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Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains.

- Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

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833 Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make Recently asked at

short-term sacrifices for long-term Asked at Amazon

gains. Behavioral (/questions?type=behavioral) Product Manager (/questions?role=pm) company=amazon)
4 months ago
Questions like this are often asked at Amazon to assess a candidate's fit with Amazon's
Asked at Amazon
Leadership Principles.
estion (/questions/contribute?basedOn=653; /questions/653/time-make-decision-short-term-sacrifices-long-term-gains) Related questions

Asked at Amazon (/questions?company=amazon) 4 months ago and 12 other times Tell me about a time when you
had to balance short-term
wins with longer-terms goals?
Amazon Product Manager Mock Interview: Short-term Sacri:ces (/questions/1870/tell-me-

Tell me about a time you had

to make a decision without
much customer data.

Tell me about a time when you

had to make an important
decision without approval from
your boss
Was this video helpful? ★★★★★ to-make-an-important-

Tell me about a time you made

Add your own answer to this question... a bold and difficult decision.
Hot Top New
Tell me a time when you had to
make a difficult trade-off
decision on roadmap?
Danyal R. (/users/53cd8c665 Member
(/users/53cd8c6693c0c- 3c0c-4022-b4555 126(/karma)
4022-b45590b7afbf0366a) a-difficult-trade-off-decision-
May 19, 2023

Tell me about a time when you

Teaser: Advocate for open source model dialogues vs. building in house. The
were able to make a decision
trade off is a higher onboarding cost but longer term higher quality of without having much data
experience. metrics in hand.
Story: I was the PM lead for Hands Free Calling & Messaging responsible for
planning & launching all voice features. Voice features can be complex, they use without-having-much-data-
language models to determine what the user is saying and process a command. metrics-in-hand-) Page 1 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

I uncovered a big gap in our product when thinking about the future releases. Tell me about a tough decision
you made during a project.
Non-latin names were not being recognized - and that accounts for 80% of the
people I contact. I hypothesized that this was a big problem because the about-a-tough-decision-you-
product would eventually have more language support and other users would made-during-a-project)

face the same issue. Tell me about a time you had

to deliver negative feedback
I worked with dialogue engineers to understand the gaps in our models and (/questions/2260/tell-me-
investigated how we can bridge those gaps. In parallel I looped in UXR and Data
Science to help scope the size of the problem. Independently I did my own
research to see if there were open source models we could use. Generally, the
rule of thumb is that building in house is quicker to iterate on but harder to
maintain vs. open source is a high start up cost but ultimately you benefit from
the larger ecosystem of folks contributing to it. Strategically speaking since
longer term we wanted to continue to build and support different voice
utterances, investing in open source dialogue models was the smart way to
approach things.

I took the initiative to bring the idea of open source to my leadership. No one in
the org was thinking about it so I was a bit nervous. However, the pros
outweighed the cons and the impact would be significant once we were
onboarding different language support.

Upvote Comment

Anubhav A. (/users/47cffb81570f95
(/users/47cffb81970f994a2f- 77(/karma)
a60d-f30f4f0386a2` April 17, 2023

In 2019, while working at Aasaanjobs, one of the essential metrics I worked on

was "How to improve Recruiter productivity in sourcing applicants". There were
394 primary sources of user acquisition, but the majority of applications used
came from the company's internal database, which had 5M candidates. To
improve productivity, the business team wanted more and better filters on the
CRM. By then, the CRM had become a hefty product, with many filters and
manual workflows. In my user understanding, it came out that manual workflows
eat up a lot of bandwidth of recruiters, and the efficiency is a function of the
recruiter's intelligence; hence there was a high variance noticed in productivity
too. I recommended building an ML engine that could smartly match the job
needs with millions of candidate profiles on the platform and give the most
filtered results to the recruiters. This would reduce the dependency of being an
intelligent recruiter and would save time in applying filters. There was a tradeoff
in implementing this approach (giving away the short-term gain by quickly
implementing the feature request and putting multiple sprints to build the ML
model). After evaluating the model's impact and effort, we eventually created it.
In 2 months of making the changes live, we observed an 18% improvement in
recruiter productivity.

5 votes Comment Page 2 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

Mala R. (/users/2eae08ed-cd9e-
MR (/users/2eae08ed-cd9e-470b- 968(/karma)
8f35-f8ed5e77944b) January 19, 2023

We were in the middle of the sprint where we were working on automating the
entire end to end flow so that 4 weeks time would reduce instantly to 3 days.
Overall a big win for the entire company and would help us scale.

But we had a create a POV for a new prospect and the prospect was a huge
customer and could help contribute to 25% of the revenue goal for the quarter.

Pros Reach the quarter goal Very strong marketing story to attract more such
large customers. Help in the long term goal to achieve 100m in revenue.

Cons Delays the operation efficiency few more weeks the existing customers
will have to wait longer More resources have to work long hours for atleast 1
more months.

Existing customers are used to the time line and are no really complaining
Resources can be dedicated as we are already doing it.

Stop the sprint work and switch to the POV which is also manual and get the
deal closed now will be beneficial long term overall for company, employees and

Second one We were implementing integration with a 3rd party provider so that
we can easily extract data from our customers to create reports that provided
insights to the value that our company was providing. This was very critical for
retention and long term CLV for us.

