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Introduction of Web Hosting

Web hosting is a service of providing online space for storage of web

pages. These web pages are made available via World Wide Web.
The companies which offer website hosting are known as Web hosts.
The servers on which web site is hosted remain switched on 24 x7
These servers are run by web hosting companies.
Each server has its own IP address. Since IP addresses are difficult to
remember therefore, webmaster points their domain name to the IP
address of the server their website is stored on.
Linux and Windows are the two most common operating systems
available to Host-gator

Linux and Windows are two different types of operating systems.

o v
Linux is the most popular operating system for web servers. Since
Linux-based hosting is more popular, it has more features web
designers expect.

h M
So unless you have websites that need specific Windows

applications, Linux is the preferred choice.

Types of Hosting:
The different types of hosting that can be availed as per the need
Free Hosting:
Free web hosting can work for you when you just want a non-critical
website for some fun.
In most of the free hosting environments, the connection speed is
slow, there can be advertisements, and website can be down
Many services require you to buy a domain name to receive free
hosting services from them.

2. Shared Hosting:
In a shared hosting environment, all website owners share just one
This includes sharing physical server and software applications
working on that server.
The best thing about this service is that it is highly affordable as cost
to operate the server is shared by all users. However, there are few
downsides, such as being slower.

3. Dedicated Hosting:
In case of dedicated web hosting, you get the entire web server to
This ensures faster performance as you have complete control over
server resources, and you won’t have to share them with other
website owners.
This also means, you will have to bear the cost of maintenance and
server operation entirely.
This is best choice for websites that get lot of traffic and need lot of
system resources and higher level of security.

4.. Collocated Hosting:

In this type of hosting, you buy your own server and get it installed in
web host’s facilities.
Here you are responsible for the server itself.
The benefit of this hosting service is that you have full control of the
web server and you can install any applications and scripts you need.

Web Hosting Companies:

Following are the several companies offering web hosting service

B lue Host
G o Daddy
Host G ato
just Host
Laughing Squid
Hivelocit y

Domain Name: A domain name is the identity of one or more IP

addresses; for example, the domain name points to the IP
address "". Domain names are invented as it is easy to
remember a name rather than a long string of numbers.

So, it is the web address of your website that people need to type in the
browser URL bar to visit your website.
A domain name cannot have more than sixty-three characters
excluding .com, .net, .org, .edu, etc.
The minimum length of a domain is one character excluding the
It is entered in the URL after the protocol and subdomain as shown in
the following example and the image:

T h e P a r ts of a Domain Name: There are typically two parts of a

domain: the second-level domain and the top-level domain

Second-Level Domain ( SLD ) : The second-level domain is the unique

identifier for your website. It ' s the part of your domain that comes
before “ .com ” or another extension .

If you ' re building a website for your business, consider buying a domain
that re fl ects your business ' s name. This will make it easier for people to
find your website without needing to spend a lot of time scouring G oogle
for it

Top Level Domain ( TLD ) : In 1 98 5, The Internet Assigned N umbers

Authority ( IA N A ) released six top-level domain names. These top-
level domains ( TLD ) became known as domain name extensions and
represent the highest level in the Domain N ame System hierarchy.
They include
.go v

Types of Domains:

1. Country code top-level domains ( ccTLD ) : These two-letter TLDs refer

to specific geographical locations. Here are the most common ones
.cn ( China
.ru ( Russia
.de (G ermany
.br (B ra z il
.au ( Australia
.uk ( United K ingdom
.nl (N etherlands )

2. Internationali zed country code top-level domains ( ID N ccTLD ) : This

was a top-level name with an encoded format that lets non-Latin
character sets or other special characters be used .

For example: China ' s ccTLD is . C N and its ID N ccTLD is . 中 国 , which

translates to "China" in Chinese.

3. G eneric top-level domains ( gTLD ) : gTLD refers to the best known and
most broadly used TLDS
.inf o

.com is the most popular by far. As of J anuary 2 0 22, 54 % of global used

a .com top-level domain. The next most popular .ru is only used by 5 % .

Ho w to register a d o ma in n am e
Choose a domain nam
Check for domain availabilit
Choose a domain name registra
Purchase and register your domain nam
Renew the domain name at the end of the term

1. Choose a domain name

If you don’t already have a name for your brand, it’s a good idea to
merge the domain selection process with the process of coming up
with a brand name
If your company already has a name, your first-choice domain is likely
Your B, but if that’s taken, you have a couple options for
making sure it’s easy for users to associate your brand with your
domain name
Use a suffix: Add a word to the end of your domain name to
differentiate it
Use a prefix: Add an action-oriented verb at the start of your domain
that draws attention to your produc
Use a different domain name extension.

2. Check for domain availability

When users enter a URL in their browser, the browser sends a request
to a global network of servers that are able to locate your website
using something called the domain name system ( D N S )
The D N S is a universally recogni zed, decentrali zed system for
naming websites
Checking domain availability only takes a couple of seconds, and
nearly every registrar and hosting service has a free domain name
search tool.

