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Speaking for Everyday Life 1 (2nd Edition)

Unit NAME: ______________________________

01 SCORE: ___________________ out of 20 points

Vocabulary / 6 points
Write the correct expression in the sentences below.

freshman political science junior economics hometown biology

1. A third-year student is a _______________.

2. Where you were born, or where you grew up, is your _______________.
3. A major that studies how governments work is _______________.
4. A major that studies the body and natural environment is _______________.
5. A first-year student is a _______________.
6. A major that studies money and income is _______________.

Introductory Questions / 5 points

Write the questions for the answers below.
1. My name is Mike. → _____________________________________________
2. My major is English. → _____________________________________________
3. I’m from Jeju-do. → _____________________________________________
4. I’m a sophomore. → _____________________________________________
5. I live in Busan. → _____________________________________________

Four ‘W’ Questions / 4 points

Write the questions for the answers below.
1. My favorite actress is Angelina Jolie. → __________________________________________
2. My birthday is June 17th. → __________________________________________
3. My hobby is website design. → __________________________________________
4. My university is in Seoul. → __________________________________________
Listening – Introductions / 5 points
Listen to the dialog read by your teacher, or from the CD (Unit 1, Listening Activity B), and fill in the
blanks below.

Su-jin: Terry, I’d like you to meet my _______________ friend, Min-jeong. Min-jeong, this is
Terry. He’s studying _______________, like me!
Min-jeong: Wow, that’s cool. Nice to meet you Terry.
Terry: Same here. What are you _______________ in?
Min-jeong: Business Management. I just _______________ this year.
Su-jin: Min-jeong and I went to the _______________ high school in Korea. How about you,
Terry? Where are you from?
Terry: I’m from Sydney, Australia.
Speaking for Everyday Life 1 (2nd Edition)

Unit NAME: ______________________________

02 SCORE: ___________________ out of 20 points

Vocabulary / 4 points
Write the correct expression in the sentences below.

sleep in late noon midnight get up early get dressed wear clothes

1. I eat lunch at _______________.

2-3. During the week I _______________ because of class, but on weekends I _______________.
4. After I take a shower and brush my teeth, I _______________.

In – On – At / 6 points
Match in, on or at with the expressions below.
1. _______________ 1:30 4. _______________ 2007
2. _______________ Monday 5. _______________ night
3. _______________ November 6. _______________ the morning

Time / 4 points
Write down the times shown on the clocks below.

1. It is ______________________________. 3. It is ______________________________.
2. It is ______________________________. 4. It is ______________________________.

Daily Routines And Time / 6 points

Make sentences about your daily activities using the expressions below.
Example: (brush my teeth) I brush my teeth at 7:30.

1. (wake up) ____________________________________________________________

2. (put on clothes) ____________________________________________________________
3. (eat lunch) ____________________________________________________________
4. (check email) ____________________________________________________________
5. (watch TV) ____________________________________________________________
6. (study English) ____________________________________________________________
Speaking for Everyday Life 1 (2nd Edition)

Unit NAME: ______________________________

03 SCORE: ___________________ out of 20 points

Vocabulary / 6 points
Write the correct expression in the sentences below.

stop station stand intersection footbridge crosswalk

1. A place where two or more roads meet is a(n) _______________.

2. A place where you can catch a taxi is called a taxi _______________.
3. A place where you can catch a bus is called a bus _______________.
4. A place where you can get on the subway is called a subway _______________.
5. A place where you can cross the street is called a _______________ or a _______________.

Directions / 4 points
Using the map, fill in the blanks below with the correct expressions.

1. There’s a supermarket _____________________________________________.

2. There’s a coffee shop _____________________________________________ the GS 25.
3. The GS 25 is _____________________________________________ the post office.
4. The movie theater is _____________________________________________ the post office.

