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What is Anatomy?

- comes from the Greek word “tome” means to cut

- It is the study of the structure and shape of the body and body parts
- describes the structures of the body:
● What they are made of
● Where they are located

Anatomy can be divided into Gross, Microscopic and Developmental:

● Gross anatomy/ macroscopic
- Large structures
- Easily observable
- The study of body structures visible to the naked eye (without a
- Structures large enough that one can see with the unaided eye
1. Surface Anatomy- study of superficial markings
2. Regional Anatomy-The study of specific areas of the body
3. Systemic Anatomy- study of the 11 specific organ system
● Microscopic Anatomy
- Very small structures
- Can only be viewed with a microscope
1. Cytology-cells
2. Histology- tissue
● Developmental Anatomy
- Traces structural changes throughout life
1. Embryology- the study of developmental changes of the body
before birth

What is Physiology?
- It is the study of how the body and its parts work or function
- The science of body functions is how the body parts work
- Study of how the body and its parts work or function
- Considers the operation of specific organ systems
- Renal: kidney function
- Neurophysiology: workings of the nervous system
- Cardiovascular: operation of the heart and blood vessels
- Focuses on the function of the body, often at the cellular or molecular level

Physiology can be divided into the following specialties:

● Cell Physiology- study of cell
● Special Physiology- study of specific organ
● Systemic Physiology- study of organ system
● Pathological Physiology- study of the effect of disease on cell, tissue, organ,
and system.

Anatomical Position
- Anytime you describe structures relative to one another, you must assume
this standard position:
1. Body erect
2. Feet slightly apart
3. Palms facing forward
4. Thumbs point away from the body

What are the levels of structural organization?

1. Chemical Level
- Simplest level, the body is composed of atoms ( indivisible)
- The basic and smallest unit of all matter. (eg. Oxygen atom)
- Combination of two or more atoms.
- A molecule containing atoms of more than one element

2. Cellular Level/ Cells

- Smallest independent units of life
- Basic structural and functional units of an organism that are composed
of chemicals
- Growth, metabolism, irritability, and reproduction

3. Tissue Level/ Tissues

- Made up of many similar cells that perform specific functions

4. Organ level/ Organs

- Tissues that are joined together

5. Organ System
- Consists of related organs with a common function.

6. Organism Level
- Any living individual

What are the 11 systems of the Human Body?

● Integumentary System - Cardiovascular System

● Skeletal System - Lymphatic System
● Muscular System - Respiratory System
● Nervous System - Digestive System
● Endocrine System - Urinary System
● Reproductive System

Organ System Overview

● Integumentary System
- Forms the external body covering
- Protects deeper tissue from injury
- Helps regulate body temperature
- Location of cutaneous nerve receptors
- Protects against environmental hazards
- Provides sensory information

*Major Organs
- Skin
- Hair
- Sweat Glands
- Nails

Skeletal System
- Protects and supports body organs
- Provides muscle attachment for movements
- Site of blood cell formation
- Provides support and protection for other tissues

*Major Organs:
- Bones
- Cartilages
- Associated ligaments
- Bone marrow

Muscular System
- Produces movement
- Maintains posture
- Produces heat
- Provides protection and support for other tissues

*Major Organs:
- Skeletal muscles and associated tendons and aponeuroses (tendinous

Nervous System
- Fast-acting control system
- Responds to internal and external change
- Activates muscles and glands
- Direct immediate responses to stimuli
- Coordinates or moderates activities of other organ systems
- Provides and interprets sensory information about external conditions

*Major Organs:
- Brain
- Spinal cord
- Peripheral nerves
- Sense organs
Endocrine System
- Secretes regulatory hormones
- Growth
- Reproduction
- Metabolism
- Directs long-term changes in the activities of other organ systems
- Adjusts metabolic activity and energy use by the body
- Controls many structural and functional changes during development

Cardiovascular System
- Transport materials in body via blood pumped by heart
- Oxygen
- Carbon dioxide
- Nutrients
- Wastes
- Distributes blood cells, water, and dissolved materials including nutrients,
waste products, oxygen, and carbon dioxide
- Distributes heat and assists in control of body temperature

*Major Organs:
- Heart
- Blood
- Blood Vessels

Lymphatic System
- Returns fluid to blood vessels
- Cleanses the blood
- Involved in immunity
*Major Organs
- Thoracic duct
- Lymph nodes
- Lymphatic vessels

Respiratory System
- Keeps blood supplied with oxygen
- Removes carbon dioxide
- Delivers air to alveoli (sites in lungs where gas exchange occurs)
- Provides oxygen to bloodstream
- Removes carbon dioxide from bloodstream
- Produces sounds for communication

*Major Organs
- Nasal cavities - Bronchi
- Sinuses - Lungs
- Larynx - Alveoli
- Trachea
Digestive System
- Breaks down food
- Allows for nutrient absorption into blood
- Eliminates indigestible material
- Processes and digests food
- Absorbs and conserves water
- Stores energy reserves

