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General Formula :

For Baisc Non Comprehensive Package,F=t(c*m+XXX+YYY+k*n)

1st Yr,f1=F-y*F= 1,995.00 2nd Yr,f2= f1 + 1.0% * f1= 2,014.95
3rd Yr,f3=f2 + 1.0% * f2= 2,035.10 4th Yr,f4= f3 + 1.0% * f3= 2,055.45
5th Yr,f5=f4 + 1.0% * f4= 2,076.00 6th Yr,f6= f5 + 1.0% * f5= 2,096.77
For Unlimited Calls Of Normal Working Hours Only,U=α(XXX+YYY+k*n+c*m)
1st Yr,u1=U-y*U= 2,992.50 2nd Yr,u2= u1 + 1.0% *u1= 3,022.43
3rd Yr,u3=u2 + 1.0% *u2= 3,052.65 4th Yr,u4= u3 + 1.0% *u3= 3,083.18
5th Yr,u5=u4 + 1.0% *u4= 3,114.01 6th Yr,u6= u5 + 1.0% *u5= 3,145.15
For Unlimited Calls Of Including Weekends & Holidays,W=β(XXX+YYY+k*n+c*m)
1st Yr,w1=W-y*W= - 2nd Yr,w2= w1 + 1.0% *w1= -
3rd Yr,w3=w2 + 1.0% *w2= - 4th Yr,w4= w3 + 1.0% *w3= -
5th Yr,w5=w4 + 1.0% *w4= - 6th Yr,w6= w5 + 1.0% *w5= -
For Comprehensive Package Only,L=h*(e*m)=h*(a*s*m)
1st Yr,l1=L-y*L= 3,263.79 2nd Yr,l2= l1 + 1.0% *l1= 3,296.42
3rd Yr,l3= l2 + 1.0% * l2= 3,329.39 4th Yr,l4= l3 + 1.0% *l3= 3,362.68
5th Yr,l5= l4 + 1.0% * l4= 3,396.31 6th Yr,l6= l5 + 1.0% *l5= 3,430.27
Customer: Loh Guan Lye Spec. Centre Model:
Place: Penang Ref:
Confident %: 80% Date:
Comprehensive With Unlimited Calls : (Normal working Hours Only)
Cost Of 1st Yr,B1=f1+u1+l1= 8,251.29 Cost Of 2nd Yr,B2=f2+u2+l2= 8,333.80
Cost Of 3rd Yr,B3=f3+u3+l3= 8,417.14 Cost Of 4th Yr,B4=f4+u4+l4= 8,501.31
Cost Of 5th Yr,B5=f5+u5+l5= 8,586.32 Cost Of 6th Yr,B6=f6+u6+l6= 8,672.18
Comprehensive With Unlimited Calls : (Including Weekends & Holidays)
Cost Of 1st Yr,B1=f1+w1+l1= N/A Cost Of 2nd Yr,B2=f2+w2+l2= N/A
Cost Of 3rd Yr,B3=f3+w3+l3= N/A Cost Of 4th Yr,B4=f4+w4+l4= N/A
Cost Of 5th Yr,B5=f5+w5+l5= N/A Cost Of 6th Yr,B6=f6+w6+l6= N/A

Customer: Loh Guan Lye Spec. Centre Model: M3DF + M3F

Place: Penang Ref: TLKan
Confident %: 80% Date: 10/15/2008
Non Comprehensive Without Unlimited Calls:
Cost Of 1st Year,A1=f1= 1,995.00 Cost Of 2nd Year,A2=f2= 2,014.95
Cost Of 3rd Year,A3=f3= 2,035.10 Cost Of 4th Year,A4=f4= 2,055.45
Cost Of 5th Year,A5=f5= 2,076.00 Cost Of 6th Year,A6=f6= 2,096.77
Non Comprehensive With Unlimited Calls : (Normal Working Hours Only)
Cost Of 1st Year,B1=f1+u1= 4,987.50 Cost Of 2nd Year,B2=f2+u2= 5,037.38
Cost Of 3rd Year,B3=f3+u3= 5,087.75 Cost Of 4th Year,B4=f4+u4= 5,138.63
Cost Of 5th Year,B5=f5+u5= 5,190.01 Cost Of 6th Year,B6=f6+u6= 5,241.91
Non Comprehensive With Unlimited Calls: (Including Weekends & Holidays)
Cost Of 1st Year,B1=f1+w1= N/A Cost Of 2nd Year,B2=f2+w2= N/A
Cost Of 3rd Year,B3=f3+w3= N/A Cost Of 4th Year,B4=f4+w4= N/A
Cost Of 5th Year,B5=f5+w5= N/A Cost Of 6th Year,B6=f6+w6= N/A

Customer Loh Guan Lye Spec. Centre Model: M3DF + M3F

Place: Penang Ref: TLKan
Confident %: 80% Date: 10/15/2008
Date Customer Sales Confident% Model Person Selling price Profit Margin% NonComp.w/o unlimited calls NonComp. w unlimited calls Comprehensive Place Service Charge Mileage Charge No. of service a year Decimal Number, α Unit/Set to service Mode Comprehensive % Other charge Hotel Rate No. of day Discount % Cost Remarks

