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Doha Modern Indian School

E-mail: Website:

School portal:

School Administration

Principal Quality Control Tel: 55021707

Assistant Principal (AP) Parent Relation Officer Tel: 55896313

Academic Coordinator (AC) Administrative Officer Tel: 33526567

KG Head (KGC) Transport Supervisor Tel: 66003865

Head of Primary (HOP) Registrar Tel: 55532478

Confidential Feedback Accounts Officer Tel: 55896005

Class Timings (Sunday to Thursday)

Kindergarten : 9:00 a.m. to 1:20 p.m.
Grades 1 and 2 : 7:05 a.m. to 1:20 p.m.
Grades 3 to 12 : 7:05 a.m. to 1:20 p.m.
Office Timings
Admin Office/Book store/ : 7:05 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Sunday to Wednesday)
Uniform Store : 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Saturday)
: 7:05 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Thursday)
Visiting Hours (By Appointment Only)
Principal : 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
AP/AC : 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Teachers : 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
For appointments please write to or contact :
PRO: 55896313

Sl.No Details
Page No.

1 Important Contacts details -

2 Pupil’s Personal Details 4

3 DMIS Mission Statement 5

4 Important Events and List of Holidays 6

5 Examination and Assessment Calendar, 2023 -24 7

6 Qatar and Indian National Anthem 8-9

7 Code of Conduct 10

8 School Prayer and Song 11

9 Brief Background of the School 12-13

10 Course and Languages Offered 14

11 ASIP and Crèche Facility/Extra training 15-16

12 Registration and Re-registration and Admission Details 17

13 School Rules – Leave process, Early leaving, Do’s and

Don’ts, Malpractices and Policies etc.
14 First Aid, Personal Safety and Anti-Bullying Policy 20-21

15 School Uniform – Boys and Girls 22-23

16 Discipline - Haircut for Boys and Girls 24

17 House System and ID card


18 Student Remedial Support System – HW, PE

and Behavioural Issue /violations Consequences
19 Library, ICT and Science Lab Rules 27

20 Bus Rules – Do’s and Don’ts 28

21 School Rules for Students reporting Late to the School


Assessment Policy and Grading System

22 31-32
Sl.No Details Page No

23 Periodic Tests and Examination Correction Policy 33

24 Guidelines for the Presentation of Work in Notebooks 34

25 Award System and Taleb Scholarship 35

26 Provisional Re-Admission criteria for Grade XI 36-37

27 Taleb Award – Criteria and Other Details 38

28 Medical Records of Child 42

29 Day wise Activity Calendar from April 2023 to March 2024 43-56

30 Academic Performance Record Sheet

(To be filled in by parents in block letters) – For Self

Full Name: ……………………….……....………………............................…..…………

Admission No. …..........….……… Blood Group …………...............………....………
Class: .......………… Division: ….................…… House: ………....……...….………
Date of birth: …........……..…. Place of birth: ….....................................…...……..
Nationality: ………............. Mother tongue …..….…….… Religion …..…..….…....
Passport No: ……………….…. Residence Permit No: ………………..............…....

2nd Language (Gr.1 to Gr.10) ……….… 3rd Language (Gr.5 to Gr.8) ......................
Bus Pick up/Drop off poin.t:….....………………….. Bus No(s): ……….........…..…...
School Lunch: Vegetarian Non Vegetarian Not Applicable
School Crèche: Pick up time: …...............……………………………………..……...

Siblings in the school:

Name Grade & Section
1………………….………………………… ……....…….......................…….
2………………….………………………… ……....…….......................…….
3………………….………………………… ……....…….......................…….

Parent’s Particulars
Father (Full Name) Mother (Full Name)
………………………………...…. .…………….........……………………….
Tel. (Off.) ………………………… .……………..........……………………….
Mobile No:……………………….. .……………..........……………………….
Email………………………….….. .……………..........……………………….
Address: Flat No: …...…………. Building No: …..…………. Str. No: …..…..……..
Street Name: …………………….…………..……….. Zone Number: …....…..……...
Area name: …………………..………………..……… City:…….......….......….……….

……………………………………. ………………………………………
Father’s specimen signature Mother’s specimen signature

To empower each child to attain and exceed his/her utmost potential in the world’s global community.
To provide the right environment, guidance and support to motivate students and nurture them academically and socially
in today’s challenging and changing world in order that they are able to compete with the very best, anywhere in the world.
The School aims to foster in the students:
 Humility and Confidence
 Compassion and Ambition
 Respect and Curiosity
 Tolerance and Vision
 Self-Discipline and Academic Rigour
 Global awareness
 A desire to do the best they can in everything they do.

School wide learning outcomes

The following seven school wide learning outcomes are agreed and embraced by the school and the governing board:

 Improve awareness of Qatar National Identity and Islamic culture along with other cultures and practices in the
 Promote academic rigour and success with high academics grading.
 Develop the students’ socio-technological skills.
 Become international/global citizens with local and international awareness.
 Develop skills in learning that promote critical thinking and innovative skills.
 Develop individuals socially, emotionally, morally, creatively and aesthetically.
 Improve language skills in English and other home languages.
Calendar for the Academic Year 2023-2024
Important Events
New Session: Gr.10 & Gr.12 Wednesday, 1st March 2023
New Session: Gr.1 to Gr.9 Wednesday, 5th April 2023
New Session: KG-2 Wednesday, 5th April 2023
Calendar for the Year 2023-2024
New Session: KG-1 Thursday, 6th April 2023
New Session: Gr. 11 Sunday, 16th April 2023 (Tentatively)
Investiture Ceremony Thursday, 4th May 2023
Skill-O-Panorama Sunday, 4th June to Thursday 15th June 2023
Prize Day Saturday, 17th June 2023
Annual Exhibition-VISTA Wednesday, 25th October 2023
Annual Sports Day Thursday, 2nd November 2023
Annual Day-COSMICA 6th and 7th December 2023

List of Holidays for Students

Summer Break Sunday, 25th June to Saturday, 26th August 2023
Indian Independence Day Tuesday, 15th August 2023
School Reopens Sunday, 27th August 2023
Qatar National Day Monday, 18th December 2023
Winter Break Sunday, 24th December to Sunday, 7th January 2024
School Reopens Monday, 8th January 2024
Indian Republic Day Friday, 26th January 2024
Qatar National Sports Day Tuesday, 13th February 2024
Eid -Al - Fitr (To be announced as per MOE-HE)

*Subject to re-schedule according to the announcements by the Ministry of Education.


1st Term 15th March 2023

2nd Term 15th August 2023
3rd Term 15th December 2023

The school reserves exclusive right to exclude students from their class if the tuition fee is not paid by the due
date as per the calendar. Last date to pay fee is 15 days before every term starts.
Examination/Assessment Days

Dates may change depending upon other important events at school/guidelines from the Ministry of

Weekly Test Grade 1 and 2

5 Test cycles – Cumulative portion Every Tuesday

Grades 3-9 & 11

Periodic Test-01 During Instructional days 21-05-2023 onwards

Half-Yearly With preparatory leave between exams 17-09-2023 onwards

Periodic Test-02 During Instructional days 14-01-2024 onwards

Yearly Exams Grades 3 to 8 03-03-2024 onwards

With preparatory leave between exams
Yearly Exams Grades 9 and 11 04-02-2024 onwards

(will be scheduled according to MOE instructions)

Grades 10 & 12

Periodic Assessment -01 During instructional days 16-04-2023 onwards

Periodic Assessment -02 With preparatory leave between exams 23-05-2023 onwards

Periodic Assessment -03 During instructional days 17-09-2023 onwards

Pre-Board-01 (Gr.10 and 12) 13-11-2023 onwards

With preparatory leave between exams

Pre-Board-02 (Gr.10 and 12) 08-01-2024 onwards

Open House (KG to Grades 9 to 11)

Saturday 10th June 2023

Periodic Test - 01
(10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.)

Saturday 14th October 2023

(10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.)

