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SIT Internal

Clinical Practice Education Workbook

Clinical Practice in Medical Imaging (3)
BSc (Hons) in Diagnostic Radiography
Student ID Number:

Credit Value 5 credits

Name: Hajmath Begum D/O Mohamed Sali
Module Lead
Name: Muhammad Khairulnizar Bin Azman
Co-Module Lead Email:

Last updated 16th Aug 2023

SIT Internal

Introduction __________________________________________________________________________________ 4

Objectives of Year 3 Clinical Practice Education (CPE) _________________________________________________ 5

Learning contract _____________________________________________________________________________ 14

Workplace Safety _____________________________________________________________________________ 15

Clinical Practice Education clinical log_____________________________________________________________ 18

Year 3 Clinical Practice Education Assessments _____________________________________________________ 21

Assignment declaration sheet ___________________________________________________________________ 22

Appendices __________________________________________________________________________________ 28

Summary of Radiographic Centering Point_________________________________________________________ 35

Medical abbreviations _________________________________________________________________________ 53

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General Measures
 You MUST comply with prevailing travel advisories and movement restrictions for
Healthcare Workers (HCWs)
 You MUST comply with respective hospital policies and guidelines for infection control
and safety, including but not limited to placement entry swabs, rostered routine testing
(RRT), safe distancing, socialising in and outside of HCIs, response to illnesses,
temperature-taking, segregation plans and response to illness.
 You are to adhere strictly to HCI’s assigned split team arrangements and work shifts.
 Minimise cross-institutional movement during clinical placement.
Student surveillance
 TAKE your temperature before coming to clinical placement. If you have a fever and/or feel
unwell or have respiratory symptoms, seek medical attention promptly and do not come to
clinical placement.
 If you develop a fever and/or respiratory symptoms or become unwell while at clinical
placement, STOP clinical placement, and seek medical attention promptly – do not wait
until the end of your clinical placement. Check with your CEC where you should seek
 You MUST practice good hand hygiene.
 Based on MOH update, MOH will no longer issue HRN from 26 April 2022. (Source: |
Updates to Health Protocols (
 For the current COVID-19 Protocols, student may refer to the prevailing MOH advisory here:

Infection Control and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

 You MUST be taught and assessed to be proficient in the basics of infection control and the
use of PPE.
 You MUST be mask-fitted.
 You are to strictly COMPLY with the HCIs PPE requirements, and any other measures put in
place by the HCIs for infection control and to limit disease transmission.
 You are to be masked at work.

Any BREACH in compliance will constitute an immediate

FAILURE in this module.

SIT Internal

Clinical Practice Education (CPE) is an integral component of the SIT BSc (Hons) in
Diagnostic Radiography curriculum to prepare you to be work-ready by providing
real-world clinical experience promoting the integration of knowledge and
practice. It integrates and builds upon the knowledge you have gained in the
radiography modules. You will be learning and working alongside SIT clinical
educators (CEs) and radiographers. The clinical environment provides an
opportunity for you to put your knowledge into practice. You are expected to
acquire (participate, assist or observe) clinical experience in specialised imaging.



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SIT Internal

Objectives of Year 3 Clinical Practice Education (CPE)

After completing this module, students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate professional attitudes and behaviour in a clinical environment.

2. Describe the specialised imaging procedures such as computed tomography

(CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound (US), mammography (MM),
fluoroscopy, intervention radiography (IR) and nuclear medicine (NM) studies.

3. Apply appropriate care for patients of various conditions and presentations.

4. Use the appropriate communication skills when communicating with patients,

peers, healthcare workers and clinical educators.

5. Use the appropriate infection control measures in specialised imaging setting,

according to institution protocol.

6. Explain the appropriate contrast medium utilized for selected specialized

imaging procedures and their preparation.

7. Use the proper imaging techniques and/or accessories to demonstrate radiation

protection to the patient.

8. Explain the selection of equipment and imaging parameters appropriate to the

patient and the examination to be performed.

9. Evaluate upon specialised radiographic practice and analyse ongoing

professional development needs especially concerning imaging and other
related radiographic patient management/care.

SIT Internal

Learning contract
 A learning contract is an agreed document between you and your
CE/RADIOGRAPHER to help you achieve your learning outcomes in a safe
 The objective of a learning contract is to ensure you take responsibility for your
 Note that the needs of the patients and the imaging resources varied across the
different institutions and not all learning outcomes may be fulfilled at some of
your clinical placement.
 You are to negotiate an action plan collaboratively with your
CE/RADIOGRAPHER to avoid unmatched learning outcomes between you and
your CE/RADIOGRAPHER at the beginning of your placement.
 The learning outcomes expected of you during the clinical placement are listed

Broad learning outcomes for Year 3 CPE

Demonstrate professional attitudes and behaviour in a clinical
Describe the specialised imaging procedures such as computed
tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound
(US), mammography (MM), fluoroscopy, intervention
radiography (IR) and nuclear medicine (NM) studies.
Apply appropriate care for patients of various conditions and
Use the appropriate communication skills when communicating
with patients, peers, healthcare workers and clinical educators.
Use the appropriate infection control measures in a specialised
imaging setting, according to institution protocol.
Explain the appropriate contrast medium utilized for selected
specialized imaging procedures and their preparation.
Use the proper techniques, imaging parameters and/or
accessories to demonstrate radiation protection to the patient

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Explain the selection of equipment and imaging parameters

appropriate to the patient and the examination to be performed
Evaluate upon specialised radiographic practice and identify
ongoing professional development needs especially concerning
imaging and other related radiographic patient

If you are placed @ MRI: learning outcomes

At the end of the placement, you should be able to
1 Identify the hazards associated with MRI.
2 Identify the patient, staff and equipment related safety measures.
3 Identify the major components of the MRI scanner.
4 Understand the care required of the patient undergoing an MRI.
5 Explain the physics behind the MR imaging process.
Identify the appearance of different tissues across the basic
sequences T1, T2, Proton Density and Inversion Recovery
Understand the rationale and hazards behind the use of
exogenous contrast in MRI.
Demonstrate an understanding of MRI techniques, including
patient positioning and planning of scans.
Demonstrate good communication skills and professionalism
concerning safety screening of patients and instructions for MRI.

SIT Internal

If you are placed @ CT: learning outcomes

At the end of the placement, you should be able to
Provide or assist to provide appropriate imaging care for patients of
various conditions and presentations.
Provide or assist to provide appropriate pre-procedure preparation
and post-procedure instructions to the patient.
Demonstrate clinical reasoning and decision-making skills by
determining the appropriateness of requests.
Explain the rationale for the selection of scan protocols and
5 administration of contrast media appropriate to the clinical
6 Apply practical infection control measures in CT.
Employ suitable radiation protection measures to minimize radiation
exposure to patients undergoing CT examination

If you are placed @ US: learning outcomes

At the end of the placement, you should be able to
Explain the physics of the nature, production, propagation and
attenuation of ultrasound.
2 Understand the various imaging modes used in ultrasound
Understand the appearance of grey-scale artefacts and how they may
be eradicated or minimized when required
Understand the patient preparation, pre-and post-procedure care
4 involved in the ultrasound scan of
the abdomen, pelvis, obstetrics and/or small parts (testes, thyroid)
Describe the normal sonographic appearances, common anomalies,
and scanning protocols used in the above applications
6 Be familiar with and adhere to the infection control protocol
Demonstrate good communication and professionalism in relations
7 with a patient, members of the public and other healthcare team

SIT Internal

Demonstrate the ability to take responsibility for reflection on your

clinical practice, and ongoing learning and professional development

SIT Internal

If you are placed @ Fluoroscopy and Angiography: learning outcomes

At the end of the placement, you should be able to
1. Evaluate and discuss the appropriateness of the request for
fluoroscopy and angiography procedures
2. Observe or assist the radiographer in performing relevant pre-
procedural patient preparation and safety screening measures (when
3. Understand the selection fluoroscopic settings appropriate to the
procedures, and the suitable radiation protection measures to
minimize radiation exposure to staff and patients.
4. Discuss with CECs and CE on detailed learning outcomes stated below
in EPA 2 and 3