While we were running short on resource, and had a customer requesting for an
additional set of attributes to be provided. We had to take the hard call and say
no to the customers since this work had impact on more than one customer and
is healthy for the overall growth of the company long term. In turn we offered a
timeline and put a process togather to streamline these adhoc asks so that they
understand the expectations and we can work professionally with no hard

3 votes Comment

Mia Y. (/users/f514f2a8-b9485
(/users/f514f2a8-b948945879 145(/karma)
ad6e-7379b774bd11` Updated December 29, 2022

A couple of years ago we inherited a product that was used by millions of

people. Both the technology stack and the user experience were incredibly
dated, the page itself was not even mobile responsive. Externally, we have both
quantitative and qualitative feedback telling us users are quite frustrated with
the experience. Internally, very few engineers knew how to work the tech stack
either, making it hard for us to recruit new talents. Page 3 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

We had the choice of simply redesigning the user interface and leaving it at that,
or updating the technology stack so we can make further functional
enhancements down the road, and make it easier for our company to recruit new
talents. The second choice takes more time and does not give us immediate
rewards, but paves the road for long-term gains.

As the PM for that product, I holistically evaluated the situation, considered

inputs from many teams with different vested interests in the product, and
decided we should update the tech stack. I socialized my rationale behind it,
communicated my vision for the future of this product widely and got everyone’s
buy-in into my decision.

Fast forward, we made many more functional enhancements to the product, all
of which were not possible on the old tech stack. We also have much-improved
team satisfaction and many happy engineers working with technology they love.
We also documented and learned every step along the way while updating the
tech stack, created many guidelines and best practices that are adopted by
other teams facing similar situations.

8 votes Comment

Anonymous Cobra Member

AC (/users/c453ad60903ab- (/users/c453ad60503ab-4cdc- 21(/karma)
May 18, 2023

I was leading the Buybox platform which determines the best seller to be
presented to the customer when multiple sellers sell an item in a Marketplace.
The logic looks at multiple levers like price, seller performance, delivery promise
etc to determine the best or winning seller.

We started noticing lot of bad reviews where customers complained that items
that were shown with the delivery promise of 2 days earlier in their journey were
showing up with much later delivery promise during the checkout flow.

Digging deeper, we found that some of the Marketplace sellers were spamming
the system by promising faster speed to gain an advantage in the customer
discovery flow as faster speed gets an advantage in Search and Buybox
rankings. Like, the seller shows up with 2-day promise but then shows 15 days
later delivery time. We uncovered seller compliance rate issues around a delivery
promise to actual promise dates were very low. This not only impacted customer
trust but showed low conversion and high abandonment rates, impacting gmv as

As PM for Buybox, we had to push Marketplace Business for doing the right
thing for our customers by setting realistic expectations on the delivery promise.
There was a lot of pushback from MP as it will impact their business negatively
but in the end with metrics and customer feedback, we were able to prioritize
customer trust over other things. Page 4 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

We made platform-level changes to bring consistency of delivery promises

through the customer journey and incorporated the same dates in our ranking
logic to ensure sellers aren't getting undue advantage by making false promises.
In the short term, we took a hit on MP GMV with this change but analysis of
post-transaction metrics soon revealed that the impact was neutral in longer run
with increased retention and customer repeat rates improving.

With this change, we're able to prioritize quality over quantity of sellers and
ensured we set the right expectation to our seller community that customer
trust is of the utmost importance to our Business.

rYour expert feedbacks will be appreciated]

Upvote Comment

Danyal R. General feedback: too many "we's"

1 more reply

Anonymous Aardvark
AA (/users/38de768894aab- (/users/38de768854aab-4e79-a5805 687(/karma)
October 4, 2020

Recently, I had to make a decision that I could automate a part of a process now
and help the operations team reducing 9 hours of manual work to 60 minutes for
one client. The second option was to fully automate the end to end process that
would take 4 weeks of development, but fully automate the process and that
could be rolled out across the board.

The process was to change the member's paperless preference to paper when a
sent email gets bounced 3 times in a row and inform her with a paper notice.
Now, the whole process is manual, including bounced back members email Ids
extraction from through reporting tool, track those members back, change the
paperless preference, and create a notice with given verbiage. This is a weekly
process and full-day work for an operation guy. I received a request to automate
this process on priority because the operations team is resource-constrained
and they couldn't afford a day spent every week on a single process.

After having detailed requirements, I had a product discovery session with the
lead developers and operations manager. Followed by efforts vs impact
analysis(ROI), Option 1 9 Short term solution was to automate the sending notice
part of a process that involved less effort and will take a week of development
time. Option 2 9 a long-term solution was to fully automate the process that
involved medium level efforts and will take 4 weeks of development efforts with
high impact and scalability.

Option 2 with high ROI was the winner because that would solve end to end
problem, besides that, I had to make sure that it would fulfill the operations team
objective and got a go-ahead from them. In summary, I explained the problem Page 5 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

which starts from having a manual process that was time-consuming and error-
prone. Then I discovered two solutions followed by ROI analysis based on efforts
vs impact. Finally, recommend the second option with a higher ROI than option 1.

137 votes Comment

Anjali M. The example is great! but it can be supported with tradeoffs you made going wi…
2 more replies

Prashali J. (/users/70b0e19353bf85
(/users/70b0e19393bf8944c89 606(/karma)
a978958d371c5647a) January 5, 2021

I was asked by the business VP to prepare a dashboard having all active user
data of the product along with multiple other pointers to add. While this data can
be easily extracted from excel and presented , i felt this is not a sustainable
approach and we need to automate it. I analysed that we can convert this into a
tableau or Power BI dashboard. Now both of them required integration with
database as the data present in excel is not clean. In short term i could have just
converted data into a excel report and presented to the VP and after that may
be handover the report to any BA to take it forward. But this isn't a feasible and
correct solution. I have to make it useful so i can present the right data to all
stakeholders. I approached to automate it but for that i need to reach out to
engineering to make arrangement in product send data to my dashboard. This
again became an ER wEnhancement request) and fell in the backlog. I only have
to prfioritize it but considering lot of other high priority items this took some
time. Once i got the request executed and data connected to my dashboard it
was very quick. I collected all data and presented in analytical form where we
can see all MAU usage on timely basis. I just not only helped VP but me and
other stakeholders as well as the can play around with the interactive UI of
dashboard and get enough information.