Saturday 3rd February 2024

Periodic Test - 02
(10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.)
Open House (KG to Grades 8)

Saturday 30th March 2024

Annual Examination
(10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.)
National Anthem of Qatar


Qasaman, qasaman, qasaman biman rafa’ as-seme’

Qasaman biman nashraz.- z.iye’
Qat.arun satbaqa x.auratan
Tasmu birux.i l-aufie’

Siru’ ‘ala nuhaj il-’u

wa’la z.ia’ il ‘anbiya’
Qat.arun biqalbi sirat
‘azul ‘amjaad ul-’iba

Qat.arun ir-rajil al-’awain

X.aumatnu yaum al-inda’
Wax.amaymun yaum as-
salam Jawarix.a yaum al-fida’a
Qasaman, qasaman, qasaman biman rafa’ as-seme’
Qasaman biman nashraz- z.iye’
Qat.arun satbaqa x.aratan
Tasmu biruxi l-aufi’e

English Translation
Swearing by God who erected the sky,
swearing by God who spread the light,
Qatar will always be free,
Sublimed by the souls of the sincere,
Proceed thou on the manners of the ascendants,
And advance on Prophet’s guidance,
In my heart,
Qatar is an epic of glory and dignity,
Qatar is land of the early men,
Who protect us in time of distress,
Doves they can be at times of peace,
Warriors they are at times of sacrifice.
Jana-Gana-Mana-Adhinayaka, Jaya He’
Vindhya Himachala Yamuna Ganga
Uchchala Jaladhi Taranga

Tava Subha Name’ jage’

Tava Subha Asisha Mage’

Gahe’ Tava Jaya-Gatha

Jana-Gana-Mangaladayaka, Jaya He’

Jaya He’, Jaya He’, Jaya He’,
Jaya Jaya Jaya, Jaya He’

Hindi Lyrics English Translation

Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people.

Dispenser of India’s destiny.
Thy name rouses the hearts of the Punjab,
Sind, Gujarat and Maratha,

Of the Dravid and Orissa and Bengal.

It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and

Himalayas, mingles in the music of the

Jamuna and Ganges and is chanted by the

waves of the Indian sea.

They pray for thy blessings,

and sing thy praise,

The saving of all people waits in thy hand.

Thou dispenser of India’s destiny,

Victory, Victory, Victory to thee.


It is the right of every individual and group to have a peaceful and dignified existence,
without being hindered by the behaviour, attitude or noise levels of others. In order to
ensure the ambience, it is essential that every member of the school community is:

• Considerate – respecting everyone as an individual; making sure that your

words and actions do not cause inconvenience or offence to anybody.
• Courteous – being polite and helpful at all times.
• Co-operative – being willing to work with others.
• Friendly – being on good terms with others.
• Hardworking – doing our best.
• Honest - being truthful; respecting the property of other people.
• Trusting - having confidence and hope in oneself and in others.
• Responsible – being reliable and responsible for our actions; behaving as part of a

What this means in practice is that we should do the following:

• Be punctual - avoid late arrival.
• Speak considerately - avoid shouting, swearing and using offensive language.
• Be ready for lessons – have the necessary materials.
• Move in an orderly way - avoid running, hold doors open for others.
• Negotiate - if you know there might be a problem, go and talk to your teacher about it.
• Respect – authority.
School Prayer

God Almighty
You have brought us safely,
To the beginning of this day.
Defend us by your mighty power,
So that we may not fall into sin.
Guide us with your wisdom,
Which will enable us at all times
To know what to do.
Make us know when to speak,
And when to be silent;
Make us know when to act,
And when to wait.
Protect us, all our teachers and parents,
So that in all our thoughts, words and action,
We may be so guided by you,
As to do always,
What is holy in your sight.

School Song
Dear God we pray,
As we come to you today,
Seeking your guidance, in all that we do and say;
Shower us with love, and blessings from above,
Bind us together as one big family
We pray, bind us today………
(Repeat verse)


India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters.

I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders respect
and treat everyone with courtesy.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion.
In their well-being and prosperity alone, lies my happiness.
Jai Hind!
Doha Modern Indian School (DMIS) established in 2005, is one of the five schools under the Taleb banner and a
premier educational institution in the region. The school, affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education
(CBSE), New Delhi, offers CBSE National curriculum and prepares students for the All India Senior School Certificate
Examination (Grade XII). The Afternoon Scholastic Improvement Programme - ASIP for Grades 3 to 8 makes the
school unique in character.
The academic and non-teaching staff take care of the all-round development of the students. The healthy and
congenial environment of the campus provides spacious smart classrooms, well-equipped Physics, Chemistry,
Biology, ICT laboratories, DRC Library, indoor and outdoor play area and Art Studio. All these facilities aim at
providing the best and supporting the progress of the students. Value Education is integrated with core subjects and
given prime importance by the school.
The curriculum is designed in keeping with the latest educational trends and techniques and offers a wide variety of
practical application avenues that make it both challenging and rewarding. Laying focus on imparting quality
education, our aim is to motivate each student to achieve excellence and realize his/her full potential in an
environment of encouragement and acceptance.

Schooling commences with the first two years of Kindergarten. At this stage, the child is initiated into schooling
through fun-filled activities and child-oriented methods of learning resulting in the development of basic cognitive and
motor skills. While emphasis is laid on gently preparing the child for literacy and numerals, phonic methods and
well-graded writing patterns follow a comprehensive foundation building programme.
Multimedia, Puppet Theatre, Music, Games, Story sessions, Art & Craft etc. provide hours of learning through
exploration, experimentation and fun. The transition from home to school is made smoother by a team of qualified,
competent and caring teachers in an environment that is healthy, happy and secure.
The Primary School
The Primary School consists of Grades 1 to 5. Here the emphasis is on concept formation,
reasoning skills, problem solving and creative thinking. The Primary level builds an interest in
exploration and places an emphasis on acquiring sound language skills, clarity of concepts and an
understanding of scientific principles. The children acquire the building blocks of scholarship, good
study habits and a love for learning.

The Middle School

Students become involved in a formal and comprehensive programme in Grades 6 to 8, which
constitute the Middle School. They immerse themselves in the accelerated process of learning.
The child is given an in-depth knowledge of the subjects studied at the Primary level. Emphasis is
laid on scientific techniques and a scientific approach to learning. Children are encouraged to be
curious and analytical and are prepared to accept additional challenges.

The Secondary and Senior Secondary School

In Grades 9 to 12, students’ intellectual, aesthetic, physical and cultural growth is strengthened.
The smooth transition to adolescence is facilitated by the comprehensive and value-added
education. There is a clear emphasis on the Preparation of Grade 10 and12 Board Examinations.
The children are facilitated to strive towards academic excellence. Remedial classes and career
counselling sessions are conducted regularly.

The academic year at DMIS consists of two terms* (For fee payment convenience for parents, it is
in three installments). The first term commences in the month of April and continues till September.
The second term is from October to March end. We are committed to following the guidelines
stipulated by the CBSE.

Languages Offered:
• Hindi, Arabic, Malayalam, Tamil and French (as 2nd Language)
• A change of the language opted for will not be catered into during the academic year. The request
can be made at the end of the academic year in writing to the Registrar and the change to new
requested language will only be made after a written assessment in which the child must attain a
minimum score of 50%.
• A request for the change of Second language is only acceptable till Grade 6.
• There is no change of third language separately. However, if a student changes his/ her second
language with the eligibility test, his/her former second language by default will be his/her new
third language.