EPA 2 -Level 3 Tools Number to be Additional

completed specifications
satisfactorily if needed
(Who can be
raters - staff,
peers? In

SIT Internal

Planning and Clinical At least 1 Competency

supporting Competency documented assessment by
Fluoroscopy/Operating competency appointed
Theatre procedures in clinical
a Multidisciplinary educator
Clinical Log Log needs to be Log to be
comprehensive endorsed by

Products to be Portfolio Portfolio to

evaluated demonstrate
learning and

EPA 3 – Level 3 Tools Number to be Additional

completed specifications
satisfactorily if needed
(Who can be
raters - staff,
peers? In

Planning and Short practice At least 8 Competency

conducting Contrast observations documented assessment by
enhanced radiographic (e.g., mini- competency appointed
procedures CEX) clinical
Entrustment- At least 8 cases Clinical
based covering assessment to
discussions different be conducted
by an

SIT Internal

anatomical appointed
region. clinical
Process Completed 1 Process
Diagram Diagram to be
reviewed by
Clinical Log Logs need to be Log need to
comprehensive be endorsed
by appointed
Products to be Products Portfolio to
evaluated demonstrate
learning and

If you are placed @ Nuclear Medicine: learning outcomes

1. Evaluate and discuss the appropriateness of the request for nuclear
medicine procedures
2. Observe or assist the radiographer in performing relevant pre-
procedural patient preparation and safety screening measures (when
3. Understand the selection of appropriate nuclear medicine techniques
for the different body regions
4. Understand the mechanism of actions of the different

If you are placed @ Mammography (MM) (Optional): learning outcomes

At the end of the placement, you should be able to
Discuss the radiation protection needs of staff and patients for
mammographic imaging procedures

SIT Internal

2 Recognize normal and abnormal mammographic appearances

Describe mammographic imaging protocol, patient preparation,
3 patient positioning/technique employed in the relevant clinical
4 Be familiar with and adhere to the infection control protocol
Demonstrate good communication and professionalism in relations
5 with a patient, members of the public and other healthcare team
Demonstrate the ability to take responsibility for reflection on their
clinical practice, and ongoing learning and professional development

Please strike off any learning outcomes that will not be able to fulfil.
For example:
If you are placed @ CT: learning outcomes
Explain the rationale for the selection of scan protocols and
administration of contrast media appropriate to the clinical questions.
Perform a routine non-contrast CT Brain scan under the supervision of
4 a radiographer and evaluate the images acquired are of diagnostic

SIT Internal


Please discuss with the student the achievable learning outcomes, safety
measures, then sign the learning contract at the beginning of the placement.
Ensure both parties agreed. Thank you.
Attention to Student:
Please submit the completed learning contract in the module dropbox.

 I will comply with the safety measures and make use of every opportunity
provided by the CE and supervising radiographers to achieve the agreed learning

Name/Signature of student


 I agree to facilitate the student learning following the safety measures

guidelines to ensure opportunities are provided for the student to achieve the
agreed learning outcomes.

Name/Signature of CE/RADIOGRAPHER


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SIT Internal

Workplace Safety

 Before the start of your CPE, please make sure.

o you read the workplace safety slides and
o sign the acknowledgement letter (Pg 15) and submit it in dropbox.
 If you are involved in an incident or near misses e.g., fall or accident, during the
CPE block, please inform your CE/Supervising Radiographer immediately.
 If you are roster to mobile radiography, your CE/supervising radiographer will
have to go through a competency checklist (Pg 16) with you before you are
allowed to handle the mobile radiography machine. The completed competency
checklist must be submitted in dropbox.
 If you are injured, please go to the nearest clinic or accident & emergency
department for immediate medical treatment.
 Please inform the Faculty Supervisor and/or Module Lead as soon as possible.
 You will need to submit the following information (what, who, where, when,
how and why) to your Faculty Supervisor and/or Module Lead:
o Date, time and venue. Be as specific as possible.
o Details of the incident (E.g., When & Where did it happen? Who was
involved? What was their role? Did anyone help you?)
o If and when & where you seek medical treatment. Who accompanied
you? What was the treatment received?
o If an incident report was submitted at the placement site. Who submitted
the report?

SIT Internal

Clinical Practice in Medical Imaging (3)

SIT, BSc (Hons) in Diagnostic

I acknowledge that I have read and understood the slides concerning the workplace
injury & safety contain in the pre-clinical briefing slides. I will adhere to the

Name of the Student

Signature of the Student

Date of submission

SIT Internal

The student radiographer should be familiarized with the mobile radiographic system before following the
supervising radiographer for mobile radiography rounds.

The following checklist is meant for the supervising radiographer and student radiographer to be cognizant
of knowledge requirements regarding general operations of the mobile radiographic system that the student
will be using before mobile radiography rounds.

CPE Site: Date:

Model of mobile radiographic system:

Supervisor, please tick ( √ ) Student, please tick ( √ )
Reviewed safety briefing slides (SIT
Power On / Off
Electrical charging of equipment
and/or accessories
Moving the mobile radiographic
system safely from a parked
position to another location and
around the patient environment
Collision prevention (e.g., audible /
visible alarms)
Parking the mobile radiographic
system (e.g., beside a patient’s
Possible movements of the mobile
radiographic system (e.g.,
telescopic arm extension)
Multiplanar tilting of the X-ray tube
Control console (e.g., touchscreen
display, emergency stop button)
Common contact points of the
mobile radiographic system (e.g.,
foot brakes, release levers, etc.)
Exposure switch / Remote control
Others (pls specify):

Supervisor’s name: Student’s name:

Acknowledged with signature: I am aware of the safe handling of the

mobile radiography unit.

A checklist is to be completed for each model of a mobile radiographic system and is valid for one CPE block. The
checklist must be submitted in the module dropbox.

SIT Internal

Clinical Practice Education clinical log

The main purpose of the clinical log is to help you and your CE/RADIOGRAPHER to
keep track of your clinical learning experience. You are required to collect a variety
of cases in:

Upper extremities At least 50 entries with a At least 30 entries (of

good variation different regions)

Lower extremities
At least 50 entries with a At least 30 entries (of
good variation different regions)

Spine At least 35 entries with a At least 20 entries (of

good variation different regions)

Skull/Facial Bones At least 5 entries with a Not applicable (N.A.)

good variation

Chest At least 30 entries in At least 15 entries

different settings (e.g., performed
inpatient, outpatient) independently

Abdomen/KUB At least 30 entries in At least 15 entries

different settings (e.g., performed
inpatient, outpatient) independently

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SIT Internal

At least 8 entries
Mobile Radiography
At least 1 entry (multiple
trauma; must be more
than 2 regions)

At least 10 entries with a

OT– EPA 2 *graded for
good variation
At least 10 entries with a

good variation

At least 10 entries with

a good variation

At least 10 entries with

a good variation

Fluoroscopy, At least 10 entries with a

Interventional good variation
Radiology &
Angiography – EPA 3
*graded for 4901

Mammography, Dental, No minimum requirement

Nuclear Medicine &
Hybrid Imaging

SIT Internal

Recommended level of involvement according to EPA standards

Gen Rad
 Level 3: Independently- Capable of functioning autonomously under
 Level 1-2: Assisted – Radiographer may assist the student to complete a complicated
case such as multiple trauma etc or student to help or support the

Specialised Imaging
 Assisted – To help or support the radiographer.
 Observed – To watch or be present without participating actively.

