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Assoc. Prof.


PeOffricseoPhone:nal Inf+90orm232atio301n 8205
nal Researcher IDs
ORCIPubloDns: 0000-/ We0b002-Of S2ci921-ence0Re920searcherID: Q-3068-2019
SYokcopussis ReID:s3518863740
earcher ID: 141001
EducDoctoraatteio, Unin IvnefrosirtymofaExtioenter, Department Of Politics, United Kingdom 1995 - 2003
PosUndetgrrgardauaduate,teUni, MivderdlseityEaofstExTeectherni, cDealpUniartvmeersnittyOf, FaPolcuitlticysOf, UniEctoenomid KincgdAndomAdmi1994n-is1995trative Sciences, Department Of
International Relations, Turkey 1989 - 1993
ForEngliesihg, nC1LaAdvnagnucaedges
DiDocstoerrattea,tTheionsSocialisation of International Human Rights Norms: the Spiral Model - The Turkish Case (1980-1999),
UniPosvtgerrasidtyuaofteEx, TheeteGuar, DerpdaiarntmRolenet Ofof PoltheitTurics,k2003ish Army and the 1960 Coup D'etat, University of Exeter, Department Of
Politics, 1995
ReSocsiaelaSrcicehncAres aenadsHumanities, International Relations
AcAssaodcieatme PricoTifestloers, Dok/ TauzskEyslul University, İşletme Fakültesi, Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü, 2018 - Continues
Assistant Profes or, Dokuz Eylul University, İşletme Fakültesi, Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü, 2003 - Continues
Academic and Administrative Experience
Ana2019bil- m2022Dalı Akademik Kurul Üyesi, Dokuz Eylul University, İşletme Fakültesi, İngil zce Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü,
Dokuz Eylul University, 2015 - 2016
CourIRE 3109sesREADINGS IN THEORIES OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, Undergraduate, 2022 - 2023, 2021 - 2022, 2020 -
2021,Selecte2019d Topi- 2020,cs in In2018terna-ti2019,onal Pol2017itics-, 2018,Postgr2016aduat-e2017, 2022 - 2023, 2021 - 2022
I2019,RE 21122016THEORI- 2017,ES2015OF IN-TERNATI 2016, 2013O NAL - 2014, RELATI 2011 O NS - ,
2012,Unde r g
2006 r a d ua
- t
2007e , 2021 - 2022, 2020 - 2021, 2019 - 2020, 2018 -
I2017RE 4101- 2018,INTERNATI 2013 - ONAL2012RELATI- 2013,ONS OF2010THE- 2011,MIDDLE2008EAS- 2009,T, Unde2007rgra-d2008,uate, 20222006--2023,2007,20202005--2021,2006,20182004--2019,2005
IIRRLE 60724104 ETHISELECTEDCS IN ITOPINTERNATICS IN IONNALTERNATIRELATIONALONSRELATI , DoctoOraNSte,, 2021Under-g2022,radua2020te, 2021- 2021,- 2022,20192018- 2020,- 2019,20162015- 2017- 2016,
2013IRL 6079- 2014,READI2012NGS- 2013,IN IR 2011THEORY,- 2012,Doc2010torate-, 2011,2020 -20082021,- 2009,2018 -20072019- 2008, 2006 - 2007, 2005 - 2006, 2004 - 2005
IIRREL 41205003 ETHITHEORICS EINS WORLD OF IN TERNATI POLITIOCNALS, UndeRELATIrgradOuaNSte, Pos, 2016tgra-d2017uate, 2016 - 2017, 2015 - 2016, 2014 - 2015, 2013 -
2014,IRE 21112012KEY- 2013,CONCEPTS2011 -IN2012,INTERNATI 2010 - 2011,ONAL2008RELATI- 2009,ONS, Unde2006r-g2007,raduat2005e, 2016- 2006,- 2017,20042015- 2005- 2016, 2014 - 2015, 2013
-IR2014,E 45022012INTERNATI - 2013, 2008ONAL-PROTECTI 2009 ON OF HUMAN RIGHTS, Undergraduate, 2015 - 2016, 2010 - 2011, 2008 - 2009,
2007IRE 4117- 2008,SELECTED 2005 - 2006,TOPIC2004S IN COMPARATI - 2005 VE POLITICS, Undergraduate, 2013 - 2014
IFBARL 50281304CURRENT I S UES IN THE MI D DLE EAS T, Pos t g r a d ua te , 2011 - 2012
PONSIBILI,TUndeY PROJrgrEaCT,duaUndete, 2011rgrad- ua2012te, 2012 - 2013, 2011 - 2012
THE DEVELOPI N G WORLD, Unde r g r a d ua t e , 2011 - 2012
T POLI OINSCS,, UndeUnderrggrraadduauattee,, 20102010 -- 2011,2011 2008 - 2009, 2007 - 2008