Courses Offered
Kindergarten: Literacy, Numeracy, General Awareness, Art and Craft, PE and QH, Interpersonal Skills.
Primary School (Gr. 1 to 5): English, Second language, Mathematics, Science/EVS, Social
Studies, Art and Craft, Music/Dance, PE, Computer Science and Third language (Gr.5
Middle School (Gr. 6 to 8): English, Second language, Third language, Mathematics,
Science, Social Studies, Art and Craft, Music, Dance, PE and ICT.
Islamic Studies/Value Education is compulsory for Grades 1 to 8.
Qatar History is taught from Grades 1 to 9.
Secondary School (Gr. 9 and 10): English, Second language, Mathematics, Science and
Social Science, Health Education and PE /Art Education/Work Education and Information
Sr. Secondary (Gr. 11 and 12)
SCIENCE STREAM: - English, Mathematics / Informatics Practices, Physics, Chemistry and
Biology / Economics / Computer Science, PE and Work Education.
COMMERCE STREAM: - English, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics/ Computer
Science, Mathematics / Informatics Practices, PE and Work Education.
ASIP- 4E* Scholastic and Co-scholastic Programme

4E* - Engage, Explore, Enrich and Excel (Grades 3 to 8)

Activity Teachers under the guidance of AP / PR pick students 2 weeks before any Inter- school
competition notice, train them and equip them to win.
Grades 3 to 9 students: - Regular remedial sessions for weak students based on Half Yearly
Exams Results are conducted to support, drill, grill and train.
Grade X/XI/XII extended classes are a regular feature so that a multi-level revision can be planned
along with competent coverage of syllabus to ensure Best academic results.
Special Training on extra activities including sports/art/music/dance are offered with an aim to
enhance the skills/talents in students and grab the opportunities.
All external Exams like IBT – ACER, OLYMPIAD test are conducted during the ASIP hours.

Skills-O-Panorama is organized during the ASIP hours.

• The school has an outsourced transport fleet which plies to various residential areas for
the convenience of the students.
• Transport routes are planned by considering various aspects – like direction of traffic, number of
students, speed limit, diversion etc.
• It travels on its own pace and takes extra time to pick and drop children. Parents opting for
school transport are required to understand and oblige patiently. We expect patience, as
safety is accorded top priority over speed and time taken.

School Clinic
The school clinic takes care of the health and hygiene of the students while at school. Fully qualified
nurses take care of the students who fall sick at school. A routine medical check-up of the student
is done and records are maintained. The medical history of the child has to be filled in by the
parents in the planner. Students are not allowed to take medicines on their own during school
hours; all such communication shall be done by parents through PRO to the school nurse for
providing assistance and monitoring.

School Bookshop & Uniform Store

• School books and stationery can be purchased from the school bookstore.
• School uniform items are available in the school uniform store.
Registration, Re-Registration & Admission
contact Registrar: Mob. No. 55532478

Registration can be made in person only. The minimum permissible age for admission to Kindergarten
is 3 years as on 31st March. There is no formal entrance test for Kindergarten. However, an interaction
with the parents and the student is arranged.
• Books and uniform will be distributed from school store on the dates as announced by the school.
The cost of textbooks and basic sets of notebooks is covered in the 1st term fees and original
receipt must be produced to collect the books.
• Other items can be purchased against payment from the school store as and when the need arises.
• Identity Card: Will be issued on reopening. Your child needs to display his/her ID card to access
school transport.
• Errors: In case of an entry error with respect to grade, transport, lunch or crèche,
kindly contact the Registrar through email or in person. All other corrections will be
made by the class teacher concerned.

Withdrawal Procedure due to relocation or change of school

• One month’s notice, prior to the commencement of the new term (April/September/ January), is
required for withdrawal of the child from the school / discontinuation of school transport. The
tuition and transport fees for the full term need to be paid irrespective of the month in which the
child is withdrawn / stopped using the school transport.
• Mark sheets and certificates issued by the school and CBSE should be collected by the
parent/student within two months from the date of receipt of the document at the school office.
Transfer certificate will take approximately 15 days to get ready, bonafide and other certificates will
be issued within a week’s time.
• Students MUST be in school before 7.05 a.m. No child will be allowed to attend the school after
the end of first period. (During COVID the reporting time will be as per the schedule given in
the safe plan)
• Students who leave the class for any reason must be in possession of an out pass
from the teacher.
• Students should have an appropriate school bag, pencil case that contains all
equipment required for the day, including Student Planner and any specific clothing
if required.
• Mobile Phones, Walkman/MP3/iPod/Calculators, personal stereos or any other electronic
(other devices Note pad) items are not to be brought to school. If students are found with
cameras, mobiles, or any other electronic equipment including calculators, they will be
confiscated immediately and will be returned to parents first time in an academic year with a
declaration signed by parent stating that repetition of such incident will lead to confiscation till
end of the academic year.
• Stern action will be taken against any student in possession of CDs, books, pictures,
magazines etc. that project vulgarity and tarnish the school environment.
• Valuable items must not be brought to school. The school will not be responsible for these items.
• No obscene literature or bad language will be tolerated within the school premises.
• Students must not damage the plants and trees in the school premises. They are not supposed to scribble on
desk/chairs/Rest Room doors.
• Chewing gum is not permitted within the school premises.
• Students are allowed to wear a wrist watch from Grade 5 onwards (Black colour analog type is
only allowed with medium size dial) Fancy colourful watches, Health bands and smartwatches
are strictly prohibited and will be confiscated. Girls are allowed to wear one pair of ear studs.
No other jewelry is permitted.
• Students who arrive late must obtain a late-entry slip from the reception in order to be allowed to attend
• Personal cleanliness and hygiene are expected, mandatory for everyone.
• Students must wear the school ID, correct school uniform and be neatly dressed at all times.
• Hairstyles should be appropriate – normal gentleman cut. gelled, coloured or spiked
hairs are not acceptable.
• Glass containers for food or drink, and fizzy drinks should not be brought to
the school.
• Smoking will result in expulsion from the school.
• Students must move in a quiet and orderly manner.
• Students will not be allowed to leave the school during working hours. However, in case of an
emergency, prior written permission should be sought from the PRO approved by Principal.
• Parents must inform the school if their child is going to be absent from the school.
• Applications for extended absence from school must be submitted in advance to the PRO who will refer it to the
Principal for consideration. Loss of studies will be the responsibility of the parent and the child and an undertaking
regarding the same shall be submitted for the approval of leave.
• Students must go to the nurse with teacher’s permission if they feel unwell.
• Malpractices are unacceptable and any student caught using unfair means during
the test/examination will be removed from that examination/test and his/ her answer sheet will be
treated as cancelled and will be awarded ZERO marks and remedial session, will be arranged.
• Any damage to school property will be charged against the caution deposit.

Special Note:

• Students who receive two warnings/detentions for unruly or unacceptable behaviour will be asked to
leave the school at the end of the term or otherwise depending upon seriousness of the matter.
• Parents are requested to ensure that school fee for the 2nd & 3rd term are paid 15 days before the
commencement of the term to avoid inconvenience and exclusion of the child from the class.
It is important that everybody should know what to do in an emergency, if someone is
injured or unwell.

• Get someone to fetch an adult as quickly as possible.
• If there is no one with you who can fetch an adult, dial 999 and ask for an
• When dialing 999 speak slowly and clearly. Answer all the questions you can.
• While you are waiting for help to arrive, speak to the person who is unwell and keep
him/her calm.

• Try to move anything that has hurt their neck or back.
• Put yourself in danger, get help instead.
• Ignore a head injury even if the person says that they are OK.
• Dial 999 unless it is a real emergency.


• Never go anywhere without telling your parents or guardian.
• Never go with anyone or even someone you know without (asking) your parents’ or
Guardians consent.
• If you are not with a grown up, don’t talk to anyone that you do not know.
• Don’t accept sweets, ice-cream, trinkets, CDs, money or anything else from anyone
without asking your parents or guardians.
Bullying, either verbal or physical, will not be tolerated by the school in any form whatsoever. If you are a
victim of bullying or you observe incidents involving others, do not hesitate to inform a member of staff. Do
not put up with bullies in your group of friends.

What to do if you are bullied:

• The bully’s greatest weapons are SILENCE and FEAR, hence walk away from a dangerous situation and get help .
If you are being bullied. TELL SOMEONE, e.g. a parent or an adult (in school) who you feel comfortable talking to,
or put a note in the Bully Box. Discuss with a teacher or the counsellor.
• If you see someone being bullied, report what you have seen to the teacher.
• Agree with your friends that you will all make it clear to the person doing the bullying that you don’t like
what they are doing.
• Tell your parents what is happening and ask them to have a quiet word with the Parent Relation Officer (PRO).
• You will find support from your teachers, learning mentors and/or other adults in the school.

