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xli In Defense of the Faith

Chaps. 12 PK Ibidem, Papadopoulos-Kerameu», eds., Άνάλεκτα ίερο-

σολυμητικής σταχυολογίας 1 (1891) 454-60.
Epikr. Έπίκρισις, ήτοι διασάφησις τών ούκ εύαγώς έκληφθει-
σών κατά των Ιερών εΙκόνων χρήσεων, γενομένη παρά
των ηροεστώτων τοΰ όρθοϋ τής έκκλησίας δόγματος,
SS 1.302-35.
Histor. syntomos Ιστορία σύντομος άπό τής Μαυρίκιου Βασιλείας, ΝΟΗ
Letter Letter to Pope Leo III, PG 100.169-200.
Logos Λόγος υπέρ τής άμωμήτου καί καθαρός καί ειλικρινούς
ήμών των Χριστιανών πίστεως καί κατά τών δοξα-
ζόντων είδώλοις προσκεκυνηκέναι, PG 100.533-831.
Prol. Κατά τών ασεβώς τετολμηκότων εϊδωλον όνομάσαι τό
θειον όμοίωμα, καί ότι δει έπεσθαι ταϊς πατρικαίς παρα-
δόσεσιν, έτι δε και τι έστι γραπτόν και περιγραπτόν, και
πώς νοητέον τό ου ποιήσεις παν όμοίωμα, Ανασκευή τε
τών δησσεβώς είσληφθεισών πατρικών ρήσεων παρά
τών τής έκκλησίας εχθρών, SS 233-91; an alternative ti­
tle is given under MS Coislinianus 93 and MS Parisinus
Graecus 1250: Πρόλογος και ανατροπή τών δΓέναντίας


Alexander, Paul J. Alexander, “The Iconoclastic Council of St. So­
“Council” phia (815) and its Definition (Horos),” DOP 7 (1953)
Alexander, —_______ The Patriarch Nicephorus of Constantinople:
Nikephoros Ecclesiastical Policy and Image Worship in the Byzantine
Empire (Oxford, 1958).
Anastos, “Ethical Milton V. Anastos, “The Ethical Theory of Images For­
Theory” mulated by the Iconoclasts in 754 and 815,” DOP 8 (1954)
Anastos, - ------------- “The Argument for Iconoclasm as Presented
Argument” by the Iconoclastic Council of 754,” Late Classical and
Medieval Studies in Honor of A. M. Friend, Jr., ed.
Weitzmann and Kurt (Princeton, 1955) 177-88.
Anastos, __________ “Iconoclasm and Imperial Rule 717-842,”
“Iconoclasm” CMH 4.1.61-104.

Androutsos, Christos Androutsos, Δογματική τής "Ορθοδόξου "Ανα­

Dogmatike τολικής έκκλησίας (Athens, 1907).
Selected Bibliography xiii

Beck, “Church” Hans-Oeorg Beck, “The Greek Church in the Epoch of

Iconoclasm,” Handbook of Church History, eds. Hubert
Jedin and John Dolan, 12 vols. (New York, 1965—), vol.
3: ТЛе Church in the Age of Feudalism, ed. Friedrich
Kempf et al., trans. Anselm Biggs, pp. 26-53.
Blake, “Note” Robert P. Blake, “Note sur 1’activite litteraire de
Nicephore Ier Patriarche de Constantinople,” Byzantion.
Revue Internationale des Etudes Byzantines 14 (1939)
Bonis, Eisagoge Konstantinos G. Bonis, ΕΙσαγωγή είς την Ελληνικήν
Χριστιανικήν γραμματείαν μέχρι του θ. αϊώνος: Κατα
τάς παραδόσεις τοϋ τακτικού καθηγητοΰ τής Θεολογι-
κής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών Κωνστ. Γ.
Μπόνη (Athens, 1968).
BZ Byzantinische Zeitschrift (1892—).
CMH J. В. Bury, gen. ed., The Cambridge Medieval History, 5
vols., 2d ed. (Cambridge, 1957-67), vol. 4: The Byzantine
Empire, pt. 1: “Byzantium and Its Neighbours”; pt. 2:
“Government, Church and Civilization,” edited by J. M.
Hussey, D. M. Nicol, and G. Cowan.
Constantelos, Demetrios J. Constantelos, Byzantine Philanthropy and
Philanthropy Social Welfare, Rutgers Byzantine Series (New Bruns­
wick, N.J., 1968).
Crafer, Apokritikos T. W. Crafer, trans. The Apocriticus of Macarius Magnes
in Translations of Christian Literature, ser. 1: Greek
texts, gen. eds. W. J. Sparrow Simpson and W. K.
Lowther Clarke (London, 1919).
de Boor, NOH Carolus de Boor ed., Nicephori Archiepiscopi Constanti-
nopolitani Opuscula Historica, accedit Ignatii Diaconi
Vita Nicephori, Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et
Romanorum (Leipzig, 1880).
DOP Dumbarton Oaks Papers (Cambridge, Mass., 1941—).