Date Customer S_Confident% Model Person S Price Profit margin% N-Comp.w/o unlimited calls N-Comp. w unlimited calls Comp. Place S_ Charge Mileage Charge No. service a year D_Number, α Unit/Set Service Mode Comp % Others Hotel No. Day Dis. % Cost Remarks
21-Aug-00 GHKL 80% Storz kan 12,890.00 25.00% RM1,600.00 RM4,000.00 RM5,063.43 Kuala lumpur 500.00 200.00 2 3.00 1 single 11.00% 100.00 0.00 1 0.00% RM9,667.50
21-Aug-00 Radicare Kuala Lumpur 80% Erbe kan 12,890.00 25.00% RM1,600.00 RM4,000.00 RM5,063.43 Kuala lumpur 500.00 200.00 2 3.00 1 single 11.00% 100.00 0.00 1 0.00% RM9,667.50
25-Aug-00 Seri Kota Medical Centre 80% Erbe kan 1,000,000.00 35.00% RM1,560.00 RM3,900.00 RM81,900.00 Kelang 480.00 200.00 2 3.00 1 single 12.00% 100.00 0.00 1 0.00% RM650,000.00
28-Aug-00 Hospital Kuala Lumpur 80% Aspirator kan 279,000.00 18.00% RM920.00 RM943.00 RM20,618.08 Kuala Lumpur 260.00 200.00 2 0.05 1 single 8.60% 0.00 0.00 1 0.00% RM228,780.00 Integra Neurocare for selector ultrasonic aspirator
29-Aug-00 SIK Hospital 80% Alphastar kan 102,562.00 25.00% RM2,104.00 RM6,627.60 RM13,396.69 Kedah 290.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 single 8.80% 150.00 150.00 1 0.00% RM76,921.50 JKR Tender Type B Maquet Table
29-Aug-00 SIK Hospital 80% Betaclassic kan 73,250.00 25.85% RM2,104.00 RM6,627.60 RM11,407.31 Kedah 290.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 single 8.80% 150.00 150.00 1 0.00% RM54,314.88 JKR Tender Type A Maquet Table
5-Sep-00 HUKM 80% M841 TLKan 270,000.00 18.00% RM1,100.00 RM1,127.50 RM23,267.50 Bandar Tun Razak 550.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 package 10.00% 0.00 0.00 1 0.00% RM221,400.00 Microscope M841 including Sony accessories RM 50,000
12-Sep-00 The Southern Hospital Batu Pahat 80% Storz TLKan 100,000.00 18.00% RM1,439.00 RM6,619.40 RM14,819.40 Batu Pahat 950.00 239.00 1 3.60 1 package 10.00% 100.00 150.00 1 0.00% RM82,000.00 Telecam IEJ53014;Xenon 300 DP561; Laparoflator 264300200 S/N:3028
5-Feb-01 Hospital Kepala Batas 80% Seca TLKan 3,520.00 30.00% RM1,000.00 RM1,750.00 RM2,242.80 Penang 250.00 0.00 2 1.50 2 package 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM2,464.00 Telecam IEJ53014;Xenon 300 DP561; Laparoflator 264300200 S/N:3028
5-Feb-01 Hospital Kepala Batas 80% Erbe TLKan 50,600.00 30.00% RM2,400.00 RM4,200.00 RM8,096.20 Penang 1,200.00 0.00 2 1.50 1 package 11.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM35,420.00 Erbe Icc 350 and 4 units quoted in one package. (Rm 300 per unit.)
5-Feb-01 Hospital Kepala Batas 80% Erbe TLKan 3,520.00 30.00% RM1,000.00 RM1,750.00 RM1,996.40 Penang 500.00 0.00 2 1.50 1 package 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM2,464.00 Seca scale 2 units quoted in package and RM 250 per unit.( 3 years warranty)
9-Feb-01 Hospital Kepala Batas 80% Belimed TLKan 102,095.00 25.00% RM620.00 RM1,395.00 RM9,052.13 Penang 310.00 0.00 2 2.50 1 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM76,571.25 Belimed WD 420 with Deionizer and filter RM 1,500 (1 unit only) Johawaki Sdn Bhd
9-Feb-01 Hospital Kepala Batas 80% Leica TLKan 100,704.00 25.00% RM940.00 RM2,115.00 RM9,667.80 Penang 470.00 0.00 2 2.50 1 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM75,528.00 Leica M500 Multidisplinary one unit (Jahawaki Sdn. Bhd.)
9-Feb-01 Hospital Kepala Batas 80% Leica TLKan 131,874.02 25.00% RM940.00 RM2,115.00 RM12,005.55 Penang 470.00 0.00 2 2.50 1 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM98,905.52 Leica M500 Eye; one unit (Jahawaki Sdn. Bhd.)
9-Feb-01 Hospital Kepala Batas 80% Leica TLKan 284,937.69 25.00% RM940.00 RM2,115.00 RM23,485.33 Penang 470.00 0.00 2 2.50 1 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM213,703.26 Leica M680 ; one unit (Jahawaki Sdn. Bhd.)
9-Feb-01 Hospital Kepala Batas 80% Leica TLKan 284,937.69 25.00% RM940.00 RM2,115.00 RM23,485.33 Penang 470.00 0.00 2 2.50 1 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM213,703.26 Leica MC1; one unit (Jahawaki Sdn. Bhd.) Offer 1
9-Feb-01 Hospital Kepala Batas 80% Leica TLKan 163,631.76 25.00% RM940.00 RM2,115.00 RM14,387.38 Penang 470.00 0.00 2 2.50 1 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM122,723.82 Leica M655; one unit (Jahawaki Sdn. Bhd.) Offer 2
9-Feb-01 Hospital Kepala Batas 80% Leica TLKan 41,957.62 25.00% RM940.00 RM2,115.00 RM5,261.82 Penang 470.00 0.00 2 2.50 1 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM31,468.22 Leica M300 Clinical Diagnostic ENT Microscope ; one unit (Jahawaki Sdn. Bhd.)
14-Feb-01 Hospital Kepala Batas 80% Leica TLKan 568,268.00 30.00% RM800.00 RM1,800.00 RM41,578.76 Penang 400.00 0.00 2 2.50 1 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM397,787.60 Leica OHS-1 Quote in one unit exclusive with the xenon lamp and halogen bulb.
16-Feb-01 Hospital Kepala Batas 80% Leica TLKan 568,268.00 30.00% RM3,200.00 RM7,200.00 RM166,315.04 Penang 400.00 0.00 2 2.50 4 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM397,787.60 Leica OHS-1 Quote in one unit exclusive with the xenon lamp and halogen bulb.
16-Feb-01 Perdana specialist hospital 80% Belimed TLKan 312,944.00 25.00% RM2,300.00 RM5,175.00 RM28,645.80 Kelantan 350.00 700.00 2 2.50 1 single 10.00% 0.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM234,708.00
16-Feb-01 Perdana specialist hospital 80%
Schaerer ASD 7 6/6/12 TLKan 312,944.00 25.00% RM2,300.00 RM5,175.00 RM28,645.80 Kelantan 350.00 700.00 2 2.50 1 single 10.00% 0.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM234,708.00
16-Feb-01 Perdana specialist hospital 80% Belimed WD220 TLKan 165,000.00 25.00% RM2,300.00 RM5,175.00 RM17,550.00 Kelantan 350.00 700.00 2 2.50 1 single 10.00% 0.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM123,750.00
16-Feb-01 Perdana specialist hospital 80%Schaerer ASD 7 6/6/6 TLKan 228,808.00 25.00% RM2,300.00 RM5,175.00 RM22,335.60 Kelantan 350.00 700.00 2 2.50 1 single 10.00% 0.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM171,606.00
20-Feb-01 Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan M,sia 80% Leica TLKan 50,000.00 20.00% RM4,220.00 RM4,747.50 RM16,747.50 Kuala Lumpur 470.00 700.00 2 0.25 3 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM40,000.00 Model 500 Table top ; Exclusive accessories; mis-handling & After office hour.
16-Apr-01 Perdana Medical Centre 80% Schaerer TLKan 268,292.00 25.00% RM2,148.00 RM5,370.00 RM25,491.90 Kota Bahru 350.00 474.00 2 3.00 1 single 10.00% 100.00 150.00 1 0.00% RM201,219.00 Tender for AS 7 6/6/6 Single door only
16-Apr-01 Perdana Medical Centre 80% Schaerer TLKan 299,873.00 25.00% RM2,148.00 RM5,370.00 RM27,860.48 Kota Bahru 350.00 474.00 2 3.00 1 single 10.00% 100.00 150.00 1 0.00% RM224,904.75 Tender for AS 7 6/6/12 Single Door only
25-Apr-01 Hospital Ampang 80% Erbe TLKan 24,115.00 30.00% RM600.00 RM615.00 RM2,303.05 Kuala Lumpur 300.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM16,880.50 Icc 200
25-Apr-01 Hospital Ampang 80% Erbe TLKan 24,880.00 30.00% RM1,200.00 RM1,230.00 RM4,713.20 Kuala Lumpur 300.00 0.00 2 0.05 2 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM17,416.00 Icc 200 INT TD 0003
25-Apr-01 Hospital Ampang 80% Erbe TLKan 38,225.00 30.00% RM600.00 RM615.00 RM3,290.75 Kuala Lumpur 300.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM26,757.50 ICC 300 H TD 0006
25-Apr-01 Hospital Ampang 80% Erbe TLKan 16,020.00 30.00% RM600.00 RM615.00 RM1,736.40 Kuala Lumpur 300.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 single 10.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM11,214.00 ICC 80 TD0007
25-Apr-01 Hospital Ampang 80% Erbe TLKan 419,360.00 30.00% RM8,000.00 RM8,200.00 RM32,858.37 Kuala Lumpur 4,000.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 package 8.40% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM293,552.00 ICC 200 - 3 units ; ICC 300 - 10 Units; ICC 80 - 1 unit
26-Apr-01 Hospital Ampang 80% Leica TLKan 325,998.00 30.00% RM1,000.00 RM1,025.00 RM20,193.68 Kuala Lumpur 500.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 single 8.40% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM228,198.60 M841 Microscope
26-Apr-01 Hospital Ampang 80% Leica TLKan 142,826.00 30.00% RM900.00 RM922.50 RM9,720.58 Kuala Lumpur 450.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM99,978.20 M500
30-Dec-99 Hospital Kelang 80% Leica TLKan 312,806.00 25.00% RM300.00 RM315.00 RM12,045.23 Kelang 300.00 0.00 1 0.05 1 package 5.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM234,604.50 Orthorpaetic OT Supporting column 1150.02AO 2 units ; Transporter 1150.61AO 2units
30-Dec-99 Hospital Kelang 80% Leica TLKan 71,464.00 25.00% RM300.00 RM315.00 RM2,994.90 Kelang 300.00 0.00 1 0.05 1 package 5.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM53,598.00 Endoscopy OT; 1 unit Tabletop and with 14,786.00 accessories
30-Dec-99 Hospital Kelang 80% Leica TLKan 70,301.00 25.00% RM300.00 RM315.00 RM2,951.29 Kelang 300.00 0.00 1 0.05 1 package 5.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM52,725.75 Orthopaedic Tabletop 1140.20AN 1 unit and RM 19,154 accessories.
30-Dec-99 Hospital Kelang 80% Leica TLKan 80,641.00 25.00% RM1,500.00 RM1,575.00 RM16,695.19 Kelang 300.00 0.00 1 0.05 5 package 5.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM60,480.75 General OT 5 units 1150.10 TableTop and 5 sets RM 23,963.00 Accessories.
30-Dec-99 Hospital Kelang 80% Leica TLKan 156,403.00 25.00% RM1,500.00 RM1,575.00 RM30,900.56 Kelang 300.00 0.00 1 0.05 5 package 5.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM117,302.25 General OT ; 5 units Alphamaquet 1150 Column and 5 sets 1150.61AO Transporter.
30-Dec-99 Hospital Kelang 80% Leica TLKan 181,655.00 25.00% RM1,500.00 RM1,575.00 RM35,635.31 Kelang 300.00 0.00 1 0.05 5 package 5.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM136,241.25Orthorpaetic Surgical OT supporting Column 1150.02AO 1unit; 1150.61AO Transporter 2 units.
23-Jul-01 Hospital Serdang 80% Leica TLKan 97,720.00 15.00% RM300.00 RM315.00 RM7,624.46 Serdang 300.00 0.00 1 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM83,062.00 BCSD 1521
23-Jul-01 Hospital Serdang 80% Leica TLKan 231,707.00 25.00% RM300.00 RM315.00 RM15,607.66 Serdang 300.00 0.00 1 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM173,780.25 BCSD0082 WD 240
23-Jul-01 Hospital Serdang 80% Leica TLKan 34,500.00 22.00% RM300.00 RM315.00 RM2,683.08 Serdang 300.00 0.00 1 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM26,910.00 BCSD 0058 WD 550
23-Jul-01 Hospital Serdang 80% Leica TLKan 34,500.00 22.00% RM300.00 RM315.00 RM2,683.08 Serdang 300.00 0.00 1 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM26,910.00 BCSD 0042 WD 170
23-Jul-01 Hospital Serdang 80% Leica TLKan 94,665.00 20.00% RM900.00 RM945.00 RM20,938.25 Serdang 300.00 0.00 1 0.05 3 package 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM75,732.00 BCSD 0042 WD 170 (3 units in packages)
23-Jul-01 Hospital Serdang 80% Leica TLKan 259,463.00 10.00% RM300.00 RM315.00 RM20,864.47 Serdang 300.00 0.00 1 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM233,516.70 BCSD 0080
23-Jul-01 Hospital Serdang 80% Leica TLKan 277,078.00 20.00% RM400.00 RM420.00 RM19,926.29 Serdang 400.00 0.00 1 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM221,662.40 BCSD 0021 Chart washer (Clean Station)
23-Jul-01 Hospital Serdang 80% Leica TLKan 351,598.00 20.00% RM400.00 RM420.00 RM25,172.50 Serdang 400.00 0.00 1 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM281,278.40 BLAB 0140 (2 units AS8 6/6/6) and KEQU 0005 (1 Unit)
23-Jul-01 Hospital Serdang 80% Schaerer Medical TLKan 398,900.00 20.00% RM400.00 RM420.00 RM28,502.56 Serdang 400.00 0.00 1 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM319,120.00 ASD 8 9/6/12
27-Jul-01 Hospital Sungai Buloh 80% Leica TLKan 239,788.00 25.00% RM800.00 RM820.00 RM16,646.01 Sungai Buloh 400.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM179,841.00 M500 Item no. TO0011A Ophthalm Microscope operating
27-Jul-01 Hospital Sungai Buloh 80% Leica TLKan 263,948.00 25.00% RM800.00 RM820.00 RM18,240.57 Sungai Buloh 400.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM197,961.00 Option I : M500 Item no. TO0011B Ophthalm Microscope operating
27-Jul-01 Hospital Sungai Buloh 80% Leica TLKan 364,154.00 25.00% RM800.00 RM820.00 RM24,854.16 Sungai Buloh 400.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM273,115.50 Option I I : M841 Item no. TO0011B Ophthalm Microscope operating Ceiling mounted.
27-Jul-01 Hospital Sungai Buloh 80% Leica TLKan 157,700.00 25.00% RM800.00 RM820.00 RM11,228.20 Sungai Buloh 400.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM118,275.00 M500 Item no. TO0011N Ophthalm Microscope operating.
27-Jul-01 Hospital Sungai Buloh 80% Leica TLKan 1,260,000.00 20.00% RM900.00 RM922.50 RM76,522.50 Sungai Buloh 450.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 package 7.50% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM1,008,000.00 MC-1F Ceiling mount . T0012B (3 units. Into whole package.)
27-Jul-01 Hospital Sungai Buloh 80% Leica TLKan 220,000.00 20.00% RM900.00 RM922.50 RM16,410.50 Sungai Buloh 450.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 package 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM176,000.00 MC-1 TO0012A (ENT) 1 unit.
27-Jul-01 Hospital Sungai Buloh 80% Leica TLKan 40,000.00 25.00% RM800.00 RM820.00 RM3,520.00 Sungai Buloh 400.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 single 9.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM30,000.00 M300 wall Mount TO0012-N
27-Jul-01 Hospital Sungai Buloh 80% Leica TLKan 550,000.00 25.00% RM800.00 RM820.00 RM35,882.50 Sungai Buloh 400.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 package 8.50% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM412,500.00 M680 TO0013 Microscope (Plastic) 2 units into whole package..
27-Jul-01 Hospital Sungai Buloh 80% Leica TLKan 270,000.00 25.00% RM800.00 RM820.00 RM18,640.00 Sungai Buloh 400.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 package 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM202,500.00 MS-1 TO0015 (Multidiscipline) 1 unit.
27-Jul-01 Hospital Sungai Buloh 80% Leica TLKan 145,000.00 25.00% RM800.00 RM820.00 RM10,390.00 Sungai Buloh 400.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 single 8.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM108,750.00 M400E Inclusive of Microscope Assistant; VCR ED 215; video & monitor & trolley.
7-Feb-02 HOSPITAL TENGKU AMPUAN RAHIMAH 80% MAQUET TLKan 100,000.00 25.00% RM1,480.00 RM1,850.00 RM5,600.00 KLANG 640.00 0.00 2 0.50 1 single 5.00% 100.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM75,000.00 ALPHAMAQUET 1150
7-May-02 HOSPITAL KUALA TERENGGANU 80% BELIMED TLKan 382,680.00 25.00% RM3,220.00 RM8,050.00 RM25,270.60 TERENGGANU 900.00 460.00 2 3.00 1 single 6.00% 100.00 150.00 1 0.00% RM287,010.00 BELIMED WD250
7-May-02 HOSPITAL KUALA TERENGGANU 80% BELIMED TLKan 382,680.00 25.00% RM2,710.00 RM6,775.00 RM23,995.60 TERENGGANU 900.00 205.00 2 3.00 1 single 6.00% 100.00 150.00 1 0.00% RM287,010.00 BELIMED WD250
7-May-02 HOSPITAL IPOH 80% BELIMED TLKan 382,680.00 25.00% RM2,710.00 RM6,775.00 RM23,995.60 IPOH 900.00 205.00 2 3.00 1 single 6.00% 100.00 150.00 1 0.00% RM287,010.00 BELIMED WD250
7-May-02 HOSPITAL SERDANG 80% SCHMITZ TLKan 2,202,346.00 35.00% RM17,800.00 RM26,700.00 RM98,276.25 SERDANG 8,800.00 0.00 2 1.00 1 single 5.00% 100.00 0.00 1 0.00% RM1,431,524.90 SCHMIDZ OT TABLE
7-May-02 GHKL 80% BELIMED TLKan 574,020.00 25.00% RM2,700.00 RM3,375.00 RM27,483.84 KL 1,350.00 0.00 2 0.50 1 single 5.60% 0.00 0.00 1 0.00% RM430,515.00 BELIMED WD250
7-May-02 PENANG GH 80% BELIMED TLKan 574,020.00 25.00% RM2,700.00 RM3,375.00 RM27,483.84 PENANG 1,350.00 0.00 2 0.50 1 single 5.60% 0.00 0.00 1 0.00% RM430,515.00 BELIMED WD250
7-May-02 HOSP KLANG 80% BELIMED TLKan 382,680.00 25.00% RM1,900.00 RM2,375.00 RM19,595.60 KLANG 900.00 0.00 2 0.50 1 single 6.00% 50.00 0.00 1 0.00% RM287,010.00 BELIMED WD250
5-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80% Dr. March TLKan 1,248,711.00 25.00% RM21,726.00 RM68,436.90 RM115,263.56 Kedah 9,600.00 463.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.00% 100.00 100.00 7 0.00% RM936,533.25 Package1 section 10A Tender offer (Principal gives 1 year warranty;Sales gives 2 years.)
5-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80% Dr. March TLKan 1,277,159.00 25.00% RM22,926.00 RM72,216.90 RM120,110.36 Kedah 10,200.00 463.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.00% 100.00 100.00 7 0.00% RM957,869.25 Package1 section 10B Tender offer (Principal gives 1 year warranty;Sales gives 2 years.)
11-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80% Belimed WD170 TLKan 118,761.00 30.00% RM2,308.00 RM7,270.20 RM12,590.69 Kedah 500.00 404.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.40% 150.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM83,132.70
11-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80%Belimed ASD 8 6/6/6 TLKan 388,505.00 30.00% RM2,808.00 RM8,845.20 RM25,162.41 Kedah 750.00 404.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.00% 150.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM271,953.50
11-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80% Belimed AS8 6/6/6 TLKan 388,505.00 30.00% RM2,808.00 RM8,845.20 RM25,162.41 Kedah 750.00 404.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.00% 150.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM271,953.50
11-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80% Belimed AS8-6/6/6 TLKan 401,250.00 30.00% RM2,808.00 RM8,845.20 RM25,697.70 Kedah 750.00 404.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.00% 150.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM280,875.00
11-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80% Belimed WD550 TLKan 950,026.00 30.00% RM18,108.00 RM57,040.20 RM91,621.15 Kedah 8,400.00 404.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.20% 150.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM665,018.20
11-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80% Belimed WD250 TLKan 815,437.00 30.00% RM4,308.00 RM13,570.20 RM45,535.33 Kedah 1,500.00 404.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.60% 150.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM570,805.90
11-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80%Belimed ASD 8 9/6/12 TLKan 1,941,552.00 30.00% RM6,108.00 RM19,240.20 RM87,194.52 Kedah 2,400.00 404.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.00% 150.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM1,359,086.40
11-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80% WD 550 TLKan 673,218.00 30.00% RM18,908.00 RM59,560.20 RM84,065.34 Kedah 8,400.00 404.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.20% 150.00 100.00 5 0.00% RM471,252.60 Total : 21 Units Belimed WD 550 Bed Pan Washers
11-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80% WD 420 TLKan 129,100.00 30.00% RM2,108.00 RM6,640.20 RM12,423.88 Kedah 400.00 404.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.40% 150.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM90,370.00 WD 420 Washer for Flexible / Rigid Scopes
11-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80% AS 8 6/6/6 TLKan 387,081.00 30.00% RM2,908.00 RM9,160.20 RM24,333.78 Kedah 800.00 404.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.60% 150.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM270,956.70 AS 8 6/6/6 Type: Ecostar
11-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80% AS 8 6/6/6 TLKan 387,081.00 30.00% RM2,908.00 RM9,160.20 RM24,333.78 Kedah 800.00 404.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.60% 150.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM270,956.70 Schaerer Ecostar Sterilizer AS 8 6/6/6 - 2143
11-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80% ASD 8-9/6/12 TLKan 1,896,024.00 30.00% RM6,508.00 RM20,500.20 RM86,861.04 Kedah 2,400.00 404.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.00% 150.00 100.00 3 0.00% RM1,327,216.80 Schaerer Ecostar Sterilizer ASD 8 9/6/12 Ecostar (Total: 3 units)
12-Jun-02 Hospital Sg. Petani (Project) 80% WD 420 TLKan 116,710.00 30.00% RM2,108.00 RM6,640.20 RM11,868.81 Kedah 400.00 404.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.40% 150.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM81,697.00 BCSD0039 WD 420 Washer
24-Jun-02 Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya 80% 40711501 TLKan 17,590.00 30.00% RM600.00 RM615.00 RM1,821.67 KL 300.00 0.00 2 0.05 1 single 9.80% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM12,313.00 KARL STORZ UNIDRIVE II PLUS MOTOR SYSTEM
15-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% Mach 500F/380 F TLKan 1,025,180.00 30.00% RM12,706.00 RM31,765.00 RM67,646.30 Termeroh,Pahang 5,720.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 package 5.00% 100.00 100.00 4 0.00% RM717,626.00 Model No. 5005380522 (Mach 500F/380F) 13 O.T. (Project Hosital Temerloh Sdn Bhd)
15-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% Mach 130 F TLKan 519,294.00 30.00% RM33,466.00 RM83,665.00 RM104,021.32 Termeroh,Pahang 15,900.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 package 5.60% 100.00 100.00 6 0.00% RM363,505.80 Model:1302303330 Mach 130 F (Ceiling Model) 53 Units tender.
15-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% Mach 120 TLKan 182,971.00 30.00% RM27,786.00 RM69,465.00 RM77,149.78 Termeroh,Pahang 13,160.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 package 6.00% 100.00 100.00 5 0.00% RM128,079.70 Model:1201102202 Mach 120 (Wall Model) Tender 47 units
19-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% Belimed WD 170 TLKan 85,702.00 30.00% RM1,666.00 RM4,165.00 RM9,444.24 Termeroh,Pahang 500.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 single 8.80% 100.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM59,991.40
Baby Bottles Washer|Handling 1% RM 857.02|Installation RM 4500|5 each Beliclean 202 & 205 RM 1905.00 & RM 1640.00
19-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% Belimed CS 720 TLKan 589,171.00 30.00% RM2,366.00 RM5,915.00 RM27,360.82 Termeroh,Pahang 850.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 single 5.20% 100.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM412,419.70Clean Station|Training cost RM 16000 (5 Days)|Handling 1% RM 5891.71|Installation RM 5000
19-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80%Belimed WD 280-2ST TLKan 350,705.00 30.00% RM2,366.00 RM5,915.00 RM19,662.64 Termeroh,Pahang 850.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 single 5.60% 100.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM245,493.50 Pass Through Conveyor System|Handling 1% RM 3507.05|Installation RM 6000.00
19-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% Belimed WD 560 TLKan 689,379.00 30.00% RM20,266.00 RM50,665.00 RM75,758.40 Termeroh,Pahang 9,200.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 package 5.20% 100.00 100.00 7 0.00% RM482,565.30 23 Units|Beliclean 401 RM 560 (2 each)|Handling 1% RM 364.93|Installation RM 2000 each.
19-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% ASD 8 9/6/12 TLKan 1,277,997.00 30.00% RM6,106.00 RM15,265.00 RM59,994.90 Termeroh,Pahang 2,520.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 package 5.00% 100.00 100.00 3 0.00% RM894,597.90 3 units Type Ecostar|Handling charges 1% RM 13852.53|Installation RM 4000 each