IIRRLL 60164028 CURRENT DEBATES I N I N TERNATI O NAL NORMATI V E THEORY, Doc t o r a te , 2008 - 2009
U RELATIONS, PosTHEORI tgraduaEtSe,OF2007INTERNATI - 2008 ONAL RELATIONS, Undergraduate, 2008 - 2009
AdviAksoysSi.nZ.g, ECOPEACE
ASAKSSEOSY MS.ENT,Z., A norPosmtgaratidvuae mites, A.ioOnKAY(for tShteudeEurnto)pe, 2022an Union? Application of human rights clauses under the Cotonou
paAKSrtOneYrSs.hZ.ip, Theagrenamtuenret foforththeecFihajingselainndsTurankdisNih fgoerreiaig,nPospoltgicryadtouawater,dA.sYEurAYLACIasia (beSttuwdee nnt)2002-, 20212011: An adjustment
cAKShanOgYe,SPos. Z.,tAngraadnuaaltyes,iC.s AofKYURTLU( S tu de n t ) , 2019
rAKSeprOeYseSn.tZ.ed, Türin Alki-yJaez'neinrakoatrnhudemaAsresshpoaonsrruqmlAlibu-iAllutwsyğutaopolt,prPosiotitketagcsrtı:a(Thed2ua011-tAre, Ö.a2b015)OpeRAL(r:cLieSpbttuyiodeanvnofet)St,uh2016reiyNATOe, Positngtreardvuaentteio, Sn.KinILLiIÇb(ySatuades nt),
2016AKSOY S. Z., Towards an improved understanding of the Vatican's influence in World politics: Past, provenance, and
proces , Postgraduate, J.ADDO(Student), 2016
AKSL.SEOLVİY S(.SZ.tu,deThent)c,o2015nflict betwe n Gre ce and Macedonia and the limits of international mediation, Postgraduate,
AKSR.OLADİOY SM. Z.EJ, Reİ(Sftuugdee nprt),o2014tection and the international refuge regime: Chal enges and future possibil ties, Postgraduate,
AKSmemObeY Srs. Z.of, Thethe unievotleudtinaontiofonstheserceusrpitonsy coibuncil tyil,toPosprtogtreacdtuadoctet,rZ.inFeUNDA(in theSrthuedetonritc),a2013nd actions of the permanent
OY S. Z.S, Humatudentn)i,ta2011rian intervention: legality, legitimacy, and morality-any prospects for a solution?, Postgraduate,
AKSÖ.ÇİFOTÇİY S.(Z.St,uAdecnotmpa), 2009rative analysis of the national interest concept in theories of international relations, Postgraduate,
AKSPostOgYraSd.uaZ.,teRe, M.gioCnaOŞlKsUN(tateSatunded anutt)o, nomy2007 : The cases of the Kingdom of Spain and the Basque autonomous community,
PublI. RegiishemdejoTheorurnailesarticles indexed by SCI, S CI, and AHCI
. Z. I ILISKILER-INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, vol.12, no.46, pp.57-77, 2015 (S CI)
I . TheThe prGuarospdecian,t of2002-Turk2ey'005s EU membership as represented in the British newspapers The Times and
soy S. Z.OF EUROPEAN STUDIES, vol.39, no.4, pp.469-506, 2009 (AHCI)
ArI.ticTheles PublResponsishiebdiliitny tOto hPreorteJocturPolnaiclys of Turkey during the Syrian Crisis (2011-2015)
AKSBİLGEOYSST.RATEJZ., KILİI,ÇvSo.l.11, no.21, pp.155-199, 2019 (Pe r-Reviewed Journal)
I . TheInterTurestks?ish Stance toward the US Requests for the 2003 Iraq War: A Case of Norms versus
AkOrtsaodyoğS.uZ.Etütleri, vol.10, no.2, pp.8-48, 2018 (Pe r-Reviewed Journal)
I I. IUninteornnattoiwaronaldsHumanTurkeyRiTwoghtscNorasemstsuIdidentes 1980ities andmiliItnarteyrceosupts Pold eticaietsandof tCushe EurtomsopeanUnionCommunity
AKSAnnaOlYs Sof. Z.Japan Association for Middle East Studies, vol.25, no.2, 2009 (Pe r-Reviewed Journal)
IV. Human Ri g ht s Pol i c y of
PrAKSagmatOY S. iZ.c Ethical Foreign Policy t h e Cl i n t o n Admi n i s t r a t i o n t o war d s Tur k ey A Par o c h i a l Exper i m ent wi t h
Nor d ic J o ur n a l of Huma n Rig h ts , v o l.2 7, no.3 , 2009
V. TheAKSORegiY S. Theories Useful Frameworks for Analysing Human Rights Is ues ( E S C I)
Uluslararası İlişkiler, vol.2, no.5, 2005 (Scopus)
BooksI. Tur&key:BookA RiChasingpNortersmative Power?
