Labor Law

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Labor Law ● Ex.

Work from home (pwede ikaw pumili

Lesson 1 Condition of Employment ng oras at araw)
Conditions of Employment Telecommuting Program
● refer to the rules, policies and other ● Provide such as terms and condition as
requirements that an employer and they mutually agree upon
employee agree to uphold during the
employee's tenure in the organization. Lesson 2 General Principles
Four-fold Test Policy state
● the selection and engagement of the ● Set of the basic principles, norms and
employee activities for the implementation of state
● the payment of wages power.
● The power of dismissal Commission
● The employer power to the means and ● Means that the National Labor Relation
methods by which the work is to be Bureau
accomplished. ● means that bureau of labor relation or
Normal hours of work Labor relation division in the regional
● Art. 83 employee shall not exceed 8 hrs offices
a day Board
Meal Period ● National Conciliation and mediation
● Art. 85 employer to give his employees board (NCMB)
not less that 60 minutes time off for their Council
regular meal. ● Tripartite voluntary arbitration advisory
Night Differential council
● Art. 86 every employee shall be paid not Labor Organization
less than 10% ● Union or Association for the purpose of
Overtime Work collective bargaining
● Art. 87 performed beyond 8 hours a day
● Additional compensation equivalent to Legitimate Labor Organization
his regular wage plus at least 25% ● means LO duly registered with the
thereof department of labor or employment
● 8 hours plus a holiday or rest day is Strike
30% ● Temporary stoppage of work
Type of overtime Lock out
● Ordinary day OT- day that are not rest ● Any temporary refusal of an employer to
day and not holidays furnish work as a result of a industrial or
● On rest day OT- employee who works labor dispute
on rest day Internal Union Dispute
● On special holiday OT- employee who ● Violation or disagreement over any
work on special holiday provision of the constitution
● On regular holiday OT- employee who Labor Dispute
work on regular holidays such as ● Includes any controversy or matter
Christmas, new year concerning terms or condition of
Compressed Work Week employment, association or
● Reduce to less day 6 days but 48 hours representation of person
per week shall remain Article 4 Construction in favor of Labor
Flexible Work Arrangements ● Interpretation and implementation of the
● Alternative work schedules other than Law.
the traditional or standard work hour. ● Labor Code provision- Art. 1702 of the
Alternative Arrangements civil code
● Social Justice- Welfare of employees 5. Exemplary Damage- Reshape
Facts about employment behaviour that is socially deleterious in it
1. Ignorance of law isn't an excuse consequences
2. Employment is a contract 6. Nominal Damage- Jurisprudence and
3. Ownership of the enterprise makes the law
employment relations lopsided in the 7. Attorney's fees- Art. 111 of the labor
favor of employers code
Fundamentals of labor law 8. Joint and Solidary liability- director&
1. Ultimate purpose is to place employees officer liable for the corporation
an equal footing with their employers. termination
2. All about minimum standards and basic
requirement. Monitary Claims- Claims by an employee for the
3. Be interpreted in favor of employees. the non payment of wages and others.

Basic Rights of Employees 1987 Constitution Labor Code of the Phil.

1. Freedom from slavery ● Focus on the different rights of
2. Enhanced by security of tenure 3. employee
Enhanced by due process ● (Tumutukoy sa lahat ng empleyado, to
Basic Rights of Employers give fair/ equal treatment)
1. Ownership Civil Code
2. Return of Investment (ROI) ● Focus on Law
3. User and abuse; sell and dispose ● Senate/ Congress makes law
Sources of Labor Law ● Made by Legislative Dept.
2.The parties 5 Sources of Obligation
3. Principles of equity ● Law
● Contract
Section 1. Burden of Proof ● Quasi-Contract
Establish his or her claim or defense by the ● Act or omission punished by law
amount of evidence required by law ● Quasi-Delicts