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19-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% Belimed WD 170 TLKan 174,336.00 30.00% RM4,066.00 RM10,165.00 RM17,487.11 Termeroh,Pahang 1,500.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 package 6.00% 100.00 100.00 3 0.00% RM122,035.20 3 units Dryer (OT)|Handling charges 1% RM 1123.16 each|Installation RM 4500 each
19-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% Belimed WD 170 TLKan 58,112.00 30.00% RM2,066.00 RM5,165.00 RM8,256.56 Termeroh,Pahang 500.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 package 7.60% 100.00 100.00 3 0.00% RM40,678.40 1 unit|Beliclean 201&205 (2) RM 622&RM 560|Handling1%RM 767.55|Installation RM 4500
19-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% Belimed WD 170 TLKan 58,112.00 30.00% RM2,066.00 RM5,165.00 RM8,256.56 Termeroh,Pahang 500.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 package 7.60% 100.00 100.00 3 0.00% RM40,678.40 1 unit For RHU|Auto Multi-Media Sand Filter RM 5000|
19-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% WD 380-2DT TLKan 660,631.00 30.00% RM2,366.00 RM5,915.00 RM29,961.97 Termeroh,Pahang 850.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 package 5.20% 100.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM462,441.701 Tunnel Washer| Installation RM 20000|Handling 1% 10479.72|Training for 2 persons RM96000
19-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% WD 280 TLKan 266,410.00 30.00% RM4,266.00 RM10,665.00 RM20,362.32 Termeroh,Pahang 1,700.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 package 5.20% 100.00 100.00 2 0.00% RM186,487.00 2 Pass Through Conveyor|Installation RM 6000|Handling 1% RM 3159.01
19-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% CS 720 TLKan 302,364.00 30.00% RM2,366.00 RM5,915.00 RM17,767.67 Termeroh,Pahang 850.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 package 5.60% 100.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM211,654.801 Cart Washer|Training 5 days per person RM 16000|Handling 1% RM 5364.83|Install RM 5000
19-Jul-02 Temeroh Hospital 80% WD 420 TLKan 187,532.00 30.00% RM3,186.00 RM7,965.00 RM16,366.43 Termeroh,Pahang 1,160.00 133.00 2 3.00 1 package 6.40% 100.00 100.00 2 0.00% RM131,272.40 2 units|Beli endoclear 503&505 (1@) RM 432&RM476|Handling 1% RM 1028.47|Install RM 4500@
28-Aug-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80%Belimed WD 280-2ST TLKan 552,916.00 25.00% RM3,644.00 RM11,478.60 RM34,701.07 Alor Setar 800.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.60% 100.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM414,687.00 WD 280-2TS Washer Disinfector CSSD Pass Through 8.5 cf. Cost Euro 22164.45
28-Aug-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80%Belimed WD 380-2DT TLKan 896,680.00 25.00% RM2,424.00 RM7,635.60 RM42,606.12 Alor Setar 550.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.20% 100.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM672,510.00 HOS/02-WD 380-2DT 3 Cabin System CSSD Tunnel Washer Cost Euro 102596.34
28-Aug-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Schaerer Medical TLKan 1,699,280.00 25.00% RM7,724.00 RM24,330.60 RM88,053.60 Alor Setar 3,200.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.00% 100.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM1,274,460.00 Total: 4 Units of ASD 8 9/16/12, Type Ecostar Cost in Euro 99256 (After 20% Disc.)
28-Aug-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Schaerer Medical TLKan 655,925.00 25.00% RM9,324.00 RM29,370.60 RM54,951.68 Alor Setar 4,000.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.20% 100.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM491,943.75
5 Units Steam Generator only of ASD 8 9/16/12,Type DE 88-711,rating 88KW,Cost in Euro 30456 (After 20% Disc.)
28-Aug-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Belimed TLKan 487,398.30 25.00% RM2,824.00 RM8,895.60 RM29,366.33 Alor Setar 750.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.60% 100.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM365,548.73 1 unit of Clean-Station CS 720 (Washer Cart) Cost Euro 49053.62 after 23% Disc.
28-Aug-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Belimed TLKan 259,126.00 25.00% RM2,924.00 RM9,210.60 RM20,871.27 Alor Setar 800.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.00% 100.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM194,344.50 2 units WD 170 (4.5 cf 500*500*500mm)Built in Condensor cost 9795 Euro after 25% Disc.
28-Aug-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Belimed TLKan 89,583.00 25.00% RM2,124.00 RM6,690.60 RM11,259.33 Alor Setar 400.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.80% 100.00 100.00 1 0.00% RM67,187.25 1units WD 170 (4.5 cf 500*500*500mm)Built in Condensor cost 9795 Euro after 25% Disc.
28-Aug-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Belimed TLKan 1,139,622.00 25.00% RM20,724.00 RM65,280.60 RM108,016.43 Alor Setar 9,300.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.00% 100.00 100.00 5 0.00% RM854,716.50 31units WD 556 (Sanitiser Bedpan) cost 5052 Euro after 40% Disc.
28-Aug-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Belimed TLKan 101,307.47 25.00% RM2,924.00 RM9,210.60 RM15,896.89 Alor Setar 400.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 8.80% 100.00 100.00 5 0.00% RM75,980.60 1unit WD 170 Built-in Condensor single door cost 10056.20 Euro after 23% Disc.
28-Aug-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Schaerer Medical TLKan 663,470.00 25.00% RM4,924.00 RM15,510.60 RM41,385.93 Alor Setar 1,400.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.20% 100.00 100.00 5 0.00% RM497,602.50 2units Autoclave 8.5 cf. Ecostar Prevacuum Sterilizer cost 62456 Euro after 20% Disc.
28-Aug-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Belimed TLKan 99,399.00 25.00% RM2,924.00 RM9,210.60 RM13,981.75 Alor Setar 400.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.40% 100.00 100.00 5 0.00% RM74,549.25 WD 170 Automatic Washer (Single door) Lab glassware 4.5 cf. Cost 9795 Euroafter 25 %
28-Aug-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Schaerer Medical TLKan 331,735.00 25.00% RM3,524.00 RM11,100.60 RM25,033.47 Alor Setar 700.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.60% 100.00 100.00 5 0.00% RM248,801.25 1 Unit of Ecostar prevacuum Sterilizer AS 8-6/6/6 8.8 cf.Cost 62456 Euro after 20% Disc.
3-Sep-02 Permai Hospital JB 80% Schaerer Medical AS-8 6/6/9-2143 407,500.00 30.00% RM2,314.20 RM5,785.50 RM21,759.50 Johor Bahru 700.00 368.00 2 3.00 1 package 5.60% 150.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM285,250.001 Unit of Ecostar AS 8-6/6/9 15 cf.Cost 89183.20 CHF after 20% Disc. (QSC Project Sdn. Bhd.)
3-Sep-02 Permai Hospital JB 80% Schaerer Medical AS-8 6/6/6-2143 405,440.00 30.00% RM2,314.20 RM5,785.50 RM21,678.75 Johor Bahru 700.00 368.00 2 3.00 1 package 5.60% 150.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM283,808.00 1 Unit of Ecostar AS 8-6/6/6 10 cf.Cost 88736 CHF after 20% Disc. (QSC Project Sdn. Bhd.)
3-Sep-02 Permai Hospital JB 80% Octa (Japan) Cutter Gauze 5,430.00 30.00% RM1,148.80 RM2,872.00 RM4,392.40 Johor Bahru 200.00 368.00 2 3.00 1 package 40.00% 150.00 0.00 0 20.00% RM3,801.00 2 Units of Cutter Gause Cost 3800 RM CHF after 20% Disc. (QSC Project Sdn. Bhd.)
3-Sep-02 Permai Hospital JB 80% Karl Storz
Gun Cleaning Water Jet1,872.00 30.00% RM956.80 RM2,392.00 RM3,374.80 Johor Bahru 80.00 368.00 2 3.00 1 package 75.00% 150.00 0.00 0 20.00% RM1,310.40 BCJET01 1Unit Cost RM 1571.43 30% Profit Margin % (QSC Project Sdn. Bhd.)
3-Sep-02 Permai Hospital JB 80%Getinge-MicroGunSpray
Cleaning Water Jet8,000.00 30.00% RM1,020.80 RM2,552.00 RM3,112.00 Johor Bahru 120.00 368.00 2 3.00 1 package 10.00% 150.00 0.00 0 20.00% RM5,600.00 BCJET02 Steam Gun Set (1 unit Getinge) Cost 4880 CHF
3-Sep-02 Permai Hospital JB 80%
Getinge-Drying CabinetS363 D 69,000.00 30.00% RM2,314.20 RM5,785.50 RM8,876.70 Johor Bahru 700.00 368.00 2 3.00 1 package 6.40% 150.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM48,300.00 Drying Cabinet double doors (1 Unit Getinge) Cost 51000 CHF
3-Sep-02 Permai Hospital JB 80%Belimed (Switzerland)WD 550 1,683,661.90 30.00% RM15,424.20 RM38,560.50 RM97,488.67 Johor Bahru 7,600.00 368.00 2 3.00 1 package 5.00% 150.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM1,178,563.33 38 Units Bedpan Washer Disinfectors Cost 1178563.33 RM (Total)
3-Sep-02 Permai Hospital JB 80% FamosF110DEP rotary H.Sealer 14,205.03 30.00% RM1,148.80 RM2,872.00 RM3,707.26 Johor Bahru 200.00 368.00 2 3.00 1 package 8.40% 150.00 0.00 0 20.00% RM9,943.52 1 unit Heater Sealer (Famos (Netherland) BCSEL01
3-Sep-02 Permai Hospital JB 80% Belimed Wd 250 429,968.03 30.00% RM2,108.80 RM5,272.00 RM22,126.75 Johor Bahru 800.00 368.00 2 3.00 1 package 5.60% 150.00 0.00 0 20.00% RM300,977.62 2 units BCWAS01 Cost 300977.62 RM (2 units)
3-Sep-02 Permai Hospital JB 80% Soniclean Australia 19,714.29 30.00% RM1,148.80 RM2,872.00 RM4,031.20 Johor Bahru 200.00 368.00 2 3.00 1 package 8.40% 150.00 0.00 0 20.00% RM13,800.00 2 units BCWAS02 Ultrasonic Washer 10 L tank (2.2 Gal) Cost 13800 Euro (both)
3-Sep-02 Permai Hospital JB 80% SchmidtzTable Operating minor73,347.21 30.00% RM1,148.80 RM2,872.00 RM6,363.33 Johor Bahru 200.00 368.00 2 3.00 1 package 6.80% 150.00 0.00 0 20.00% RM51,343.05 1 unit Table operating minor c/w accessories
4-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80%Dr. Mach (Mach 130)BLAM 0001 536,270.00 30.00% RM14,177.80 RM44,660.07 RM65,681.85 Kedah 7,000.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.60% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM375,389.00 70 Units of Light Procedure Ceiling 30 K Lux Cost RM 7661 each.
4-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80%
Dr. Mach (M3DF+M3F) BLAM 0002 460,728.00 30.00% RM4,677.80 RM14,735.07 RM32,795.61 Kedah 2,000.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.60% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM322,509.60 8 units of Light Operating Ceiling Main 100 KLux + Satelite 80 Klux
4-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Dr. Mach (M3F) BLAM 0005 92,304.00 30.00% RM2,777.80 RM8,750.07 RM12,885.29 Kedah 1,000.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM64,612.80 4 units of Light Operating CeilingSingle Dome 80 Klux (discount 40 %)
4-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80%
Dr. Mach (M3DF+M3F) BLAM 0007 360,540.00 30.00% RM2,777.80 RM8,750.07 RM22,883.24 Kedah 1,000.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.60% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM252,378.00 4 units of Light Operating Ceiling Main 100KLux + Satellite 80 Klux (discount 40 %)
4-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Dr. Mach (M3DF) BLAM 2020 24,458.00 30.00% RM1,352.80 RM4,261.32 RM5,699.45 Kedah 250.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 8.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM17,120.60 1 unit of Light Operating Ceiling Single Dome 120 Klux (discount 40 %)
4-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80%Dr. Mach (Mach 130)BLAM 2030 9,112.00 30.00% RM1,333.80 RM4,201.47 RM4,813.80 Kedah 240.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 9.60% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM6,378.40 2 unit of Light Procedures Mobile 30 Klux (discount 40 %)
10-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Mayfield BOTM0051 35,081.00 25.00% RM1,637.80 RM5,159.07 RM7,263.93 Kedah 400.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 8.00% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM26,310.75 1 unit Neurosurgery Accessories for OT Table.
10-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80%OPX MOBILIS 300CBOTM0004 61,208.00 30.00% RM1,637.80 RM5,159.07 RM8,243.95 Kedah 400.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 7.20% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM42,845.60 1 unit of Table Operating Hydraulic Opthalmic W Accessories
10-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Accessories BOTM0053 11,124.00 30.00% RM1,637.80 RM5,159.07 RM5,657.43 Kedah 400.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM7,786.80 Accessories Operating Table Traumatology / Spinal Cord
10-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Accessories BOTM0046 10,956.00 30.00% RM1,637.80 RM5,159.07 RM5,649.90 Kedah 400.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM7,669.20 Accessories Operating Table for Urology
10-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Frame Wilson BOTM0019 62,250.00 20.00% RM2,397.80 RM7,553.07 RM10,740.27 Kedah 800.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM49,800.00 Wilson Frame Radiolucent With gel pads P/N:5319G
10-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% OPX Mobilis 300C BOTM0006 139,440.00 30.00% RM2,397.80 RM7,553.07 RM13,799.98 Kedah 800.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM97,608.00 2 units of OPX Mobilis 300C P/N:161.311
10-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80%OPX Mobilis RC 30CBOTM0021 88,857.00 30.00% RM1,751.80 RM5,518.17 RM9,498.96 Kedah 460.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM62,199.90 1 Unit of Electric Opthalmic W Acessories O.T Table.
10-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80%OPX Mobilis RC 30BOTM0020 93,283.00 30.00% RM1,751.80 RM5,518.17 RM9,697.25 Kedah 460.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM65,298.10 1 Unit of Electric ENT W Acessories O.T Table.
10-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80%OPX Mobilis RC 30LBOTM4010 418,168.00 30.00% RM4,373.80 RM13,777.47 RM32,511.40 Kedah 1,840.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM292,717.60 4 Units of Major Electric General W Acessories O.T Table.
10-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80%OPX Mobilis RC 30LBOTM0007 112,853.00 30.00% RM1,751.80 RM5,518.17 RM10,573.98 Kedah 460.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM78,997.10 1 Units of Major Electric Urology W Acessories O.T Table.
10-Sep-02 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80%OPX Mobilis RC 30LBOTM0002 430,422.00 30.00% RM3,499.80 RM11,024.37 RM27,896.91 Kedah 1,380.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 package 5.60% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM301,295.40 3 Units of Major Hydraulic Ortho W Acessories O.T Table.
11-Oct-02 Hospital Sungai Petani 80% OPX Mobilis 300C BOTM0001 117,164.00 30.00% RM2,477.60 RM7,432.80 RM12,681.75 Sungai petani 800.00 404.00 2 4.00 1 package 6.40% 0.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM82,014.80 2 Units of P/N: 161.311
11-Oct-02 Hospital Sungai Petani 80% OPX Mobilis 300C BOTM0006 69,620.00 30.00% RM1,717.60 RM5,152.80 RM8,661.65 Sungai petani 400.00 404.00 2 4.00 1 package 7.20% 0.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM48,734.00 1 Units of P/N: 161.311
11-Oct-02 Hospital Sungai Petani 80% OPX Mobilis RC30 BOTM0020 88,048.00 30.00% RM1,717.60 RM5,152.80 RM9,590.42 Sungai petani 400.00 404.00 2 4.00 1 package 7.20% 0.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM61,633.60 1 Units of P/N: 161.351
11-Oct-02 Hospital Sungai Petani 80% OPX Mobilis RC30 BOTM0021 88,478.00 30.00% RM1,717.60 RM5,152.80 RM9,612.09 Sungai petani 400.00 404.00 2 4.00 1 package 7.20% 0.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM61,934.60 1 Units of P/N: 161.351
11-Oct-02 Hospital Sungai Petani 80%OPX Mobilis 300CLBOTM0028 156,692.00 30.00% RM2,477.60 RM7,432.80 RM14,452.60 Sungai petani 800.00 404.00 2 4.00 1 package 6.40% 0.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM109,684.40 2 Units of P/N: 161.321
11-Oct-02 Hospital Sungai Petani 80%OPX Mobilis RC30LBOTM4010 210,882.00 30.00% RM2,477.60 RM7,432.80 RM16,289.84 Sungai petani 800.00 404.00 2 4.00 1 package 6.00% 0.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM147,617.40 2 Units of P/N: 161.361
11-Oct-02 Hospital Sungai Petani 80%OPX Mobilis RC30LBOTM4020 154,717.00 30.00% RM1,717.60 RM5,152.80 RM11,650.91 Sungai petani 400.00 404.00 2 4.00 1 package 6.00% 0.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM108,301.90 1 Units of P/N: 161.361
23-Oct-02 Hospital Sungai Buloh 80% Karl storz Tlkan 72,471.00 30.00% RM1,140.00 RM1,425.00 RM5,077.54 Sungai Buluh 600.00 0.00 2 0.50 1 package 7.20% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM50,729.70 1 unit of Laryngostrobe Pulsar with 150 W Halogen (40140001-03) & 20212001 Telecam SL
28-Oct-02 Hospital Cameron Highlands 80% Belimed Tlkan 103,137.00 25.00% RM1,748.00 RM4,807.00 RM9,757.58 Cameron Highlands 500.00 220.00 2 3.50 1 package 6.40% 100.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM77,352.75 1 unit of WD 170 Automatic Washer Disinfector (Single Door)
28-Oct-02 Hospital Cameron Highlands 80% Belimed Tlkan 158,026.00 25.00% RM1,748.00 RM4,807.00 RM11,918.17 Cameron Highlands 500.00 220.00 2 3.50 1 package 6.00% 100.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM118,519.50 1 unit WD 220 Automatic Washing Machine (Double Door)
28-Oct-02 Hospital Cameron Highlands 80% Belimed Tlkan 9,375.00 20.00% RM950.00 RM2,612.50 RM3,302.50 Cameron Highlands 80.00 220.00 2 3.50 1 package 9.20% 100.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM7,500.00 1 unit Amsco Steam Set (Steam/Water)
28-Oct-02 Hospital Cameron Highlands 80% Belimed Tlkan 19,688.00 25.00% RM1,178.00 RM3,239.50 RM4,420.78 Cameron Highlands 200.00 220.00 2 3.50 1 package 8.00% 100.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM14,766.00 2-Famos Spray gun;1-Octa Gauzer Cutter;1-Rotary Heat Sealer & 1-Impuls Heat Sealer
28-Oct-02 Hospital Cameron Highlands 80% Belimed Tlkan 11,129.00 25.00% RM1,083.00 RM2,978.25 RM3,645.99 Cameron Highlands 150.00 220.00 2 3.50 1 package 8.00% 100.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM8,346.75 1 Unit Octa Japan Washer Ultrasonic Bench Top,Small
28-Oct-02 Hospital Cameron Highlands 80% Schaerer Medical Tlkan 213,054.00 22.00% RM2,128.00 RM5,852.00 RM15,822.93 Cameron Highlands 700.00 220.00 2 3.50 1 package 6.00% 100.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM166,182.12 1 Unit of AS7 3/3/9 Ecoline Prevacuum Sterilizer
28-Oct-02 Hospital Cameron Highlands 80% Belimed Tlkan 164,035.00 25.00% RM4,788.00 RM13,167.00 RM20,548.58 Cameron Highlands 2,000.00 220.00 2 3.50 1 package 6.00% 100.00 100.00 2 5.00% RM123,026.25 5 Units of WD 550 With Disinfection
28-Oct-02 Hospital Cameron Highlands 80% Schaerer Medical Tlkan 177,705.60 22.00% RM4,028.00 RM11,077.00 RM19,393.62 Cameron Highlands 1,600.00 220.00 2 3.50 1 package 6.00% 100.00 100.00 2 5.00% RM138,610.37 2 Units of ASD 8-6/6/9 Ecostar Prevaccum Sterilizer
28-Oct-02 Hospital Cameron Highlands 80% Prestiga Centry 2 Tlkan 27,500.00 20.00% RM1,273.00 RM3,500.75 RM5,348.75 Cameron Highlands 250.00 220.00 2 3.50 1 package 8.40% 100.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM22,000.00 1 unit of Sterilizer,Flash C/W Dry Cycle Prestige Centry 2
30-Dec-02 New Hospital Jempol Seremban 80% Mach 120 MLM-K001 165,232.00 20.00% RM843.60 RM2,109.00 RM10,040.14 Cameron Highlands 80.00 64.00 2 3.00 1 package 6.00% 100.00 100.00 2 5.00% RM132,185.60 46 Units Light Exam. Mobile 15 K Lux./0.5M 4000K CLR Temp. (R86)
30-Dec-02 New Hospital Jempol Seremban 80% Mach 120 MLM-K002 18,550.00 20.00% RM1,261.60 RM3,154.00 RM4,400.56 Cameron Highlands 300.00 64.00 2 3.00 1 package 8.40% 100.00 100.00 2 5.00% RM14,840.00 5 Units Light Exam. Wall Mounted 15 K Lux./0.5M 4000K CLR Temp. (R86) 1201102202
10-Feb-03 Hospital Alor Setar 80% Mobilis RC 30L KKM Tender 196,371.00 25.74% RM2,131.80 RM6,715.17 RM15,464.68 Alor Setar 460.00 462.00 2 4.30 1 single 6.00% 100.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM145,825.10 1 Unit of Mobilis RC 30L No. Tawaran:T/P&P:19/2003 (ORT 2003) Orthopaedic Surgery
10-Feb-03 Hospital Kulim Perak 80% Mobilis RC 30L KKM Tender 196,371.00 25.74% RM2,156.50 RM6,792.98 RM15,542.48 Kulim 460.00 475.00 2 4.30 1 single 6.00% 100.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM145,825.10 1 Unit of Mobilis RC 30L No. Tawaran:T/P&P:19/2003 (ORT 2003) Orthopaedic Surgery
10-Feb-03 Hospital Seberang Jaya (Prai) 80% Mobilis RC 30L KKM Tender 196,371.00 25.74% RM1,824.00 RM5,745.60 RM14,495.11 Prai P. Pinang 460.00 400.00 2 4.30 1 single 6.00% 100.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM145,825.10 1 Unit of Mobilis RC 30L No. Tawaran:T/P&P:19/2003 (ORT 2003) Orthopaedic Surgery
10-Feb-03 Hospital Teluk Intan 80% Mobilis RC 30L KKM Tender 196,371.00 25.74% RM1,379.40 RM3,586.44 RM12,335.95 Teluk Intan 460.00 166.00 2 3.20 1 single 6.00% 100.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM145,825.10 1 Unit of Mobilis RC 30L No. Tawaran:T/P&P:19/2003 (ORT 2003) Orthopaedic Surgery
10-Feb-03 Hospital Melaka 80% Mobilis RC 30L KKM Tender 196,371.00 25.74% RM1,337.60 RM3,344.00 RM12,093.51 Melaka 460.00 144.00 2 3.00 1 single 6.00% 100.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM145,825.10 1 Unit of Mobilis RC 30L No. Tawaran:T/P&P:19/2003 (ORT 2003) Orthopaedic Surgery
10-Feb-03 Hospital Segamat 80% Mobilis RC 30L KKM Tender 196,371.00 25.74% RM1,628.30 RM4,070.75 RM12,820.26 Segamat 460.00 197.00 2 3.00 1 single 6.00% 100.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM145,825.10 1 Unit of Mobilis RC 30L No. Tawaran:T/P&P:19/2003 (ORT 2003) Orthopaedic Surgery
10-Feb-03 Hospital Pasir Mas Kelantan 80% Mobilis RC 30L KKM Tender 196,371.00 25.74% RM2,154.60 RM7,002.45 RM15,751.96 Kelantan 460.00 474.00 2 4.50 1 single 6.00% 100.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM145,825.10 1 Unit of Mobilis RC 30L No. Tawaran:T/P&P:19/2003 (ORT 2003) Orthopaedic Surgery
10-Feb-03 Hospital Queen Elizabeth 80% Mobilis RC 30L KKM Tender 196,371.00 25.74% RM3,059.00 RM9,941.75 RM18,691.26 Kota Kinabalu 460.00 950.00 2 4.50 1 single 6.00% 100.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM145,825.10 1 Unit of Mobilis RC 30L No. Tawaran:T/P&P:19/2003 (ORT 2003) Orthopaedic Surgery
27-Feb-03 Hospital Cameron Highland Project 80% Dr. Mach BLAM 1010 82,650.00 30.00% RM1,254.00 RM3,135.00 RM6,837.72 Cameron Highland 100.00 260.00 2 3.00 1 package 6.40% 100.00 100.00 2 5.00% RM57,855.00 30 Units BLAM 1010 Light Examination Mobile Mach 120
27-Feb-03 Hospital Cameron Highland Project 80% Dr. Mach 130 BLAM 2010 91,773.00 30.00% RM1,292.00 RM3,230.00 RM7,341.43 Cameron Highland 120.00 260.00 2 3.00 1 package 6.40% 100.00 100.00 2 5.00% RM64,241.10 11 Units Mach 130 BLAM 2010
27-Feb-03 Hospital Cameron Highland Project 80%Dr. Mach Triaflex R96
BLAM 0010 11,153.00 30.00% RM1,444.00 RM3,610.00 RM4,265.80 Cameron Highland 200.00 260.00 2 3.00 1 package 8.40% 100.00 100.00 2 5.00% RM7,807.10 1 Unit Light Operating Mobile 50 K Lux (Triaflex R 96)
27-Feb-03 Hospital Cameron Highland Project 80%
Dr. Mach M3 DF + M3F BLAM 0002 52,921.00 30.00% RM2,014.00 RM5,035.00 RM7,702.22 Cameron Highland 500.00 260.00 2 3.00 1 package 7.20% 100.00 100.00 2 5.00% RM37,044.70 1 Unit Light Operating Ceiling Main 100K + Satellite 80 KLux
7-Oct-03 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Makrolux WSF BLAM 1010 64,400.00 25.00% RM2,207.80 RM5,519.50 RM8,997.10 Alor Setar 300.00 462.00 2 3.00 1 package 7.20% 100.00 100.00 3 5.00% RM48,300.00 46 units BLAM 1010 Mobile Mounted Examination Light 13 Klux (RM 1400 per unit)
7-Oct-03 Alor Setar Hospital Project 80% Makrolux WSF BLAM 1020 122,400.00 25.00% RM2,587.80 RM6,469.50 RM12,344.70 Alor Setar 300.00 462.00 2 3.00 1 package 6.40% 100.00 100.00 5 5.00% RM91,800.00 68 Units BLAM 1020 Wall Mounted Examination Light 13 Klux (RM 1800 per unit)
27-Oct-03 Paediatric I.C.U at IJN 80% M3 DF TLKan 95,400.00 22.93% RM570.00 RM712.50 RM5,418.09 KL 300.00 0.00 2 0.50 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM73,524.78 4 Units of Ceiling Mounted M3 DF in Package at Institute Jantung Negara.
27-Oct-03 Paediatric I.C.U at IJN 80% M3 DF TLKan 18,567.00 25.00% RM380.00 RM475.00 RM1,644.72 KL 200.00 0.00 2 0.50 1 package 8.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM13,925.25 Offer 1 : Mobile Surgical Light M3 DF (167)
27-Oct-03 Paediatric I.C.U at IJN 80% M3 DF TLKan 24,031.00 25.00% RM380.00 RM475.00 RM1,988.95 KL 200.00 0.00 2 0.50 1 package 8.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM18,023.25 Offer 2 : Mobile Surgical Light M3 DF (168) stand with 3 hours Battery Back up.
11-May-05 Kempas Medical Centre 80%
Belimed MST-V 6/6/9VS1TLKan 335,000.00 25.00% RM2,694.20 RM3,367.75 RM17,437.75 KL 800.00 368.00 2 0.50 1 package 5.60% 100.00 150.00 1 5.00% RM251,250.00 Belimed Steam Sterilizer MST-V 6/6/9 VS 1 (Single Door)
11-May-05 Kempas Medical Centre 80%
Belimed MST-V 6/6/6VS1TLKan 304,000.00 25.00% RM2,694.20 RM3,367.75 RM16,135.75 KL 800.00 368.00 2 0.50 1 package 5.60% 100.00 150.00 1 5.00% RM228,000.00 Belimed Steam Sterilizer MST-V 6/6/6 VS 1 (Single Door)
11-May-05 Kempas Medical Centre 80%
Belimed MSTV6/6/12VS1TLKan 369,000.00 25.00% RM2,694.20 RM3,367.75 RM18,865.75 KL 800.00 368.00 2 0.50 1 package 5.60% 100.00 150.00 1 5.00% RM276,750.00 Belimed Steam Sterilizer MST-V 6/6/12 VS 1 (Single Door)
12-May-05 Kempas Medical Centre 80%Dr Mach M5F+M3DF TLKan 62,000.00 25.00% RM2,029.20 RM2,536.50 RM5,884.50 KL 450.00 368.00 2 0.50 1 package 7.20% 100.00 150.00 1 5.00% RM46,500.00 Dr Mach M5F + Mach M3DF
12-May-05 Kempas Medical Centre 80%Dr Mach M5F+M3F TLKan 53,000.00 25.00% RM2,029.20 RM2,536.50 RM5,398.50 KL 450.00 368.00 2 0.50 1 package 7.20% 100.00 150.00 1 5.00% RM39,750.00 Dr Mach M5F + Mach M3F
12-May-05 Kempas Medical Centre 80% Dr Mach M3F TLKan 22,000.00 25.00% RM1,839.20 RM2,299.00 RM3,685.00 KL 350.00 368.00 2 0.50 1 package 8.40% 100.00 150.00 1 5.00% RM16,500.00 Dr Mach M3F Single Dome
12-May-05 Kempas Medical Centre 80%OPX Mobilis RC 30L TLKan 116,000.00 26.23% RM2,029.20 RM2,536.50 RM8,013.18 KL 450.00 368.00 2 0.50 1 package 6.40% 100.00 150.00 1 5.00% RM85,573.20 Schmitz Table OPX Mobilis RC 30L
12-May-05 Kempas Medical Centre 80%OPX Mobilis RC 30L TLKan 116,000.00 26.23% RM2,029.20 RM2,536.50 RM8,013.18 KL 450.00 368.00 2 0.50 1 package 6.40% 100.00 150.00 1 5.00% RM85,573.20 Schmitz Table OPX Mobilis RC 30L
12-May-05 Kempas Medical Centre 80% OPX Mobilis 300C TLKan 69,000.00 26.23% RM1,934.20 RM2,417.75 RM6,082.64 KL 400.00 368.00 2 0.50 1 package 7.20% 100.00 150.00 1 5.00% RM50,901.30 Schmitz Table OPX Mobilis 300C
12-May-05 Kempas Medical Centre 80% Extention Device TLKan 45,000.00 27.29% RM1,839.20 RM2,299.00 RM4,916.56 KL 350.00 368.00 2 0.50 1 package 8.00% 100.00 150.00 1 5.00% RM32,719.50 Schmitz Orthpaedic Extension Device
31-May-05 Hospital Pantai Klang 80%Mach M5F + M3DF TLKan 69,000.00 25.77% RM855.00 RM940.50 RM4,628.25 Klang 450.00 0.00 2 0.20 1 package 7.20% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM51,218.70 Mach M5F + Mach M3DF Combination Ceiling Mounted
31-May-05 Hospital Pantai Klang 80% Mach M3F TLKan 29,000.00 25.81% RM665.00 RM731.50 RM2,538.77 Klang 350.00 0.00 2 0.20 1 package 8.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM21,515.10 Mach M3F Single Dome Ceiling Mounted
31-May-05 Hospital Pantai Klang 80% OPX Mobilis 300C TLKan 79,000.00 25.98% RM760.00 RM836.00 RM4,812.35 Klang 400.00 0.00 2 0.20 1 package 6.80% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM58,475.80 SCHMITZ Operating Table
20-Jun-05 HUKM 80% Belimed WD 250 TLKan 255,000.00 25.72% RM950.00 RM997.50 RM12,362.34 KL 500.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 6.00% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM189,414.00 Washer Disinfector (FOB price)
20-Jun-05 HUKM 80% Belimed WD 290 TLKan 278,000.00 25.06% RM1,045.00 RM1,097.25 RM13,597.24 KL 550.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 6.00% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM208,333.20 Washer Disinfector (FOB price)
11-Jul-05 Hospital Sentosa Kajang 80%
Mach M5F/Mach M3DF TLKan 315,000.00 25.06% RM4,275.00 RM4,488.75 RM17,708.17 KL 2,250.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 5.60% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM236,061.00 5 Units of Operating Light Mach M5F + Mach M3 DF
11-Jul-05 Hospital Sentosa Kajang 80%Mach M5F/Mach M3F TLKan 310,000.00 25.43% RM4,275.00 RM4,488.75 RM17,434.10 KL 2,250.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 5.60% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM231,167.00 5 Units of Operating Light Mach M5F + Mach M3F (Offer 2)
11-Jul-05 Hospital Sentosa Kajang 80%
Mach M3DF/Mach M3F TLKan 55,000.00 27.23% RM760.00 RM798.00 RM3,839.79 KL 400.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 7.60% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM40,023.50 1 Unit of Operating Light Mach M3DF + Mach M3F (Offer 1) Minor OT
11-Jul-05 Hospital Sentosa Kajang 80% Mach M3DF TLKan 27,000.00 27.20% RM665.00 RM698.25 RM2,349.35 KL 350.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 8.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM19,656.00 1 Unit of Operating Light Mach M3DF (Offer 2) Minor OT (Single Dome)
11-Jul-05 Hospital Sentosa Kajang 80% Mach 130 TLKan 10,200.00 25.87% RM608.00 RM638.40 RM1,273.55 KL 320.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 8.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM7,561.26 1 Unit of Procedures Light Mach 130 (Offer 1) Recommended for Labour Room
11-Jul-05 Hospital Sentosa Kajang 80% Mobile Mach 130 TLKan 7,400.00 25.79% RM570.00 RM598.50 RM1,696.81 KL 300.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 20.00% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM5,491.54 1 Unit of Procedures Light Mobile Mach 130 (Offer 2) Recommended for Labour Room
11-Jul-05 Hospital Sentosa Kajang 80%
Wall Mounted Mach 120FTLKan 5,000.00 25.00% RM532.00 RM558.60 RM2,246.10 KL 280.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 45.00% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM3,750.00 1 Unit of Examination Light Wall Mounted Mach 120F
11-Jul-05 Hospital Sentosa Kajang 80% Mobile Mach 120F TLKan 4,600.00 25.04% RM532.00 RM558.60 RM2,110.27 KL 280.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 45.00% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM3,448.16 1 Unit of Examination Light Mobile Mach 120F for A & E Dept.
11-Jul-05 Hospital Sentosa Kajang 80%OPX Mobilis RC 30L TLKan 117,000.00 26.15% RM760.00 RM798.00 RM6,327.89 KL 400.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM86,404.50 1 Unit Schmidz Table
11-Jul-05 Hospital Sentosa Kajang 80% OPX Mobilis 300C TLKan 72,000.00 26.00% RM760.00 RM798.00 RM4,421.04 KL 400.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 6.80% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM53,280.00 1 Unit Schmidz Table Minor OT
11-Jul-05 Hospital Sentosa Kajang 80%
Orthpaedic Ext. Device TLKan 68,000.00 31.32% RM722.00 RM758.10 RM4,120.67 KL 380.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 7.20% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM46,702.40 1 Unit Schmidz Orthpaedic Extension Device
21-Jul-05 Prince Court Medical Centre 80%Mach 115 Mobile Light TLKan 13,500.00 27.58% RM7,695.00 RM8,079.75 RM8,900.99 KL 4,050.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 8.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM9,776.70 27 Units Of Mobile Light Mach 115 (Option 1) Petronas Jalan Kia Peng.
21-Jul-05 Prince Court Medical Centre 80%Mach 120 Mobile Light TLKan 24,975.00 33.90% RM7,695.00 RM8,079.75 RM9,466.46 KL 4,050.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 8.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM16,508.48 27 Units Of Mobile Light Mach 120 (Option 2) Petronas Jalan Kia Peng.
27-Jul-05 HUKM 80%
Belimed WD 230 WasherTLKan 149,000.00 25.05% RM950.00 RM997.50 RM8,144.73 KL 500.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM111,675.50 1 unit of Automatic Washer Disinfector WD 230
1-Sep-05 Assunta Hospital PJ 80% Belimed WD 130 TLKan 109,000.00 28.13% RM1,000.00 RM1,050.00 RM6,063.65 KL 500.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM78,338.30 1 unit of Automatic Washer Disinfector WD 130

