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Associations and Societies

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 22091
Tel. (800) 639-2422 • Fax (703) 264-7551 • E-mail:

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is the nation’s oldest and largest professional
society in aeronautics, astronautics, and related defense systems. AIAA was founded in 1963 when the American
Rocket Society and the Institute of the Aerospace Sciences merged. Both organizations date back to the 1930s.
The AIAA has more than 35,000 members, including engineers, scientists, and students in the aerospace
field and from all levels of industry, academia, and government. Its 55 corporate members represent many of
the leading aerospace companies.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers International (ASME)

345 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017-2392
Tel. (212) 705-7722 • Fax (212) 705-7674 • E-mail:

Founded in 1880, the ASME currently has over 118,000 members. The ASME is concerned with all aspects of
mechanical engineering and related fields. The society is divided geographically into 12 regions and 200 local
sections in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. There are over 21,000 students in 300 student sections at colleges
and universities.
The ASME carries out its goals through five councils. The following is a list of the ASME technical divisions:
• Basic Engineering: Applied Mechanics, Bioengineering, Fluids Engineering, Heat Transfer, Tribology.
• Energy Conversion: Internal Combustion Engines, Fuels and Combustion Technologies, Nuclear Engi-
neering, Power.
• Energy Resources: Advanced Energy Systems, Ocean Engineering, Petroleum, Solar Energy.

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• Environment and Transportation: Aerospace, Environmental Control, Noise Control and Acoustics, Rail
Transportation, Solid Waste Processing.
• General Engineering: Management, Safety, Technology and Society.
• Materials and Structures: Materials, Pressure Vessels and Piping, NDE Engineering, Offshore Mechanics
and Arctic Engineering.
• Manufacturing: Materials Handling Equipment, Plant Engineering and Maintenance, Process Industries,
Production Engineering, Textile Engineering.
• Systems and Design: Computers in Engineering, Design Engineering, Dynamic Systems and Control,
Electrical and Electronic Packaging, Fluid Power Systems and Technology.

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshocken, PA 19428
Tel. (610) 832-9500 • Fax (610) 832-9555 • E-mail:

European Office
27-29 Knowl Piece, Wilbury Way
Hitchin, Herts SG4 OSX, England
Tel. (44) 1462-437933 • Fax (44) 1462-433678

Founded in 1898, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has grown into one of the largest
voluntary standards development systems in the world. ASTM is a nonprofit organization that provides a forum
for producers, users, ultimate consumers, and those having a general interest, such as representatives of
government and academia, to meet on common ground and write standards for materials, products, systems,
and services. From the work of 131 standards-writing committees, ASTM publishes standard test methods,
specifications, practices, guides, classifications, and terminology. ASTM’s standards development activities
encompass metals, paints, plastics, textiles, petroleum, construction, energy, the environment, consumer prod-
ucts, medical services and devices, computerized systems, electronics, and many other areas. All technical
research and testing is done voluntarily by over 35,000 technically qualified ASTM members located throughout
the world.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
Tel. (212) 626-0500 • Fax (212) 944-1318 • E-mail:

ACM European Service Center

108 Cowley Road
Oxford OX4 IJF U.K.
Tel. (44) 1865-382338 • Fax (44) 1865-381338 • E-mail:

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) was founded in 1947, a year after the first successful
electronic digital computer (ENIAC) was unveiled. ACM became the first society in computing. Today ACM
is a major force in advancing the skills and knowledge of information technology professionals and students,
and it remains the largest international scientific and educational computer society in the world.

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ACM membership consists of more than 80,000 men and women who are largely practitioners, developers,
researchers, educators, engineers, and managers, all with significant interest in the creation and application of
information technology. Institutional members of ACM include some of the biggest and leading corporations
in the computing and information industries.

Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)

4025 Pleasantdale Road, Suite 420
Atlanta, GA 30340

Tel. (770) 447-5083 • Fax (770) 446-3969

The Association of Energy Engineers (AAE), with 8500 members, is an organization of professionals interested
in energy engineering, energy management, and cogeneration. The AEE maintains a division. The Cogeneration
and Competitive Power Institute, with 1400 members. The AEE has committees involved with educational
activities, energy consulting, government engineers, plant and building energy management, solar power, and
wind engineering. The AEE also supports a council on National Energy Policy

Audio Engineering Society (AES)

60 East 42nd Street, Room 2520
New York, NY 10165

Tel. (212) 661-8528 • Fax (212) 682-0477

The Audio Engineering Society (AES), with more than 10,000 members, is the largest organization in the world
that deals with the science and engineering of recording and reproducing sound. AES was established in 1948.
All members of the sound industry and related fields are eligible for membership consideration.