Quantum Evidence Lesson 3 LABOR STANDARD

The quality of proof is how reliable such A. REST PERIOD
evidence should be considered ( Amout of ● An employer may require its employees
evidence). to work six days per week.
Two types of complaints B. WEEKLY REST DAYS
1. Illegal dismissal ● Article 91 states that all employers must
● Termination of an employee's give their staff a rest day of at least 24
employment contract w/o just or valid hours for every six-consecutive regular
cause and w/o due process of Law workdays.
● 2 concept of Illegal Dismissal
1. Reinstatement- (Pagbabalik sa trabaho) THE SERVICE CHARGE
2. Seperation Pay- (binabayad sayo, 1 ● Law dictates how service charge
year start of work 6 months lang payments should be made and when
ibabayad) they should be made to employees.
3. Full backwage- loss of earning capacity
4. Moral Damage- Depend on the injured 13TH MONTH PAY
liable for the damages
● All “rank-and-file” employees of ● The provisions of the immediately
employers covered by the Revised preceding article shall likewise apply to
Guidelines on the Implementation of the any person, partnership, association or
13th Month Pay Law are entitled to a bonus corporation which, not being an employer,
called “13th month pay’’ contracts with an independent contractor for
● Dec. 24 deadline the performance of any work, task, job or
● Paid to any employee shall mean the Posting of Bond (ART. 108)
remuneration or earnings, however ● May require the contractor or
designated, capable of being expressed subcontractor to furnish a bond equal to
in terms of money the cost of labor.

PAYMENT OF WAGES Solidary Liability (ART. 109)

Forms of Payment (ART. 102) ● provisions of existing laws to the
● No employer shall pay the wages of an contrary notwithstanding, every
employee by means of promissory employer or indirect employer shall be
notes, vouchers, coupons, tokens, held responsible with his contractor or
tickets, chits, or any object other than subcontractor for any violation of any
legal tender, even when expressly provision of this Code.
requested by the employee.
Worker Preference in Case of Bankruptcy (ART.
Time of Payment (ART. 103) 110)
● shall be paid at least once every two (2) ● Such unpaid wages and monetary
weeks or twice a month at intervals not claims shall be paid in full before claims
exceeding sixteen (16) days. of the government and other creditors
may be paid.
Place of Payment (ART. 104)
Attorney's Fees (ART. 111)
● shall be made at or near the place of
● a) In cases of unlawful withholding of
undertaking, except as otherwise
wages, the culpable party may be
provided by such regulations as the
assessed attorney's fees equivalent to
Secretary of Labor and Employment
ten percent of the amount of wages
may prescribe under conditions to
ensure greater protection of wages.
● (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to
demand or accept, in any judicial or
Direct Payment of Wages (ART. 105)
administrative proceedings for the
● shall be paid directly to the workers to
recovery of wages, attorney's fees which
whom they are due.
exceed ten percent of the amount of
wages recovered.10%
Contractor or Subcontractor (ART. 106)
● Whenever an employer enters into a
contract with another person for the
Non-Interference in Disposal of Wages (ART.
performance of the former's work, the
employees of the contractor and of the
● No employer shall limit or otherwise
latter's subcontractor, if any, shall be
interfere with the freedom of any
paid in accordance with the provisions
employee to dispose of his wages.
of this Code.

Wage Deduction (ART. 113)

Indirect Employer (ART. 107)
● in his own behalf or in behalf of any ● It shall be unlawful for any person to
person shall make any deduction from make any statement, report, or record
the wages of his employees. filed or kept pursuant to the provisions of
this Code knowing such statement,
Deposits for Loss or Damage (ART. 114) report or record to be false in any
● No employer shall require his worker to material respect.
make deposits from which deductions
shall be made for the reimbursement of FACILITIES AND SUPPLEMENTS
loss of or damage to tools, materials, or ● The benefit or privilege given to the
equipment supplied by the employer, employee which constitutes an extra
Limitations (ART. 115) remuneration over and above his basic
● No deduction from the deposits of an or ordinary earning or wage, is
employee for the actual amount of the supplement and when said benefit or
loss or damage shall be made unless privilege is part of the laborer’s basic
the employee has been heard thereon, wage, it is a facility.
and his responsibility has been clearly
● Republic Act No. 6727 or the “Wage
Withholding of Wages and Kickbacks Prohibited Rationalization Act” mandates the fixing
(ART. 116) of the minimum wages applicable to
● It shall be unlawful for any person, different industrial sectors, namely, non-
directly or indirectly, to withhold any agriculture, agriculture plantation, and
amount from the wages of a worker or non-plantation, cottage/handicraft, and
induce him to give up any part of his retail/ and service establishments,
wages by force, stealth, intimidation, depending on the number of workers or
threat or by any other means capitalization o annual gross sales in
whatsoever without the worker's some sectors.
DEDUCTION TO ENSURE EMPLOYMENT. ● As used herein, a wage distortion shall
(ART. 117) mean a situation where an increase in
● It shall be unlawful to make any prescribed wage rates results in the
deduction from the wages of any elimination or severe contraction of
employee for the benefit of the employer intentional quantitative differences in
or his representative or intermediary as wage or salary rates between and
consideration of a promise of among employee groups in an
employment or retention in employment. establishment.