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1-Sep-05 Assunta Hospital PJ 80%OPX Mobilis RC 30L TLKan 128,300.00 25.03% RM900.00 RM945.00 RM7,100.94 KL 450.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 6.40% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM96,186.51 1 unit of Schmitz Table Germany
1-Sep-05 Assunta Hospital PJ 80% Mach 120F TLKan 4,660.00 25.04% RM500.00 RM525.00 RM2,096.91 KL 250.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 45.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM3,493.14 1 unit of Mach 120F Mobile Examination
1-Sep-05 Assunta Hospital PJ 80% Mach 120F TLKan 4,800.00 25.18% RM560.00 RM588.00 RM2,204.11 KL 280.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 45.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM3,591.36 1 unit of Mach 120F Wall Mounted Examination Light.
19-Sep-05 Prince Court Medical Centre 80%
Mach 115 WSF (Mobile)TLKan 12,096.00 27.58% RM80.00 RM84.00 RM714.71 KL 40.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 7.20% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM8,759.92 27 units of Examination Light, Mobile 24Klux at 0.5 Meter
19-Sep-05 Prince Court Medical Centre 80% Rimsa Italy LM668 TLKan 1,400.00 43.98% RM90.00 RM94.50 RM290.57 KL 45.00 0.00 2 0.10 1 package 25.00% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00% RM784.28 Lamp with Magnifier LM668 quote for 2 units
26-May-06 Dental Faculty USM 80%
M5F + M3DF + Camera TLKan 130,000.00 26.11% RM2,515.60 RM5,031.20 RM11,178.85 Kota Bahru 550.00 474.00 2 2.00 1 package 6.40% 150.00 150.00 1 5.00% RM96,057.00 Operating Light Mach M5F + M3DF + Camera
18-Sep-07 Nilai Cancer Institute 80% Mach 130 TLKan 278,800.00 44.97% RM393.30 RM1,179.90 RM10,385.32 Seremban 150.00 64.00 1 2.00 1 package 6.00% 100.00 100.00 1 5.00% RM153,423.64 Procedures Light Mobile Units
30-Oct-07 ANCC Subang 80%Mach M3DF + M3F TLKan 153,900.00 25.00% RM1,140.00 RM1,425.00 RM8,350.50 Seremban 1,200.00 0.00 1 0.25 1 package 6.00% 0.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM115,425.00 3 units of Mach M3Df + M3F combination ot light (Cardiac -1 & Genaral- 2)
18-Dec-07 Ayer Keroh Medical centre 80% M3DF + M3F TLKan 57,650.00 28.00% RM1,413.60 RM3,534.00 RM6,356.54 Melaka 500.00 144.00 2 3.00 1 package 6.80% 100.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM41,508.00 1 Unit Of Mach 3DF + Mach M3F
15-Jan-08 Loh Guan Lye Spec. Centre 80% M3DF + M3F TLKan 58,925.00 27.12% RM1,995.00 RM4,987.50 RM8,251.29 Penang 500.00 450.00 2 3.00 1 package 7.60% 100.00 0.00 0 5.00% RM42,944.54 1 Unit Of Mach 3F + Mach M3F