SIT Internal

Year 3 Clinical Practice Education Assessments

The assessment components in this module are:

 Process Diagram for EPA 3 (Planning and conducting contrast enhanced

radiographic procedures) (15%) Process Diagram for Computed
Tomography (15%)
 Clinical Log for CT, EPA 2 & 3 (30%)
 Performance evaluation (40%)

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SIT Internal

Assignment declaration sheet

BSc(Hons) Diagnostic Radiography

Please complete this declaration sheet and submit it with your assignment.

Assignment Title:

This assignment is entirely my own work and represents my learning in the module.

I abide by the Academic Integrity Policy and am aware of the disciplinary actions that can be taken for
plagiarism. Any information sourced from elsewhere has been appropriately acknowledged and

I have maintained and will continue to maintain the privacy of any person I have referred to in this

I acknowledge a copy of my work may be used for moderation purposes.

I have kept a copy of the assignment for my records.

Signed: Date:

Assignment cover sheet

Individual Student ID:
Year of Study:

Module Code:
Module Title:

Module Coordinator’s Name: Hajmath Begum D/O Mohamed Sali

Module Co-Coordinator’s Name: Muhammad Khairulnizar Azman
Assignment Title:

Due Date:
Word Count:
Date Submitted:

Official use

Last updated 16th Aug 2023

SIT Internal

Process Diagram (30%)

EPA 3 (15%) & Computed Tomography (15%)

You will be required to produce Two (02) Process Diagrams, 1 process diagram each
for EPA 3 and Computed Tomography. The procedure for EPA 3 can be related cases
experienced during the Year 3 CPEs. You are allowed to select a case from your past
cases in the clinical log. Please check with your faculty supervisor if you are unsure.

 The process diagram aims to demonstrate your ability to describe a

comprehensive overview of the imaging procedure and to contextualise the
sequential steps and the overall process involved.
 The process diagrams may be presented in different variations. Some of the
most frequently used types are flowcharts, decision tree and data flow
diagrams. These are just a few examples, and the choice depends on how you
would like to present the diagram.
 The following criteria and scoring aspects assess key components of the process

Criteria and Scoring (Total Points: 100):

1. Clarity of Representation (25 points)

 Clearly labeled steps and decision points.
 The flowchart is easy to follow and understand.
 Proper use of symbols and connecting lines.
2. Completeness (25 points)
 All essential steps of the radiology procedure are included.
 Pre, during, and post-procedural details/steps are expected.
 Appropriate decision points for patient assessment and intervention.
 Absence of critical omissions.

SIT Internal

3. Accuracy (25 points)

 Correct sequencing of steps in the radiology procedure.
 Accurate representation of the decision-making process.
 Alignment with established radiology guidelines and protocols.
4. Medical Terminology (15 points)
 Proper use of relevant medical terminology.
 Clear and concise descriptions of radiological actions.
5. Visual Appeal (10 points)
 Neat and organized layout.
 Use of appropriate colours, tools, and formatting to enhance readability.

SIT Internal

1. There will be no word count for this assignment.

2. The font to use will be Arial and the font size should not be lesser than 8.

3. The process diagram should be within a single A3 size page. You will be
penalised by 1 mark if it exceeds to another page (i.e., 1 mark deducted if
process diagram covers 1-1.5 page, 2 marks deducted if process diagrams
cover up to 2 pages.

4. Please use the cover page template provided (Assignment declaration sheet)
(Pg 21). All items must be filled up accordingly. The assignment declaration
sheet is the first page of your process diagram and must not be submitted as
a separate file.

5. Use the following file names (drg4901_ student id no_Process Diagram

EPA3) and (drg4901_ student id no_Process Diagram Computed

*Please refer to Appendix 1 for the process diagram assessment rubrics

SIT Internal

 Late submissions for the assignment, without penalties, require a written
application to be submitted before the submission deadline1. It is your
responsibility to write to the module or co-module lead and request for
extension of the deadline. If the right for a late submission was not granted,
late submission will then be accepted until 4 days after the original deadline,
with a penalty of 15% per day. Later than 4 days after the original deadline,
no marks will be awarded to late submissions.
 The university takes a serious view on academic integrity and plagiarism.
Students are expected to understand their responsibility for academic
honesty and avoid plagiarism. If the Turnitscore is more than 25%, it will
result in a 5% penalty. Additional 5% penalty for every additional 5% added
to the Turninscore (i.e. 25% will result in 5% penalty, 30% will result in 10%

1Dateline: 24th September 2023 , 2359 hrs - Group A, 15th October 2023, 2359
hrs - Group B

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SIT Internal

Performance evaluation (40%)

You will be evaluated in the following domains during your clinical placement:
1. Learning & clinical practice integration
2. Professionalism (e.g., conduct, behaviour, and attitude)
3. Communication
4. Problem-solving & decision making
5. Teamwork
6. Adaptability (ability to remain positive towards learning in a changing environment)

Your CECs/CEs/supervising radiographer will need to complete the evaluation

report. The evaluation aims to allow your educator to evaluate your overall
performance based on observation and solicited feedback.

*Please refer to Appendix 2 for the performance evaluation rubric.

SIT Internal


Appendix 1. Process Diagram/Flowchart assessment rubric (30%)

Assessment/Grade Excellent Very Good Good Adequate Inadequate

Process The flowchart is The flowchart The flowchart is The flowchart Needs Improvement - The
Diagram/Flowchart exceptionally clear, meets high-quality well-constructed contains noticeable flowchart has significant
complete, accurate, standards in most but may have minor weaknesses in flaws and requires revision.
and visually aspects. issues in clarity or several criteria.
appealing. completeness.

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Appendix 1
SIT Internal

Appendix 2. Performance Evaluation Report (20%)

Appendix 3

Section A

Excellent  Is able to apply what has been taught in the university to clinical
 Demonstrates ability to understand complex concepts easily.
 Is highly independent and demonstrates the ability to perform as a
competent radiographer.

Good  Is able to apply what has been taught in the university to clinical
 Able to understand basic concepts quickly.
 Able to perform routine cases independently.

Average  Is able to apply what has been taught in the university to clinical
practice with minimum guidance.
 Able to understand basic concepts easily.
 Needs minimum guidance in performing routine cases independently

Below  Needs constant assistance to apply what has been taught in the
Average university to clinical practice.
 Needs help in understanding basic concepts.
 Demonstrates difficulty in performing routine cases independently.

Unsatisfactory  Unable to apply what has been taught in the university to clinical
 Shows difficulty in understanding basic concepts.
 Demonstrates difficulty in learning.

Q1 Learning & Work Integration. e.g., fast learner; demonstrates ability to

apply what has been taught in the university in the clinical settings.

☐ Excellent ☐ Good ☐ Average ☐ Below Average ☐ Unsatisfactory

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Excellent  Demonstrates a high level of professional mannerism.

 Demonstrates high awareness of patient’s need for privacy and respond
 Consistently exhibits a high level of self-confidence.
 Is consistently proactive.
 Takes ownership of work.
 Is highly receptive to feedback from everyone.
 Is consistently on time.
 Demonstrates excellent time management.
 Good personal hygiene.
 Complies with dress code and uniform is always well pressed.

Good  Demonstrates a good level of professional mannerism.

 Respects patient’s privacy.
 Exhibits a high level of self-confidence.
 Is consistently proactive.
 Takes ownership of work.
 Is highly receptive to feedback from everyone.
 Is consistently on time.
 Good personal hygiene.
 Complies with dress code and uniform is always well pressed.

Average  Demonstrates a moderate amount of professional mannerism.

 Respects patient’s privacy.
 Exhibits self-confidence.
 Is proactive.
 Takes ownership of work.
 Is receptive to feedback from CE but not supervisors & peers.
 Often on time.
 Good personal hygiene.
 Complies with dress code and uniform is neat and tidy.

Below  Demonstrates limited professional mannerism.