● It shall be unlawful for an employer to ● Non-diminution of benefits. No wage
refuse to pay or reduce the wages and order issued by any regional board shall
benefits, discharge or in any manner provide for wage rates lower than the
discriminate against any employee who statutory minimum wage rates
has filed any complaint or instituted any prescribed by Congress. (As amended
proceeding under this Title or has by Republic Act No. 6727, June 9, 1989)
testified or is about to testify in such
● Employees are entitled to five days of PROHIBITED - It shall be unlawful for
service incentive leave with pay. any employer to discriminate against
any woman employee with respect to
EXPANDED MATERNITY LEAVE terms and conditions of employment
● The Philippines Expanded Maternity solely on account of her sex.
Leave Law (R.A. No. 11210) extended
the maternity leave period to 105 days, ● ACTS OF DISCRIMINATION - Payment
with full pay. It also allows for an of a lesser compensation, including
additional 30 days of unpaid leave. This wage, salary or other form of
is a significant increase from the remuneration and fringe benefits, to a
previous 60 days of paid leave. female employees as against a male
● 120 days if cesarean employee, for work of equal value.
PATERNITY LEAVE (R.A. 8187) It is unlawful for an employer to require,
● Under the same law, fathers can now as a condition for or continuation of
also enjoy a seven- day paternity leave employment, that a woman shall not get
with full pay. married or to stipulate expressly or
PARENTAL LEAVE FOR SOLO PARENTS tacitly, that upon getting married, a
(R.A. 8972) woman employee shall be deemed
● Solo parents in the Philippines are resigned or separated.
entitled to parental leave, which grants
them up to seven working days of leave ● STIPULATION AGAINST MARRIAGE -
per year to attend to the needs of their to require as a condition of employment
children. or continuation of employment that a
woman employee shall not get married
Women, which provides various rights WELFARE:
and benefits to women workers, - Protection Against Abuse and
including maternity leave benefits. Exploitation
● R.A. No. 9262 - Anti-Violence Against - Safeguarding Children in Vulnerable
Women and Their Children Act, which - Situations
also has provisions related to leave - Criminalization of Offenses
benefits for women who are victims of - Support for Child Victims.
violence. - Promotion of Awareness and Education
- Elimination of Worst
Lesson 4 SPECIAL GROUPS OF - Forms of Child Labor
EMPLOYEES - Strengthening Child Protection
- Promotion of Education
● REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6725 -Prohibits
discrimination with respect to terms and CHILD LABOR VS. WORKING CHILD
conditions of employment solely on the ● Child Labor - Involves work that
basis of sex. deprives children of their childhood,
interferes with their ability to attend
regular schools, and is mentally, harassment or any act tending to
physically, socially or morally harmful. degrade the dignity of a domestic worker

