PR3245-Reporting Progress F20

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Reporting Progress

There will be progress reports in your Capstone II course. All progress reports must follow APA style in referencing,
tables, figures, font size and appearance. You must report progress formally every two weeks as discussed in class.

Ideally reporting your progress should follow the following format:

1) According to our tracking Gantt chart the tasks planned for this period were as follows.
2) The following is the actual work that we did: show and tell…show the results of your literature review, any
conclusions based on calculations, analysis, engineering drawings. Show for each task.
3) Based on our progress this past period, we are behind/ahead of/on schedule.
4) This is our plan for the upcoming period.
5) Questions

Progress Reports (Written)

Maximum 5 pages excluding appendices of period accomplishments

a. Title Page
b. Table of Contents
c. Project Statement
d. Tasks for the period: Planned vs. actual, percent completion, explanation for discrepancy
e. Project percent completion status: on/ahead of/behind schedule by how much
f. Plan for next period to address discrepancies/continuation of work
g. Appendices
i. Proof of work for current period

Progress Presentations
Maximum 12 slides excluding hidden slides of period accomplishments.

a. Title Slide
b. Presentation Overview
c. Project Statement
d. Tasks for the period: Planned vs. actual, percent completion, explanation for discrepancy
e. Project percent completion status: on/ahead of/behind schedule by how much
f. Plan for next period to address discrepancies/continuation of work
g. Hidden slides
i. Proof of work for current period

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