Direct and Indirect Questions / 4 points

Make polite questions out of the sentences below. Two should be direct, two indirect.
Example: (baggage claim) Could you tell me where baggage claim is?
1. (check-in) ____________________________________________________________
2. (baggage claim) ____________________________________________________________
3. (subway station) ____________________________________________________________
4. (restroom) ____________________________________________________________

Map Practice / 6 points, 2 points each

Using the map, give directions to answer the questions below.
1. Excuse me, how do I get to the movie theater?
2. Excuse me, how do I get to the post office?
3. Excuse me, how do I get to the department store?
Speaking for Everyday Life 1 (2nd Edition)

Unit NAME: ______________________________

04 SCORE: ___________________ out of 20 points

Vocabulary / 6 points
Write the correct expression in the sentences below.

turn down mountain climbing reschedule hang out work out hiking

1. If you get together with friends to have fun you can say you _______________ with them.
2. Another expression that means to exercise is to _______________.
3. An expression, similar to refuse an invitation, is to _______________ an invitation.
4. If you need to change the day or time of something, you need to _______________ it.
5. ______________________________ is a hobby that requires special equipment and can be
dangerous, but _______________ only requires comfortable shoes for walking in the country, forest
or mountains.

Likes and Dislikes / 5 points

Write down how you feel about the activities below.
Example: (drinking coffee) I really like it.

1. (listening to hip-hop) ____________________________________________________________

2. (exercising) ____________________________________________________________
3. (eating pizza) ____________________________________________________________
4. (studying English) ____________________________________________________________
5. (dancing) ____________________________________________________________

Invitations / 4 points, 2 points each

Make a short dialog inviting someone to do the activities below. Then politely accept or refuse the
1. go out for ice cream after class 2. go shopping
A: ______________________________ A: ______________________________
B: ______________________________ B: ______________________________
A: ______________________________ A: ______________________________
B: _______________ _______________ B: ______________________________
Listening / 5 points
Listen to the dialog read by your teacher, or from the CD (Unit 4, Listening Activity B), and fill in the
blanks below.

Kathy: That sounds _______________. A group of us are going _______________ next weekend.
Do you want to come?
Al: I’ve got a _______________ class that weekend. How about a different weekend?
Kathy: Sure, I’ll let you know the _______________ time we go.

Konglish / 5 points
Change the Konglish expressions to English.
1. Let’s play bowling. Let’s ______________________________ bowling.
2. Let’s see an SF movie. Let’s see a(n) ______________________________
3. Let’s Dutch pay lunch. Let’s ______________________________ lunch.
4. I played with friends. I ______________________________ with friends.
5. I have a 2 p.m. promise. I have ______________________________.
Speaking for Everyday Life 1 (2nd Edition)

Unit NAME: ______________________________

05 SCORE: ___________________ out of 20 points

Vocabulary / 5 points
Write the correct expression in the sentences below.

lunar calendar day off Memorial Day solar calendar

Liberation Day Chuseok Halloween April Fool’s Day

1. A Korean holiday in the fall to celebrate the harvest and full moon is _______________.
2. A calendar that uses the moon, instead of the sun, is called a _______________.
3. A holiday to remember soldiers who have died for their country is _______________.
4. A day that you don’t have to work or go to school, like Sunday or a holiday, is a
5. A special day when people plays jokes on each other is _______________.

Family Vocabulary / 6 points

Write the correct answer in the blank.
1. Who is your mother’s father? → ___________________________________
2. Who is your brother’s wife? → ___________________________________
3. Who is your husband’s/wife’s mother? → ___________________________________
4. Who is your father’s sister? → ___________________________________
5. Who is your brother’s daughter? → ___________________________________
6. Who is your uncle’s son? → ___________________________________

Time Prepositions / 4 points

Fill in the blank with the correct time preposition.
1. This class will end _______________ June.
2. This class will end _______________ Dec. 18th.
3. I will graduate _______________ 2010.
4. I will call you _______________ Sunday.
Konglish / 4 points
Change the Konglish expressions to English.
1. I have four families. _____________________________________________
2. I’d like to introduce our husband. I’d like to introduce _______________ husband.
3. Chuseok is at my big uncle’s house. Chuseok is at my _______________ uncle’s house.
4. Plant-a-tree day is tomorrow. _______________ day is tomorrow.

Listening / 6 points
Listen to the dialog read by your teacher, or from the CD (Unit 5, Listening Activity B), and fill in the
blanks below.

Mom: Are there any other _______________ you want to know?