● Working Child - Refers to children ● Board Lodging and Medical Attendance

engaged in lawful work that does not - The employer shall provide for the
interfere with their education, health, basic necessities of the domestic worker
and well-being. to include at least three (3) adequate
ALLOWED WORKING HOURS AND meals a day and humane sleeping
INDUSTRIES OF A WORKING CHILD arrangements that ensure safety.
● Maximum Working Hours and
Conditions: ARTICLE III SEC. 11.
- A working child's employment hours ● Employment Contract - An employment
should not exceed eight (8) hours a day. contract shall be executed by and
- The work should be performed only between the domestic worker and the
between 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM. employer before the commencement of
Industries Where Working Children Can be the service in a language or dialect
Employed Legally: understood by both the domestic worker
- Family-Owned Businesses and the employer.
- Artistic Performances
- Public Entertainment and Amusement ● REPUBLIC ACT NO. 11165
- Training and Apprenticeships HOMEWORKERS TELECOMMUTING
- Community-Based Programs ACT - TELECOMMUTING DEFINED.-
1. Engaging Children in Hazardous Work WORKPLACE WITH THE USE OF
3. Sexual Exploitation COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES.
4. Trafficking of Children
5. Employing Children Below the Minimum Age ● TELECOMMUTING PROGRAM. - An
6. Employing Children During School Hours employer in the private sector may offer
7. Employing Children Under Exploitative a telecommuting program to its
Conditions employees on a voluntary basis, and
upon such terms and conditions as they
● KASAMBAHAY REPUBLIC ACT NO. may mutually agree upon: Provided.
10361 - Act Instituting Policies for the ● FAIR TREATMENT - the employer shall
Protection and Welfare of Domestic ensure that telecommuting employees
Workers. are given the same treatment as that of
- It was signed by President any Benigno comparable employees and are given
S. Aquino III on January 18, 2013 the same treatment as that of
person engaged in domestic work within comparable employees working at the
an employment relationship. time employer's premises.

ARTICLE II RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES ● Employment of Night Workers

● Standard of Treatment - The employer REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10 - This chapter'
or any member of the household shall shall apply to all persons, who shall be
not subject a domestic worker or employed or permitted or suffered to
kasambahay to any kind of abuse nor work at night, except those employed in
inflict any form of physical violence or agriculture, stock raising, fishing,
maritime transport and inland 2. Lack of Accommodation
navigation, during a period of not less - Employers might fail to provide
than seven (7) consecutive hours, reasonable accommodations, such as
including the interval from midnight to accessible facilities or flexible work
five o'clock in the morning. arrangements.
3. Harassment or Bullying
● Health Assessment - At their request. - Disabled employees may experience
workers shall have the right to undergo harassment or bullying based on their
a health assessment without charge and disabilities, creating a hostile work
to receive advice on how to reduce or environment..
avoid health problems associated with 4. Stigmatization
their work. - Negative stereotypes or attitudes
towards disabilities can lead to social
ARTICLE 156 isolation, exclusion, and diminished self-
● Mandatory Facilities - Suitable first aid esteem.
facilities shall be made available for ● The Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
workers performing night work, including (Republic Act No. 7277) provides tax
arrangements where such workers, incentives to businesses that employ
where necessary, can be taken disabled individuals, including income
immediately to a place for appropriate tax deductions based on the percentage
treatment. of disabled employees in the workforce.
● Women Night Workers - Measures shall
be taken to ensure that an alternative to B.INCENTIVES FOR EMPLOYERS
night work is available to women 1.Tax Incentives
workers who would otherwise be called - Employers can avail of tax deductions or
upon to perform such work. exemptions for hiring disabled
● Night Work Schedules - Before individuals.
introducing work schedules requiring the 2. Training and Employment Assistance
services of night workers, the employer - Government agencies, such as the
shall consult the workers' Department of Labor and Employment
representatives/labor organizations (DOLE) and the Public Employment
concerned on the details of such Service Office (PESO), offer training and
schedules and the forms of organization employment assistance programs for
of night work that are best adapted to disabled individuals, which can include
the establishment and its personnel, as subsidies for their wages during the
well as on the occupational health training period.
measures and social services which are
required. 3. Access to a Diverse Talent Pool
- Hiring disabled employees can bring
PERSON'S WITH DISABILITIES diverse skills, perspectives, and
● Persons with disabilities - are experiences to the workforce,
individuals who have physical, sensory, contributing to creativity, innovation, and
intellectual, or mental impairments that improved company culture.
may hinder their full participation in 4. Recognition and Awards
society. - Employers who demonstrate a
A. DISCRIMINATION commitment to hiring and supporting
1.Hiring Bias disabled individuals may receive
- Disabled applicants may be unfairly recognition and awards from
overlooked during the hiring process. government agencies, non-
governmental organizations, and
disability advocacy groups. Exclusions may include:
I. Government Employees: Government
5. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) employees arecovered by a separate
- Hiring disabled employees as part of a government-run pension system, the
company's CSR initiatives can enhance Government Service Insurance System
its reputation and social impact, (GSIS), and are not covered by the SSS.
appealing to socially conscious II. Members of the Judiciary
consumers and investors. Similar to government employees, members of
the judiciary are covered by the GSIS and not
ENVIRONMENT III. Members of the Armed Forces
Military personnel are typically covered by a
● ANTI-SEXUAL HARASSMENT ACT separate military pension system and not the
(R.A. NO. 7877) SSS.
- Define Anti-Sexual Harassment Act
- Purpose of the R.A. NO. 7877 BENEFICIARIES
- Punishment for violating the law The dependent spouse until he or she remarries,
the dependent legitimate, legitimated or legally
● SAFE SPACES ACT (R.A. NO. 11313) adopted,and illegitimate children, who shall be
- Define Safe Spaces Act the primary beneficiaries of the member
-Purpose of R.A. NO. 11313
- Penalty of the law Types of Beneficiaries