I had to wait for couple of weeks for getting this done as compared to making
excel report in short time. There were tradeoffs as i was holding off the VP and
others to show the right picture. While i already sent the numbers but they will
missing the comparison and analysis which i could have shown once i have all
the data.

87 votes Comment

Fra C. (/users/cbe6f8b1-c2de-45175
(/users/cbe6f8b1-c2de-45179 270(/karma)
802c-8d4501db7028` March 13, 2021

Tell me about a time when you had to work on a project with unclear

54 votes Comment Page 6 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

RD Ruihuang D. upvote

Waqar A. (/users/bec342065 Member

(/users/bec3420691df09 1df054991-b7d45 149(/karma)
Updated September 27, 2022

I was managing the development of a product as an engineering manager. The

product needed a GUI framework to expose the applications with access
control, single sign-on, portal framework, content management, and workflow. A
major release was in the works, but the decision to build vs buy took time to get
a nod from the management to go ahead and get an OEM agreement with the
selected third party.

Releasing MVP1 of internally developed features would have allowed us to

release the product on time but the user/customer experience would have
suffered. As per estimates, I got from the tech lead with the team's buy-in three
more months were required to integrate with the third-party service, providing
complete features.

I did a series of meetings with the product manager and convinced her by
presenting the pros and cons of both options: Impact on customers with partial
features vs complete features; delayed ROI vs early ROI due to the new feature.

The product manager and I teamed up and met with the customer experience
leader and presented the options to him, he agreed on the delay and it was
mutually decided to meet with the customers who may be impacted by the
delay. There were three major customers waiting for the release on the
previously communicated timeline. I, the product manager, and customer
success managers met with each of the customer leaders and presented the
value that will be added in three more months. All three customers agreed to the
delay in the release.

After convincing the stakeholders I presented all the pros and cons, product
manager buy-in, and most importantly customer buy-in on the delay to the VP.
The VP approved the delay in the release.

We integrated the framework into our offering. It was received by the customer
base very well.

3 votes Comment

Amit A. (/users/aed6b252528145
(/users/aed6b25292814942589 539(/karma)
bae393aec9d34f75e) January 12, 2022

I was working on a product preparing for a major revamp waiting to be launched

at the time of IPL. Being an official sponsor of IPL, the marketing team had
aggressive plans to promote the new product in order to push new user
acquisition & engagement through gamification. Couple of weeks closer to the Page 7 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

deadline, when we analyzed the performance of test builds, we found out that
most of the performance metrics had taken a hit. We as a company prioritize
Speed as one of the core metric. I knew that we could not take this half-baked
product to the market and end up having unhappy customers. There was no way
we could have stuck to the planned timeframe as the product required more fine
tuning & testing before it could be given in hands of the customers

While we were in the testing phase, I could monitor that the P50, P75, response
time of the api calls had gone up. This was impacting the UI load time resulting
into higher total transaction time. I sat down with the engineering lead to
understand the main reason behind it and then scoped out the additional work
to come up with realistic deadline. I spoke to the VP9Products & the marketing
team in parallel to make them understand the current product readiness, the UX,
reasons resulting into poor UX. I tried to convince them that we shouldn’t be
rushing to launch the product at the cost of user experience and there was no
way to fit the additional work for creating a good UX within the planned
timelines. I was able to give them the newly scoped launch date so that they
could budget accordingly.

We closely tracked the development of the additional scope of work that

included changing the pre-connecting logic and moving few client to server calls
to backend to speed up the overall transaction experience. We started
monitoring the metrics and comparing them in the unit testing phase itself which
also kept our tech team highly motivated towards the additional scope of work.

Once the revamp was shipped, we saw an increase in 42% in DAU completing
the transaction journey which resulted into 160M additional monthly
transactions. As a result of all this the senior leadership was appreciative that I
was upfront and honest with them and prioritized customer UX above all.
Because I was quick in my response, the marketing team had room to change
their plans and allocate accordingly. It was at the expense of new user
acquisition (which was the intended objective of the revamp), however I knew
that prioritizing customer experience in order to build a long lasting relationship
with the customer was more important & worthwhile.

8 votes Comment

Munni M. (/users/5c07fdd3544985
MM (/users/5c07fdd394498941119 221(/karma)
b93f-b6cabcb59f10` January 21, 2021

The most recent example that comes to my mind is where I had to defer
customer's requests for new point-to-point or one-to-one integration which
were short term solutions. These short-term intergrations are becoming a maze
because we already have 30x integrations, they need quite a bit of maintenance
when the third party application does updates and hindering our long-term
business growth. Hence as a platform PM, I advocated to invest in long-term
gains which is to enable public API where we can build a more robust base - the
integration platform, that will allow our business unparalleled freedom and Page 8 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

flexibility to easily build and rebuild exactly what the customers wants. Enabling
API also creates opportunity for our marketplace developers to can create
plugins to integrate with our platform. Though I made a short-term sacrifice to
say no to one-off point-to-point integrations from our customers, investing in
long-term API model is a mutual win both for our customers and us because API
enables for Faster time to insight, Seamless connectivity and Greater agility.

27 votes Comment

Jared R. Great example. The sacrifice is clear: no temporary client advantages were prior…
1 more reply

Umang S. (/users/6a85e9df-f0f75
US (/users/6a85e9df-f0f794bfa- 527(/karma)
a948956b3a94f17fc) May 28, 2022

Context 9 In my previous company I was delivering a complete overhaul of a

product aimed at data gathering at a massive scale at one end and delivering
actionable insights to the users at the other.