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Calculation of Tender Price Comprehensive %,h= 7.60%
Selling Price,Set,RM,s= 58,925.00 Cost,Set,RM,e= 42,944.54
Profit Margin In %,p= 27.1200% Factor,a=1-p/100= 0.73
Selling Price and Profit Margin must be provided by sales department
Service Charge Per Set,RM,c= 500.00 Set To Service,m= 1
Mileage Charges,RM,XXX= 450.00 Others,RM,YYY= 100.00
Hotel Charges A Day,RM,k= 0.00 Hotel Days,n= 0
Number Of Services A Year,t= 2 Discount %, y= 5.00%
Decimal Number,(α>0),α= 3.0 Decimal No.(β>0),β= 0.0
General Formula :
For Basic Non Comprehensive Package,F=t(c*m+XXX+YYY+k*n)
1st Yr,f1=F-y*F= 1,995.00 2nd Yr,f2= f1 + 1.0% * f1= 2,014.95
3rd Yr,f3=f2 + 1.0% * f2= 2,035.10 4th Yr,f4= f3 + 1.0% * f3= 2,055.45
5th Yr,f5=f4 + 1.0% * f4= 2,076.00 6th Yr,f6= f5 + 1.0% * f5= 2,096.77
For Unlimited Calls Of Normal Working Hours Only,U=α(XXX+YYY+k*n+c*m)
1st Yr,u1=U-y*U= 2,992.50 2nd Yr,u2= u1 + 1.0% *u1= 3,022.43
3rd Yr,u3=u2 + 1.0% *u2= 3,052.65 4th Yr,u4= u3 + 1.0% *u3= 3,083.18
5th Yr,u5=u4 + 1.0% *u4= 3,114.01 6th Yr,u6= u5 + 1.0% *u5= 3,145.15
For Unlimited Calls Of Including Weekends & Holidays,W=β(XXX+YYY+k*n+c*m)
1st Yr,w1=W-y*W= - 2nd Yr,w2= w1 + 1.0% *w1= -
3rd Yr,w3=w2 + 1.0% *w2= - 4th Yr,w4= w3 + 1.0% *w3= -
5th Yr,w5=w4 + 1.0% *w4= - 6th Yr,w6= w5 + 1.0% *w5= -
For Comprehensive Package Only,L=h*(e*m)=h*(a*s*m)
1st Yr,l1=L-y*L= 3,263.79 2nd Yr,l2= l1 + 1.0% *l1= 3,296.42
3rd Yr,l3= l2 + 1.0% * l2= 3,329.39 4th Yr,l4= l3 + 1.0% *l3= 3,362.68
5th Yr,l5= l4 + 1.0% * l4= 3,396.31 6th Yr,l6= l5 + 1.0% *l5= 3,430.27
Non Comprehensive Without Unlimited Calls, NCWU :
Cost Of 1st Year,A1=f1= 1,995.00 Cost Of 2nd Year,A2=f2= 2,014.95
Cost Of 3rd Year,A3=f3= 2,035.10 Cost Of 4th Year,A4=f4= 2,055.45
Cost Of 5th Year,A5=f5= 2,076.00 Cost Of 6th Year,A6=f6= 2,096.77
Non Comprehensive With Unlimited Calls, NCU : (Normal Working Hours Only)
Cost Of 1st Year,B1=f1+u1= 4,987.50 Cost Of 2nd Year,B2=f2+u2= 5,037.38
Cost Of 3rd Year,B3=f3+u3= 5,087.75 Cost Of 4th Year,B4=f4+u4= 5,138.63
Cost Of 5th Year,B5=f5+u5= 5,190.01 Cost Of 6th Year,B6=f6+u6= 5,241.91
Non Comprehensive With Unlimited Calls : (Including Weekends & Holidays)
Cost Of 1st Year,B1=f1+w1= N/A Cost Of 2nd Year,B2=f2+w2= N/A
Cost Of 3rd Year,B3=f3+w3= N/A Cost Of 4th Year,B4=f4+w4= N/A
Cost Of 5th Year,B5=f5+w5= N/A Cost Of 6th Year,B6=f6+w6= N/A
Comprehensive With Unlimited Calls,CU : (Normal working Hours Only)
Cost Of 1st Yr,B1=f1+u1+l1= 8,251.29 Cost Of 2nd Yr,B2=f2+u2+l2= 8,333.80
Cost Of 3rd Yr,B3=f3+u3+l3= 8,417.14 Cost Of 4th Yr,B4=f4+u4+l4= 8,501.31
Cost Of 5th Yr,B5=f5+u5+l5= 8,586.32 Cost Of 6th Yr,B6=f6+u6+l6= 8,672.18
Comprehensive With Unlimited Calls : (Including Weekends & Holidays)
Cost Of 1st Yr,B1=f1+w1+l1= N/A Cost Of 2nd Yr,B2=f2+w2+l2= N/A
Cost Of 3rd Yr,B3=f3+w3+l3= N/A Cost Of 4th Yr,B4=f4+w4+l4= N/A
Cost Of 5th Yr,B5=f5+w5+l5= N/A Cost Of 6th Yr,B6=f6+w6+l6= N/A
Customer: Loh Guan Lye Spec. Centre Model: M3DF + M3F
Place: Penang Ref: TLKan
Confident %: 80% Date: 15-Oct-08
Remarks: 1 Unit Of Mach 3F + Mach M3F
Place Mileage Charges (RM)
Alor Gajah 120 Km 120.00
Alor Setar 579 Km 579.00
Baling 421 Km 421.00
Batu Pahat 275 Km 275.00
Ku ela t, , Ba n
Pa enan che e