Computer Measurement Group Inc. (CMG)

414 Plaza Drive, Suite 209
Westmont, IL 60559

Tel. (630) 655-1812 • Fax (630) 655-1813 • E-mail:

Established in 1968, the CMG has over 2000 members. It is involved with activities involving computer
performance evaluation, and measurement and management of computer systems.

Eta Kappa Nu
University of Missouri-Rolla
Rolla, MO 65401

Tel. (573) 341-6400 • Fax (573) 341-6449 • E-mail:

Eta Kappa Nu is an honor fraternity for electrical engineers. Founded in 1904, Eta Kappa Nu has more than
150,000 members.

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Headquarters Office
345 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017-2394
Tel. (212) 705-7900 • Fax (212) 705-7182 • E-mail:

Service Center (includes Membership Services)

445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
Tel. (732) 981-0060 or (800) 678-IEEE • Fax (732) 981-9667 • E-mail:

United States Services (IEEE-USA)

1828 L Street, N.W., Suite 1202
Washington, DC 20036-5104
Tel. (202) 785-0017 • Fax (202) 785-0835

The IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional society. Founded in 1884, the IEEE has a membership
today of more than 320,000 who conduct and participate in its activities in 147 countries. The IEEE focuses
on advancing the theory and practice of electrical, electronics, and computer engineering and computer science.
The IEEE annually sponsors approximately 500 conferences; conducts diverse educational programs (including
individual learning programs and satellite courses); conducts over 4500 local meetings, symposia, and special
events; publishes more than 75 transactions, magazines, and journals; and has developed and revises more than
600 standards.
Interest in electrical/electronics engineering is the basic requirement for membership in the IEEE. The grade
of membership on admission depends on the extent of involvement and contribution to IEEE-designated fields.
IEEE members have the option of joining one or more of 36 specialized technical societies. Each society
focuses in depth on specific areas of technical interest. Generally, each society publishes one or more technical
publications and society newsletters. The following is a list of the IEEE societies:

Aerospace and Electronic Systems Industry Applications

Antennas and Propagation Information Theory
Broadcast Technology Instrumentation and Measurement
Circuits and Systems Laser and Electro-Optics
Communications Magnetics
Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Microwave Theory and Techniques
Technology Nuclear and Plasma Sciences
Computer (Separate entry for the IEEE Oceanic Engineering
Computer Society below) Power Electronics
Consumer Electronics Power Engineering
Control Systems Professional Communication
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Reliability
Education Robotics and Automation
Electromagnetic Compatibility Signal Processing
Electron Devices Social Implications of Technology
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Solid State Circuits
Engineering Management Systems, Man and Cybernetics
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control
Industrial Electronics Vehicular Technology

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IEEE Computer Society
10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
P.O. Box 3014
Los Alamitos, CA 90720-1264
Tel. (714) 821-8380 • Fax (714) 821-4641 • E-mail:

The IEEE Computer Society, founded in 1951, is the largest society within the IEEE, with 95,000 members. It
is the world’s largest organization of computer professionals. It promotes the development of computer and
information sciences. The society publishes 14 special interest publications. It also conducts and supports
symposia, workshops, technical committees, and standards groups and maintains active local chapters.

Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)

Savoy Place
London WC2R 0BL
United Kingdom
Tel. (44) 0171-2401871 • E-mail:

Founded over 100 years ago, the IEE has a worldwide membership of close to 100,000. The IEE sets professional
qualification standards and accredits university and college courses within the U.K., issues regulations governing
the safe installation of electrical and electronic equipment, advises on the formulation of British national and
international standards, sets standards for professional conduct of its members, organizes conferences and
meetings, provides educational services and information to the young, and is the voice of the profession to
government and other agencies of concern.
The IEE also maintains INSPEC, which is the largest English-language database of information on physics,
electrotechnology, computer science, and engineering. The INSPEC database currently contains records for
almost four million scientific and technical papers, and is increasing by over 250,000 records per year.

International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics (ISHM)

1850 Centennial Park Drive, Suite 105
Reston, VA 22091
Tel. (703) 758-1060 • Fax (703) 758-1066 • E-mail: •

Founded in 1967, the ISHM has 7000 members. The society includes materials scientists, electrical and elec-
tronics engineers, and physical scientists involved with all aspects of the technologies of ceramics, thick and
thin films, semiconductor packaging, semiconductor devices, and monolithic circuits. The ISHM supports
educational activities for institutions and businesses involved with microelectronics. The society also sponsors
numerous workshops, seminars, and conferences.

The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)

P.O. Box 10
Bellingham, WA 98227-0010
Tel. (360) 676-3290 • Fax (360) 647-1445 • E-mail:

Founded in 1955, the SPIE has over 10,000 members. The SPIE is a nonprofit society dedicated to advancing
knowledge in optical and optoelectronic applied science and engineering. The society has an extensive series
of conferences and workshops and maintains a very active publishing program. The SPIE maintains and fosters
particularly close relationships between researchers and end-users of optical devices and instrumentation.