iMan: Turrc Hekeryzoagn,dEdithetoPolr, I.iBti.cTsaofuriNas, pp.tiona63-l 9Id2,en2014tity Social Economic and Cultural Transformation, Shane Brennan ve
I . UlAKSusOlYarSa. rZ.ası Rejim Kuramları
in: Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları, Tay ar Arı ve Elif Toprak, Editor, Anadolu Üniversitesi, pp.24-46, 2013
ReI.ferThee dRoadCongtorePeacs /ebuiSymposlding betiumweenPublIsircaaeltiandonsPalinePrstionceeGoesdingthsrough Equitable Sharing of Water,
NotMiddlTece Eashnictal Cooperation! A Critical Evaluation of Good Water Neighbours Project of Ecopeace
OkFirasyt IA.nt,eAkrnsaotyioSna. Z.l Congres on Social Sciences: Sustainabil ty and Social Transformation, İzmir, Turkey, 22 - 24
JI . Theune Tur2022,kispp.h 3St56-anc359e toward the US Pleas for the 2003 Iraq War A Case of Norms versus Interests
AKSUnivOeYrsSit.yZ.of Exeter, IAIS, Workshops on Contemporary Turkey, Exeter, Canada, 25 February 2010
I I. TheAKSOIYmSpl. Z.ications of US Unilateralism with a View to Order and Justice in Iraq
Thi r d In te r n a ti o na l Conf e r e n c e on S e c u r ity , İz m i r
IV. TurDeckissioSayn No to the US Pleas during the 2003 Iraq War An Ethical Stance or an Instrumental , Tur k e y , 20 - 22 Nov e m be r 2007
AKSTheO30tY Sh. Z.German Congres of Oriental Studies, Freiburg, Germany, 24 - 28 September 2007
V. IUninteornnattoiwaronaldsHumanTurkeyRiTwoghtsCasNoremStsuIdidentes i1980ties andMiliItnatreyrecsotups Pold éticiaetsandof thCuse EurtomsopeanUnioCommuni
n t y
AKSEURAMESOY S. Z./ BRISMES Conference, Durham, Canada, 12 - 16 September 2005
VI. TheAKSOEvolY S. Z.ution of Communication between Turkey and Human Rights INGOs from 1980 til 1999
VII. Human S C , İ s ta
Rin bul
g ht ,
s Tur
Pol ke
i cyy, 24
of -t 26
h e Aug
Cl i nutsot n2005
Admi n i s t r a t i o n t o war d s Tur k ey
AKSTheOUniY Ste. Z.d States and Global Human Rights, Oxford, United Kingdom, 10 - 12 October 2004
EpiI. soEncdeysclionpeditheaEncs aboutycloMuspedliima Civilisations
AKSEdinOburY Sg.hZ.University Pres , pp.35-36, 2009
SAkuspporoy S. Z.te, PrdoPrjecotjSeucpports ted by Public Organizations in Other Countries, The Normative Aspects of Turkish Foreign
Policy during the 2003 Iraq War and Beyond, 2009 - 2010
PublCitatiicoanti(oWn:oS17): 15
CiH-tIantdeionx((SWcooSpus): )1: 13
H-Index (Scopus): 1

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