Average  Respects patient’s privacy.
 Exhibits limited self-confidence.
 Shows some interest in his/her work.
 Does not take ownership of work.
 Is occasionally receptive to feedback.
 Occasionally late.
 Poor personal hygiene.
 Complies with dress code but uniform is often dirty.

SIT Internal

Unsatisfactory  Shows no awareness of professional mannerism.

 Does not respect patient’s privacy.
 Does not take ownership of work.
 Shows no interest in his/her work.
 Is not receptive to feedback.
 Perpetually late.
 Poor personal hygiene.
 Does not comply with dress code.

Q2 Professionalism. e.g., exhibits self-confidence; proactive and motivated;

takes ownership of work and learning; produces quality work; receptive to
feedback from peers and supervisors.

☐ Excellent ☐ Good ☐ Average ☐ Below Average ☐ Unsatisfactory

Excellent  Demonstrates ability to communicate well with patients, CEs and

hospital staff.
 Demonstrates ability to maintain appropriate rapport with patients, CEs
and hospital staff.
 Demonstrates ability to maintain the appropriate body language when
communicating with patients, CEs and hospital staff.

Good  Demonstrates ability to communicate well with patients, CEs and

hospital staff.
 Demonstrates ability to maintain appropriate rapport with patients, CEs
and hospital staff.

Average  Able to communicate instructions to patients clearly.

 Able to communicate with CEs and hospital staff well.

Below  Needs help in communicating instructions to patients.

Average  Shows difficulty in communicating with CEs and hospital staff.

Unsatisfactory  Does not communicate to patients, CEs and hospital staff.

Q3 Communication. e.g., speaks/writes clearly and effectively; listens to

differing views and puts across opinions respectfully.

☐ Excellent ☐ Good ☐ Average ☐ Below Average ☐ Unsatisfactory

SIT Internal

Excellent  Demonstrates awareness of the problem and takes the appropriate

action to resolve the problem.
 Demonstrates sound judgement in making a decision independently.
 Takes ownership of decisions made.
 Options suggested by him/her to resolve issues are highly innovative.

Good  Demonstrates awareness of the problem and takes the appropriate

action to resolve the problem.
 Demonstrates sound judgement in making a decision independently.

Average  Demonstrates awareness of the problem and seeks help from the CE to
resolve the problem.
 Demonstrates sound judgement in making a decision when guided.

Below  Demonstrates awareness of problem but does not take any further
Average actions to resolve the problem.
 Needs guidance in making a decision.

Unsatisfactory  Is unaware of the problem.

 Is undecisive.

Q4 Problem Solving & Decision Making. e.g., evaluates situations; suggests

options to resolve issues; demonstrates sound judgement and takes
ownership of decisions made.

☐ Excellent ☐ Good ☐ Average ☐ Below Average ☐ Unsatisfactory

Excellent  Works effectively in a team and contributes positively to achieve

common goals.

Good  Works well in a team and is a good team player.

Average  Able to work in a team without much issues.

Below  Demonstrates difficulty working in a team.

Unsatisfactory  Refuses to work as a team.

Q5 Teamwork e.g., works effectively in teams; contributes positively to achieve

common goals.

☐ Excellent ☐ Good ☐ Average ☐ Below Average ☐ Unsatisfactory

SIT Internal

Excellent  Demonstrates ability to adapt to the clinical environment seamlessly.

 Remains effective even when there is a change in environment (in-
patient/A&E/out patient).
 Demonstrates ability to adapt to different working styles of
CEs/supervisors seamlessly.

Good  Demonstrates ability to adapt to the clinical environment easily.

 Remains effective even when there is a change in environment (in-
patient/A&E/out patient).
 Works effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.

Average  Able to adapt to clinical environment in a progressive manner.

 Needs time to readapt when there is a change in environment (in-
patient/A&E/out patient).

Below  Demonstrates difficulty in adapting to clinical environment.

Unsatisfactory  Unable to adapt to clinical environment.

Q6 Adaptability e.g., adapts to clinical institution culture and environment;

remains effective through change and ambiguity; works effectively with
people from diverse backgrounds.

☐ Excellent ☐ Good ☐ Average ☐ Below Average ☐ Unsatisfactory

SIT Internal

Section B

Q1 Please share on the strengths of the student radiographer.

Q2 Please indicate areas for improvement for the student radiographer.

Q3 Any additional training(s) / learning need(s) recommended for the student


Q4 Name of Clinical Educator:

SIT Internal

Summary of Radiographic Centering Point

Region Projection Centring point Collimation
Index PA Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Distal phalanx
Finger PIP Joint of Index Inferiorly: Mid metacarpals
finger Laterally: Lateral soft tissue

Index Lateral Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Distal phalanx

Finger PIP Joint of Index Inferiorly: Metacarpo-
finger phalangeal joint
Laterally: Soft tissue margins
Middle PA Either perpendicular Superiorly: Distal phalanx
Finger to the PIP joint of Inferiorly: Mid metacarpals
Index finger or the Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
PIP joint of ring finger margins
Middle Lateral Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Distal phalanx
Finger PIP Joint of middle Inferiorly: Metacarpo-
finger phalangeal joint
Laterally: Soft tissue margins
Ring Finger PA Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Distal phalanx
PIP joint of ring finger Inferiorly: Mid metacarpals
Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
Ring Finger Lateral Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Distal phalanx
PIP joint of ring finger Inferiorly: Metacarpo-
phalangeal joint
Laterally: Soft tissue margins
Little Finger PA Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Distal phalanx
PIP joint of ring finger Inferiorly: Mid metacarpals
Laterally: Lateral soft tissue

SIT Internal

Little Finger Lateral Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Distal phalanx

PIP joint of little Inferiorly: Metacarpo-
finger phalangeal joint
Laterally: Soft tissue margins
Thumb AP/PA Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Distal phalanx
1st MCP joint Inferiorly: 1st CMC joint
Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
Thumb Lateral Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Distal phalanx
1st MCP joint Inferiorly: 1st CMC joint
Laterally: Soft tissue margins
Hand PA Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Distal phalanges
3rd MCP joint Inferiorly: 2.5cm distal
Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
Hand Oblique Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Distal phalanges
(30 2nd MCP joint Inferiorly: 2.5cm distal
degreess radius/ulnar
obliquity) Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
Hand Lateral Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Distal phalanges
2nd MCP joint Inferiorly: Distal radius/ulnar
Laterally: Anterior and
posterior soft tissue margins
Wrist PA Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Proximal half of
mid carpal area metacarpals
Inferiorly: Distal third of
Laterally: Soft tissue margins
Wrist Lateral Perpendicular to mid Superiorly: Proximal half of
carpal area metacarpals

SIT Internal

Inferiorly: Distal third of

Laterally: Anterior and
posterior soft tissue margins
Forearm AP & Perpendicular to mid Superiorly: Wrist joint
Lateral forearm area Inferiorly: Elbow joint
Laterally: Soft Tissue margins
Elbow AP Perpendicular to a Superiorly: Distal third of
point 2.5cm distal to humerus
the middle of a line Inferiorly: Proximal third of
across medial and radius/ulnar
lateral epicondyle Laterally: Soft tissue margins
Elbow Lateral Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Distal third of
lateral epicondyle humerus
Inferiorly: Proximal third of
Laterally: Soft tissue margins
Humerus AP & Perpendicular to mid Superiorly: Shoulder joint
Lateral humerus Inferiorly: Elbow joint
Laterally: Soft tissue margins
Shoulder AP Perpendicular to mid Superiorly: Superior soft tissue
clavicular line, 3-4cm margin of affected side
inferior Inferiorly: Inferior angle of
scapular (nipple level)
Medially: Sternoclavicular joint
(affected side)
Laterally: Soft tissue margin
Shoulder Y-Scapular Perpendicular to a Superiorly: Acromial process
(40 to 60 point mid-way Inferiorly: Inferior angle of
degreess between the scapular
obliquity) acromial process and Medially: Distal third of clavicle
Laterally: Soft tissue margin