*Major Organs:
- Teeth - Stomach
- Tongue - Small intestine
- Pharynx - Large intestine
- Esophagus - Liver
- Gallbladder - Pancreas

Urinary System
- Eliminates nitrogenous wastes
- Maintains acid-base balance
- Regulates water and electrolytes
- Excretes waste products from the blood
- Controls water balance by regulating volume of urine produced
- Stores urine prior to voluntary elimination
- Regulates blood ion concentrations and pH

*Major Organs
- Kidneys - Urinary bladder
- Ureters - Urethra

Reproductive System
- Produces offspring

Male Reproductive System

- Produces male sex cells (sperm) and hormones

*Major Organs:
- Testes
- Epididymis
- Ductus deferers
- Seminal vesicles
- Prostate gland
- Penis
- Scrotum

Female Reproductive System

- Produces female sex cells (oocytes) and hormones
- Supports developing embryo from conception to delivery
- Provides milk to nourish newborn infants
Necessary Life Functions
● Maintain boundaries- skin
● Movement
- Locomotion
- Movement of substances
- Walking, swimming, running

● Responsiveness
- Ability to sense changes and react
- Sense changes or stimuli in the environment

● Digestion
- Breaks down and absorption of nutrients

The Language of Anatomy

● Special terminology is used to prevent misunderstanding
● Exact terms are used for
- Position
- Directing
- Regions
- Structures

Body Planes and Sections

● A sagittal section divides the body (or organs into left and right parts)
● A median, or midsagittal, section divides the body (or organ) into equal left
and right parts
● A frontal section divides the body (or organ) into anterior and posterior parts
● A transverse, or cross, section divides the body (or organ) into superior and
inferior parts

Body Cavities
● Dorsal Body Cavity
- Cranial cavity houses the brain
- Spinal cavity houses the spinal cord

● Ventral Body Cavity

- Thoracic cavity houses heart, lungs, and others
- Abdominopelvic cavity houses digestive system and most urinary
system organs


Osteology- the science of bones

Five Main Functions of the Skeletal System

1. Movement: The skeletal system provides points of attachment for muscles.
Your legs and arms move when the muscles pull on the bones
2. Support: The backbone is the main support center for the upper body. It holds
your head up and protects your spinal cord
3. Protection: The bones of your skull protect your brain. Your ribs protect your
lungs and heart from injury
4. Blood Cell formation
5. Storage: Bones store minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, for use by
the body

Parts of the skeletal system

- Bones (skeleton)
- Joints
- Cartilages
- Ligaments

Two subdivision of the skeleton

- Axial skeleton
- Appendicular skeleton

Bones of the Human Body

- The adult skeleton has 206 bones
- Two basic type of bone tissue
- Compact bone
- Homogeneous
- Spongy Bone
- Small needle-like pieces of bone
- Many open spaces

Classification of Bones
● Long Bones
- Typically longer than they are wide
- Have a shaft with heads at both ends
- Contains mostly compact bone
- Femur
- Humerus
Anatomy of a Long Bone
- Diaphysis
- Shaft
- Composed of compact bone
- Epiphysis
- Ends of the bone
- Composed mostly of spongy bone
- Periosteum
- Outside covering of the diaphysis
- Fibrous connective tissue membrane
- Sharpey’s Fibers
- Secure periosteum to underlying bone
- Arteries
- Supply bone cells with nutrients
- Articular Cartilage
-covers the external surface of the epiphysis
-made of hyaline cartilage
-decreases friction at joint surfaces
- Epiphyseal Plate
-flat plate of hyaline cartilage seen in young growing bone
- Epiphyseal Line
-Remnant of the epiphyseal plat
-Seen in adult bones
- Medullary cavity
- Cavity inside of the shaft
- Contains yellow marrow (mostly fat) in adults
- Contains red marrow (for blood cell formation) in infants

● Short bones
- Generally cube-shape
- Contain mostly spongy bone
- Carpals
- Tarsals

● Flat bones
- Thin, flattened, and usually curved
- Two thin layers of compact bone surround a layer of spongy bone
- Skull
- Ribs
- Sternum

● Irregular bones
- Irregular shape
- Do not fit into other bone classification categories
- Vertebrae
- Hip bones

Surface Features of bones

- Sites of attachments for muscles, tendons, and ligaments
- Passages for nerves and blood vessels

Categories of bone markings

- Projections or processes- grow out from the bone surface
- Depression or cavities- indentations
Microscopic Anatomy of Bone
● Osteon (Haversian System)
- A unit of bone containing central canal and matrix rings

● Central (Haversian) canal

- Opening in the center of an osteon
- Carries blood vessels and nerves

● Perforating (Volkmann’s) canal

- Canal perpendicular to the central canal
- Carries blood vessels and nerves

● Lacunae
- Cavities containing bone cells (osteocytes)
- Arranged in concentric rings

● Lamellae
- Rings around the central canal
- Sites of lacunae

● Canaliculi
- Tiny canals
- Radiate from the central canal to lacunae
- Form a transport system connecting all bone cells to a nutrient supply

