication promoted
skills Struggle to
advance provide within the
Commensurate with their organisation
qualifications and experience
unable to Unempoyment demonstrate
find a job
Work loyalty

Children want to
need careers follow their parent’s Part of a
Self profession
advice Workaholics Stable career team
provide industrial
vocational Good pension
neglect their Your income should enable
courses Changing job
you to cover all your basic
families and needs, pay your bill and live in When you switch jobs, you
friends modest comfort keep learning new skills and Health
causes stress become more versatile
People need to
find there are risks have flexible Self-employment If you make frequent career develop a range of
Voluntary moves without good reason, experience and skills
themselves to starting a working offers greater employers might worry you are
work freedom loyalty.
homeless new business hours just a job hopper.
Time- Long route dirty and slow and
Raise tax
consuming (Bus) crowded unreliable

No incentive Deal with high

Owning a
Save money for people to volume of Various routes
use cycle traffic

Comfort comfortable
tend to travel
A reduction in
of fossil fuels
Transportation congestion
Mobile phones
ly friendly
mass rush
change our hour
working habits

Drive safely Speed cameras Railway

work from
Opening and
home can be a driver’s
closing time of
dangerous attention
Speed distraction away from
traffic calming for drivers the road
Control construction
High speed
traffic-flow Expensive
Children put Children can
pressure on easily be
parents to buy influenced by
them things. advertisements.

Advertising We now live in

Introduce high Fight
Increased sales should be a consumer
qulity products competition
regulated. culture

Children Suggest
Cartoon Educate Introduce new People enjoy Mislead
unable multiple
Characters customer market advertisment consumer
differntiate options

Raise the cost

Feel free TV
access to all
Advertising Inform

Subtle effects
people Fat
Artificial wants Poor nutrition Sugar
Fast food
Products that information to
can be a risk to compare Key part of
products Irresponsible Junky food
health should modern
display business Sausage
warnings. Pizza
In some Fried potatoes
should only countries it is
Warnings must illegal to Without
censor false advertisement
be displayed advertise
information or we have less
on cigarette cigarettes on
products that choice
packets television
are harmful.
Creativity Culture Protecting
heritage culture

Not help Not functional for society Insufficient

children to find
a job later on
Not play a vital role
Not essential subject
ART government
harmony in
Communicate society

Accessible to
people of all
interests Promote
income groups
national pride

Source of food
Hold in
Cages are
capacity is
Artificial Safe wrong Horses
environment environment Hunting Working
is illegal animals
to contact with Human
wild animals Zoo Animal Loss of habitat Deforestration

programmes Respect wild

On the verge
ecosystem Loss of species
Testing of extinction
Suffer extreme medicine
Lack of parental
Close contact Police Part of the
with schools officers community

Racial and
Lack of structure
on daily lives
Catch harrassment
Deter people Harsher criminals
from crime punishmen
Break the law
Strict control
Alleviate poverty
Will be

A criminal
Depend on
Crime An offender
A lawbreaker
Job less
judge opinion
Shun anti- Pose a threat Decrease
social a society income
Fraudulent Lack of budgeting
Money laundry online
companies and money
Avoid the cost of management
inmprosnment To imprison skills
to put behind bars
to jail
Make better
Health and
Some people suffer
Nerves make people Uniforms do not Uniforms do not Rich and poor both
from nerves when Class schedules can Uniforms promote Discrimination can They support
perform worse than allow for help students wear the same
they are under be easily changed equality be avoided discipline
usual individuality increase their grades clothing

Children do not have

the chance to
Scoring is simplified
interact with other Some students
children prefer to focus only
Exam as a on their academic
Students cannot get mean of Uniform subjects
Parents and child schooling
feedback on their assessment
may spend too
mistakes from
much time together
exams Overload with
The speed of
Exams do not assess
learning can be
ability, only
altered to suit the
knowledge Help students
Extra-curricular develop their
Assess a person’s
abilities and
knowledge Adding pressure to
EDUCATION student is not
healthy for them

Children will be able

Girls will not feel Some girls mature
to concentrate more
intimidated by boys faster than boys Teachers Must have a good
on education
knowledge base in
Single sex their subject
Children need
Same sex schools do Children learn more
experience of
not prepare children about opposite Students can Teachers need to be
interacting with Online courses
for the real world gender speedup their able to
opposite sex
learning to complete communicate
a course sooner effectively

Push children Classroom give

Commit suicide Too much pressure Punishment
to do well students a sense of Good classroom
unity and management
Students are able to
Understand the work full time during Teachers can
Learning should be studying
importance of provide feedback
enjoyable, not Inspire children
educational and support
achievement students

Children learn
Children are too Children may rebel Children should feel Online courses allow
Encouragement to quickly between Quick way to stop Children should not Define goals for
young to handle and refuse to safe in their learning students to study at
perform well what is right and bad behaviour be hit children
pressure well cooperate environment their own pace
what is wrong
It is naturally It reduces the Without meat, we can not get the
high in fiber risk of heart amount of protein we need to
and low in fat disease grow and remain strong and
Fast food is popular not only because it is
convenient but also it is tasty. Vegetarian
Diet Meat product Obesity,
taste delicious, diabetes and The human body
while heart disease requires a
vegetables are are on the balanced diet.
often bland. increase.