SIT Internal

the inferior angle of

the scapular
Shoulder Outlet (40 15 to 25 degreess Superiorly: Acromial process
to 60 caudal to the Inferiorly: Inferior angle of
degreess superior aspect of scapular
obliquity) the humeral head Medially: Distal third of clavicle
Laterally: Soft tissue margin
Shoulder Axillary 5 to 15 degreess Superiorly: Distal clavicle
angulation towards Inferiorly: Proximal third of
the elbow at the humerus
shoulder joint. Anteriorly/Posteriorly: Soft
Perpendicular to tissue margins
shoulder joint if
patient can stretch
out well and IR not
Clavicle AP Perpendicular to mid Superiorly: Superior soft tissue
clavicle margin
Inferiorly: Humeral head
Medially: Sternoclavicular joint
Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
Clavicle Axial 30 degrees cephalic Superiorly: Superior soft tissue
to mid clavicle margin
Inferiorly: Humeral head
Medially: Sternoclavicular joint
Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
Clavicle Zanca 15 degrees cephalic Superiorly: Superior soft tissue
to mid clavicle margin
Inferiorly: Humeral head
Medially: Sternoclavicular joint

SIT Internal

Laterally: Lateral soft tissue

Toes DP Perpendicular to 3rd Superiorly: Tip of distal phalanx
MTP joint Inferiorly: Distal half of
Laterally: Surrounding soft
tissue margins
Toes Oblique Perpendicular to 3rd Superiorly: Tip of distal phalanx
(30 MTP joint Inferiorly: Distal half of
degrees metatarsal
obliquity) Laterally: Surrounding soft
tissue margins
Foot DP 10 degrees cephalic Superiorly: Tip of distal phalanx
to the base of the 3rd Inferiorly: Distal tibia/fibula
Metatarsal Laterally: Surrounding soft
tissue margins
Foot Oblique Perpendicular to Superiorly: Tip of distal phalanx
(30 base of 3rd Inferiorly: Distal tibia/fibula
degrees Metatarsal Laterally: Surrounding soft
obliquity) tissue margins
Foot Lateral Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Tip of distal phalanx
midline of the foot at Inferiorly: Inferior soft tissue
the level of the 5th margin of calcaneus
MT base Anteriorly: Ankle joint
Posteriorly: Plantar soft tissue
Ankle AP Perpendicular to mid Superiorly: Distal third of
ankle joint, at the tibia/fibula
level of medial Inferiorly: Base of metatarsal
malleolus Medially: Medial soft tissue

SIT Internal

Laterally: Lateral soft tissue

Ankle Mortise Perpendicular to mid Superiorly: Distal third of
(rotate ankle joint, at the tibia/fibula
15-20 level of medial Inferiorly: Base of metatarsal
degrees malleolus Medially: Medial soft tissue
medially, margins
foot dorsi Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
flexed) margins
Ankle Lateral Perpendicular to Superiorly: Distal third of
medial malleolous tibia/fibula
Inferiorly: Plantar soft tissue
Anteriorly: Base of metatarsals
Posteriorly: Posterior soft tissue
Calcanuem Axial 40 degrees cephalad, Superiorly: Proximal third of
midline of foot, at metatarsals
the level of the Inferiorly: Soft tissue margin of
tubercle of the 5th heel
MT Medially: Medial soft tissue
Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
Calcanuem Lateral Perpendicular at a Superiorly: Ankle joint
point 2.5cm distal to Inferiorly: Plantar soft tissue
the medial malleolus margin
Anteriorly: Tubercle of 5th
Posteriorly: Posterior soft tissue

SIT Internal

Tib/Fib AP and Perpendicular to mid Superiorly: Knee joint

Lateral Tibia shaft Inferiorly: Ankle joint
Medially: Medial soft tissue
Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
Knee AP Perpendicular to Superiorly: Distal third of femur
apex of patella Inferiorly: Proximal third of
Medially: Medial soft tissue
Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
Knee Lateral 5-7 degrees cephalad Superiorly: Distal third of femur
to medial condyle Inferiorly: Proximal third of
Anteriorly: Anterior soft tissue
margin of patella
Posteriorly: Posterior soft tissue
Knee skyline Patello-femoral joint Superiorly: Anterior soft tissue
margin of patella
Inferiorly: Proximal tibia/fibula
Medially: Medial soft tissue
Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
Femur AP and Perpendicular to mid Superiorly: Hip joint
lateral femur shaft Inferiorly: Knee joint
Laterally: Surrounding soft
tissue margin

SIT Internal

Hip AP and Perpendicular to a Superiorly: ASIS

lateral point 2.5cm distally Inferiorly: Proximal third of
along the femur
perpendicular Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
bisector of a line margin
jointing the ASIS and
the symphysis pubis
(i.e., femoral pulse)
Pelvis AP Perpendicular to Superiorly: 2.5cm above iliac
midline at a level crest
midway between Inferiorly: Proximal third of
ASIS and SP femur
Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
Chest PA Perpendicular to Superiorly: Apices of chest
midline at level of Inferiorly: Lower costal margin
inferior angle of Laterally: Bilateral AC joints
scapular (i.e., spinous
process of T7)
Chest Lateral Perpendicular to mid- Superiorly: Apices of chest
axillary line at the Inferiorly: Lower coastal margin
level of inferior angle Anteriorly: Anterior soft tissue
of scapular margin
Posteriorly: Posterior soft tissue
Abdomen Supine Perpendicular to the Superiorly/inferiorly:
and Erect midline at the level of For adults, align collimation to
lower coastal margin the full length of IR.
For pediatrics, collimate to
include diaphragm and
symphysis pubis.

SIT Internal

Laterally: Lateral soft tissue

KUB Supine Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Upper border of
midline at the level of kidneys (about 2.5cm below
iliac crest xiphoid process)
Inferiorly: Symphysis pubis
Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
Skull OF 0 Perpendicular to Superiorly: Vertex
midline at the level of Inferiorly: Lower lip
interorbital line Laterally: Lateral skin margins
Skull OF 20 20 degrees caudal Superiorly: Vertex
angulation, to Inferiorly: Lower lip
midline at the level of Laterally: Lateral skin margins
interorbital line
Patient's OMBL
raised 20 above
horizons. Horizontal
beam centered
perpendicularly to
midline at the level of
infraorbital line
Skull Lateral Perpendicular to IR Superiorly: Vertex
to a point 5cm Inferiorly: Lower lip
superior to EAM Anteriorly: Nose
Posteriorly: Occiput
Skull Townes Posterior of head in Superiorly: Vertex
contact with IR, OML Inferiorly: Angle of mandible
perpendicular to IR: Laterally: Lateral skin margins
CR angled
30degreess caudad

SIT Internal

to a point 6.3cm
superior to glabella,
IOML perpendicular
to IR: CR angled
37degreess caudad
to the same point
Facial OF 20 20 degrees caudal Superiorly: 5cm above glabella
Bones angulation, to Inferiorly: Symphysis Menti
median sagittal plane Laterally: Lateral skin margins
at the level of
interorbital line
Patient's OMBL
raised 20 above
horizons. Horizontal
beam centered
perpendicularly to
midline at the level of
interorbital line
Facial OM 30 Position patient’s Superiorly: 2.5cm above
Bones AML perpendicular glabella
with bucky. Direct Inferiorly: Symphysis Menti
central ray Laterally: Lateral skin margins
perpendicularly to
midline at the level of
Position patient’s
mentomeatal line
perpendicular to
bucky. Direct central
ray 30 degrees