LESSON 5 SOCIAL WELFARE AND Primary Beneficiary is the person or organization

LEGISLATION named as the first one to receive the death
SSS LAW (R.A. No. 8282) 3 of 5 benefits from an asset.
The coverage of Republic Act No. 8282 Contingent Beneficiary named as the “second in
I. Private Sector Employees line” to receive benefits. If the primary
This includes workers in private beneficiary should predecease the owner (who
companies,corporations, partnerships, and wrote the Will or held the policy), all proceeds
cooperatives. would automatically go to any named contingent
II. Self-Employed Individuals beneficiary.
individuals who work for Type of SSS Benefits
themselves, such as freelancers, Sickness benefits
entrepreneurs,and professionals who are not Employee Compensation
employed by a company. Maternity Benefit
III. Professionals Paternity Benefit
Individuals engaged in the practice of Disability Benefit
theirprofession, such as doctors, lawyers, Retirement Benefit
engineers,and artists. Unemployment Benefit
IV. Sea-Based Overseas Filipino Workers Death Benefit
(OFWs) Funeral Benefit
OFWs working on foreign sea vessels are also Salary Loan
covered. GSIS LAW
V. Other Workers REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8291
The law may define other categories of workers AN ACT AMENDING PRESIDENTIAL DECREE
who are eligible for coverage. NO. 1146, AS AMENDED, EXPANDING AND
INCREASING THE COVERAGE AND For pension payment, you can choose from 2
INSURANCE SYSTEM, INSTITUTING Option 1: 5-Year Lump Sum- the amount to be
REFORMS THEREIN AND FOR OTHER received within the 5-year guaranteed period.
PURPOSES. Option 2: Immediate Pension- the old-age
Republic Act 8291 (GSIS Act of 1997) – pension.
(Effective June 24, 1997) Eligibility Criteria: 2. Cash Payment
You must have rendered at least 15 years of Condition
service and must be at least 60 years old Age: At least 60 years old
upon retirement; and. You must not be a
permanent total disability pensioner. When is Benefit Payable?
Total Length of Service (TLS): At least 3 but less
Two types of GSIS insurance coverage than 15 years of PPP ImmediatelyCondition
Compulsory insurance is mandatory for Age: Below 60 years old
individuals and businesses that want to engage
in certain financially risky activities, such as Dependents and Beneficiaries
operating an automobile or operating a business A dependent is a person who is eligible to be
with employees. covered by you under these plans.A dependent
ELP or Enhance Life Policy insurance coverage is an individual that relies on another person for
is a yearly term renewable life insurance cover support, most often financial support.
based on a member's fixed monthly A beneficiary can be a person or a legal entity
compensation. that is designated by you to receive a benefit,
such as life insurance.
A. REPUBLIC ACT 8291 (GSIS ACT OF 1997) Dependents in the family
(EFFECTIVE JUNE 24, 1997) individual that relies on another person for
You must at least 15 years of service and must support, most often financial support.
be atleast 60 years old upon retirement; and Dependents benefits are social security
You must not be permanent total disability proceeds which may be received by those who
pensioner. rely on the primary recipient's income.
There are two choices under this law.
OPTION 1: Lump sum and Old-Age Pension: A life insurance policy that includes living
OPTION 2: Cash Payment and Immediate Old- benefits could be a game-changer if you
Age Pension: become ill or need long-term care. Most people
purchase life insurance typically your
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE 1146 ( PENSION OR spouse, children or other family members.
You must have rendered at least 15 years of • Health insurance.
service and must at least be 60 years old upon • Paid time off (PTO)
retirement; and Your last 3 years of service prior • Retirement plan benefits.