M ha g s i
P n av
Brinchang 214 Km 214.00
br e h

Bukit Fraser 99 Km 99.00

ll. ing and

Bukit Ibam 238 Km 238.00
we ch ka

Bukit Kayu Hitam 510 Km 510.00

Butterworth 369 Km 369.00
Dabong 556 Km You can use the criteria button to quick searching the data you are
preferred, and some guided examples as below:
Desaru 436 Km 436.00
1) key in Melaka at Place entry field and then press Enter and
Dungun 390 Km 390.00
you get the available data you want.
Gemas 168 Km 168.00
2) just key in >200 at the Charges (RM) entry field and press
Gerik 359 Km 359.00
Enter key, then click the find next button for the more data which
Gua Musang 290 Km 290.00
also fulfill or match the criteria you set.
Ipoh 205m Km 3) Key in both (melaka and 200) in respectively entry field.
Jeli 503 Km 503.00
Johor Bahru 368 Km 368.00
Kangsar 507 Km 507.00
Kluang 296 Km 296.00
Kota Bahru 474 Km 474.00
Kota Kinabalu By Flight 950.00
Kota Tinggi 383 Km 383.00
Kuala Kangsar 255 Km 255.00
Kuala Lipis 171 Km 171.00
Kuala Selangor 67 Km 67.00
Kuala Terengganu 455 Km 455.00
Kuantan 259 Km 259.00
Kuching By Flight 880.00
Lumut 300 Km 300.00
Melaka 144 Km 144.00
Muar 189 Km 189.00
Putra Jaya 50 Km 50.00
Segamat 197 Km 197.00
Seremban 64 Km 64.00
Sitiawan 276 Km 276.00
Sungai Petani 513 Km 513.00
Tabah 165 Km 165.00
Taiping 219 Km 310.00
Tampin 112 Km 112.00
Tangkak 176 Km 176.00
Teluk Intan 166 Km 320.00
Terendak Kem 300 Km 300.00
Temerluh 133 Km 133.00
ck searching the data you are
s as below:
and then press Enter and