Situation 9 During the process of the overhaul, I had to maintain the existing
product as well, which had a lot of issues technically and from a UX perspective.

Concern 9 About 30940% of the issues or requests came around data import
and export. Change requests such as can we add another field in the import,
can we change the format, or the functionality is not working completely.
Forcing the team to divert the capacity to tending the issues. It came down to

1. Tend to all of the current issues and jeopardise the long-term roadmap

2. Leave the current issues aside and focus on the long-term roadmap

Action 9 I took the middle path ( you cannot leave aside the current issues, users
will leave and might never come back)

Started with understanding the issues in deep, talking to users and

analysing the data where the issues are coming from.

Segregated the issues into bugs and change requests, and evaluated them
against Effort and Value Matrix.

Localised the issues to consolidate the development effort.

Showing a long-term roadmap managed to convert external and internal

stakeholders to focus on long term features/change requests but negotiated
to take care of bugs, to keep the lights on


All P1 and P2 bugs as decided fixed

Retained the userbase that threatened to leave

Retained 20% capacity and diverted it to a new build, which resulted in

lowering the time to market for beta release Page 9 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

The buy-in from stakeholders created a pathway for an increased ARR of 5%


Short term issues are always tactical and you as PM need to balance when
to be tactical and when to be strategical.

Longterm vision alignment to user needs is paramount

If you can make your users/clients a participant in the development, you will
get much more meaningful feedback

1 vote Comment

Sudha R. (/users/12d0a5495 Member

SR (/users/12d0a54995bbc- 5bbc-45c559b835 132(/karma)
March 29, 2021

Our team was headed for a new release of the product and 2 days before the
release during the testing we found an issue. Microsoft released a new version
of its entity framework and while one of the testers was testing we found that
our version of the product was breaking on the machine that had the newer
version of the MS framework.

I had 2 options available - to release our product as planned and add a technical
debt item to my sprint backlog to fix our product to work with the new version of
the MS framework or to delay the release of our product, by first making our
product work with the new version of the MS framework. Given the technical
complexity involved, the former option was more intensive and exhaustive as it
required thorough regression testing. The latter option would provide a more
robust route.

After weighing the pros and cons, I discussed with my team and the
stakeholders about pushing back on the release. I was able to convince all
parties and we decided to release the new version of our product 2 sprints later
which was a resounding success.

21 votes Comment

Jared R. Very relatable and clear. You summarized first, expanded on it, and added in jus…

Aabid S. (/users/812e90a0-d2575
(/users/812e90a0-d257946ed- 763(/karma)
a0ef-92c00e60dc74` October 26, 2021

My company makes investigative software for Law Enforcement and the FBI. Our
product analyzes calls being made from prison inmates and looks for predictors
of violence or criminal intent. In the past 6 months alone our investigators have
solved more than 50 cases with the help of this software. Page 10 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

When I joined this start-up more than a year ago, I was given a laundry list of
new features and enhancements that had been requested by the police and the
expectation was that we would ship atleast 192 features/enhancements each
month. This was a mission-critical app and any delays could make us look bad
since it would affect real investigations.

When I did a deep-dive of each feature as well as the overall ecosystem itself, I
realized that we could speed up development by more than 50% if we migrated
to a more advanced, scalable and developer-friendly platform like React.JS. Our
current platform was many years old and did not offer any library support for a
lot of the features we wanted to build.

But the situation I was facing was a difficult one. Migrating the platform to React
would take us atleast 6 months and during this time I would have to focus all our
developer resources for the migration, which meant ZERO feature development
during this time. We had a very small team and due to financial constraints, we
could not hire more people.

We got on a call with our client and I explained to them that doing the migration
first was very important since it would help us in multiple ways and I outlined all
of them (speed of development, community support, easier to find talent, library
support etc). I also gave them information about the features which required
certain libraries that were only available in React.

Even though we were making a big trade-off by halting all feature development
during this time, as soon as the migration was complete, we could easily catch
up on lost time. I promised them that any bugs or issues would be looked into
right away but we would just not work on any new features.

Even though the client was not very happy about this, they understood the
importance of doing the migration first and finally gave us the green light (after
many meetings!`.

We were able to complete the migration in 8 months and as a bonus I bundled in

quite a few features that they had requested for the older platform into the initial
launch itself. We successfully launched the new site on October 1 and our
customer satisfaction scores have gone up by more than 25%. Our overall usage
of the app has also gone up by 10% and the client is very happy with the speed
and versatility of the app now. Developer morale has been at a constant high
since they got to learn something new. Overall this was a huge win for my team.

5 votes Comment

Pratt R. (/users/bedcbbbc-bbb25
PR (/users/bedcbbbc-bbb2943409 53(/karma)
9277955ee61bc6eed) February 7, 2022

Great question as it's a common dilemma that always pops up as a Finance

professional, always having to think about the longer term benefit to the
organisation on the whole. Page 11 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

My current role as a functional Finance Director in my company means I have

end to end responsibility of all things Finance within that vertical. After having
been promoted to this role a year ago, I started to notice inconsistencies in the
quality of the business cases and the financial advice being given to the
operations' teams, not just within my function, but even in the other functions.
Now being in a relatively small organisation of around 6000 global employees, I
was keen to understand how this could be made better and started talking to
the other functional FDs. I soon realised there was a clear gap to drive a
consistent framework that could be applied not just for the current cohort of
finance partners in the company, but also for any new starters to ensure they
got upto speed with the minimum expected standards within the Finance

Now, this wasn't part of my functional remit and I'd to find time to get this done
above and beyond the day job, and took a conscious decision to invest in the
short term pain for the longer term benefit of the organisation. I'd set up
meetings with key Project Managers in the firm, especially the ones working on
key projects, to get a feel of the sort of challenges they'd faced from a
commercial standpoint, business case standpoint and also from a vendor
perspective. I then spoke to the various finance directors, got them to provide
their insights around specific topics (i.e. best practice for a new product
business case, best practice for licence negotiations etc.) and also got the wider
community including procurement to input into the process. The end result was
a hugely comprehensive Playbook, which I managed to drive through to
completion within just 3 months by just engaging various parts of the business,
through multiple iterations and got sign off from our Corporate Finance team
(who decides on policies) as well as HR (for new starter pack) and this then
became the go to Playbook for Finance best practices internally.