What will happen if you bully?

• You will have to explain your behaviour to a member of staff.
• An account of what you have done may be written down and you will have to sign it.
• Your parents may be informed and invited to school to see a copy of the report of the
incident and discuss the matter. This report stays in your file and you will have to apologize to the person you
have bullied.
• You may be placed in break or lunchtime detention.
• You could be suspended from school for a specific period of time.
• If you are caught bullying again, your parents will be asked to report to school. They may be asked
to sign a “behaviour contract”, which describes how you must behave in school and what will
happen if you don’t’.
• You may be permanently excluded from school.
• The same rules apply whether you bully inside or outside the school.

It is not your fault that you are being bullied.
You do not have to face this on your own.
School Uniform
School’s basic uniform (two sets) will be provided by the school store along with the text-
books and stationery at the beginning of the academic session.

Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday Regular school uniform as mentioned

under Summer & Winter Uniform.
Monday (Gr.1 to Gr.12) White T-shirt, white trousers/skirt, white
shoes and white socks.(Ankle Socks are
not allowed)
Blue track pants, House T-shirt, white
Wednesday (Gr.3 to Gr.12) shoes and white socks. (Ankle Socks are
not allowed)

• During PE, students from Grades 1 to 12 should wear non-marking shoes.

• On Birthday, only KG 1 to Gr 4 students are allowed to wear colored clothes.
Distribution or cutting of cake is not allowed in the school. The birthday celebrant can
distribute one QR toffee or chocolate to classmates and teachers who teach him/her.
• For Girls - hair must be plaited and pinned.
• During Dance, PE and any Physical Activity, it is compulsory for Grades 3 to 12 girls
to wear – black or blue or white bloomer shorts till knee length.


Knee length navy blue pinafore and short sleeved light blue
KG 1 & KG 2 shirt, school belt and tie, navy blue socks, blue hair bands /
ribbons and black shoes with velcro / buckles.
Knee length navy blue pinafore, short sleeved light blue shirt,
Grades 1 - 4 school tie and belt, navy blue socks, black shoes with velcro /
buckles, blue hair bands / ribbons.
Knee length navy blue pleated skirt, light blue blouse, school
Grades 5 - 12 tie and belt, navy blue socks, black formal shoes with buckles /
laces, blue hair bands / ribbons.


Light blue blouse, navy blue pinafore, pullover/blazer with

KG 1 & KG 2 school logo, school tie and belt, black shoes and navy blue
stockings / socks.
Light blue blouse, navy blue pinafore, pullover/blazer with
Grades 1 - 4 school logo, school tie and belt, black shoes and navy blue
stockings / socks.
Light blue blouse with school logo, knee length navy blue skirt,
Grades 5 - 12 school tie and belt, black shoes and navy blue stockings /
socks. Blazer with school logo.

Grades 1 & 2 White skirt with box pleats, white sports T-shirt with school
logo, school belt, white socks and non-marking shoes,
white ribbons / hair bands.
White skirt, white sports T-shirt with school logo, school
Grades 3 to 12 belt, white socks and non-marking shoes, white ribbons /
hair bands. House T-shirts with school logo, navy blue
school track pants.


KG 1 & KG 2 Navy blue shorts, light blue shirt, school belt and tie, navy
blue socks, black shoes with velcro / buckles / lace.
Grades 1 - 4 Navy blue shorts, light blue shirt, school belt and tie, black
formal shoes with Velcro / lace, navy blue socks.
Grades 5 - 12 Navy blue trousers, light blue shirt, school tie and belt,
navy blue socks, black formal shoes with velcro / lace.


Navy blue trousers, light blue shirt and pullover/blazer with

KG1 & KG 2 school logo, school tie and belt, black shoes and navy blue
Navy blue trousers, light blue shirt and pullover/blazer with
Grades 1- 4 school logo, school tie and belt, black shoes with velcro /
buck- le, navy blue socks.
Navy blue trousers, light blue shirt with school logo, school
Grades 5 - 12 tie and belt, black shoes with velcro / lace and navy blue
socks. Blazer/pullover with school logo.


White shorts/trousers, white T-shirt with school logo,

Grades 1 -12 school belt, white socks, white non-marking shoes with
velcro / buckles/ lace. House T-shirts
with school logo, navy blue track pant

Wearing the correct uniform on all occasions

is a matter of good manners.
BOYS – Just a normal cut
• No mushroom, crew cut, streaked, spiked, gelled hair permitted.
• Boys must have regular haircuts.
• Trimmed beard with decent side locks for Grades 11 and 12 is permitted.

• Shoulder length hair must be held neatly in place with a black hair band. Long hair
needs to be plaited. No fringes / streaked / tinted hair permitted. (see pictures)
• Nails to be cut short. No nail polish or henna on hands permitted.
• No jewelry or fancy watches to be used. Only small stud earrings permitted.
• No eye make-up / kohl is permitted.
• Muslim girls / Sikh boys are advised to wear only navy blue/white scarves / head
dress at the school.
• Students who come in the wrong uniform will not be allowed to attend regular
class unless the parent comes to school with the appropriate uniform.
• Coloured jacket/pullovers, etc. are not allowed and hence, will be confiscated. Ankle
length socks and stockings are not allowed.
• It is mandatory for girls to wear tights/shorts, but the same should not extend beyond
the length of the skirt. Muslim girls may wear the full length skirt. Muslim girls and
boys may wear full sleeve blue shirts. However, they may wear the black full sleeve
inner wear with their house vest/white T-shirt.
The House System is an integral part of the school’s aspirations for its students as it fosters a sense
of belonging, apart from striking a good balance between collaboration and competition.

Each house has a Captain and a Vice-Captain, who take their guidance from the House
master/mistress and the Assistant Housemaster/mistress. They are also assisted by House Prefects
and other house teachers.

All the students are divided into four houses at the time of admission by Registrar. A
student cannot change his/her house during his/her stay at DMIS.





Points are awarded to the students throughout the year for extra- co -curricular activities, games and
sports. At the end of the year the house earning the highest number of points receives the rolling
trophy. Inter-house competitions are organized in Sports, Dramatics, Quiz, Debate, Art, Music,
Dance and Computing, etc.

For Entry to School: Every student will be provided with an ID card which he/she must bring to the
school every day.
For Entry to School Bus: The above card will be endorsed with bus details on the
back of the card.
Note: Entry to school and school bus is restricted to the students with ID cards.

Student will not be allowed to attend school without proper school uniform and ID Card.


• Students who do not have proper flat sports shoes (non-marking shoes without
studs) are not allowed to enter the sports hall or to participate in PE activities.
• Students who do not wear the proper PE uniform are not allowed to enter the sports
hall or to participate in PE activities.
• Students who do not have their school ID will not be allowed an entry to sports hall,
participate in PE activities.
• All students as mentioned above without PE uniform and flat shoes during PE
lessons will be sent to detention room through PRO during the period and will not
attend PE, Art, Dance, Music classes for next 21 days.
Library Rules
• Silence must be maintained in the library.
• Books will be lent only for two weeks. In case a student is absent on the day he/she
has library period, the book must be returned on the very next working day.
• Library books should be returned on time.
• The student will be asked to pay thrice the cost of the book if it is not returned.
• The library is not to be used as a social meeting area. Food or drink is not allowed
in the library.
• All materials/books must be returned to the library before the end of term examinations.
Grade 10 and 12 should obtain a ‘No Dues Certificate’ before the examination
commences. If this is not done, examination certificates/hall ticket will not be issued.

ICT Laboratory Rules

• Maintain discipline in the ICT lab.
• No student is allowed inside the ICT labs unless directly supervised by a member of
• The students should not access unauthorized websites or chat rooms.
• Food or drink is not allowed inside the ICT labs.
• Software programme must not be interfered with.
• The use of another student’s password is not permitted.

