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Group’s members: GROUP 8

1. Trương Lê Thảo Uyên

2. Đỗ Thị Phương Thảo
3. Từ Ngọc Mỹ Dung
4. Ka Sả Ha Phát

Work in your group. You are an English teacher in an intermediate class of 42 students and you want
your students to work in groups of 5 to do a role play (using passive structures). Write your
instructions for the activities in the second column.

ROLE PLAY (for your students)

Work in groups of 5. You are in a market and one of you has just had money stolen from your pocket.
Discuss the story and write your role play (trying to use passive structures). The roles include the
person robbed, a witness, the person accused, a policeperson or market security guard, a friend of the
person accused. Then act out your story.

Activities Instructions
Group students Okay, class. Listen to me, please. Now we have 42 students, so we will count
numbers from 1 to 5, and the last 2 will be members number 6 of groups 1 & 2.
Please remember your number. After counting, 6 groups will have 5 members and 2
groups will have 6 students in each group. Now, find the person who has the same
number as you, and then all of you will be in a group. It means your group's name
will be your count number. Do you understand? Great! Let's start.

Explain the task Okay, class. Now, I will provide you with a situation to analyze. Please take a look
at the screen and tell me what the situation is about. Excellent! And how many
people are involved? Phuc, please share your answer. Five people? Great job! Can
anyone name these people? Lan Anh? That's correct. Now, where are they located,
class? Fantastic, they are in the market.

Let's imagine that you are in a market, and one of you has just had money stolen
from your pocket. This scenario requires five roles, including the person who was
robbed, a witness, the accused person, a police officer or market security guard, and
a friend of the accused person. Each group must discuss and write their role-play,
making an effort to utilize passive structures as much as possible. To make this
exercise easier, I will assign roles to each member in every group.

Does everyone understand the instructions? Okay, good.

Assign the roles Alright class, now that we have formed our groups, let's move on to assigning roles
for each member for our role play activity. I will assign each of you to your respective roles.
in every group
Do you still remember the numbers from earlier? Great! We will now use those
numbers to assign roles for each member in your group. Number one will be the
person being robbed, number two will be the witness, number three will be the
accused, number four will be the policeman or market guard, and number five will
be the friend of the accused. If your group has six members, the sixth member will
be a market security guard.

Provide help Class, if you have any problem, please raise your hand and ask me. I’ll help you.
when students Lai, do you need help? No, you have to create more like use your body, don't talk "
are working Yes yes" .Talk more, please. Yeah, that's right, keep going. Phuong, you are going
in the right way. Very good.

Give students Okay, class. Now that we have assigned roles for our role play activity, let's take
some time to some time to practice our performances in class. You can work together with your
practice the role group members to rehearse your roles and make any necessary adjustments. I will
play be available to answer any questions you may have, and to offer feedback and
guidance as needed. Remember to support and encourage each other as you practice
your roles. Use this time wisely and have fun with it! You will have 30 minutes to

Ask 1-2 groups Okay. Time’s up. Have you done class? First, I need some volunteers to come here
to perform in and perform your role play for the whole class. Yes, Thanh and Uyen, please. Very
front of the good, come here and don't be shy.

Ask other Now everyone, can you listen and watch them? You have listened to and watched
students watch them. I need you to give your own comments about their performance after they
and give finish. Okay? Stop talking, please pay attention.

Get comments Alright, thank you, Thanh and Uyen. You can come back to your seat. Class, are
from the you ready to give your comments? Raise your hands if you have any comments.
students and Good Linh, please, what do you think about them? Great, by the way, what was not
give your own good? Quite good. Anything else? Yeah, well done. Another person please, yes
comments. Hung, that's all? Okay brilliant. thank you, everyone. In my opinion, I think they're
very good at body language and so confident when speaking, moreover use the
word quite well. However, you need to practice more to improve your weaknesses
like don't "um uh.." too much and keeping up with what you're good at. Thanks a

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