FC Roy Defarrari, gen. ed., The Fathers of the Church: A

New Translation, 67 vols. (New York, 1947-74).
Florovsky, ‘Origin” Georges Florovsky, “Origen, Eusebius, and the Icono­
clastic Controversy,” Church History 19 (1950) 77-96.
Florovsky, Review __________ Review of The Patriarch Nicephorus of Con-
stantinople: Ecclesiastical Policy and Image Worship in
the Byzantine Empire, by Paul J. Alexander Church
History 28 (1959) 205.
Florovsky, _ "The Function of Tradition in the Ancient
“Function” Church,” GOTR 9 (1963); repr., Bible, pp. 74-85.
Florovsky, Bible _________ Bible, Church, Tradition: An Eastern Or­
thodox View, 1 (Belmont, Mass., 1972).

Gero, Leo III Stephen Gero, Byzantine Iconoclasm During the Reign of
Leo III: With particular attention to the oriental sources,
Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, vol. 346;
subsidia 41 (Louvain, 1973).

Gero, “Notes” _________ “Notes on Byzantine Iconoclasm in the

Eighth Century,” Byzantion 44 (1974) 23-42.

Gero, “Doctrine” _________ “The Eucharistic Doctrine of the Byzantine

Iconoclasts and its Sources,” BZ 68 (March 1975) 4-22.

Gero, _________ Byzantine Iconoclasm During the Reign of

Constantine V Constantine V: With particular attention to the oriental
sources, Corpus Scriptorum Christiana Analecta, vol.
384; subsidia 52 (Louvain, 1977).

Giannopoulos, “Di- B. N. Giannopoulos, «Ή περί άγγέλων διδασκαλία τοϋ

daskalia” πατριάρχου καί όμολογητοϋ Νικηφόρου A. (ț829),»
Theologia 44 (1973) 312-38.
GOTR The Greek Orthodox Theological Review (Brookline,
Mass., 1954-).
Grumel, “Douze V. Grumel, “Les ‘Douze Chapitres contre les Icono-
Chapitres” maques’ de Saint Nicephore de Constantinople,” Revue
des Etudes Byzantines 17 (1959) 127-35.
Hardy, Christology Edward Rochie Hardy and Cyril C. Richardson, eds.,
Christology of the Later Fathers, vol. 3 in LCC (Phil­
adelphia, 1954).
Hennephof, Textus Herman Hennephof, ed., Textus Byzantinos ad Iconoma-
chiam Pertinentes, in usum academicum, Byzantina
Neerlandica, ser. A: Textus, fasc. 1 (Leiden, 1969).
Ignatios, Life Ignatios Diakonos, Βίος του έν άγίοις πατρός ήμών Νι­
κηφόρου, άρχιεπισκόπου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως και
νέας ’Ρώμης in de Boor, NOH 139-217.

Jaeger, Theology Werner Jaeger, The Theology of the Early Greek Philos­
ophers: The Gifford Lectures 1936, trans. Edward S.
Robinson (1947; Oxford paperbacks, London, 1967).

Jenkins, “Social R. J. H. Jenkins, “Social Life in the Byzantine Empire,”

Life* in CMH 4.2.78-103.

John Damascene, John Damascene, 'Έκδοσις άκριβής της όρθοδόξου

Ekd. pisteos πίστεως, PG 94.789-1228.
Selected Bibliography XV

Karmiris, Synopsis John Karmiris, Σύνοψις τής δογματικής διδασκαλίας

τής 'Ορθοδόξου Καθολικής Εκκλησίας (Athens, 1960);
trans, by George Dimopoulos (Scranton, Pa., 1973).

Karmiris, Ekklesia _ Ή nep) 'Εκκλησίας 'Ορθόδοξος δογματική

διδασκαλία (Athens, 1964; repr. in THE, 1964 ed. s.v.
Karmiris, Mnemeia __________ Τά δογματικά каі συμβολικά μνημεία τής
'Ορθοδόξου Καθολικής 'Εκκλησίας (Dogmatica et Sym-
bolica Monumenta Orthodoxae Catholicae Ecclesiae), 2
vols., 2d ed. rev. and enl., vol. 1 (Athens, 1960), vol. 2
(Graz, 1968).
Kitzinger, “Cult” Ernst Kitzinger, “The Cult of Images in the Age Before
Iconoclasm,” DOP 8 (1954) 83-150.