to retirement must becontinuous and your • Flexible work schedule.
employment status is permanent. • Dental insurance.
BENEFIT: • Vision insurance.
You are entitled to any of the two benefits • Life insurance.
discussed below depending on your age and • Paid family leave.
length of service.
1. Pension
Anything that promotes or enhances the well- legal procedures for overseas job applications,
being of the individual, or his/her immediate required documents, and fees for overseas job
family, or accrues to the personal advantage of applications, and even provides tips to
that individual, or his/her immediate family. candidates to help them avoid becoming a victim
COMMON BENEFITS of illegal recruitment.
These benefits typically include medical 3. Frontline Services
insurance, dental and vision coverage, life Overseas Foreign Worker’s (or OFWs as they
insurance and retirement planning. are commonly referred to) legal documentation
such as registration of land-based applicants for
PORTABILITY LAW (R.A. NO. 7699) overseas employment, registration of seafarer’s
Limited Portability Scheme R.A. No. 7699 was registration certificate applicants, documentation
enacted to enable those of land-based name hires or direct hires, and
from the private sector who transfer to the hiring and placement of government-hired
government service or from the government workers are available in the frontline services.
sector to the private sector to combine their 4. Complaints Division
years of service and contributions which have Overseas workers can file any irregularities,
been credited with the SSS or GSIS, as the case recruitment violations, and complaints with their
may be, to satisfy the required number of years agency here at the POEA’s Docket and
of service for entitlement to the benefits under Enforcement Division
the applicable laws. 5. Processing of Overseas Employment
DISABILITY AND DEATH BENEFITS They are in charge of providing the Overseas
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy Employment Certificate (OEC). Filipino
It is hereby declared to be the policy of the candidates cannot depart the Philippines to work
Republic of the Philippines to develop, establish overseas without first securing an OEC.
gradually and perfect a social security system .
which shall be suitable to the needs of the Employment Contract / Standard Employment
people throughout the Philippines, and shall Contract
provide protection against the hazards of — refers to the POEA- prescribed contract
unemployment, disability, sickness, old containing the minimum terms and conditions of
age and death. employment, which shall commence upon actual
departure of the seafarer from the Philippine
POEA- STANDARD EMPLOYMENT airport or seaport in the point of hire.
CONTRACT FOR SEAFARERS Permanent disability benefits under the POEA-
The Philippine Overseas Employment SEC.
Administration (POEA) is a government The 2010 POEA-SEC provides that the
body responsible for monitoring and employer is liable for disability benefits only
regulating private recruitment agencies in when the seafarer suffers work-related injury or
the Philippines. illness during the term of his contract.
Under an employment contract duly approved by
POEA FUNCTIONS the Philippine Overseas Employment
1. Recruitment Agency Status Verification Administration (POEA), in the case of work-
To check the recruitment agency status, whether related death of the seafarer, during the term of
licensed, suspended, and permanently banned, his contract, the employer shall pay his
beneficiaries the Philippine Currency equivalent
2. Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar (PEOS) to the amount of Fifty Thousand US dollars
Helps potential candidates to determine and (US$50,000)
understand the advantages and disadvantages
of working abroad. It clarifies the guidelines and

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