Son: Yes, can you tell me the birthdays for Grandma and Granny?
Mom: Well, Grandma was _______________ on March 10th, 1952.
Son: Ok, got it. And Granny?
Mom: Let’s _______________. She was born on Jan. 15th, 1948.
Son: Ok, thanks Mom. Now I have _______________ birthday.
Mom: Good—now you won’t _______________ to send birthday cards!
Speaking for Everyday Life 1 (2nd Edition)

Unit NAME: ______________________________

06 SCORE: ___________________ out of 20 points

Vocabulary / 6 points
Write the correct expression in the sentences below.

well-built chubby beautiful handsome hot-tempered stubborn shy

1. Someone who gets angry easily is _______________.

2-3. If a woman is good looking you can say she is _______________, but if a man is good-looking
you should say he is _______________.
4-5. You can say someone who has a good body is _______________, but someone who is a little
heavy or overweight is _______________.
6. Someone who doesn’t change their mind easily is _______________.

Past Tense / 6 points

Fill in the blanks below with the correct version of the verbs in parentheses.

Last Sunday I _______________ (get) up, _______________ (wash) my face and

_______________ (leave) home. I _______________ (go) to school and _______________ (meet)
friends from my English class. We _______________ (have) a good time.

Storytelling / 4 points, 2 points each

Finish the sentences below.
1. Last night I was going home on the bus when ______________________________
2. I was studying in the library when ______________________________

Listening / 4 points
Listen to the dialog read by your teacher, or from the CD (Unit 6, a part of Listening Activity), and fill
in the blanks below.

Nolan: A guy I know is really _______________ to meet someone. Would you be interested?
Jackie: What’s he like?
Nolan: Sam’s average-height but really _______________. A lot of women say he’s
Jackie: Not bad, but what’s he really like?
Nolan: Well, he can be a little _______________, but he’s also _______________ and really nice.
Speaking for Everyday Life 1 (2nd Edition)

Unit NAME: ______________________________

07 SCORE: ___________________ out of 20 points

Vocabulary / 4 points
Write the correct expression in the sentences below.

leave call back text me pick up on another line

1. I’m sorry, Ms. Lee is _______________ and can’t take your call.
2. Dad, _______________ the phone, it’s for you.
3-4. If I don’t answer, just _______________ a message and I’ll _______________ when I’m free.

Requests / 6 points, 2 points each

Use the situations below to make polite requests.
Example: (You want your classmates email address.)
Could you give me your email address?

1. It’s raining but you forgot your umbrella. Your friend has an extra one.
2. You’re sitting in class. You forgot your book. Your friend is sitting next to you.
3. Your going on vacation but you don’t have a camera. Your brother has one.

Refusals / 6 points, 2 points each

Write sentences that politely refuse the requests below.
Example: Could I borrow a pen?
I’m sorry, but this is my only pen.

1. Could I borrow 20,000 won?

2. Could you close the window? I’m cold.
3. Could you lend me some change for the coffee machine?

Listening / 5 points
Listen to the dialog read by your teacher, or from the CD (Unit 7, Listening Activity), and fill in the
blanks below.

Man: Ace Auto Repairs. How may I _______________ you?

Woman: Can I speak to Ben, please?
Man: I’m sorry, he’s on his _______________ break now. Can I take a message?
Woman: Do you know what time he’ll be _______________?
Man: He should be back at 2 p.m.
Woman: My name is Alice Stenbeck. Ben left a _______________ for me earlier about replacing
the car battery. Tell him to go ahead and do it.
Man: Ok, I will tell him to put a _______________ car battery in your car.
Woman: Thank you. Also, when will my car be _______________?
Man: You can pick it up at 5 p.m.
Woman: Ok, thank you.
Man: Thanks for calling Ace Auto Repairs.