I'm really proud of this work as this became widely used not just by Finance, but
also within the wider PM community who could quickly look up queries around
Business Cases and almost served as a self-serve guide besides driving
consistency across the organisation.


Feedback welcomed!

8 votes Comment

Pratibha G. (/users/02e7c07c-22825
(/users/02e7c07c-2282949ee- 5(/karma)
a0ae-85c2369072c8` December 20, 2022

I was working for one of the renowned companies where I was able to deliver
both as a Mentor also as a lead thereof I felt that things are repeating the same
every year, which made me realize that I have reached to the best of my
potential in this role, Now I have to move forward to do something which not
only brings the best out of me but where my interest lye both professionally as
well as Financially so switched to the desired company, It was not easy to move Page 12 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

to the new profession when u are already established with the previous role. But
I felt that move made me more confident, learned, explored, and a lot to look out
for in the long run.

1 vote Comment

Mala R. (/users/2eae08ed-cd9e-
MR (/users/2eae08ed-cd9e-470b- 968(/karma)
8f35-f8ed5e77944b) Updated August 18, 2021

B2B solutions generalize for long term client retention

Upvote Comment

Helena W. (/users/ccf7f1275 Member

(/users/ccf7f12796a5c-4cee- 6a5c-4cee-815d- 15(/karma)
March 27, 2023

I was the founder's right-hand operations and growth lead at a health startup.
We were considering how to streamline our product offering – a research
subscription – given the many JTBD interviews we'd conducted with customers
and cohort analyses I'd performed with SQL and Excel.

It was heavily apparent that the distinction between different tiers of the
subscriptions wasn't resonating with customers, and many wanted a different
focus of health information. This would mean that we had to streamline the
subscription into one membership tier. There was a lot of legwork that this
would entail, especially with a small team: creating comms and a customer
success FAQ, devising a new onboarding plan, pricing strategy, revamping the
website structure, etc.

As a relatively small team, we valued transparency (letting the entire team know
this option on the table and the reasoning behind it) and feedback. This was met
with a mixed response from the team, especially the more subject-matter-
inclined Product folks (who were mostly nutrition and health experts). I
facilitated and engaged in one-on-ones with team members who had
reservations to explain our strategy as clearly as possible: the fragmented
subscriptions we had currently were confusing customers, it was splintering the
Product team's resources and attention, and a single membership would build in
options for upsells and increase LTV.

Indeed, revenue numbers fell for the first three months after we implemented
the change. However, it was definitely the best move in the long run. We had to
be more careful with cash runway, but soon, conversion rates (for signup to free
trial, and from free trial to paid) rose significantly, and churn dropped by 15%.

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Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

Matt (/users/c0a042af-fe165 Member

M (/users/c0a042af-fe1694a259 27(/karma)
8ddd-9fee5a5db4b9` August 29, 2022

A product at my company recommends video titles to our customers - i.e.

content creators. After a successful initial launch, we eventually realized some
recommendations are provided in a language that is not the user’s native one -
e.g. the Japanese “ ” when the English “minecraft” would have
been more appropriate. The root cause could not be isolated to one issue, so we
wanted determine whether we could apply a quick patch. We decided to
attempt a simple language filter - if the recommendation was not in the user’s
provided language, then filter it out. Additionally, some possible solutions were
paid while others were free.

So my task was two-fold: 1` Determine the accuracy of commercially available

language detection tools, and 2` Estimate their monetary cost.

This short-term solution would not turn out to be feasible. I first examined free
off-the-shelf solutions. The free tools yielded insufficient accuracy 9 50% to 70%
depending on target language. This yielded two risks: 1` too many false positives
- keeping titles in the wrong language, and 2` too many false negatives -
removing titles in the right language.

I next looked at paid tools. These yielded much higher accuracy - well over 95%
for most target languages. However, the solution would need to label title
recommendations on a daily basis. I estimated this to cost several thousand
dollars per year, since new unique keywords are generated every day.
Management determined this was too expensive.

I chose to neither 1` pay too much, nor 2` use a free, inaccurate solution. I
proposed using stronger technologies to help with our recommendations, such
as BERT or off-the-shelf embeddings to help improve our recommendations. We
eventually went this route and saw future improvements not just in overall
quality but in recommending the right language.

1 vote Comment

Abhishek T. (/users/582edc7f-0e075
AT (/users/582edc7f-0e0794be49 230(/karma)
ac7e-f7a8c09c94aa) May 6, 2022

I joined an environments team few years back where Mainframe environments

used to be created from scratch every time a new project is started and they
used to be demolished once the project is over and this was the modus
operandi from a very long time. Although I soon started getting into the flow of
doing what has been done from so long as the pressure was high and there was
a very less time to breathe, but I knew that there was a big scope of
improvements there. While doing the weekly brainstorming along with team,
everyone pointed out that these environments build/demolish was a big pain
point for the whole team. I asked the team to increase the estimate for Page 14 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

environment build activities by 1 day per environment and utilize that time to find
ways to automate and reuse the environments. Although I started getting flaks
for sudden increase in the environment delivery timelines, However, I persisted
and over the course of next couple of months we were able to reduce the
delivery time by almost 50%. Along with few automation in place, we also
introduced some cleanup activities in place, where we could look to find ways to
reuse the environment without going through the whole process again. Slowly
and slowly we replicated the same success in other areas as well.