SIT Internal

caudad from the

horizon, towards the
bucky to exit at
Facial lateral Perpendicular to a Superiorly: 5cm above glabella
Bones point 2.5cm inferior Inferiorly: Symphysis Menti
to the outer canthus Anteriorly: Nose
of the eye Posteriorly: EAM
Nasal bone OM Patient stands or sits Superiorly: 2.5cm above
facing the bucky with glabella
mentomeatal line Inferiorly: Lower lips
perpendicular to Laterally: Lateral orbital rim
bucky. Direct the HB
perpendicular to
bucky to exit at
acanthion. (Std OM;
Water's View)
Nasal Bone Lateral Patient in true lateral Superiorly: 2.5cm above
(non-grid position, MSP parallel glabella
technique to IR, interpupillary Inferiorly: Upper row of teeth
) line perpendicular to Anteriorly: Tip of nose
IR. Direct CR Posteriorly: Zygomatic arch of
perpendicularly to a raised side
pt 1cm inferior to
Sinuses OF 20 20 degrees caudal Superiorly: 5cm above glabella
angulation, to Inferiorly: Lower lip
median sagittal plane Laterally: Lateral orbital rim
at the level of
interorbital line

SIT Internal

Patient's OMBL
raised 20 above
horizon. Horizontal
beam centered
perpendicularly to
midline at the level of
interorbital line
Sinuses OM Position patient’s Superiorly: 2.5cm above
AML perpendicular glabella
with bucky. Direct Inferiorly: lower lips
central ray Laterally: Lateral orbital rim
perpendicularly to
midline, exiting the
Position patient’s
mentomeatal line
perpendicular to
bucky. Direct central
ray perpendicularly
towards the bucky to
exit at acanthion.
Sinuses Lateral Perpendicular to the Superiorly: 5cm above glabella
outer canthus of the Inferiorly: Upper lip
eye Anteriorly: Nose
Posteriorly: EAM
Mandible AP Perpendicular to IR, Superiorly: 2.5 cm above EAM
directed to the Inferiorly: Symphysis menti
midline at the level of Laterally: Lateral skin margins
the angles of

SIT Internal

Mandible PA Perpendicular to IR, Superiorly: 2.5 cm above EAM

directed to the Inferiorly: Symphysis menti
midline at the level of Laterally: Lateral skin margins
the angles of
Mandible Bilateral 30 degrees cranially Superiorly: EAM of side raised
lateral directed at a point Inferiorly: Symphysis menti
obliques 5cm inferior to the Anteriorly: Lips
angle of mandible Posteriorly: 2cm posterior to
remote from the EAM of the side raised
TMJ Townes Ensure patient’s OML Superiorly: 5cm above glabella
is perpendicular to Inferiorly: Level of mandibular
plane of IR. Direct angles
central ray 30° Laterally: Lateral skin margins
caudad to a point to
2cm above glabella,
exiting at the base of
TMJ bilateral 25 degrees caudally, Superiorly: 5cm above
laterals centred to a point centering point
(open and 5cm superior to the Inferiorly: 5cm below centering
close joint remote from point
mouth) the cassette Anteriorly: 5cm anterior to
centering point
Posteriorly: 5cm posterior to
centering point
Orbits OM Position patient’s Superiorly: 2.5cm above
AML perpendicular glabella
with bucky. Direct Inferiorly: Upper lips
central ray Laterally: 2.5cm lateral to outer
perpendicularly to canthus bilaterally

SIT Internal

midline, exiting the


Orbits OF 20 Patient's IOML Superiorly: 4cm above glabella

perpendicular to Inferiorly: Upper lips
bucky. Direct central Laterally: 2.5cm lateral to outer
ray perpendicularly, canthus bilaterally
exiting the nasion.

Orbits lateral CR perpendicular to Superiorly: 2.5cm above

the outer canthus of glabella
the eye Inferiorly: Upper lip
Anteriorly: Tip of nose
Posteriorly: EAM
Cervical AP Directed 5-15 Superiorly: Lower lips
Spine degrees cranial Inferiorly: Sternal notch
angulation, such that Laterally: Lateral skin margins
inferior border of the
symphysis menti is
superimposed over
the occipital bone,
midline towards a
point just below the
prominence of the
thyroid cartilage
Cervical Lateral Perpendicular to IR at Superiorly: EAM
Spine a point vertically Inferiorly: 2cm below level of
below the mastoid shoulders
process at the level Laterally: Anterior and inferior
of the prominence of skin margins
the thyroid cartilage

SIT Internal

Cervical Posterior Directed 15 degrees Superiorly: EAM

Spine Obliques cranially from the Inferiorly: Sternal notch
(AP horizontal to the Laterally: Lateral skin margins
oblique) middle of the neck on
the side nearest the
tube, at the level of
the prominence of
the thyroid cartilage
Cervical Anterior Directed 15 degrees Superiorly: EAM
Spine Obliques caudally from the Inferiorly: Sternal notch
(PA horizontal to the Laterally: Lateral skin margins
oblique) middle of the neck on
the side nearest the
tube, at the level of
the prominence of
the thyroid cartilage
Cervical Flexion Perpendicular to IR Superiorly: EAM
Spine and towards the mid- Inferiorly: 2cm below level of
Extension cervical region shoulders
Laterally: Anterior and inferior
skin margins
Thoracic AP Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Thyroid prominence
Spine midline, at a point Inferiorly: 1cm above LCM
2.5cm below the Laterally: Mid clavicular line
sternal angle
Thoracic Lateral Perpendicular to long Superiorly: Thyroid prominence
Spine axis of thoracic Inferiorly: 1cm above LCM
vertebre, centre 5cm Laterally: posterior skin margin
anterior to the to 2cm anterior to the mid-
spinous process of coronal plane.
T6/7 (just below

SIT Internal

inferior angle of

Lumbar AP Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Xiphisternum

Spine midline, at the level Inferiorly: Mid-point between
of LCM ASIS and SP
Laterally: Mid clavicular line
Lumbar Lateral Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Xiphisternum
Spine lumbar vertebre, Inferiorly: Mid-point between
centre 7.5cm anterior ASIS and SP
to the third lumbar Laterally: Posterior skin margin
spinous process to 2cm anterior to the mid-
(level of LCM). coronal plane.
Lumbar Posterior Perpendicular to IR, Superiorly: Xiphisternum
Spine Obliques towards the Inferiorly: ASIS
midclavicular line on Laterally: Top of iliac crest on
the raised side at the raised side
level of the LCM
Lumbar Flexion Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Xiphisternum
Spine and IR, centre 7.5cm Inferiorly: Mid-point between
Extension anterior to the third ASIS and SP
lumbar spinous Laterally: Posterior skin margin
process (level of to 2cm anterior to the mid-
LCM). coronal plane.
Sacrum AP 10-25 degrees Superiorly: Level of iliac crest
cranially from the Inferiorly: SP
vertical, towards a Laterally: ASIS
point midway
between level of ASIS
and superior border
of SP

SIT Internal

Sacrum Lateral Perpendicular to the Superiorly: Level of iliac crest

long axis of the Inferiorly: Coccyx
sacrum, towards a Laterally: Posterior skin margins
point in the midline to ASIS
of the table at a level
midway between
PSIS and sacro-
coccygeal junction
Coccyx AP 10-15 degrees Superiorly: ASIS
caudally towards a Inferiorly: SP
point 2.5cm superior Laterally: ASISs
to the SP
Coccyx Lateral Perpendicular to the Superiorly: ASIS
long axis of the Inferiorly: 1cm below tip of
sacrum and towards coccyx
the palpable coccyx Laterally: Posterior skin margin
to ASIS.