Koch, Lukas P. Koch, “Zur Theologie der Christusikone,”

“Christusikone” Benediktinische Monatschrift: Zur Pflege Religiosen
und Geistigen Lebens 19 (1937) 375-87; 20 (1938)

Ladner, “Image” Gerhart B. Ladner, “The Concept of the Image in the

Greek Fathers and the Byzantine Iconoclastic Controver­
sy,” DOP 7 (1953) 1-34.

LCC John Baillie; John T. McNeill; Henry P. Van Dusen, gen.

eds., The Library of Christian Classics, 26 vols. (Philadel­
phia, 1953-66).

LCL Loeb Classical Library, vols. 1— (Cambridge, Mass.,


Mai, SR A. Mai, Spicilegium Romanum, vol. 10: Synodus

Cpolitana, Constantius Diaconus, Severus Ant., Leon­
tius, Nicephorus Pair., Nicolaus I. Pair., Photius ad
Armenius, et Minora Alia. Poggii Epistolarum Centuria
et Oratio (Rome, 1844).

Martin, Edward James Martin, A History of the Iconoclastic

Controversy Controversy (London [1930]).

MEE Μεγάλη Ελληνική Εγκυκλοπαίδεια, 24 vols., 4 vols.

supps., 2d ed. (Athens, 1926-57).

Meyendorff, John Meyendorff, Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends

Theology and Doctrinal Themes (New York, 1974).
Meyendorff, Christ __________ Christ in Eastern Christian Thought, 2d ed.
(New York, 1975).
Mikron Eucholo- Μικρόν Εύχολόγιον ή Άγιασματάριον (Athens, 1956).
Nissiotis, Nikos A. Nissiotis, “The Importance of the Doctrine of
“Doctrine” the Trinity for Church Life and Theology,” in Orthodox
Ethos, pp. 32-69.

NPNF Philip Schaff and Henry Wace eds., A Select Library of

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church,
2d sen, 14 vols. (New York, 1890-1900).

O’Connell, Patrick O’Connell, ТЛе Ecclesiology of St. Nicephoros I

Ecclesiology (758-828) Patriarch of Constantinople: Pentarchy and
Primacy, Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 194 (Rome,
Orthodox Ethos Angelo J. Philippou, ed., The Orthodox Ethos: Essays in
honour of the centenary of the Greek Orthodox Arch­
diocese of North and South America, Studies in Or­
thodoxy, vol. 1 (Oxford, 1964).
OS Ostkirchliche Studien (1952—).
Ostrogorsky, “Epis­ George Ostrogorsky, “GnoseologiSeskija osnovy vizantij-
temological skago spora о sv. ikonad” [The epistemological founda­
Foundations” tions of the Byzantine controversy on the holy images],
Seminarium Kondakovianum 2 (1928) 47-52.
Ostrogorsky, _________ Studien zur Geschichte des byzantinischen
Studien Bilderstreites, Historische Untersuchungen, pt. 5 (Bres­
lau, 1929; repr., Amsterdam, 1964).
Ostrogorsky, _________ History of the Byzantine State, trans. Joan
History Hussey with a forward by Peter Charanis, Rutgers Byzan­
tine Series, new rev. ed. (New Brunswick, N.J., 1969).
Oulton, Eusebios J. E. L. Oulton, trans., Eusebius, The Ecclesiastical
History, 2 vols., LCC (London, 1932; repr., Cambridge,
Mass., 1964-65).
Ouspensky, Leonide Ouspensky, Theology of the Icon, trans. Eliza­
Theology beth Meyendorff (Crestwood, N.Y., 1978).
Ouspensky-Lossky, Leonid Ouspensky and Vladimir Lossky, The Meaning of
Icons Icons, trans. G. E. H. Palmer and E. Kadloubovsky, for­
ward by Titus Burckhardt (Boston, 1952).
G. Papadopoulos, Georgios I. Papadopoulos, ΣυμβολαΙ είς την ιστορίαν
Symbolal τής παρημΐν Εκκλησιαστικής μουσικής: Kal oi άπό των
άποστολικών χρόνων άχρι των ήμερων ήμών άκμάσαν-
τες Επιφανέστεροι μελφδοί, υμνογράφοι, μουσικοί καί
μουσικολόγοι (Athens, 1890).