Upvote Comment

R L. (/users/0b6f8afe-91825 Member
(/users/0b6f8afe-91829472a- 147(/karma)
9797-a90e9e3c17c1` July 25, 2022

I would like to share a story about volunteering to work overtime to help a new
content creator adapt to her job quickly.

In my second job, we were about complete the virtual product development and
in the process of following the Go-to-Market plan. One of the new hires was
professional at writing but new to the Social media field. She had never used the
Content Management Platform and therefore fell behind schedule.

It was not my job responsibility, but I could empathy her struggles with learning
new software in a new field and would love to help her.

Firstly, I spent more time monitoring her tasks and identifying what blocked her
progress and learning. What I found out was she learned the platform from the
bottom-up, which means she tried to know every part of the functions before
using it. However, our company and project were fast-paced, and would not
allow her to spend so much time learning software in her way.

Secondly, I asked her to eat lunch with me to get to know each other more. In
the process, I noticed she was a proud person and barely willing to ask for help
from others. I was glad I did not offer her help before knowing her well,
otherwise, it may hurt her feelings.

After we had known each other for a week, she became actively asked
questions from me. And I asked her permission to help her with the software
training after work. She accepted it. Since then, I have spent extra hours with
her every day and trained her on the most frequent functions of the Content
Management Platform. She was a smart and hard-working person, it took her
one week to catch up with the project schedule. In fact, after one month, she
became an expert on the software we used, and other team players, including
me, needed her help from her when we had problems.

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Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

Anusha G. (/users/c42b2d9f-83d55
(/users/c42b2d9f-83d59492c- 228(/karma)
88f398dadc2ec93a7` Updated July 19, 2021

This was a time I was managing the development of a Web Application which
automates the machine setup of the test automation platform to help in reducing
the time take by the test engineers in partners sites to setup the machines (
targeted to reduce 6 days to 6 hrs.) and my team was preparing for a major
release and we were around 2 months closer to the live date. We found one of
service that the application was calling an external API to create certificate for
the machines setup was taking more time than the excepted SLA of 2 secs. I got
together with key engineers from both the team to brainstorm and root cause
the issue, I found that it was due to older version of Open LDAP that is being
used in the application we were seeing replication issues between local and the
regional servers, if we release the application with this open issue we would
loose the customer's confidence. I had to make a decision to delay the release
and get the fix on time for the next release window or release with the open
issue. I felt if did the later we will lost customer confidence. This was hard to
convince the stakeholders who were looking forward of the release. One of my
team member was insisting that we release with a caveat that we will have
failure at CERT creation stage for some machines and could be rectified with
Short term fix(STF). The STF was to have automatic cases creation and have
operations team to manually trigger local to regional sync. I wasn't convinced
with this option. I presented the team with the failure data in stage environment
over a period of 2 months and the volume of work involved in supporting the
STF. Also highlighted if released could affect the FPY which is a key KPI for
machine setup. I convinced the stakeholder in moving release date by a month
and go live with the Long term fix. Later I worked with the external Team in
finding the right help needed for the getting the replication issue fixed so that
API was well within the SLA

3 votes Comment

Issac K. (/users/0a8b4db2512b25
(/users/0a8b4db2912b2944829 87(/karma)
ae7595bf4d96f51e8` August 3, 2021

I was the Sr. Product manager for a B2B digital-twin solution, where we provided
the hardware and software for enterprises to digitalize their physical spaces at
scale. We run a SaaS business model, but large enterprises are slow to adapt
and often ask for custom solutions and integrations (without saying the word

One of our key clients approached us with feature requests involving task
management and an approval process that would enable a smooth transition of
their workflow into ours. As a SaaS solution, we don't do custom work, but I
thought that it could be possible to generalize a feature to the point of bringing
value to our entire customer base so I began to brainstorm the idea with them.
Rolling out an MVP version of their request would have taken around 2 weeks of Page 16 of 27
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work, but I realized that it would compromise on feature capabilities for them
and that eventually, they would start asking for more customized features. So as
the PM, I felt the need to gauge our other user base if providing tools for an API
based integration would make sense for their business, and surprisingly, the
majority of our larger clients were not only open to it, but eager.

So we decided to build out a suite of API solutions that would cover the key
components of our solution that our clients could utilize to build a solution
around. It took an additional 2 weeks to get the first set of documentation and
API's out, but it meant that custom work was being managed on the client side,
and that we were able to move forward with out product without having to cater
to any one key stakeholder.

Additionally, we have found some use cases which our clients have built with our
APIs to be very compelling and have since become features natively within our

4 votes Comment

Bryan S. (/users/de8dad26-da175
BS (/users/de8dad26-da1794ec69 70(/karma)
97b8930981fa92d05` March 6, 2021

Coming into a personal care e-commerce company as a growth product

consultant (contract), one of my initial conversations with the founder was
around their paid media spend efficacy. During this conversation, I found them
unable to answer questions around fundamental, core metrics wLTV, CAC`. I
realized that the primary reason these had never been calculated was due to
complications around aggregating data from different channels and sources, eg.
multiple international Shopify & Amazon stores. Our options were to 1` do a
manual data dump into an excel spreadsheet and calculate manually, or 2` set
up a more long-term solution to ETL'ing the data so that we could track it across

On one hand, the short-term solution would require fewer resources and likely
output somewhat reliable heuristics that we could use quickly to inform paid
media investment. On the other hand, while it'd be quick to start, the amount of
effort required to track these numbers across time would quickly overshadow
the initial investment it'd require to build a scalable data pipeline. This, however,
also assumed that these data points were important enough to keep track of,
and that our efforts wouldn't quickly be deprecated as a result of platform
changes that we can't control.

