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The main purpose of the Introduction of ESG Training is to provide basic knowledge and
understanding of the fundamentals of ESG and why implementing the ESG agenda is
important to company. Participants have to be across the board of all departments and
employment categories.
Introduction of ESG Training will be touching on relevant policies, masterplans, standards and
guidelines. Other than that, it will give an overview of the cycle of ESG and vital matters
regarding the process.


Day 1 – 6th June 2023 (Group 1)

Time Activity
0830 – 0900hrs Breakfast and registration
0900 – 1030hrs SM1 – Sustainability and Climate Change
SM2 - ESG Agenda
1030 – 1100hrs Morning break
1100 – 1330hrs SM3 - ESG Framework Development
SM4 - Benefits from Sustainable Rail

Day 2 – 7th June 2023 (Group 2)

Time Activity
0830 – 0900hrs Breakfast and registration
0900 – 1030hrs SM1 – Sustainability and Climate Change
SM2 - ESG Agenda
1030 – 1100hrs Morning break
1100 – 1330hrs SM3 - ESG Framework Development
SM4 - Benefits from Sustainable Rail

*SM – Sub Module

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