genetic Eating a lot of fast The nutritional
Will eventually
modification, food can cause health value of fast
affect our
foods can be problems such as food is quite
given more obesity. low
flavor and a
better texture.
Fast food is
Unhealthy junk food
should be banned
from school menus
FOOD than called
health food

Fast food is
only bad if you
can be given a Can be given a People who work full- have too much
We can discover dishes
longer shelf longer shelf time can not cook of it.
from all over the world
life. life. every day
food They are
cheap to buy
Many additives trigger and very easy
allergic reactions to prepare.

Packaged food contains a Home cooked meals are

lot of additives and healthier than industrially
Prepared foods are always preservatives. produced foods.
readily available and are
Good way to Informative
Show sexual No visual Children copy Waste of It can be
relax and
contents program behaviour time addiction
Enjoyable educationed
Many sites Children
People listen
have spend less
Negative to news on
offensive time to
their car Access to
contents playing
Difficult to Negative Positive entertainmen
search for Discover new t channels
good songs
information RADIO
Reduce stress
Develop TV
INTERNET and anxiety
Cause Significant
distraction of role in the
Buy goods drivers economy
and services Negative
Cause Fulfill a basic
Role of
damage to human need
Access the music
our brain rhythm
Encourage Buy products
and luxury items Repetitive and
Improve their Play chess
people to buy they do not limited in scope
health keep people things need Traditiona
and self-esteem mentally astute MUSIC
l music
Used to
SHOPPING national unity

sport Send text International A vital part of a

surf on the MOBILE music country’s
internet PHONES cultural heritage
Listen to music
take photo
ACTIVITIES To spread Discover Build bridge Make the
English as a other between people world seem
global language cultures across the globe uniform
The cost of Parents tend Governments should invest Parents have less
bringing up to have fewer money in facilities and contact with their
children has children training for care workers children
More time with friends
Nuclear family or surfing the internet
Expanded Nurses are better Care for Caring for elderly people
family trained than family old was traditionally the
members people responsibility of families Children feel
Mothers often work
and do not have Children benefit from
time to take care of Both having healthy happy
large families. Family parents parents
size working
Parents do not have
Children are unsure of time available to care
who they might live for their children
with afterwards
It is better for parents responsibilities help
to separate than to Family children mature
argue all the time quickly
Divorce Some families need
two incomes for
financial stability

A happy Parents might be able to

Divorce was
parent is a understand reasons behind Lack parental guidance
good parent bad behavior

Children learn to
Rise in divorce rates appreciate of the
Embarrassing Parents are responsible for
may be connected to Parents money
for a family the upbringing of their child
some social problems

The process of divorce

Children feel Parents know their children
can be stressful for
insecure better than teachers
Earthquakes and plane crashes
Newspapers focus on background
happen quickly, whereas good events
stories and analysis of global events
develop over a period of time
News outlets are often controlled
by government News media shape public opinion

Readers can react immediately on News media have become People getting their news for free
an online news instruments of prpaganda on the internet

Reading a good story

together is a great way to
bond with your children
Pay scant attention on
the written word
Fiction disconnects the
reader from reality and
encourages them to live in
a fantasy world of their
own. Access digital books on a
READING & wide variety of devices

Some stories have a

negative emotional impact
on children

Its weight
Literature foster Paper book Enjoyable
its small
emotional of
Libraries Literature
Have limit on how emotional of Eyesight Large pc Set the size
many physical books children problem monitors fonts
Agricultural Plastic water Governments Money from Some people Huge amounts A water crisis Drinking water
Water supply They will
pollution is bottles add to should supply taxes can be believe that of water are could lead to is not
systems are repair leaks to
one of the litter and water to all used to pay for water should needed for political contaminated
extremely avoid losing
main cause of waste homes at no water supply be free for agriculture and conflicts or by sewage or
expensive. money.
water problems. cost. systems. everyone. industry even wars. waste water.

People dump a
huge amount
of waste into
Poor water
quality is a
Get the voice of a huge
major cause of
variety of cultures
disease and Avoid conflict between
death countries
Predominant language
Water is an of academics all over
essential the world Misunderstanding will
resource Most software
LANGUAGE be eradicate

programs are written

Share the same
Have WATER in english
language, They will
more similar
Provide your services
Contaminated Children absorb
water makes information easily
people ill Translation
Communicate with
much more audiences
Children are naturally