During these tradeoff considerations, option 2` stood out as a clear ROI winner,
with minimal additional exposure to risk. Because the team was quite small, I
personally handled the development around the pipeline. As a non-technical PM,
I relied on 3rd party tools and a half-written github repo to make this happen.
There were a few minor setbacks in terms of timeline, but our efforts ensured
that we were able to keep a close eye on metrics longitudinally as various
product improvements were tested. Page 17 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

6 votes Comment

Jared R. Save the details for after you first outline the problem and outcome in broad str…

Prasanna K. (/users/0187970958a245
PK (/users/0187970998a24940579 25(/karma)
b1d8-b7f4579281bf) Updated June 3, 2021

We were receiving multiple alerts on memory and swap utilization reaching 95%
on a server. When I checked the process list and found that the issue was with
application. The app was causing swap to disable. I discussed with application
team and asked them to enquire vendor on why the application designed to
disable swap. Instead going to vendor, they asked me to stop monitoring the
memory and swap utilization on the server.

With their confirmation, I could have contacted monitoring team and disable the
alert. But in case in future, if the memory/swap utilization reaches 100% and
cause server hung. The business going to be impacted. They are going to blame
server team on why this was not actioned. Though I can explain that app team
asked to disable monitoring and thus server team was notified.

Instead of doing this, I created a simple bash script to check the swap utilization
every one min. If the script finds the swap is "0", it is going to enable it back. By
doing this the alerts were reduced drastically. Only genuine alerts were
triggered after the script implementation.

5 votes Comment

Arvind S. (/users/ca030c64581195
AS (/users/ca030c6498119941eb- 3(/karma)
84cb-fcaa2166bd46` February 8, 2023

This looks like hacking and not a short or long term solution + this should be
communicated to the customer before putting this script in the product/app.


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Nidhi B. (/users/4085549d-8b515
(/users/4085549d-8b51947ec- 92(/karma)
acba-4cacb6e0d989` September 8, 2021

We build tools to produce training data for ML models. We were working on a

PoC for a motion and behaviour planning use cases which require highly
accurate and precise data. The tool MVP was planned and we were working on a Page 18 of 27
Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

2 week sprint with release to UAT after every cycle for testing and collecting
feedback. In one of the UAT feedback we noticed that a lot of the images that
were being worked upon were extremely dark and the users had decided to not
collect any data on those images. Since the UAT image set was a sub set of the
actual data set that needs labelling, we checked in with the customer about
those images and found out that some of the (over 50%` region that needs to be
labelled was in mountains and the weather and lighting conditions can be bad in
these areas which impact the image quality. Our tool is not optimized for
image/material manipulation. We realized that if a large number of the required
material is of low lighting condition, the users will have to struggle a lot to make
labels. This could impact both user efficiency and data quality. On top, the users
were also found adjusting and readjusting their screen brightness/contrast
repeatedly as they switched between these images. Since we were 2 weeks
away from the PROD release and had our final sprint also planned, I had to
quickly make a call. I was to chose between releasing a tool which was
optimized on drive data fetching (used for corroborating location info) or a tool
which had features that could tackle images with bad lighting condition by
providing users tool level brightness and contrast setting options. The third
option, push the release by a sprint was not a good option both from overall
program plan perspective and was also cost prohibitive, as ops is planned in
advance and the users are billed by the hour. I decided to change my final sprint
in favor of the image brightness and contrast control feature over optimizing the
fetch of corroborating data (from cloud). While, there would be a small lag (in
ms) in fetching the drive data contributing to some extra minutes towards
efficiency, we would end up controlling data quality better and improve user
experience. In summary, I made a short term sacrifice of not optimizing the tool
performance to ensure that my users had a better experience on the tool and
my customers did not incur loss of data due to image deficiencies.

3 votes Comment

Blayne M. (/users/59727589-ec855
(/users/59727589-ec85940199 21(/karma)
8131-b8ef423223b8` January 31, 2022

I had designed a new photo service that would save the company about 15% of
overall infrastructure costs and allow customers to serve higher-quality photos.
It would take about three quarters from start to finish but the engineering team
hadn't yet started work on it.

Management came to me and said we're at risk of losing a large client due to the
product not having this feature (it was a matter of compliance, actually). Turns
out they had already put in their notice of cancellation. Management asked if I
could stop all my work and build out a bare-bones MVP to satisfy the group
within a few weeks, to which I agreed.

To reach this aggressive timeline, I had to strip out much of the functionality that
was originally in the GA plan. I investigated what capabilities the client actually
used and reduced the scope to just those functions. Page 19 of 27
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Once I committed to a date and began work, we notified the customer and they
officially rescinded their cancellation notice. Three weeks later the MVP was
released and the customer was beyond satisfied. Two quarters later the
engineering team began extending the MVP and after a year of work the system
went GA and we began charging for the feature, resulting in an extra source of
revenue for the company.

2 votes Comment

SBJ (/users/7f9d9d65-d908543b55
(/users/7f9d9d65-d908943b59 207(/karma)
904f-b4e3af32ed99` December 12, 2021

Clients are often very demanding... My experience says, clients 50% of the time,
judge this as incompetence of the service provider. Moving budgets are really
difficult for large corporations, when things are already planned. In today's
VUCA world, this may be a dream to expect a client moving budgets!!!

I would say this example is a one of case.

Upvote Comment

Abdurhman M. (/users/8e4b3931-f5e95
(/users/8e4b3931-f5e994e0b- 36(/karma)
8b9a-eeb41e77fbd9` November 5, 2022

I made a short-term sacrifice to say no to one-off point-to-point integrations

from our customers, investing in long-term API model is a mutual win both for
our customers and us because API enables for Faster time to insight, Seamless
connectivity and Greater agility.