Laboratory Rules
• Silence must be maintained
• Written permission is to be taken from the teacher concerned to enter the laboratory at any
time other than the stipulated time.
• School bag and other articles not pertaining to the laboratories are not allowed onside the laboratories
• The student must accept responsibility and pay for any damages caused to any
equipment in the laboratories.
• White Lab coat is a must during practicals in the laboratory.
Bus Rules
• The students must be well-behaved in the bus and should accept the instructions
of the driver and the conductor.
• Stand in a queue to get into the bus. Sit down in the seat allotted to you.
• Walking around in the moving bus is forbidden.
• Segregation rules on the bus must be maintained.
• Shouting or talking loudly in the bus is dangerous as it may distract the driver,
hence avoid it.
• Fighting with other students can result in suspension.
• Littering inside or outside of the bus is strictly prohibited and punishable.
• Aisles or walking passage should be free of school bags.
• Eating inside the bus is forbidden.
• Vandalism or negligent behaviour will result in stern action.
• The juniors to be seated first.
• Please co-operate with the conductors to create a safe environment.
• A student will not be allowed to get off at any other stop or travel to a different place
unless he/she brings a written request signed by the parent and approved by the
• Students will not be allowed to use the school transport after school activities if they
are not a regular bus user.
• Students will be debarred from using the school transport, if they break the bus rules
• In case of permanent change of location, you need to meet the Transport
Supervisor before such change to see the availability of seat. Please fill in

My bus number is ……...........…........…........…......................................………………..

My bus driver is … …...........…........…........…........…........…........…...…………………..

My bus conductor is …….....................................................................................………..

For bus problems contact: Transport Supervisor - 66003865

Presentation of Work
Presentation of work is always important. Careless presentation will create a bad impression on the
reader who may be distracted from what you have to say. Many readers will make judgments about
your general ability and even your attitude, if the presentation of your work appears to be careless.
• Do not decorate your books with stickers or graffiti.
• Always present hand written work with a title and the date.
• Make sure that index page is up-to-date and well maintained.
• Draft your work and then check for content, organization and accuracy.
• Re-draft and write neatly.
• Take care of layout, making proper use of margins and indented paragraphs. Write in blue
ink/gel pen, and use colour only when it is necessary to aid presentation.
• Proof read all work for spelling, punctuation and grammar. Strive for the best and
• make sure your work is correct, otherwise, your marks and grades will suffer in all
• subjects.
• Always do correction work and necessary follow-up.
• All books should be neatly covered with brown paper and labelled.
• White ink/ink killer cannot be used in the notebooks.

Rewards and Punishments

The school aims to promote high standards of behaviour, self-discipline and learning through
positive encouragement and rewards. When you do something well, your teacher will recognize this
by speaking to you in the class, writing comments on your work, giving you high marks, and award

Failure to meet the required high standard of behaviour will be reported, resulting in corrective
measures and contacting the parents. It may even result in exclusion.
School Policy on Students Coming Late
• Students who arrive after 7.05 a.m. are considered as latecomers.
Students who arrive between 7:30 a.m. and 8:20a.m. (1st, 2nd and 3rd time)
• The student will be detained at the reception and will be allowed to go to the class
only in the second period.
• The students coming after 8:20 a.m. will not be allowed to attend for the day. This will
not be applicable to KG students.
• Exception: The students with valid reasons (with supporting evidence) or prior
approved permission from the Principal will be allowed to attend.
Students who arrive before the start of the second period the 4th Time
• The student will not be allowed to enter school for one day.
• Exception: Late arrival on account of emergency cases, with supporting documents
will be excluded from these procedures.
1. Late arrival will be counted on a monthly basis.
2. Late arrival on account of emergency reasons, with supporting documents will be
excluded from these procedures.
3. Late to lesson, three times will lead to one-day suspension. Student can
attend school only after parent come and meet the Principal. 4th time onwards,
Remedial system will be applied.

Re-Registration for Next Academic Year 2024-2025

Re - registration forms along with the latest set of documents must be submitted in the
month of February to reserve the seat for the next year. The re-registration date will be
announced by the school on the school portal in the second term of the academic year
2023-2024. It is important to do the re-registration on time. The students will lose their
seat, if they fail to submit their re-registration forms and pay re-registration fee in time,
and in such case, the seat will go to a new student. This is applicable in the use of School
Transport also.

In case the child fails to get promoted to the next level, the re-registration form will stand
cancelled. It is just intended to ensure that your child will continue and we shall keep a
seat reserved for him/her during the next session which is entirely based on his/her
performance and promotion recommendation by the academic team, including the

Examinations, Grading and Promotions

The scheme of evaluation and the basis of promotion to the next class have been designed keeping
in view the need to stimulate the child towards achieving academic progress appropriate to his/her
age. The scheme includes a continuous and comprehensive assessment of the child’s academic


There will be no formal evaluation in KG-1 and KG-2. Instead, the students will undergo continuous
and comprehensive assessment during the academic year. A record of the child’s performance will
be maintained and communicated to the parents regularly.

Grades 1 to 2

The continuous and comprehensive evaluation is followed in these classes through weekly tests,
assignments, projects and activities. No formal examination will be conducted at the end of a term.
The evaluation of the learner, which is conducive and supportive, is done during the process of
continuous learning. Promotion to the next class will be granted to the pupil on the basis of his/her
overall performance in the academic session.

Grades 3 to 8

The academic year is divided into two terms – April to September and October to March.
Assessments are in sync with the guidelines made by the CBSE. They are in the form of Periodic
Tests, Half-Yearly, Yearly exam, assignments, projects, group activities, etc. It is a must for a child
to score passing grade in both Half- Yearly and Yearly examinations to get promoted.

The evaluation is based on an eight-point grading system. The evaluation card will reflect the marks
and grades both obtained by a student in each subject. A three-point grading scale will be used to
evaluate the students’ performance in Co-scholastic / Non- scholastic areas.
Grading System
Grades 3 to 8 Grades 1 to 2
A1 91 to 100 A* 91% to 100%

A2 81 to 90 A 81% to 90%

B1 71 to 80 B 71% to 80%

B2 61 to 70 C 61% to 70%

C1 51 to 60 D 51% to 60%

C2 41 to 50 E Below 50%

D 33 to 40

E 32 and below

Gr. 9 and Gr. 10

Grade 9 and 10 examinations will be conducted in the form of Periodic assessments,

portfolio, multiple assessments, assignments, projects, activities etc.
The students of Grade 10 must get the qualifying certificate issued by the CBSE to be
eligible for admission to Grade 11. The admission to Grade 11 will be solely on the basis
of merit as instructed by the CBSE and the norms followed by the school.

Gr. 11 and Gr. 12

Grade 11 examinations will be conducted by the school according to the guidelines pre-
scribed by the CBSE. The qualifying marks in each subject shall be 33%. For subjects
involving practical work, a candidate must obtain 33% marks in theory and 33% marks
in practical separately in addition to 33% marks in aggregate, in order to qualify in that
subject and get promoted. Annual Examination for Grade 11 will be conducted in the
month of February.

AISSCE Examination

Pre-Board Examinations will be conducted for Classes 10 and 12. The students who
attain the required grade in Grade 10 and 12 and have secured 75% minimum attendance
are recommended for registration for the CBSE Board examination. Thus students
undertake external examinations in their chosen optional subjects. The entry is depended
upon set criteria such as regular attendance in school, consistent application to work and
proven success in the terminal examinations. The final decision about taking into external
examinations rests with the Principal.