RM) entry field and press

tton for the more data which
respectively entry field.
If any service upon request basis for Non Sign-up
Contract Customers,
Sales Confident % The Principal
Sales Confidents
must set(RM) Max. Charges (RM)
to 100%.
50%The Default setting for
Belimed Sales Confidents % is
250.00 350.00
80% for the case which Sale
50% personel not provide
Cobe it to
250.00 350.00
Deparment. Elekta 200.00 300.00
50% Erbe 200.00 350.00
50% Hanau 200.00 300.00
You can click the Criteria" button for searching the items you are needed, and some 300.00
50% Imed and Ivac 150.00 guided examples as below:
1) You can key 50%
in such as >80% in Karl StorzConfidents % input
the Sales 150Text-box and then press Enter key. After that you can click the "Fi
50%items which fulfill orLeica
search for other match the requirement 350.00
you set in your criteria.550.00
2) key in such50%
as b* in the Principal Maquet
input text-box and then press200Enter key. (For the case,
350 if you only sure it start with letter B and
not know about.)
50%After that you can clickSecathe "Find Next" Button 80 to search for other available
120 items which fulfill or match the req
criteria. 50% Sony 50 100
3) If just key 50%
in such as 80% Sales Confidents
Storz Medical% input Text-box 880and belimed in the 5,000
Principal input text-box, then press
Enter key, and you
50% would get the only one item
Tru Trac is available in this
200 case. 300
Note: In case the dialog form hides this note & can move it by left clicking blue color header bar & holding it then dragging it
50% Vitalograph 80 120
after that pulling it up again.
55% Belimed 250.00 350.00
55% Cobe 250.00 350.00
55% Elekta 200.00 300.00
55% Erbe 200.00 350.00
55% Hanau 200.00 300.00
55% Imed and Ivac 150.00 300.00
55% Karl Storz 150 300
55% Leica 350.00 550.00
55% Maquet 200 350
55% Seca 80 120
55% Sony 50 100
55% Storz Medical 880 5,000
55% Tru Trac 200 300
55% Vitalograph 80 120
60% Belimed 250.00 350.00
60% Cobe 250.00 350.00
60% Elekta 200.00 300.00
60% Erbe 200.00 350.00
60% Hanau 200.00 300.00
60% Imed and Ivac 150.00 300.00
60% Karl Storz 150 300
60% Leica 350.00 550.00
60% Maquet 200 350
60% Seca 80 120
60% Sony 50 100
60% Storz Medical 880 5,000
60% Tru Trac 200 300
60% Vitalograph 80 120
65% Belimed 250.00 350.00
65% Cobe 250.00 350.00
65% Elekta 200.00 300.00
65% Erbe 200.00 350.00
65% Hanau 200.00 300.00
65% Imed and Ivac 150.00 300.00
65% Karl Storz 150 300
65% Leica 350.00 550.00
65% Maquet 200 350
65% Seca 80 120
65% Sony 50 100
65% Storz Medical 880 5,000
65% Tru Trac 200 300
65% Vitalograph 80 120
70% Belimed 250.00 350.00
70% Cobe 250.00 350.00
70% Elekta 200.00 300.00
70% Erbe 200.00 350.00
70% Hanau 200.00 300.00
70% Imed and Ivac 150.00 300.00
70% Karl Storz 150 300
70% Leica 350.00 550.00
70% Maquet 200 350
70% Seca 80 120
70% Sony 50 100
70% Storz Medical 880 5,000
70% Tru Trac 200 300
70% Vitalograph 80 120
75% Belimed 250.00 350.00
75% Cobe 250.00 350.00
75% Elekta 200.00 300.00
75% Erbe 200.00 350.00
75% Hanau 200.00 300.00
75% Imed and Ivac 150.00 300.00
75% Karl Storz 150 300
75% Leica 350.00 550.00
75% Maquet 200 350
75% Seca 80 120
75% Sony 50 100
75% Storz Medical 880 5,000
75% Tru Trac 200 300
75% Vitalograph 80 120
80% Belimed 250.00 350.00
80% Cobe 250.00 350.00
80% Elekta 200.00 300.00
80% Erbe 200.00 350.00
80% Hanau 200.00 300.00
80% Imed and Ivac 150.00 300.00
80% Karl Storz 150 300
80% Leica 350.00 550.00
80% Maquet 200 350
80% Seca 80 120
80% Sony 50 100
80% Storz Medical 880 5,000
80% Tru Trac 200 300
80% Vitalograph 80 120
85% Belimed 250.00 350.00
85% Cobe 250.00 350.00
85% Elekta 200.00 300.00
85% Erbe 200.00 350.00
85% Hanau 200.00 300.00
85% Imed and Ivac 150.00 300.00
85% Karl Storz 150 300
85% Leica 350.00 550.00
85% Maquet 200 350
85% Seca 80 120
85% Sony 50 100
85% Storz Medical 880 5,000
85% Tru Trac 200 300
85% Vitalograph 80 120
90% Belimed 250.00 350.00
90% Cobe 250.00 350.00
90% Elekta 200.00 300.00
90% Erbe 200.00 350.00
90% Hanau 200.00 300.00
90% Imed and Ivac 150.00 300.00
90% Karl Storz 150 300
90% Leica 350.00 550.00
90% Maquet 200 350
90% Seca 80 120
90% Sony 50 100
90% Storz Medical 880 5,000
90% Tru Trac 200 300
90% Vitalograph 80 120
95% Belimed 250.00 350.00
95% Cobe 250.00 350.00
95% Elekta 200.00 300.00
95% Erbe 200.00 350.00
95% Hanau 200.00 300.00
95% Imed and Ivac 150.00 300.00
95% Karl Storz 150 300
95% Leica 350.00 550.00
95% Maquet 200 350
95% Seca 80 120
95% Sony 50 100
95% Storz Medical 880 5,000
95% Tru Trac 200 300
95% Vitalograph 80 120
100% Belimed 250.00 350.00
100% Cobe 250.00 350.00
100% Elekta 200.00 300.00
100% Erbe 200.00 350.00
100% Hanau 200.00 300.00
100% Imed and Ivac 150.00 300.00
100% Karl Storz 150 300
100% Leica 350.00 550.00
100% Maquet 200 350
100% Seca 80 120
100% Sony 50 100
100% Storz Medical 880 5,000
100% Tru Trac 200 300
100% Vitalograph 80 120
Recommended Service Charges (RM)
uided examples as below: 150.00
ess Enter key. After that you can click the "Find Next" Button to
case, if you only sure it start with letter B and the other letters you do
available items which fulfill or match the requirement you set in your
Principal input text-box, then press880.00
or header bar & holding it then dragging it downward to the end,
Category Min Cost Of Unit (RM) Max Cost Of Unit (RM)
Single 500 1,000
Single 1,001 is one unit only; In the Package
In Single category, the quantity of equipment 1,500 category, the quantity of equipment is m
unit (that is 2 units and above). When1,501
in Package category is selected,2,000
the Selling price data entry Cell must set as = (
units)* the selling price. Assumed the2,001 2,500 of units to sell is 4 units; then the syntax
selling price is 20,000 and the number
=20,000*4 in the Selling price data entry
Single 2,501Cell. If in Single category is 3,000
selected, just key in 20,000 in the Selling price
Cell only.
Single 3,001 3,500
Note: If the dialog form is hidden some
Single 3,501part of this callout, you can 4,000
move the form downward to the end by left clic
Single it on, then dragging it somewhere
4,001 else which you can see clearly.
Single 4,501 5,000
Single 5,001 5,500
Single 5,501 6,000
Single 6,001 6,500
Single 6,501 '7,000
Single 7,001 7,500
Single 7,501 8,000
Single 8,001 8,500
Single 8,501 9,000
Single 9,001 9,500
Single 9,501 10,000
Single 10,001 30,000
Single 30,001 50,000
Single 50,001 60,000
Single 60,001 70,000
Single 70,001 80,000
Single 80,001 150,000
Single 150,001 300,000
Single 300,001 600,000
Single 600,001 1,000,000
Single 1,000,001 2,000,000
Package 500 1,000
Package 1,001 1,500
Package 1,501 2,000
Package 2,001 2,500
Package 2,501 3,000
Package 3,001 3,500
Package 3,501 4,000
Package 4,001 4,500
Package 4,501 5,000
Package 5,001 5,500
Package 5,501 6,000
Package 6,001 6,500
Package 6,501 7,000
Package 7,001 7,500
Package 7,501 8,000
Package 8,001 8,500
Package 8,501 9,000
Package 9,001 9,500
Package 9,501 10,000
Package 10,001 30,000
Package 30,001 50,000
Package 50,001 60,000
Package 60,001 70,000
Package 70,001 80,000
Package 80,001 150,000
Package 150,001 300,000
Package 300,001 600,000
Package 600,001 1,000,000
Package 1,000,001 2,000,000
Recommended Comprehensive %
95.00%of equipment is more than one
In the Package category, the quantity
elected, the Selling price data entry Cell must set as = (number of
nd the number of units to sell is85.00%
4 units; then the syntax format as
egory is selected, just key in 20,000
80.00% in the Selling price data entry
you can move the form downward to the end by left clicking and
n see clearly. 65.00%
Person to Handle Destination Travelling and others Charges (RM)
1 Bating 50.00

Service Department
original position.
read the information, then you can pull it back to
blue header, then pull it all the way down, after you
can drag the form by left clicking and holding its
If the form is blocked the given information, you

Maximum is Two Person.

The person to handle here minimum is one person;

the Other Charge entry field.

The other Charge should be RM 0 by default inside
For KL and Selangor Area which less than 32 KM,

inside the Other Charge entry field.

recommended you put in the default setting RM 100
If the list not listed the location you want, we are

standby time wasted there.

wasted in both way direction when outstation and the
1 Batu Bahat 100.00

This Other Charges included the travelling time

1 Gua Musang 220.00
1 Ipoh 100.00
The guided Examples as
1 Johor Bahru 150.00 1)By clicking the criteria
1 Kedah 150.00 key in Kuantan in the De
1 Kota Bahru 150.00 entry field and then press
1 Kuala Kubu 50.00 and click the find next bu
1 Kuala Lipis 50.00 others available.
1 Kuala Selangor 50.00 2)By clicking the criteria
1 Kuala Terengganu 150.00 key in the 2 in person to h
1 Kuantan 150.00 field and Kuantan in dest
field, then press enter key
1 Lumut 150.00
get only one result.
1 Maran 150.00
1 Melaka 100.00
1 Mersing 150.00
1 Muar 100.00
1 Penang 150.00
1 Perlis 150.00
1 Sabak Bernam 110.00
1 Segamat 100.00
1 Seremban 50.00
1 Putra Jaya 50.00
1 Temerloh 150.00
2 Bating 90.00
2 Batu Bahat 150.00
2 Gua Musang 220.00
2 Ipoh 150.00
2 Johor Bahru 250.00
2 Kedah 250.00
2 Kota Bahru 250.00
2 Kuala Kubu 90.00
2 Kuala Lipis 90.00
2 Kuala Selangor 90.00
2 Kuala Terengganu 250.00
2 Kuantan 250.00
2 Lumut 250.00
2 Maran 150.00
2 Melaka 150.00
2 Mersing 150.00
2 Muar 150.00
2 Penang 250.00
2 Perlis 250.00
2 Sabak Bernam 110.00
2 Segamat 150.00
2 Seremban 90.00
2 Putra Jaya 50.00
2 Temerloh 150.00
The guided Examples as below:
1)By clicking the criteria button and
key in Kuantan in the Destination
entry field and then press enter key
and click the find next button for
others available.
2)By clicking the criteria button and
key in the 2 in person to handle entry
field and Kuantan in destination entry
field, then press enter key, you would
get only one result.
Destination Of Place Recommended Decimal Number
Batu Pahat 3.6
Bentong 2
shown as below: Ipoh 3
Johor Bahru 3
ch for Kuala Lumpur by clicking the criteria button, you must key in Kuala lumpur* in the Destination of place entry field. Then Press enter key.
Kedah 4.3
h for Selangor by clickingKota Bahru button, you must key in Selangor* in the Destination
the criteria 4.5 of place entry field. Then Press enter key.
Kuala Lipis 3.8
Kuala Lumpur (<32 KM) 0.05
ot search the item you want, it would return the closest one, or you click from the find next button from start to the end also can find the recommended de
d default setting as 3 should Pilah in this case.
be 'key-in' 3.5
Kuala Terenggnanu 4
Kuantan 3.8
Kula Kubu Bahru 3
Lumut 3.2
Melaka 3
Muar 3.6
Nilai 2.5
Penang 3
Perlis 4.5
Sabah 5.2
Sarawak 5
Segamat 3.6
Selangor Area (<32KM) 0.05
Seremban 3
Taiping 3.8
Teluk Intan 3.2
Then Press enter key.