Upvote Comment

Girish Y. (/users/cb18232c- Member

(/users/cb18232c-eda49 eda4545da-af255 37(/karma)
September 12, 2022

I can readily think about a situation when I worked for a major consulting
company. They offered me a PMO role and it was the same level as my existing
role. L11. I wanted to get promoted to L10 from L11, however, I took up the PMO
role as I wanted to be in project management and not customer support. This
turned out to be the best decision ever as I was at ease when I gave and cleared
my PMP.

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Bharat S. (/users/a818cf81572e65443f-
(/users/a818cf81972e69443f- 5(/karma)
8783-ff50b6e8c518` January 31, 2022

In my previous firm, labelled data used to come in batches of 1000 documents

per week. We were trying to increase our capabilities to different set of
documents from Sales Agreement to HR, Banking, Legal and other domains. So
in one sprint we try to incorporate only one kind of documents into the
incremental training method as we had multiple upstream models so it usually
takes time to train all models from start. But the strategy of inducing some
documents into training comes at the cost of recency bias. So what we did was
we picked up some documents from each domain in every sprint so that our
model might lag a bit in short term but as we add more and more documents
into our corpus we will see increase in overall precision in our end objective.
With time we saw our models performing more maturely on unseen data rather
than relying on short term on only specific type of documents which come in
bulk we used a more optimised approach which looks better in long term.

1 vote Comment

Crypter G. (/users/d77d0b135920a-
CG (/users/d77d0b139920a-48c79 56(/karma)
aa70903707fed088c) August 17, 2021

Splunk with string vs JSON

1 vote Comment

Soundarya R. (/users/e155b85c-09495
SR (/users/e155b85c-0949942359 90(/karma)
aa5e-68bf423bc6f1` July 11, 2021

Please review. Thanks :)

I release updates to our product on a monthly basis. Some of our partners

receive the update through containerized cloud delivery. We have release
engineers that only cater to containerized cloud releases. Due to resource
issues, we were a week behind our delivery for the may build for account X and
Y. The resources only could be dedicated to one build and I had to chose
between 2 partners.

I developed core product metrics and compared them for both partners and
decided that company Y had a larger chunk of crucial patched updates than
company X couldn't be compromised.

For company X, there was a particular UX update to be delivered, so I discussed

with the content x UX developers to propose an interim solution of editing the
API code. Company X was thoroughly satisfied as the solution was efficient and Page 21 of 27
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proved a quick fix while I worked on internal pipelining resources for consequent
containerized build delivery and provided company X with June's build prior to
the dedicated timeline along with the customized API key to process the update.

Upvote Comment

Foma D. (/users/f887314c-b85c-4aac-
FD (/users/f887314c-b85c-4aac- 2(/karma)
97af-de88870ecd60` April 18, 2022

When I have been developing a new library that contains all the business logic,
I’m faced with an opportunity to make the library by the Test Driven
Development methodology wTDD`. Of course, implementing a test system leads
to a growing of time estimates. Another option was to just copy most of the
existing code to a new library, which potentially required less time.

The main reason why we need to have a separate business-logic layer - is to

have an ability to involve engineers from other teams to work with our library
and contribute to it.

I have explained to the manager the importance of automatic unit tests and how
they will help us in the future. After I've got a go-ahead signal, I've designed and
implemented a test-code system with automated runnings on deployment.

It took us an additional two weeks of implementation. And as a result, we've got

lower requirements for developers to be able to contribute to the project. It
helps us increase the number of developers who can work on that important
project. Another positive effect that we've got is reducing the number of
developing-test cycles. That's it reduces the effort of involved QA engineers.
That testing system allows us to save work hours and fasten feature delivery.

Upvote Comment

Delight O. (/users/02109ba8533735
(/users/02109ba893373944619 0(/karma)
aecd-594b69dc8254` March 24, 2023

Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices
for long-term gains.

My father was very sick last year and I was struggling at the apartment that i
was living in with two kids. so i made the decision to move me and my children
back home to not only help my father but to save for a better place for me and
my kids. Now Im on my own and have paid six months of rent off due to me
saving while at my parents house.

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Tell me about a time you had to make a decision to make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. - Exponent 6/9/23, 11:00 AM

Anna S. (/users/c442a46855eb75
(/users/c442a46895eb7940389 0(/karma)
82099777a49500ee9` Updated January 7, 2023

I have a question about this question. I am a fresh graduate without that

abundant working experience, also when I was an intern, I didn't have that
desicion-making influence. So should I tell my personal experience in university?

Upvote Comment

Prachi S. (/users/f17a714558c3a-
(/users/f17a714598c3a-46a49 0(/karma)
953b-c590f08b180d) January 13, 2022

We were making changes in process where we were encouraging and educating

different teams to go for Agile, use trackers for work, effort and estimate and
encouraged to do planning of work. But in one such discussion with a
stakeholder, I faced challenge as he was used to working in Staff Augmentation
model, where a resource is given work via mail and they complete it. They were
not very much inclined on process, templates but needed just a resource. I tried
but the push back was a lot so I made the decision to go slow with process and

There came a time, when I heard that the resource was not able to complete
work and missed a deadline. While doing RCA I found out that the resource was
overburdened with activities as there was no planning done on the future work
and there was no visibility on what all activities the resources had on plate.
That's where we went on to the discussing on planning , implementing Scrum,
having Daily scum, usage of template to help provide data on Productivity,
Utilization and estimation accuracy. The impact on the change of process was a
success and thereafter our ease of communication and connect has seen a
tremendous positive change and with that I could implement this transformation
to Agile across all the projects which were under that stakeholder.

Upvote Comment

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