N. Papadopoulos, Nikolaos Ρ. Papadopoulos, ed., Ή Θεία Λειτουργία:

Leitourgia Περιέχουσα τόν Εσπερινόν, τόν δρθοον. τόν ποοσκομι-
oeieciea oiouograpny xvjj

Βασιλείου τού Μεγάλου καί των προηγιασμένων, ώς καϊ

πολλά άλλα χρήσιμα είς τούς Ιερείς καί διακόνους, new
ed. G. Kariophilli (Athens, n.d.).
Papers and John S. Romanides, Paul Verghese, and Nick A. Nissio-
Minutes tis, eds., Unofficial Consultation between Theologians of
Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Churches (August 11-15,
1964): Papers and Minutes in GOTR 10 (Winter,
Pedalion Πηδάλιον τής νοητής νηάς τής μιας άγιας καθολικής και
άποστολικής των Ορθοδόξων έκκλησίας: 'Ήτοι άπαν-
τες oi Ιεροί και θείοι κανόνες των άγιων πανευφήμων
Αποστόλων των άγιων οικουμενικών τε και τοπικών συ­
νόδων και των κατά μέρος θείων πατέρων, κτλ., ed.
Agapios Hieromonk and Nicodemos the Monk, 3d ed. of
Sergius H. Raftanis (Zante, 1864; 7th repr., Athens,
Percival, Councils Henry R. Percival, ed., The Seven Ecumenical Councils
of the Undivided Church: Their canons and dogmatic
decrees, together with the canons of all the local synods
which have received ecumenical acceptance, vol. 14 in
NPNF (1899; repr., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1977).
PG J. P. Migne, ed., Patrologia cursus completus, ser.
graeca, 161 vols. (Paris, 1857-66).
Philippou, Angelo Philippou, “The Mystery of Pentecost,” in Ortho­
“Mystery” dox Ethos, pp. 70-97.
Pitra, SS J. B. Pitra, ed., Spicilegium Solesmense complectens
Sanctorum Patrum Scriptorumque Ecclesiasticorum
Anecdota hactenus Opera, etc. 4 vols. (Paris, 1852-58).
Romanides, “Cyril” John S. Romanides, “St. Cyril’s One Physis or Hypos­
tasis of God the Logos Incarnate’ and Chalcedon,” Papers
and Minutes, pp. 82-102.
Schmemann, Alexander Schmemann, “Byzantium, Iconoclasm and the
“Byzantium” Monks,” SVSQ 3 (Fall, 1959) 18-34.
Schdnborn, LTcdne Christoph von Schonborn, LTcdne du Christ: Fonde-
ments thâologiques ălabores entres le Ier et le Iler Concile
de NicAe (325-787) (Fribourg, 1976).
Sideris, “Position” Theodore Sideris, “The Theological Position of the
Iconophiles during the Iconoclastic Controversy,” SVSQ
17 (1973) 210-26.
Siotis, Markos A. Siotis, «Θεία Ευχαριστία: Αί περί τής θείας
“Eucharistia” εύχαριστίας πληροφορίαι τής Καινής Διαθήκης ύπό τό
xviii In Defense of the h'alth

<ρώς τής έκκλησιαστικής έρμηνείας,» 'Επιστήμη, tl

ΈηετηρΙς τής Θεολογικής Σχολής Άριστοτέλειον Ц,,'
επιστήμιον Θεσσαλονίκης 2 (1957) 153-223.
Stephanîdes, Basileios Κ. Stephanîdes, Εκκλησιαστική Ιστορία: Ar
Historic άρχής μέχρι σήμερον, 2d ed., rev. and enl. (Athene,
SVSQ Sr. Vladimir's Seminary Quarterly (Crestwood, N.Y.,
Synaxarion Συναξάριον τής Εκκλησίας Κωνσταντινουπόλεως in
Propylaeum ad AA. SS. Novembris, ed. H. Delehaye
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THE Θρησκευτική καί 'Ηθική 'Εγκυκλοπαίδεια, 12 vols.
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Theodorou, Andreas Theodorou, Ή Θεολογία του 'Ιουστίνου, φιλο­
Theologia σόφου και μάρτυρος, και αί σχέσεις αυτής προς την
έλληνικήν φιλοσοφίαν (Athens, 1960).
Travis, John Travis, “The Role of Patriarch Nicephorus (A.D.
“Nikephoros” 758-828), Archbishop of Constantinople, in the Icon­
oclastic Controversy,” (Th.D. dissertation, The Iliff
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Travis, “Art ---------- ----“The Art Object: An Image in Plato’s Philos-
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Visser, Nikephoros A. J. Visser, Nikephoros und der Bilderstreit: Eine Unter-
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