Konglish / 4 points
Change the Konglish expressions to English.
1. You have a nice home-p. You have a nice _________________________.
2. Can I use your white? Can I use your _________________________?
3. I bought a new handphone. I bought a new _________________________.
4. Could you give us a 7 a.m. morning call ? Could you give us a 7 a.m. _______________?
Speaking for Everyday Life 1 (2nd Edition)

Unit NAME: ______________________________

08 SCORE: ___________________ out of 20 points

Vocabulary / 6 points
Write the correct expression in the sentences below.

resume manager mechanic Master’s Degree civil servant

PhD engineer professor Bachelor’s Degree

1-2. Someone who fixes machines or something broken, like a car, is a _______________, but
someone who designs new machines, computer chips, cars, etc., is a _______________.
3. If you go to a job interview you’ll need to write your _______________.
4. Someone who teaches at a university is a _______________.
5. Someone who works for the government is a _______________.
6. The highest university degree you can get is a _______________.

Can / 4 points
Answer the can questions below.
1. Can you speak English? → ___________________________________
2. How well can you speak English? → ___________________________________
3. Can you cook? → ___________________________________
4. How well can you cook? → ___________________________________

Listening / 5 points
Listen to the dialog read by your teacher, or from the CD (Unit 8, Listening Activity A), and fill in the
blanks below.

Interviewer: Nice to meet you. Please have a _______________ and we’ll get started. The first part
of the interview will be in English.
Tae-ho: Nice to meet you, too. I have an extra copy of my _______________ in English in case
you need it.
Interviewer: No problem. I’ve been looking it over and I’m _______________ about your work
history. You’ve only had _______________ jobs?
Tae-ho: Yes, I worked part-time during the school year, more during summer and winter vacations.
Konglish / 5 points
Change the Konglish expressions to English.
1. I’m a staff at Apple Korea. I’m _______________ staff at Apple Korea.
2. I have a good arbeit. I have a good ______________________________.
3. I want to be a good salaryman. I want to be a good ______________________________.
4. I learned a lot from my seniors. I learned a lot from ______________________________.
5. I went to abroad to study. I went ______________________________ to study.
Speaking for Everyday Life 1 (2nd Edition)

Unit NAME: ______________________________

09 SCORE: ___________________ out of 20 points

Vocabulary / 6 points
Write the correct expression in the sentences below.

bland scrumptious good for you gross

1-2. An expression for something that tastes good is _______________, but an expression for
something healthy is _______________.
3. Another expression for bad or disgusting is _______________,

Write the name of the food under the pictures below.

tofu onions bean sprouts peppers garlic

4. _____________________ 5. _____________________ 6. _____________________

Count and Non-count / 6 points

Fill in the blanks with the correct expression. Some sentences may have more than one correct
1. Do we have _______________ oranges? No, there aren’t _______________ oranges.
2. How _______________ coffee is there? There is ___________________________ coffee.
3. Is there _______________ sugar? Yes, there is _________________________

Comparatives / 5 points
Make sentences using the words below.
Example: (English class, watching a movie, interesting)
English class is more interesting than watching a movie!
1. (orange juice, Coca-Cola, healthy)
2. (steak, ramen, expensive)
3. (me/I, my best friend, tall)
4. (my new cell phone, my old cell phone, good)
5. (Chinese food, Japanese food, delicious)

Listening / 4 points
Listen to the dialog read by your teacher, or from the CD (Unit 9, Listening Activity B), and fill in the
blanks below.

Sylvia: John, what do you think about getting curry tonight?

John: Curry is too _______________. How about steaks? They are more filling.
Sylvia: I’m not that _______________. How about getting a couple of large Caesar salads?
John: No, I need something _______________and more filling.
Sylvia: Let’s get Chinese food. I can order something light and _______________, and you can get
something more fattening.
John: Very funny. But Jajangmyeon _______________ good.
Sylvia: Ugh! Jajangmyeon is too _______________ if you ask me.

Konglish / 4 points
Change the Konglish expressions to English.
1. Here’s a service beer. Here’s a ______________________________ beer.
2. He’s a good cooker. He’s a good ______________________________.
3. She has much money. She has ______________________________ money.
4. Buy it at the super. Buy it at the ______________________________.
Speaking for Everyday Life 1 (2nd Edition)

Unit NAME: ______________________________

10 SCORE: ___________________ out of 20 points

Vocabulary / 8 points
Match the clothing vocabulary with the images below.

swimming suit one-piece panties sneakers sweater

turtleneck suit hiking boots jeans walkers

1. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________
5. ______________________________ 6. ______________________________
7. ______________________________ 8. ______________________________

Clothing / 4 points
Write down what you are wearing.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
Demonstratives / 4 points
Circle the correct word in the sentences below.
1. I like (those, that) boots.
2. You mean the hiking (it, ones)?
3-4. No, the (it, ones) next to (those, that) black boots.