Exam Policy

Note: - Being absent on all tests and assessment days will NOT be entertained.
Periodic Tests and Examination Correction Policy
Every intervention/correction/deduction of mark with a reasonable logic by examiner is a learning opportunity
for a child, which will help him/her to do well in external examinations in later stage of life.
1. Poor handwriting, illegible handwriting and poor presentation will attract an overall
deduction out of 5% marks.
2. Wrong numbering of questions while answering in answer sheet – no marks will be
awarded for such questions. (the same question number should be followed.)
3. Correct answer with or without examples will be given full credit. If example has been asked in
question, then it will carry marks or else no credit. In subjects like Science, Mathematics, it is
necessary to have the logic right more than spellings but subject specific spellings will attract
necessary deduction.
4. In language – wrong format, poor sentence formation / grammar/spellings and lack of flow of
thoughts will result in loss of marks based on the discretion of the examiner. If any answer has
more than 2 spelling errors (1/2 or proportionately) mark will be deducted for that particular
5. For questions that carry more than one mark, marks will be deducted if the required
steps / working are not shown.
6. All the parts of question shall be answered together in one place or else only first section will be
assessed and the rest will not be considered for assessment.
7. For the questions/values wrongly read/copied while answering in answer sheet, marks
will not be awarded as it will be considered as wrong answer.
8. No partial marks are allowed for MCQs/match the following/fill in the blanks. If the option/word is
wrong it is treated as wrong.
9. Points alone written won’t be awarded with full marks – wherever word limits have been stipulated.
The points written should be elaborated, explained and supported with examples if any. (applicable
for Grade 3 to 8 - whereas Grade IX to XII will include these + Board standards)
a. Two marks question shall be answered in 20 or more words.
b. Three marks question shall be answered in 40 or more words.
c. Four marks question shall be answered in 80 or more words.
d. Five marks question shall be answered in 100 or more words.
e. Six marks question shall be answered in 120 or more words.
10. Diagram / Maps / Graph questions should be explained neatly. Heading, Labeling and Explanation if
done according to the question asked, will be given full credit or else marks will be deducted deemed
11. No credit will be given for an error carried forward; marks will be deducted for the steps containing the
error. In case the final answer is wrong, marks will be awarded or deducted proportionately.
12. For construction questions, marks will be deducted for not showing the required construction arcs
and labels, (Science/Mathematics and Social).
13. Some marks can be awarded if the answer is completely correct but done in
a different way from that mentioned in the marking scheme. (As per the
examiner’s discretion)
14. Partial marks can be deducted for not writing/improper units in
Mathematics/Science/ Social.

Guidelines for the Presentation of Work in the Notebooks

• Date – short form of the date is to be written at the top left corner like: - 7/06/23
• Don’t use whitener or correction ink for erasing wrong work. Just cut it across and
rewrite it.
• Topic in full at the top, with page number reference if from a text book.
• Pencils and colour pencils should be used for drawings, labeling and graph. Proper
labeling and heading for all illustrations and graphs are essential.
• Always use a ruler to draw straight lines.
• Write in a clear, neat and readable handwriting.
• CW for class work and HW for homework should be mentioned at the top of the
page or shall be done in assigned notebooks only.
• Worksheets and graphs – should be trimmed up neatly and stuck in the notebooks
flat, not folded.
• Correction work – should be clearly titled as ‘Correction Work’ and needs to be
done for all the corrections marked by the teacher.
• Work that is messy and poorly presented will be unacceptable and the teacher
may ask you to repeat it.
• Parent should encourage the children to make their recordings neatly.
• All spelling errors marked shall be rewritten correctly 5 times each – once the child
gets back his copy after correction from the teacher.

Honour Board
The name of the school topper in Grade 12 CBSE examination will be displayed on the Honours Board
in the reception area of the school.
Taleb Scholarship
The topper from each grade with minimum 91% marks cut off in English, 2nd Language, Math,
Science and Social Science in all assessment will be honoured with merit certificate and cash award
as follows: (in case of tie the prized amount will be shared)

Grade 3: QR 750/- Grade 4: QR 750 /-

Grade 5: QR 750/- Grade 6: QR 1000/-
Grade 7: QR 1000/- Grade 8: QR 1000/-
Grade 9: QR 1000/- Grade 11: QR 1500/- (Science/Comm each)

• The highest scorer in Grade 10 Board examination who will enroll for Grade 11 in our school will
receive a scholarship in the form of a 50% discount in tuition fee for the whole academic year.
• The second highest scorer among the students enrolled for Grade 11 in similar way will be
awarded a 25% discount in tuition fee for the whole academic year.
• The school topper in Grade 12 (Science and Commerce) will be honoured with a cash prize of
QR 1500/- each.
Scholastic Excellence Award
• Grade 1 – 2: – All the students who secure 95% and above in all the subjects and in all
assessments (Cycles) throughout the year will be honoured with the Scholastic Excellence
Award. The subject topper in the Proficiency Award is the one who secures the highest score
in a particular subject with 95% and above in all the cycles.
• Grade 3 – 8: – All the children who secure 91% and above in all the subjects and in all
assessments will be honoured with the
Scholastic Excellence Award. However, any absentees on any ground will be excluded from
this award.
• The subject topper in the Proficiency Award is the student who secures the highest marks in a
particular subject scoring 91% and above both in Term 1 & Term 2 respectively.
• For Grade 9 and 11, the subject topper in the Proficiency Award is the student who secures
the highest marks in a particular subject based on the annual exam.

The Best All-Rounder of the Year Award:

The best all-rounder from Grades 8 to 11 will be awarded with a certificate and trophy at the Annual
Day function. The recipient of the award is judged based on academics, leadership, discipline,
politeness, punctuality, respect towards school and school property, participation and promotion of
school programme, sports and co-curricular activities and uniform and upkeep.

Rolling Trophy
The best house will be awarded with the Rolling Trophy during the Annual Day function.
DMIS offers the Senior Secondary School Certificate courses in accordance with the directions
issued by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. It is a two-year Post-Secondary
School course, which has been recognized by all Indian Universities as equivalent to the
Intermediate College Examination.
On successful completion of the course, the candidates are eligible for admission to various
colleges and universities.
• It is made clear that after providing provisional admission and before making it confirmed
thereafter on the basis of merit, final selection will be made. Provisional admission by itself
does not guarantee admission. If a student does not achieve the desired level, provisional
admission may not be confirmed or made permanent.
• All the students must re-register for the admission to Grade 11.
• Admissions given are conditional to the student passing the Grade 10 examination with
qualifying grades. As such, admission to a stream of study will be confirmed only after the
formal mark sheet is received from the school.
• In case a student’s final report card shows that the student does not qualify for admission
to the chosen stream of study, he / she will be assigned the second / third choice despite
the fact that he / she had been given provisional admission earlier. Hence, all the
students must indicate their 2nd and 3rd preferences too.
• Preference shall be from difficult to easy and not vice versa.

Eligibility: Criteria may vary with number of seats offered by the school.

Since admission to Grade-XI is designed to be SELECTIVE in the Government’s scheme of

education, students of Grade-X must re-apply for the admission to Grade-XI when applications are
called for. Hence, Secondary School studies in this school will not be a guarantee for admission to
Senior Secondary School courses. Instead, it will be based on performance and criteria and also,
based on requirement that school decides for the particular scheme.
• Apart from the minimum qualification prescribed by the Central Board, the school has its own norms of eligibility for
admission. Eligibility will depend on the following criteria:
• High academic performance in Grade X Pre-Board Exam results
• Regularity in attendance and activities during Grade X.
• Thus, only those students who, in addition to mental ability, have also displayed serious
application to studies will be considered.
• Character and conduct of the applicant should be good.
• In short, Mere academic performance WILL NOT MAKE THE STUDENT ELIGIBLE FOR
• The Principal, in consultation with the governing body of the school, is the final arbitrator in
this matter.
Subject streams available in the school and the minimum grades required for qualifying for stream
combinations are as follows.