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Materials Research Society (MRS)
9800 McKnight Road, Suite 327
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Tel. (412) 367-3004 • Fax (412) 367-4373 • E-mail: •

The Materials Research Society (MRS) was founded in 1973 and is considered the world’s premier organization
devoted to materials research development. The society recognizes professional and technical excellence through
its awards program, conducts highly regarded short courses, and encourages technical interaction at the local
level through professional sections and university chapters.
MRS consists of more than 11,500 members from the U.S. and nearly 50 other countries.

National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)

1420 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel. (703) 684-2800 • Fax (703) 836-4875 • E-mail:

Founded in 1934, the NSPE has over 70,000 members. The society consists of professional engineers and
engineers in training in all fields of engineering who are registered in accordance with state and territorial
regulations in the U.S. and Canada. The society is also open to qualified graduate engineers, students, and
registered land surveyors. It is involved in all aspects of engineering as a profession. The NSPE is actively
involved in following all governmental and regulatory action as it pertains to professional engineering.

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)

3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
Tel. (215) 382-9800 or (800) 447-SIAM • Fax (215) 386-7999 • E-mail: •

SIAM was formed in 1951 when a small group of professionals from academia and industry decided to meet
periodically to exchange ideas about the uses of mathematics in industry. The original goals of the organization
were to advance the application of mathematics to science and industry, to promote mathematical research, and
to provide media for the exchange of information and ideas among mathematicians, engineers, and scientists.
Today there are more than 9000 members. SIAM members are applied and computational mathematicians,
computer scientists, numerical analysts, engineers, statisticians, and mathematics educators. They work in
industrial and service organizations, universities, colleges, and government agencies and laboratories all over
the world. In addition, SIAM has over 300 institutional members.

The Optical Society of America (OSA)

2010 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20036-1023
Tel. (202) 223-8130 • Membership Tel. (800) 762-6960 • Fax (202) 223-1096 • E-mail: •

The Optical Society of America (OSA) was funded in 1916 in response to a clear need for an organization
recognizing the importance of optics applications. OSA was organized to increase and diffuse the knowledge
of pure and applied optics, to promote the common interests of investigators of optical problems, designers,
and users of optical apparatus of all kinds, and to encourage cooperation among them.

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OSA conducts some of the most important conferences, exhibits, and topical meetings in the industry,
including the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and the Optical Fiber Communication Con-
ference (OFC). Currently in OSA there are more than 12,000 members in over 50 countries.

The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)

One SME Drive
P.O. Box 930
Dearborn, MI 48121
Tel. (313) 271-1500 • Fax (313) 271-2861 • E-mail:

The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), founded in 1932, has in its membership over 75,000 manu-
facturing professionals in 70 countries with more than 300 active senior chapters and 200 student chapters. In
addition, the SME hosts 16 expositions each year with 2500 exhibitors and 175,000 attendees. The society also
serves all manufacturing interest areas.
The SME has created specific associations and groups to help members keep abreast of their areas of specialty.
Of particular interest to electrical engineers and computer scientists are the following: Computer and Automated
Systems Association of SME (CASA) (12,800 members), which focuses on the development of totally integrated
manufacturing; Association for Electronics Manufacturing of SME (EM) (3600 members); Machine Vision
Association of SME (MVA) (3300 members), which promotes the effective utilization of machine vision technology
for quality and productivity improvement in manufacturing; Robotics International of SME (RI) (7600 members),
dedicated to the advancement of robot technology; Networking and Communications in Manufacturing Group
of SME, which provides professionals with the latest information on applications of networking and communi-
cations in the areas of manufacturing management and the creation and operation of a network.

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

United Engineering Center, Room 305
120 Wall Street, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10005-3902
Tel. (212) 509-9577 • Fax (212) 509-0224 • E-mail:

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE), founded in 1949, has an international membership of 16,000 women
and men. The SWE student sections have been chartered at more than 240 colleges, universities, and engineering
institutes. The SWE is a nonprofit educational service organization of graduate engineers and men and women
with engineering experience. The specific objectives of the society are to serve as a center for information on
women in engineering; and to encourage women engineers to attain high levels of education and professional

Tau Beta Pi Association

P.O. Box 8840
University Station
Knoxville, TN 37996
Tel. (423) 546-4578 • Fax (423) 546-4579 • E-mail:

Founded in 1885, Tau Beta Pi is the engineering honor society. Current membership is 412,000, with 15 districts
and 219 active collegiate chapters and 55 alumni chapters. Tau Beta Pi, whose creed is “Representing Integrity
and Excellence in Engineering,” is the largest engineering society in the world.

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