enter key.

can find the recommended decimal alpha ,

Back Search...
Date Cost (List Price) Exchange Rate Qty Selling Price Description Part-Number Principal & Model
28-Oct-02 5.00 4 1 RM52.27 Seal Tensit for Service Cover 21008 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 0.60 4 1 RM6.27 Seal tensit 3/8" 15X8X2.0 21012 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 1.25 4 1 RM13.07 Seal Tensit 17X13X1.5 21014 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 1.45 4 1 RM15.16 App.-Fuse 4.0 Amp. 26027 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 1.45 4 1 RM15.16 App.-Fuse 6.3 Amp. 26028 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 75.15 4 1 RM785.65 Tubular Heater Vaporizer 43667 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 11.45 4 1 RM119.70 Circular Rope for Vaporizer 43793 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 49.80 4 1 RM520.63 Temperature Sensor 46442 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 14.40 4 1 RM150.54 Pump-hose Dosing pump 48147 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 146.40 4 1 RM1,530.52 2 Way Magnet valve 59545 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 70.15 4 1 RM733.38 1-way magnet valve 59850 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 63.20 4 1 RM660.72 Safeti overflow switch 59868 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 183.60 4 1 RM1,686.77 Flow Switch Vaporizer 59871 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 60.55 4 1 RM633.01 Flow Switch Tank 59887 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 89.40 4 1 RM934.62 1 Way magnet Valve vaporizer 65294 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 121.30 4 1 RM1,268.12 Ringcore Transfomer 70666 Belimed WD5XX
28-Oct-02 96.80 4 1 RM1,011.99 Door Magnet 77248 Belimed WD5XX
External Customer Interoffice Back
Cost Exchange Rate Qty Selling Price View
200.00 3.80 2 3,491.14
Guided Example for Selling price Package mode as below:
Example 1: If we have 4 differents type of machines having the selling price as RM 10,000;20,000; 30,000;40,000 respectively.
Two out of the four are Karl Storz Equipments and the others two are Sony products
Let say sales confident % is 80%
We should key in "=10000+20000+30000+40000" into the 'Charge per set,RM,c=' entry field as shown below:

Selling Price,Set,RM,s= =10000+20000+30000+40000

Example 2: If we have 4 units of same type Karl Storz equipments having the selling price as RM 10,000 each.
Let say sales confident % is 80%
We should key in "=(10000*4)" into the 'Charge per set,RM,c=' entry field as shown below:

Selling Price,Set,RM,s= =(10000*4)

Guided Example for Package mode as below:
Example 1: If we have 4 differents type of machines having the selling price as RM 10,000;20,000; 30,000;40,000 respectively.
Two out of the four are Karl Storz Equipments and the others two are Sony products
Let say sales confident % is 80%
We can use "charge per unit" dialog form in single mode to search for Karl Storz & Sony products by criteria method.
The results we get are Rm 240 per unit for Karl Storz and Rm 80 per unit for Sony Products
We should key in "=(240*2)+(80*2)" into the 'Charge per set,RM,c=' entry field as shown below:
Charge Per Set,RM,c= =(240*2)+(80*2)
Example 2: If we have 4 units of same type Karl Storz equipments having the selling price as RM 10,000 each.
Let say sales confident % is 80%
We can use "charge per unit" dialog form in single mode to search for Karl Storz by using Criteria method.
The result we get is Rm 240 per unit for Karl Storz.
We should key in "=(240*4)" into the 'Charge per set,RM,c=' entry field as shown below:
Charge Per Set,RM,c= =(240*4)
Guided Example for "Unit of Machine" in Package mode as below:
Example 1: If we have 4 differents type of machines having the selling price as RM 10,000;20,000; 30,000;40,000 respectively.
Two out of the four are Karl Storz Equipments and the others two are Sony products
Let say sales confident % is 80%
We should key in "1" ( which indicated one Set ) into the 'Set To Service,m=' entry field as shown below:
Set To Service,m= 1
Example 2: If we have 4 units of same type Karl Storz equipments having the selling price as RM 10,000 each.
Let say sales confident % is 80%
We should key in "1" ( which indicated one Set ) into the 'Set To Service,m=' entry field as shown below:
Set To Service,m= 1

Guided Example for "Unit of Machine" in Single mode as below:

Example 1: If we have 4 units of same type Karl Storz equipments having the selling price as RM 10,000 each.
Let say sales confident % is 80%
We should key in "4" ( Measured unit in unit ) into the 'Unit To Service,m=' entry field as shown below:
But The selling price per unit and service charge per unit must be key-in into respectively entry fields in this case.
Unit To Service,m= 4
Calculation of Tender Price Warn: Comprehensive %,h= 7.60%
Selling Price,Set,RM,s= 58,925.00 Cost,Set,RM,e= 42,944.54
Profit Margin In %,p= 27.12% Factor,a=1-p/100= 0.73
Selling Price & Profit Margin provided by Sales Dept. Single Package
Service Charge Per Set,RM,c= 500.00 Set To Service,m= 1
Mileage Charges,RM,XXX= 450.00 Others,RM,YYY= 100.00
Hotel Charges A Day,RM,k= 0.00 Hotel Days,n= 0
Number Of Services A Year,t= 2 Discount %, y= 5.00%
Decimal Number,(α>0),α= 3.0 Decimal No.(β>0),β= 0.0
Welcome... Warn:
Click Button
To Get What
You Want...
From, Kan

General Items
Category Duty Tax in % Sales Tax in % Remarks
Syring Nil Nil
PCB Board Nil 10 %
Electronic Component (IC,Transistor) Nil 10 %
Meter Nil 10 %
Pressure Transducer Nil 10 %
Glassware Nil 10 %
Sensor (Thermocouple,thermister,Infra-red) Nil 10 %
Chemical Oil/Liquid 5% Nil
Transformer (below 1KVA) 5% 10 %
Fiber optic Cable 5% 10 %
Motor (Low horse power, Below 150W) 5% 10 %
Rubber Gasket 5% 10 %
Mechanical Part (Piston, Gear) 5% 10 %
Fluorescent Lamp 15 % 10 %
Generator Tube 15 % 10 %
Metal Strap Connector 15 % 10 %
Transformer (above 1KVA) 25 % 10 %
Chart paper 25 % 10 %
Plastic tubing or Spring 30 % 10 %
Motor (High horse power,over 150W) 30 % 10 %
Washer (Maquet) 30 % 10 %
Heater or Clamp 30 % 10 %
Valve Holder Assy 35 % 10 %

Records of spare-parts ordered in previous in different Brand of equipments

Part No./Items Unit Price Duty/Sale Tax Remarks
30204-081/Metal Strap Connector 7.60 DM 15%,10%
50710-002/Generator Tube TB3/750 1,2000 DM 15%,10%
51606-007/Valve Holder Assy. 56.90 DM 35%,10%
20594-103/Red Electrode Hose 35.10 DM 5%,10%
20594-012/Blue Electrode Hose 35.10 DM 5%,10%
51603-000/Power Receptable (T/ICC Series) 15%,10%
30102-039/Neutral Socket T series 15%,10%

Non-Stock Items As 31/03/99

50110-001/Tyristor S2010L Nil Nil
51005-002/Resistor 27K/110 Nil Nil
51104-011/Condensor 1600PF Nil Nil
51300-001/Transformer TR 2 for T120,T175 Nil Nil
51611-048/Fuse T6.25A/250V Nil Nil
88015/Transistor SCR ST 10315 Erbosonat C Nil Nil
90101210/Plastic Washer Nil Nil
ER001/Valve Socket Nil Nil
ER005/Zener Diode 133 Nil Nil
ER008/Coil Nil Nil
ER011/Bracket For Transformer Nil Nil
ER012/62mA Nil Nil
ER015/Insulation For Transformer Bracket Nil Nil
ERBE003/5 Pole Socket Nil Nil
ERBE004/Fuse Resistor Knob Cover Nil Nil
ERBE006/Intensity Control Knob Nil Nil
ET93-032/Coupling Board Nil Nil

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M2522/Suppressor Nil Nil

SW/106A/Washer Nil Nil
00016/White Bush Nil Nil
00101222/Stopper Nil Nil
30101-013/Transformer E20 AL 1200 Nil Nil
30121-026/PCB Nil Nil
30121-041/PCB Nil Nil
30204-191/Condensor Erbotom 1100 Nil Nil
30507-049/Generator Board Nil Nil
30507-049/Generator Board Nil Nil
30507-052/PC Board Nil Nil
40204-027/Intensity Meter Nil Nil
30507-090/Transformer Nil Nil
40292-003/Socket Nil Nil
50002-004/Voltage Regulator Nil Nil
30102-042/Transformer TR1,110V For T120 Nil Nil
51611-016/Fuse 0.5 Amp Nil Nil

279/HF Cable for Resectoscopes 30 10


Cable 2170 0200.4873
Socket 570 0223.2024
Tappet 139 5008.88
Spiral cable with plug for hand control 1071 0200.4293
Microchip for receiver board 80
Bulb 12V 50W (Sale item) P/N 384643
Handle Knob CHF 2.00 P/N 167137
Brake assembly CHF 96.00 P/N 386658

20-1314-1/AIL Detector $116.45 Nil,10%
841015/Lithium Battery 3V $15.29 20%,10%
20-2284-7/Peri Seal $3.08 30%,10%
10-7038-1/Logic Board SW 6.55 $334.37 Nil,10%
10-3029-7/Keypad Assembly $48.64 5%,10%
10-1031-1/Transformer Assembly 220V $49.21 30%,10%
841027/Battery 6V 7.2VA $26.28 20%.10%
20-1328-2/Door Assembly RH $50.75 30%,10%
42.082SPR1/'O' Ring Kit RM 25 each 5%,10%
42.082SPR/'O' Ring Kit £ 8.00 Per pack 5%,10% Contain 10 Pcs

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Currency US $ DM POUND £
Currency USA DM £
List Price 26.28 100.00 100,000.00
Less Discount (If any) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Nett Price, P 26.28 100.00 100,000.00
Handling charges % , L 20 % 20 % 20 %
M=PL+P 31.54 120.00 120,000.00
Rate of exchange,Y 4.00 2.40 6.70
N=MY 126.14 288.00 804,000.00
Duty Tax %, T 20 % 30 % 20 %
D=NT+N 151.37 374.40 964,800.00
Sales Tax %, S 10 % 10 % 10 %
C=SD+D 166.51 411.84 1,061,280.00
Bank Handling %, H 10 % 10 % 10 %
A=HC+C 183.16 453.02 1,167,408.00
Mark-up % + 40 % 25 % 35 %
Selling Price, RM 305.27 604.03 1,796,012.31
Mark-up % (Multiply) 20 % 35 % 20 %
Selling Price, RM 219.79 611.58 1,400,889.60
Factor (+) % 290 252 268
Factor (X) % 209 255 209
Note: Color coded not allow to be changed; Data entry only in Blank Cells
In USA $ : + markup % is 40 % Equal to 67%

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Optional 1

Optional 11

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Supplier Model Equipment Service per call (without unlimited call)

Belimed WD 130 RM 350 to RM 750
Schaerer Medical ASD8-9/6/12 RM 700 to RM 800
Cobe UFCM RM 250 to RM300
Erbe ICC 80 RM 250 to RM 480
Elekta Selector RM 450 to RM 500
Dr. Mach Mach 500 RM 200 to RM 450
Ivac& Imed P 1000 RM 300 to RM 450
Leica M500 RM 300 to RM 600
Maquet or Schmitz OPX mobilis 300 RM 250 to RM 500
Jewett CTF-1 RM 400 to RM 500
Seca Seca 725/424 RM 80 to RM 250
Karl Storz Multidrive II RM 150 to RM 300
Truc-Trac TT95BB RM 200 to RM 300
Vitalograph Compact II RM 80 to RM150

Estimated Road Distance for outside of Selangor (Reference For Tender Price Calculation )

1) Ipoh 220 KM
2) Johor 370 KM
3) Kuantan 300 KM
4) Kota Bahru 700 KM
5) K.Terengganu 500 KM
6) Melaka 155 KM
7) Muar 200 KM
8) Segamat 210 KM
9) Seremban 075 KM
10) Taiping 310 KM
11) Teluk Intan 320 KM
12) Tapah 165 KM
13)KotaKinabalu 950 RM

Legenda :
1) Mileage : RM 0.50 per KM * 2 Ways
2) Accomodation & other allowances : RM 150 KM per days
3) RM 200 : Reservation such as Working hours wasted by travelling time ( Kuantan & etc)
4) RM 120 : Reservation such as Working hours wasted by travelling time (Ipoh & etc)
5) Greater than 5 unit or above : 5 days accomodation to be considered
6) Less than 5 unit : 3 days accomodation to be considered
7) Quote in A package for all equipments listed in respectively hospital entitled 10% discount
8) Term & Conditions of service contract given are based on the original documentation.
9) α = Factor of A Proposed Contract For Unlimited Calls (Normal Working Hours)
10) β = Factor of A Proposed Contract For Unlimited Calls (Including Weekend)

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