Stream Stream Code Subjects Grade – Marks Requirement

English, Physics, Chemistry, A1 – Eng, Science & Math

Mathematics and Biology A2 - Social and 2nd Language

A1/A2 – Eng, Science & Math

English, Physics, Chemistry,
A2 – Social and B1 - 2nd Language
Science PCMC Mathematics and Computer

A1/A2 – Eng, Science

English, Physics, Chemistry,
B1 or above – Maths, Social and 2nd
PCBI Biology and Informatics Practices

English, Accountancy, Business A1/A2 – Math, English, Science A2 or

Studies, Maths and Economics above – Social and 2nd Language

A1/A2 – Math, English

English, Accountancy, Business
B2 or above – Science and 2nd
ABMC Studies, Maths and Computer
English, Accountancy, Business
Commerce A1/A2 – Eng,
Studies, Economics and Informatics
ABEI B2 or above – in all other sub- jects

Mohamed Taleb Alkhoori – The Managing Director of TALEB TRADING CO

We believe in Youth empowerment which resonates a sense of responsibility and leadership skills in our
students. They possess the strength and dynamism to generate a huge transformation in the society! We
motive our students by empowering them and they in turn ensure transformation of society at large. Taleb
Award for Socially Empowered Youth consists of a certificate and plaque that is bestowed on the most
deserving students of Grades 8 to 12. It is instituted with an aim to identify and recognize such students and
empower them to connect, collate and collaborate victoriously in all their future endeavors!

A panel of Senior Leadership Team, headed by the Principal decide on the recipient. The winner is
announced every year and he/she is honoured during the school Annual Day function. The award is conferred
based on the following criteria:
• Student’s social responsibility
• Attitude towards the school and school programmes
• Voluntary services undertaken;
• Commitment and dedication to the tasks assigned
• Concern for the environment
• Compassion


2014-15 Thanima
2015-16 Dheeraj
2016-17 Anugraha
2017-18 Megha George
2018-19 Chris Francis
2019-20 Rahul Nair
2020-21 Vaisakh Manoj Menon
2021-22 Keven George
Parents, you can be a great help to your children if you observe these do’s and don’ts
about tests and testing.

• Do make sure that your child attends school regularly.

• Do encourage children.
• Praise them for the things they do well.
• If they feel good about themselves, they will do their best.
• Do provide a quiet, comfortable place for studying at home.
• Do make sure that your child is well rested on school days.
• Do give your child a well-balanced diet. A healthy body leads to a healthy and active
• Do attend parent-teacher meetings regularly.
• Don’t judge your child on the basis of a single test score. Test scores are not perfect
measures of what your child can do.
• Don’t be too anxious about your child’s test scores. If you put too much emphasis on test score, it can
upset a child.

Do check the school portal regularly.


The Weekly Gazette is published on every Thursday and it gives information about the school activities and

Our modes of communications:

Vande Maataram..

Vande Maataram..

Sujalaam Sufalaam Malayaj Sheetalaam

Sasyashyaamalaam Maataram (Vande)

Shubhrajyotsna Pulakit Yaaminiim

Phulla Kusumita Drumadal Shobhiniim
Suhaasinim Sumadhura Bhaashhinim
Sukhadaam Varadaam
Maataram Vande Maataram

We shall overcome, we shall
We shall overcome some day
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe
We shall overcome some day
We’ll walk hand in hand
We’ll walk hand in hand
Someday Oh, deep in my heart, I
do believe
We’ll walk hand in hand
some day

We shall live in peace, we shall live in


We shall live in peace someday

Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe
We shall live in peace some day

We are not afraid

We are not afraid someday
Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe
We are not afraid some day
We shall overcome..............
Saare jahaan se achha
Hindustan hamaara
Hum bulbule(n) hai(n) uski
Woh gulsitaan hamaara.

Parbat woh sabse uncha

Hamsaya a’smanka
Woh santari hamaara
Woh pasban hamaara.

Godime(n) khelti hai(n)

Jiski hazaaro(n) nadiya
Gulshan hai jinki damse
Raksh-I-jinan hamaara..

Mazhab nahin sikhaata

Aapas main bair rakhna
Hindi hain hum watan hai
Hindustan hamaara.
(To be filled in capital letters by the parent/guardian)

1. Age (in years as on 1st April, 2023) :…………………………........................………………

2. Specific disease suffered in the past :………………...................………..………………….

3. Operation undergone in the past, if any, specify :...….................……..……………………

4. Allergies, if any :…………………..........................………………………..……………………

5. Immunizations:

(i) Polio Yes/No

(ii) DPT Yes/No

(iii) Measles Yes/No

(iv) DT Yes/No

(v) Tetanus Yes/No

(With the date of last injections):……........................…………………………….………………


6. Any others: ………………..........................……………………………………..…………


7. Any other disease for which the child is on regular medication:




Signature of Parent : …………….........................……………………………………..…………..

Student Planner
KG Wonderland Activities for the Session 2023-2024
Sl No Date Grade Activity
1. 2 April KG 1 & 2 Orientation
5th April KG 2 Welcome
6th April KG 1 Welcome
KG 1 Palm impression
3. 11th April
KG 2 Drawing/Colouring
KG 1 Red Day
4. 18th April
KG 2 Dabbing
KG 1 Blue Day
5. 2nd May
KG 2 Shape Collage
KG 1 Yellow Day
6. 9th May
KG 2 Rainbow Weaving
KG 1
7. 16th May Mother’s Day
KG 2
KG 1 Green Day
8. 23th May
KG 2 Ear bud activity
9. 30th May KG 1&2 Ice Cream stick Activity
10. 6nd June KG 1 & 2 Cotton Ball Activity
KG 1
11. 13th June Father’s Day
KG 2
KG 1
12. 5th Sep Teacher’s Day
KG 2
KG 1 Sponge printing
13. 12thSept
KG 2 Vegetable dabbing
14. 3rd Oct KG 1&2 Sand Art Activity
15. 10th Oct KG 1 & 2 Puppet Show
16. 17th Oct KG 1 & 2 Talk on Safety Rules
17. 24th Oct KG 1 & 2 Diya Decoration
18. 31st Oct KG 1 & 2 Community Helpers
19. 7th Nov KG 1 & 2 Rhyme Time
20. 14th Nov KG 1 & 2 Children’s Day
21. 21st Nov KG 1 & 2 Role Play
22. 28th Nov KG 1 & 2 Paper Plate (Animal Mask)
23. 12th Dec KG 1 & 2 Talk on Seasons
24. 9th Jan KG 1 & 2 Germination
25. 16thJan KG 1 & 2 Sports Day
KG 1 Paper fold (cat & Lotus)
26. 23rd Jan
KG 2 Drawing Competition
27. 30th Jan KG 1 & 2 Story Telling Competition
28. 8th Feb KG 1 & 2 VISTA Exhibition
29. 20th Feb KG 1 &KG 2 Handwriting Competition
30. 27th Feb KG 1 & 2 Read Aloud
Kindergarten Stars (Year End
31. 5th March KG 1 & 2
32. 14th March KG Graduation Day
APRIL 2023

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 3 4 5 6 7 8
KG1 & KG2 Grades 1&2 – School Reopens KG1 Welcome
Orientation Orientation
Teachers KG2 Welcome
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Sibling Day National Teachers
Siblings Day Assembly
International Grades 1& 2
Day for Street

16 17 18 19 20 21 22
World Heritage Value Based International My School
Mother Earth Grade 2A
Day Assembly Day
Ramadan Punctuality
New session

23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Tentative Eid

World Wish Day
Dance Day
MAY 2023

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6
Internation Eid al-Fitr
International Investiture
al Worker’s Arabic
Workers Day
Day department Ceremony
Grade -2B
Spell Bee
Gr. 1&2
2D&3D Class
project 2C
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
World Red World Red Me and My Class Project
National Cross and Cross Day Mom (KG 2 A & B)
Nurses Day Red Assembly
Crescent National Grade 2C Best out of waste
Day Children’s Inter-house
Day competition
Gr. 3-5

14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Mother’s Day The International Choral Debate
Internation Day of Light Recitation Inter-house
Debate Inter- al Day of Inter-class Competition
House Families National Competition Gr. 6-8
Competition Vegetarian Grades 1&2
Gr. 9-12 Week Let’s save our
Earth class
project Grade
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Quran Internation The Adjectives Class Project KG2C
Recitation al Day for International Class Project & KG2 D
Competition Biological Day for Grade 2A
Week (Gr.1- Diversity Biological
Gr.10) Diversity
Accessibility Grade 10&12
Awareness Day PA-02 Exams
Grades 3-11
PT-01 Exams
28 29 30 31
Value World No
World No Based Tobacco Day Naming words
Tobacco Day Assembly First Aid Class Project