3. Choose a domain name registrar:

A registrar is a company that reserves and registers domain names
on your behalf. When you purchase a domain name, either directly
from a registrar or through a web-hosting service, it’s registered to the
D N S for you.

4. Purchase and register

O nce you’ve decided on a registrar and a good domain name, you’re
ready to proceed with purchasing your domain name. O nce you’ve
purchased your domain, your provider will reserve and register it on
your behalf.

5. Renew your domain name registration at the end of your term:

When you purchase a domain, you’re purchasing it for a fixed length
of time, usually one year. While some domain providers offer longer
terms (G oDaddy, for example, offers up to 1 0 -year terms for .com
domains ) , domain registration is never permanent .

Name S e rv e r :

A nameserver is a server in the D N S that translates domain names into

IP addresses. N ameservers store and organi ze D N S records, each of
which pairs a domain with one or more IP addresses. These servers act
as the bridge between domain names, which we humans can remember,
with IP addresses, which computers can process .

o v e
h M
Cont r o l P ane l :

Te c
The Control Panel in Microsoft windows enables a user to change
various computer hardware and software features. Settings for the
mouse, display, sound, network, and keyboard represent a few examples
of what may be modified in the Control Panel. B elow are examples of
how the Control Panel appeared in Windows.

Sections of the Windows Control Panel :

There are eight main areas on the Control Panel, containing different
tools designed to optimi ze your computer
System and Security - A section to check your computer ' s status,
backup and restore, and others
N etwork and Internet - V iew network status
Hardware and Sound - V iew which devices are on your computer and
add devices
Programs - Uninstall programs
User Accounts - Change user accessibility
Appearance and Personali zation - Change desktop options, like fonts
and screen readers
Clock and Region - Change date and time
Ease of access - O ptimi ze your display settings.

C r eate E mai l in cP ane l

N avigate to the cPanel’s Email Accounts interface ( cPanel » Home »
Email » Email Accounts )
Click Create. A new interface will appear
Enter a new email address in the Username text box
In the Password section, enter a secure password in the Password
text box
Click Create to create the account.

U p l oa d ing Content U sing F T P :

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, a method of transferring files over
the Internet. To upload files via FTP, you will need a special program
called an FTP client. File Z illa is a free and reliable FTP client.

FTP server address :

The FTP address should be ftp: //, where your- is your site’s Internet address.

FTP username. :

It is identical to your system username. N ote that the system username

may differ from the username that you use for logging in to Plesk. To find
what your system user name is, go to Websites & Domains and click Web
Hosting Access. You will find it under Username. You can change your
system username if you want.

FTP password: It is identical to your system user password. If you do not

know what your system user password is, go to Websites & Domains and
click Web Hosting Access. You can reset the password under Password.

To p u b l is h a w ebsite u sing F T P
Connect to your subscription on the server with an FTP client
program, using your FTP account username and password
Enable the passive mode if you are behind a firewall. Refer to your
FTP client documentation to learn how to enter passive mode
Upload the files and directories of your site to the httpdocs directory.
If you use C G I scripts, place them in the cgi-bin directory
Close your FTP session .

You can also set up additional FTP accounts if you need to collaborate
on website content with other users.

To M aintain Yo ur Website: The following are tips that will help you
maintain your website and increase traffic:

1. Security updates :

Security patches are released by web development companies to

address vulnerabilities in their software. Patches are essential in keeping
your site safe from hackers, so installing them as soon as they ' re
available is important.

2. Plugin and theme updates :

Plugins and themes help to extend the functionality of your website. B ut

like any software, they need to be kept up-to-date to ensure compatibility
with the latest web browsers and security patches.

3. Content updates :

Your website ' s content should be kept up-to-date to ensure that it is

relevant and accurate. This includes adding new blog posts, updating
product descriptions, and removing outdated content. O utdated content
can make your site look unprofessional and can turn away potential

4. B ackup and recovery :

Having a recent backup of your website is important in case something

goes wrong. Disaster recovery planning helps ensure that you can
quickly get your website back up and running in the event of a major
problem. A backup helps to prevent data loss and ensures that you can
restore your site if it ' s ever hacked or corrupted.

5. Security scanning :

Security scanning is important in web maintenance to ensure that the

site is secure from any potential threats. Regularly scanning the website
can identify and fix security vulnerabilities before they cause any

6 . Support and maintenance plans :

The best way to ensure that your website is always up-to-date is to sign
up for a support and maintenance plan. This type of plan usually
includes all of the above services, as well as other important services
such as web hosting, SSL certification, and email support.