SI Joints PA 5 -15 degrees Superiorly: Iliac crests

caudally at level of Inferiorly: Superior of border of
Laterally: 2.5cm medial to ASIS
AP Elevate side 25 to 30 Superiorly: Iliac crest
oblique degrees from table. Inferiorly: Mid-point between
(side Center ASIS and SP
raised is perpendicularly at Laterally: 2.5cm lateral to MSP
side level of ASIS, 2.5cm and 2.5cm lateral to ASIS
shown) medial to elevated
Whole PA C3 to hip joints Superiorly: Lower lips
Spine including greater Inferiorly: Hip joints
trochanters, arm Laterally: AC joints

SIT Internal

wrapping around the

Erect Bucky CR
perpendicular, SID
Lateral C1 to hip joints, place Superiorly: EAM
fingers over clavicles Inferiorly: Coccyx
Anteriorly: Hip joints
Posteriorly: Posterior skin
Left/right Supine/Prone: C7 to Superiorly: Lower lips
Side SI joints/greater Inferiorly: Hip joints
Bending trochanter Laterally: AC joints

Lower limb AP Erect ASIS to ankle joints, Superiorly: ASIS

CR perpendicularly at Inferiorly: Ankle joints
Knee joints Laterally: Lateral soft tissue
margins of both legs.

SIT Internal

Medical abbreviations
Commonly Used Abbreviations for Upper and Lower Extremities
S/N Abbreviation Description
1. # Fracture
2. ? Query
3. a/a As above
4. a/c Axillary Crutches
5. a/w Associated With
6. abn Abnormal
7. Abx Antibiotics
8. ACJ Acromio Clavicular Joint
9. ACL Anterior Cruciate Ligament
10. ADM Abductor Digiti Minimi
11. AFO Ankle Foot Orthosis
12. AH Abductor Hallucis
13. AKA Above Knee Amputation
14. amb Ambulant
15. ant Anterior
16. AOR At Own Risk
17. AP Antero-posterior
18. APB Abductor Pollicis Brevis
19. APL Abductor Pollicis Longus
20. approx Approximate
21. appt Appointment
22. AROM Active Range of Movement
23. artic Articulation
24. asap As soon as possible
25. Ax Assessment
26. b/b Brought by
27. BAPS Biomechanical of Ankle Instability Platform System
28. BKA Below Knee Amputation
29. BMD Bone Mineral Density
30. c/o Complaint of
31. c/s cultures
32. CA carcinoma
33. cm Coming morning

SIT Internal

34. CMCJ Carpo-metacarpal joint

35. CMP Chondramalacia Patellae
36. CRIB Complete rest in bed
37. d/w Discussed with
38. def deficiency
39. delt deltoids
40. DHS Dynamic Hip Screw
41. DIPJ Distal Interphalangeal Joint
42. DL Double Leg
43. DM Diabetes Mellitus
44. DOA Date of admission/arrival
45. DOB Date of Birth
46. DOC Date of Choice
47. DOR Date of Referral
48. DPC Distal Palmar Crease
49. DRUJ Distal Radial Ulnar Joint
50. DSH Deliberate self-harm
51. DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis
52. Dx diagnosis
53. e/c Elbow crutches
54. ECR Extensor Carpi Radialis
55. ECRB Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
56. ECRL Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
57. ECU Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
58. EDC Extensor Digitorium Communis
59. EDM Extensor Digiti Minimi
60. EHL Extensor Hallucis Longus
61. EI Extensor Indicis
62. EIP Extensor indicis proprius
63. EOR End of Range
64. EPB Extensor Pollicis Brevis
65. EPL Extensor Pollicis Longus
66. Ext fix External Fixator
67. Ext rot External Rotation
68. extn extension
69. f/h Family history

SIT Internal

70. f/u Follow up

71. FB Foreign Body
72. FC Femoral Catheter
73. FCR Flexor Carpi Radialis
74. FCU Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
75. FDI First dorsal interroseous
76. FDP Flexor Digitorium Profundus
77. FDS Flexor Digitorium Superficialis
78. fib Fibula
79. FL Femur Length
80. flex Flexion
81. flex/ext Flexion/Extension
82. FOOSH Fall On Outstretch Hand
83. FROM Full Range Of Movement
84. ft foot
85. FWB Full Weight Bearing
86. GCT Giant Cell Tumor
87. h/o History of
88. hams hamstrings
89. HL Hearing loss
90. HM Hand Movement/motion
91. hx History
92. I&D Incision and Drainage
93. i/i Image Intensifier
94. im Intramuscular
95. int Internal
96. Int rot Internal Rotation
97. inv Inversion
98. invx Investigation
99. ISP Infra spinatus
100. IT Inter-trochanteric
101. ITB Illiotibial Band
102. iv Intravenous
103. jt Joint
104. KAFO Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis
105. KIV Keep In View

SIT Internal

106. LA Local Anaesthetic

107. lac Laceration
108. Lat Lateral
109. Lat Flex Lateral Flexion
110. LB Lower Body
111. LC Leg Curl
112. LCL Lateral Collateral Ligament
113. LL Lower Limb
114. LMP Last Menstrual Period
115. M&R Manipulation and Reduction
116. MAT Meniscus Transplant
117. MCL Medial Collateral Ligament
118. MCP Metacarpophalangeal
119. MCPJ Metacarpal Phalangeal Joint
120. mm Muscle
121. mob mobilisation
122. mod moderate
123. MPx Middle Phalanx
124. MRSA Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
125. MTPJ Metatarsal Phalangeal Joint
126. MTSS Medial Tarsal Stress Syndrome
127. MWM Mobilisation With Movement
128. Mx Management
129. n/a Not applicable
130. NAD No Abnormality Detected
131. NBM Nil By Mouth
132. NKDA No Known Drug Allergies
133. NOF Neck of Femur
134. NOK Next of Kin
135. NSF National Service Full Time
136. NWB Non-Weight Bearing
137. o/e On examination
138. OA Osteoarthritis
139. obs Observation
140. occ Occasional
141. ODM Opponens Digiti Minimi

SIT Internal

142. op operation
143. ORIF Open Reduction Internal Fixation
144. OT Operating Theatre
145. P Plan of Treatment
146. p/h Past history
147. p/w Present with
148. PA Postero-anterior
149. palp palpable
150. PCA Patient Controlled Analgesia
151. PCL Posterior Cruciate Ligament
152. PIPJ Proximal Interphalangeal Joint
153. PL Palmaris Longus
154. pmh Past medical history
155. POD Post-Operative Day
156. POP Plaster of Paris
157. POT Post-Operative Treatment
158. PPx Proximal Phalanx
159. Pre-op Pre-operative
160. PROM Passive Range of Movement
161. pronn Pronation
162. prox proximal
163. pt patient
164. PWB Partial Weight Bearing
165. quads quadriceps
166. r/o Removal of
167. r/v review
168. RA Rhemumatoid Arthritis
169. rad radius
170. rad dev Radial Deviation
171. ROM Range of Movement
172. rot rotation
173. rpt repeat
174. Rx Treatment
175. s/b Seen by
176. s/p Status post
177. s/s Signs and symptoms

SIT Internal

178. S/T Spoken to

179. SLR Straight Leg Raising
180. SLT Single Leg Traction
181. SSP Supraspinatus
182. STJ Sinotabular Junction
183. STO Stitches Taken Out
184. TA Tendon Achilles
185. TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
186. TCU To Check Up
187. THR Total Hip Replacement
188. tib Tibia
189. Tib Ant Tibialis Anterior
190. Tib Post Tibialis Posterior
191. TKR Total Knee Replacement
192. TSR Total Shoulder Replacement
193. UB Upper Body
194. UL Upper Limb
195. uln Ulnar
196. Uln dev Ulnar Deviation
197. ULTT Upper Limb Tension Test
198. w/c Wheelchair
199. w/f Walking frame
200. w/s Walking stick
201. WBAT Weight Bearing as Tolerated
202. WFL Within Functional Limits
203. WNL Within Normal Limits
204. wr Ward round
205. wt weight
206. XOA X-ray on Arrival
207. XR X-Ray
Commonly Used Abbreviations for Chest and Abdomen
208. 24hr UFC 24 hour urine free cortisol
209. 24hr TUP 24 hour total urinary protein
210. a/e Air Entry
211. AAA Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
212. ABD Abdomen