Types of Bones Cells

● Osteocytes- mature bone cells
● Osteoblasts- bone-forming cells
● Osteoclasts- bone-destroying cells
- Break down bone matrix for remodeling and release of calcium in
response to parathyroid hormone

Bone remodeling is performed by both osteoblasts and osteoclasts


Fracture- break in a bone

Types of bone fractures

● Closed (simple) fracture- break that does not penetrate the skin
● Open (compound) fracture- broken bone penetrates through the skin

Bone fractures are treated by reduction and immobilization

Repair of Bone Fractures

- Hematoma (blood-filled swelling) is formed
- Break is splinted by fibrocartilage to form a callus
- Fibrocartilage callus is replaced by a bony callus
- Bony callus is remodeled to form a permanent patch

Stages in Healing of a Bone Fracture

- Hematoma Formation
- Fibrocartilage callus formation
- Bony callus formation
- Bone remodeling

2 Divisions of Skeletal System

Axial Skeleton
- supports and protects organs of head, neck and trunk
- forms the longitudinal axis of the body
*skull (cranium and facial bones)
*vertebral column (vertebrae and disks)
*bony thorax (ribs and sternum)

Appendicular Skeleton
- includes bones of limbs and bones that anchor them to the axial skeleton
*pectoral girdle (clavicle and scapula)
*upper limbs (arms)
*pelvic girdle (sacrum, coccyx)
*lower limbs (legs)

22 bones in skull 4 in pectoral girdle

6 in middle ears 60 in upper limbs
1 hyoid bone 60 in lower limbs
26 vertebral column 2 in pelvic girdle
25 in thoracic cage = 206 bones in all


Two sets of bones

*Facial bones

Bones are joined by sutures only the mandible is attached by a freely movable joints

The Fetal Skull

- The fetal skull is large compared to the infant’s total body length
- Fontanels- fibrous membranes connecting the crania bones
- Allow the brain to grow
- Convert to bone within 24 months after birth

The Hyoid Bone

- The only bone that does not articulate with another bone
- Serves as a moveable base for the tongue
- Aids in swallowing and speech

Axial Skeleton

The Vertebral Column

Cervical Vertebrae (7)
Thoracic Vertebrae (12)
Lumbar Vertebrae (5)

The Vertebral Column

- Nine vertebrae fuse to form two composite bones
- Sacrum
- Coccyx
- Each vertebrae is given a name according to its location
- There are 24 single vertebral bones separated by intervertebral discs
- Seven cervical vertebrae are in the neck
- Twelve thoracic vertebrae are in the chest region
- Five lumbar vertebrae are associated with the lower back
- The spine has a normal curvature
- Primary curvatures are the spinal curvatures of the thoracic and sacral
- Present from birth
- Secondary curvatures are the spinal curvatures of the cervical and lumbar
- Develop after birth


- Formed from the fusion of three to five vertebrae
- “Tailbone”, or remnant of a tail that other vertebrates have


- Forms a cage to protect major organs
- Consists of three parts
- Sternum
- Ribs
- True ribs (pairs 1-7)
- False ribs (pairs 8-7)
- Floating ribs (pairs 11-12)
- Thoracic vertebrae

Bones of the Pelvic Girdle

- Formed by two coxal bones
- Composed of three pairs of fused bones
● Ilium
● Ischium
● Pubis
Bones of the Pelvic Girdle
- The total weight of the upper body rests on the pelvis
- It protects several organs
- Reproductive organs
- Urinary bladder
- Part of the large intestine

The female ilia flare more laterally

The female sacrum is shorter and less curved
The female ischial spines are shorter and farther apart; thus the outlet is larger
The female pubic arch is more rounded because the angle of the pubic arch is

Bones of the Lower Limbs

The thigh has one bone
● Femur
- The heaviest, strongest bone in the body
The lower leg has two bones
● Tibia
- Shinbone
- Larger and medially oriented

● Fibula
- Thin and sticklike

The foot
● Tarsals
- Two largest tarsals
- Calcaneus (heelbone)
- Talus
● Metatarsals- sole
● Phalanges- toes

- Articulations of bones
- Functions of joins
- Hold bones together
- Allow for mobility
- Ways joints are classified
- Functionally
- Structurally

Functional Classification of Joints

- Immovable joints
- Slightly moveable joints
- Freely moveable joints

Arches of the Foot

- Bones of the foot are arranged to form three strong arches
● Two longitudinal
● One transverse

Fibrous Joints
- Bones united by fibrous tissue
● Sutures
● Syndesmoses
- Allows more movement than sutures
Example: Distal end of tibia and fibula

Cartilaginous Joints
Bones connected by cartilage
Pubic symphysis
Intervertebral joints

Structural Classification of Joints

- Fibrous joints
- Generally immovable
- Cartilaginous joints
- Immovable or slightly moveable
- Synovial joints
- Freely moveable

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