7. SE O monitorin g

8 . Up-time monitorin g

9 . Accessibility testin g

1 0 . User managemen t

M o
c h
11. Performance monitoring and optimi zatio n

Ba si c o f SEO : T
SE O stands for Search Engine O ptimi zation.
It is a process designed to optimi ze a website for search engines.
It helps websites achieve a higher ranking in search engine results
when people search for keywords related to their products and
So, it is a practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a
website through organic search engine results.

Types of SE O : There are mainly two types of SE O

White Hat SE O :
It refers to the SE O techniques which are in accordance with the SE O
guidelines set by the search engines.
It means it uses approved search engine optimi zation techniques to
improve the ranking of a site on search engine results pages ( SERP )
it mainly focuses on the human audience as opposed to a search
engine. People who are looking for long-term investment on their
websites rely on white hat SE O techniques.

2. B lack Hat SE O
It refers to the SE O techniques which are not in accordance with the
SE O guidelines set by the search engines.
These techniques exploit the weaknesses in search engines to get
higher rankings for websites on the search engine results pages
( SERP )
It mainly focuses on search engines and not on the human audience.
People who are looking for a quick financial return on their website
rather than a long term investment use black hat SE O techniques .

Advantages of SE O
SE O for Everybod
G uaranteed Unlimited Traffi
Q uality Traffi
Relatively Less Expensiv
Solidifies Your B ran
B uilds Trust & Credibilit
Can Increase your Social Medi
B etter Conversion Rat
O n the Longer Run, SE O is a B etter Choic
Measurable Result s

Disadvantages of SE O
Time Consumin
N o Instant Result
N ot Predictabl
You N eed an SE O Expert to do the J o
Risk of G etting Penali ze
Stable Ranking – N ot Promise
Appears After G oogle Ad
Constant Maintenanc
Do N ot Have Full Contro
G et Ready to Create B ulk Conten t

Ho w S ea rch E ngine Wo rks: The work of the search engine is divided

into three stages, i.e., crawling, indexing, and retrieval.

1. Crawling
This is the first step in which a search engine uses web crawlers to
find out the webpages on the World Wide Web
The task of crawler is to visit a web page, read it, and follow the links
to other web pages of the site
Each time the crawler visits a webpage, it makes a copy of the page
and adds its URL to the index
After adding the URL, it regularly visits the sites like every month or
two to look for updates or changes.

2. Indexing:
In this stage, the crawler creates the index of the search engine. the
index is like a huge book which contains a copy of each web page
found by the crawler
If any webpage changes, the crawler updates the book with new
So, the index comprises the URL of different webpages visited by the
crawler and contains the information collected by the crawler
This information is used by search engines to provide the relevant
answers to users for their queries. If a page is not added to the index,
it will not be available to the users. Indexing is a continuous process;
crawlers keep visiting websites to find out new data.

3. Retrieval:
This is the final stage in which the search engine provides the most
useful and relevant answers in a particular order in response to a
search query submitted by the user
Search engines use algorithms to improve the search results so that
only genuine information could reach the user
This is the final stage in which the search engine provides the most
useful and relevant answers in a particular order in response to a
search query submitted by the user.

Th ree K in d s o f SEO Te ch ni qu es
O n-Page SE O - It includes providing good content, good keywords
selection, putting keywords on correct places, giving appropriate title
to every page, etc.
O ff-Page SE O - It includes link building, increasing link popularity by
submitting open directories, search engines, link exchange, et
Technical SE O - Technical SE O refers to website and server
optimi zations that help search engine spiders crawl and index your
site more effectively ( to help improve organic rankings ) .

O n -P age O ptimi zation:

O n-page SE O ( also known as on-site SE O) refers to the practice of

optimi z ing webpages to improve a website ' s search engine rankings and
earn organic traffic. In addition to publishing relevant, high-quality
content, on-page SE O includes optimi z ing your headlines, HTML tags
( title, meta, and header ) , and images .

Title and meta tags:

Titles and meta description must be unique for each page
The length should be 5 0 - 60 character
The description tag should not contain more then 1 60 character.

Anchor Text:
All links made by using anchor text
Put a title on anchor text
Use broad keyword as anchor text
N ever use exact keyword as anchor tex t

Image O ptimi zation:

Image file name should be descriptive. We can use keyword in
All image must have an alt tag. We can use keyword in the image alt


Do not use large-si ze image.

Internal linking:
M o
c h
Create internal links using anchor text

Link all important pages to the home page

Include two to five internal links per page.

Content optimi zation:

Content on the web site should be fresh and unique
Content needs to be written in small paragraph and use H3, H4 and
bold, italics style appropriately
Proper inclusion of primary and secondary keywords
Length on the content should not be too large or too small.

X ML sitemap:
Create X ML ( Extensible Markup Language ) sitemap
Mention all public URL inside the sitemap
Include X ML sitemap in the root folder of the site.

Mobile Friendliness:

With the increase in mobile internet users, around 60 % searches in

G oogle are generated through mobile devices. So, a website, which is
not mobile-friendly, maybe losing half of the potential traffic.

Tha n k You

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