SIT Internal

213. ACS Acute coronary syndrome

214. AF Atrial fibrillation
215. AICD Automatic Implantable Cardio-verter Defibrillator
216. AMI Acute Myocardial Infarction
217. AOCRF Acute on chronic renal failure
218. APO Acute pulmonary oedema
219. ARDS Acute respiratory distress syndrome
220. ARF Acute renal failure
221. ASD Atrial Septal Defect
222. AV Aortic Valve
223. AVG Arteriovenous graft
224. AVN Avascular Necrosis
225. AVR Aortic Valve replacement
226. AXR Abdominal X-ray
227. BNO Bowels not open
228. BO Bowels open
229. BP Blood pressure
230. BPH Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
231. BS Bowel Sound
232. BWO Bladder wash out
233. bx biopsy
234. CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
235. CAD Coronary Artery Disease
236. CAPD Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
237. CBD Common Bile Duct
238. CCF Congestive Cardiac Failure
239. COLD Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
240. COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
241. CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
242. CXR Chest X-ray
243. DIL Dangerously ill list
244. DJ stent Double J stent
245. DNR Do Not Resuscitate
246. DU Duodenal Ulcer
247. ESRD End Stage Renal Disease
248. ESRF End Stage Renal Failure

SIT Internal

249. ESWL Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripsy

250. ETT Endotracheal tube
251. GB Gall Bladder
252. GE Gastroenteritis
253. GIT Gastro-intestinal tract
254. GOO Gastric Outlet Obstruction
255. HBS Hepatobiliary System
256. HCC Hepatocelluar Carcinoma
257. HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
258. HD Haemodialysis
259. IABP Inra-aortic balloon pump
260. IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease
261. IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome
262. IHD Ischaemic Heart Disease
263. IO Intestinal Obstruction
264. IUCD Intrauterine Contraceptive Device
265. IUD Intrauterine Device
266. IVP Intravenous pyelogram
267. IVU Intravenous Urogram
268. J-tube Jejunostomy tube
269. KUB Kidneys, ureters, bladder
270. LAD Left anterior descending (coronary artery)
271. LCA Left coronary artery
272. LFT Liver Function Test
273. LIF Left iliac fossa
274. LMP Last Menstrual Period
275. LOA Loss of appetite
276. LOC Loss of consciousness
277. LOW Loss of weight
278. LV Left Ventricle
279. LVF Left Ventricle Failure
280. LVH Left Ventricle Hypertrophy
281. LZ Lower Zone
282. MI Myocardial Infarction
283. MR Mitral Regurgitation
284. MV Mitral Valve

SIT Internal

285. MVP Mitral Valve Prolapse

286. MVR Mitral Valve Replacement
287. MZ Middle Zone
288. NGT Nasogastric Tube
289. NSTEMI Non-ST segment elevation Myocardial Infarction
290. OGD Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
291. OLV One lung ventilation
292. PAT Pre-admission Test
293. PCN Percutaneous Nephrostomy
294. PCNL Percutaneous Nephrolithotrispy
295. PD Peritoneal Dialysis
296. PDU Perforated Duodenal Ulcer
297. PE Pulmonary Embolism
298. PGU Perforated Gastric Ulcer
299. PHT Pulmonary Hypertension
300. PICC Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter
301. PMHR Predicted Maximum Heart Rate
302. PMT Pacemaker-Medicated Tachycardia
303. PMVL Posterior Mitral Valve Leaflet
304. PONV Post-op Nausea and vomiting
305. PR Pulse Rate
306. PS Pulmonary Stenosis
307. PTC Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiogram
308. PTCA Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
309. PU Passed Urine
310. PUD Peptic Ulcer Disease
311. RCA Right coronary artery
312. RCC Renal cell carcinoma
313. RHD Rheumatic Heart Disease
314. RIF Right iliac fossa
315. RPA Right Pulmonary Artery
316. RR Respiratory Rate
317. RV Right Ventricle
318. SDA Same Day Admission
319. SOB Shortness of Breath
320. SpO2 Pulse Oximeter Oxygen Saturation

SIT Internal

321. STEMI ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

322. SVC Superior Vena Cava
323. THBSO Total hysterectomy bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
324. TOP Termination of pregancy
325. TS Tricuspid stenosis
326. TVP Tricuspid valve prolapse
327. UA Uric Acid
328. URTI Upper Respiratory tract infection
329. UTI Urinary Tract Infection
330. UZ Upper Zone
331. VAT Video-Assisted Thoracoscopy
332. VF Ventricular Fibrillation
333. VSD Ventricular Septal Defect
Commonly Used Abbreviations for Spine and Skull
334. # Fracture
335. ? Query
336. a/a As above
337. a/w Associated With
338. AION Anterior ischemic optic syndrome
339. ARC Abnormal retinal correspondence
340. ACDF Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion
341. ALIF Anterior lumbar interbody fusion
342. BN Blocked nose
343. BOT Base of tongue
344. BOV Blurring of vision
345. BPPV Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
346. BPSD Behavioural & Psychological symptoms of dementia
347. C1 1st Cervical vertebrae
348. C2 2nd Cervical vertebrae
349. C3 3rd Cervical vertebrae
350. C4 4th Cervical vertebrae
351. C5 5th Cervical vertebrae
352. C6 6th Cervical vertebrae
353. C7 7th Cervical vertebrae
354. CHI Closed head injury
SIT Internal

355. CSF Cerebrospinal fluid

356. C-spine Cervical Spine
357. CVA Cerebrovascular accident
358. D/S Day Surgery
359. EAC External auditory canal
360. ECCE Extracapsular cataract extraction
361. ENT Ear, nose and throat
362. Epi Epidural
363. FOM Floor of mouth
364. GA General anaesthetic
365. GCS Glasgow coma score
366. GPC Giant papillary conjunctivitis
367. HI Head injury
368. IAM Internal auditory meatus
369. ICH Intracranial haemorrhage
370. ICP Intracranial pressure
371. ICT Intermittent cervical traction
372. ILT Intermittent lumbar traction
373. IOFB Intraocular foreign body
374. L/S Lumbosacral
375. L1 1st lumbar vertebrae
376. L2 2nd lumbar vertebrae
377. L3 3rd lumbar vertebrae
378. L4 4th lumbar vertebrae
379. L5 5th lumbar vertebrae
380. L5-S1 Lumbosacral junction
381. LBP Lower back pain
382. LP Lumbar puncture
383. MIS Minimally invasive surgery
384. NPC Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
385. ORIF Open reduction internal fixation
386. OSA Obstructive sleep apnoea
387. PLIF Posterior lumbar interbody fusion
388. PID Prolapsed intervertebral disc

SIT Internal

389. PION Posterior ischemic optic neuropathy

390. PNS Posterior Nasal Space/ Paranasal Sinuses
391. RB Retinoblastoma
392. RD Retinal detachment
393. REM Rapid eye movement
394. SOV Superior ophthalmic vein
395. T1 1st Thoracic Vertebrae
396. T2 2nd Thoracic Vertebrae
397. T3 3rd Thoracic Vertebrae
398. T4 4th Thoracic Vertebrae
399. T5 5th Thoracic Vertebrae
400. T6 6th Thoracic Vertebrae
401. T7 7th Thoracic Vertebrae
402. T8 8th Thoracic Vertebrae
403. T9 9th Thoracic Vertebrae
404. T10 10th Thoracic Vertebrae
405. T11 11th Thoracic Vertebrae
406. T12 12th Thoracic Vertebrae
407. TLIF Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion
408. TIA Transient ischaemic attack
409. TLSO Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Orthosis
410. TMJ Temporal mandibular joint
411. TOS Thoracic outlet syndrome
412. TRD Traction retinal detachment
413. TRH Thyroid releasing hormone
414. TSH Thyroid stimulating hormone
415. URTI Upper respiratory tract infection
416. VFS Videofluoroscopy study
417. XLIF Extreme lateral interbody fusion

-End of Workbook-

SIT Internal


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