Listening / 4 points
Your teacher will choose and read four different numbers. Write them below.
1. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________

Konglish / 5 points
Change the Konglish expressions to English.
1. He wears his clothes after he showers. He _______________ his clothes after he showers.
2. She wore a two-piece to the party. She wore a _______________ to the party.
3. That’s a great Y-shirt. That’s a great ______________________________.
4. That’s a nice black color suit. That’s a nice ______________________________ suit.
5. Put on your training wear. Put on your ______________________________.
Speaking for Everyday Life 1 (2nd Edition)

Unit NAME: ______________________________

11 SCORE: ___________________ out of 20 points

Vocabulary / 5 points
Write the correct expression in the sentences below.

monsoon Celsius overcast Fahrenheit terrible up foggy

1. In the U.S. people use degrees _______________ to tell the temperature, but in Korea and most
other countries people use degrees _______________.
2. In the summer, when it rains a lot, you can say it is the rainy season or the _______________
3. Another word for “cloudy” is _______________.
4. The opposite of ‘cool off’ is warm _______________.

Weather Forecast / 6 points, 2 points each

Use the chart to answer the questions below.

1. What is the forecast for Saturday?

2. What is the forecast for Monday?
3. What is the forecast for Tuesday?
How Often / 4 points
Answer the questions below.
1. How often do you brush your teeth?
2. How often do you use your cell phone?
3. How often do you drink coffee?
4. How often do you get your hair cut?

Listening / 5 points
Listen to the weather forecast read by your teacher, or from the CD (Unit 11, Listening Activity A),
and fill in the blanks below.

And now for a look at the weather across the country. Arctic air continues to _______________
down into the eastern part of the country, bringing _______________ temperatures from Maine
down south to the Carolinas. New York should expect heavy _______________ over the weekend.
Showers and thunderstorms are expected along the Gulf Coast states with severe thunderstorms
predicted for New Orleans. _______________ is also forecast for the Northwest, with heavy rain
expected in Seattle. Further south, _______________ and clear skies are expected over much of
California and into the Southwest. Arizona will be the warmest state over the weekend, with
temperatures ranging from 20 to 22 degrees Celsius.

Konglish / 5 points
Change the Konglish expressions to English.
1. Let’s trip to Mt. Seorak this fall. Let’s _______________ to Mt. Seorak this fall.
2. I like to play ski in the winter. I like to _______________ ski in the winter.
3. I love the high fall sky. I love the ______________________________ fall sky.
4. Vinylhouse oranges taste great! ______________________________ oranges taste great!
5. This weekend, snow comes. ______________________________ this weekend.
Speaking for Everyday Life 1 (2nd Edition)

Unit NAME: ______________________________

12 SCORE: ___________________ out of 20 points

Vocabulary / 4 points
Match the picture with the correct expression.

skinned my elbow got a bloody nose hurt my back smashed my fingers

got a bump on my forehead lost some teeth got a bloody nose

1. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________

Superlatives / 7 points
Write the superlative form of the adjectives below.
1. cheap ______________________________
2. expensive ______________________________
3. easy ______________________________
4. popular ______________________________

Now, make sentences, using superlatives, about the topics below.

1. (golf) ____________________________________________________________
2. (soccer) ____________________________________________________________
3. (yoga) ____________________________________________________________

Listening / 5 points
Listen to the dialog read by your teacher, or from the CD (Unit 12, a part of Listening Activity), and
fill in the blanks below.
Terri: You’re going _______________?
Nate: Yeah, I hate it, but I have to do it for _______________.
Terri: Wow, I didn’t know you knew how to golf. How _______________ do you go?
Nate: Once or twice a _______________.

Konglish / 4 points
Change the Konglish expressions to English.
1. I like to jogging. I like ______________________________.
2. Can you play bowling? Can you ______________________________?
3. My arm is sick. My arm ______________________________.
4. I like to do exercise. I like to ______________________________.

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