World Hunger (Associated Grade 1 A & B
Day with Clinic)
JUNE 2023

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Skill-o- World Child Safety Father’s Day Arabic PT-01 PTM
Panorama 4th Environment Week Assembly Grade Assembly
June to 15th Day 2D
June 2023

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
World Day Diabetes Short Story Prize Day
National Herbs
Against Child Awareness Intra-class
and Spices Day
Labour Week competition
National Power of Grades 1&2
Random Acts of Vernacular
Light Day Day
(Review of story
World Day
Against Child

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Fun with shapes Last working
Intra-class day before
competition for school closes
Grades 1&2 for summer
June to 26th
August 2023)
25 26 27 28 29 30
JULY 2023

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31
Value Onam
World Kindness
Photography Based
Class Assembly
Day Assemb
School re- ly- Grade 1 G
opens for the Charity
after summer


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
National National Wild International We love our Inter-House
Nutrition Week Life Day day for Charity Teachers Quiz
Assembly 2 E Competition
Inter-house Inter-house Teachers Day Gr. 9-12
Football(Boys) Football(Boys) Inter-house
Competition Competition Chess
Gr. 1&2 Gr. 3-5 Competition
Gr. 6-8
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Hindi Diwas - Health is Wealth
Grandparents International
Hindi Assembly Grade
Day Literacy day
Department 1A
Assembly Class Project 1I-
Parts of Our
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
World Ozone Class Project
International Organ Donation Vowels &
Day (KG 2E &F)
Day for the Week Consonants
International Class Project
Day of Peace Preservation of Hand writing
the Ozone layer competition Grade – 1 C & D
Grades 3-11 Science: The
International Class Assembly
Half yearly Magic or
Day of Peace 1H -Respect
Grades 10&12
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
World English National Fitness Term Break
Elocution Day
English Dept. Child’s Safety
Day Recycle Week

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
World Gandhi Jayanti Gandhi Jayanti Inter-house
Vegetarian Day World Animal Assembly Grade Chess
International Day/Blue cross 1B Competition
Music Day Day Gr. 9-12

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Indian Air Force Value Based National ‘Time’ as class Double-Trouble- Half-Yearly PTM
Day Assembly – Grandparents project under Duo Dance Inter-
Honesty. Day Math for House
Inter-house Inter-class Gr. 1E & 1F competition
Costume Parade Debate World Obesity Gr. 9-12
Competition competition Day Class Assembly
Gr. 1&2 (English Dept.) 1I –
Inter-house Quiz Grandparents
Inter-house Competition day
Football(girls) Gr. 6-8
Gr. 3-5

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
World Food Day World food Day The Good Manners Class Project
International Assembly Grade (KG 2G & H)
Day for the 1C
Eradication of
World Values
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
United Nations DMIS Annual Field trip to
World Polio Day Maths
Day Exhibition VISTA Qatar National
Challenge Library Gr.8-10
Maths Quiz Science Quiz
Math Competition
Department Gr. 1&2
29 30 31
International Unity in Halloween
Internet Diversity
World Day
stroke Day World Day

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4
Save Water & Annual Sports
Earth Class Day
Assembly by
Gr. 2G

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Infant Protection Marie Curie Happiness Newspaper
National Candy Day (1867-1934) Class Project collage
Day Birthday Gr. 2D competition
Inventions and Gr. 1&2
Discoveries Science Inter-house
Department Chess
Basketball (Boys Assembly Competition
& girls) Inter- Gr. 3-5
house Basketball
Competition Gr. (Boys & girls)
9-12 Inter-house
Gr. 6-8

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Grades 10 & 12 World Children’s Day
PB-01 Exams Kindness Day Assembly
Grades 1&2

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
International Science Thanksgiving Sign in
“Caring for Mathematics
Men’s Day Quiz Class Project 2F
Evolution Day

26 27 28 29 30
Thanksgiving Nobel National Law Hand writting
Day Prize Day Competition
Field trip to
Constitution Health is Grades 1&2
Museum of
Wealth Islamic Art

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
International Indian Navy Day The COSMICA Annual COSMICA Annual Day
Day of Persons Qatar: Culture International Day 1 2
with Disabilities and Heritage Day for the
Abolition of
Human Rights
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
The Qatar National
Human Rights Social Science
International Day Assembly
Day Quiz SST
Day of Disabled Grade 1D
Primary Arabic SST Quiz (SST
Writing Inter-house department)
Inter-house display board
Competition Human Rights
Gr. 3-5 Day
(theme: House
Mottos) Math Quiz

Battle for
Flavours –
Cookery show
Gr. 9-12 Inter-
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Qatar National Qatar Last working day
Day Holiday National before school
Day Holiday closes for winter
December to 7th
January 2024)

24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6
New Year Day

7 8 9 10 11 12 13
French NRI or Pravasi Honesty Class
Assembly Bharatiya assembly
Divas Grade – 1 E
Grades 10&12 “Self-Discipline
PB-02 Exams is the best
joining date
after winter
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Pongal Tamil Water cycle Class Project
National Milk Day Army Day
Department Class Project Gr. (KG 1A & B)
Benefits of Assembly 2E
Grades 3-11 PT- travelling
02 Exams Qatar History
Quiz Gr. 6-9

21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Child Labour Republic Day National Qatar History Republic Day
Day Celebration Girl Child Activity Gr.3-Gr.9

Republic Grades 1& 2

Day Annual exhibition

28 29 30 31
International Indian World Leprosy Math Quiz
Reducing CO2 Newspaper Day Day Competition
Emissions Day DMIS got Drawing Grade 1& 2
Talents competition
STEM Student Birth STEM Student
Contest Inter- Anniversary of Based Skill
STEM Student Lala Lajpat Rai
house based Skill Inter-house
Competition Inter-house STEM Student Competition
Gr. 1&2 Competition based Skill (Group) Gr. 9-12
(Group) Gr. 3-5 Inter-house
(Group) Gr. 6-8

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

h 1 2 3
Class Project PT-02 PTM
of KG1 C &D

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
World Cancer Tamil Assembly World Cancer Responsibilities KG1 & KG2
Day Day (being a student) VISTA
Health is wealth Class Assembly Exhibition
Grades 9 & 11 Grade 2 F
Yearly Exams

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
National Value Based Qatar National Festivals of Qatar Class Project
Women’s Day Assembly- Sports Day Class Assembly of KG1 G &
patriotism (Holiday) Grade 1 F KG1 H

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Acts of Value Based Mother Nature Sports Day
Kindness Assembly- Language Day Class project Gr. 1&2
Day Peace and Grade -2 G

25 26 27 28 29
National Grandparents National Cooking without Class project
Science Day Day science fire Competition (KG1E& F)
day Gr. 1&2
MARCH 2024

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
World Wildlife Arabic National Plants based on
Day Assembly Defense Day EVS project Gr.
World hearing World Wildlife 1G & 1H
day/ National Day
safety day International
Women’s Day
New session for
Gr. 10&12 (AY

Grades 3-8
Yearly Exams
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
International Value Based World Wildlife Fancy Dress Inter- KG
Women’s Day Assembly Day class Competition Graduation
Festivals and World Consumer Grades 1&2 Day
Culture Day SST

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Annual Exam











B VERY GOOD 71-80%
C GOOD 61-70%
D AVERAGE 51-60%
Academic Performance Record Sheet

Applicable to Grades 3 to 10

Subjects Periodic Test - 01 Half -Yearly Exam Periodic Test - 02


2nd Lang



Social Science



3rd Lang

Parent’s Signature

Grades 3 to 10

A1 91 to 100
A2 81 to 90

B1 71 to 80

B2 61 to 70

C1 51 to 60

C2 41 to 50

D 33 to 40

E 32 and below

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