Closer contact
Have no facilities to
Computers teach a foreign
make fewer language
Oceans are not only a Oceans generate most of culture
source of fish, but also of the oxygen we breathe Oceans cover more than Voice to voice
seaweed that have a high and absorb carbon form two-third of our planet translator aoo
nutritional value the atmosphere
Make spoken and written Gives you a very
Consumers can Provide a platform for Disrupts face to
communication between good insight
easily compare people to discuss face
people possible anytime, into their mind
prices international issues communication
anywhere and character
shopping Cutting
You cannot try
ourselves off
on the clothes People across from the real
you buy the globe can world
share their SOCIAL Messages answered
photographs MEDIA almost immediately
and life Meeting Chatting with
Online retailers
experiences people people online
are open 24h
online removes the
Positive pressure to
The range of face-to-face
products interaction
available online
There is no way
is unlimited
Develop to know who
Shopping is communication the person you
sometimes as meet online
expensive as the really is
item you order Buy goods and
The You can
Computers are internet discover your
unable to give
feedback to Access the INTERNET brings
old friends

strudents information You can update

everyone on
Computers cost what you are
less than doing
Used to spread
gossip or false
Computers are Too easy to information
not able to access
understand Risks for
individual children Negative
Computers Parents need to talk openly websites, sexual
differences in online
will replace to their children about how images and
learning teachers to stay safe online videos. Show sexual
Computers have Parents need to keep an eye
already become on their children’s online
valuable Computer Difficult to Many sites have
activities and talk to them Neglect their
teaching tools in games are search for good offensive
about the dangers involved homework
the classroom addictive information contents
in using the internet
The government can collect information on
Chemicals used in agriculture such Plant and animal Carbon dioxide is
a national scale to see the whole picture Extinction of Limit the number of
as pesticides and insecticides are species depend on emitted from burning
and take effective steps to deal with species cars on the road
released into the air each other of fossil fuels
Industries should be Emissions from
Air pollution and marine pollution effects People boycott products from Health in terms of encouraged to use industries should be
Pollution has companies known to pollute food and health care sustainable green monitored more
more than one country at a time
affected plant energy closely
and animal
Government knows best how to tackle
their own domestic pollution problems Destruction of
animal habitat
People need to be responsible and buy ecosystem
products that do not harm the Pollution
environment Declining
The spread of
Some forests
are destroyed
Children should be taught about... habitation and
by wildfires

Start saving water What should The Deforestrati

Cut down trees Flood
take? on
People should recycle plastics and other
materials more Friendly/unfriendly Ban Cutting Human
atmosphere Destroy wild life
down habitation
Conserve – Protection of _ Save Peaceful places to

Destroy – Harmful –damage

beauty Stricter laws should be
spots introduced to protect Quality and
Sea level will Global natural beauty spots quantity of food
rise warming from industrial pollution
Natural beauty spots are Natural beauty
tourist attraction which spots are a Better farming
boost a country’s source of Illegal hunting
Effort to tackle methods to prevent
economy national pride should be more Soil depletion
it felling trees for
and identity strictly controlled
farm land
Offer free education, which
Governments can Gap will allow people the People enjoying
arrange for more Global warming Political instability
chance to escape the increased longevity
trees to be planted between rich and poor poverty cycle

Strict rules against Contribution affects the

Poor living standard Decline in the death rate
deforestation distribution of wealth


Climate changes Narrow the gap between

Lose financially from More update People able to lead
have resulted in the salaries of blue-collar
educating workers facilities healthy lifestyle
temperature rise and white-collar workers

Transportation also
Migration of skilled
Infant mortality rates have
Shortage of skill Better working Increase taxes for people
contributes to rise in
workers conditions
workers with higher salaries
dropped due to better
carbon dioxide education for women

Ensure that have a

Put a ceiling Lose some their Lack of good media Better medical facilities
minimum wage that is
on the brightest and and education help people recover
sufficient for a good
higher salaries dynamic people facilities from illnesses
standard of living

People enjoy a better

Problem Causes standard of living =>
longer lifespan


Offer a clear career

People should be path
Elderly people will
The retirement age encouraged to save
should be increased
be able to continue
more of their
Problems Overpopulation
to pay taxes
Sex education
Promotion based on Encourage
should be taught in
skills professionals to stay

Growing poverty
Invest in and Increase in crime
Solutions Women should be
Aging world improve facilities in
Increase wage
Food shortage
educated about
population schools and
family planning
World’s resources is
unsustainable and will
result in depletion The government
should enforce a
on-child policy.
The number of old
The economy will people will exceed Elderly care facilities Unemployment due to
suffer the number of will be strained more competition for jobs
young people
Better coaching Improve the standard of
Stricter rules living
enhanced sports
Tourism attracts
investment from multi-
national companies
Reduce the risk of
injury Traveling abroad opens
our minds
Challenge physically
and psychologically
Dangerous sports
Popular leisure activity

Our health is our

greatest asset Tourism
Valuable source of income

Individual business owners

who benefit from the
tourist trade
Learning team spirit
Tourists can alter local
Damage to historical buildings culture

Have more fun A large tourist trade can

adversely affect the
environment by causing
Parents play a key role in pollution
More guards should
helping their kids find a
be posted Job opportunities increase
sport that they enjoy
as more tourists visit local
Team mates learn to areas
support each other to Children exercise
achieve a common goal Entering should be
All schools should
encourage students to
take part in a sport

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