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Inequality is a statement that expresses the inequality of two algebraic expressions. It is formed by two
unequal quantities separated by an inequality symbol. A rational inequality is an inequality with one or
more rational expressions on either or both sides of the inequality. The table below shows the different
inequality symbols and how it is called.

Inequality Symbol How it is called

< Less Than
> Greater Than
≥ Greater than or equal to
≤ Less than or equal to
Table 4: Inequality Symbols

General Form of a Rational Inequality:


𝑝(𝑥)𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟(𝑥) are both polynomials, such that 𝑟(𝑥) ≠ 0

> can also be >, <, ≥, ≤

Equation #1: General Form of Inequality

The table below shows the examples of rational inequalities.

Examples of Rational Inequalities:

4x 3 5x 2 2x
> − 5x > − 2x
15 5 6−x 5
x 2 − 2x 3x+4
< 5x x+1
Table 5: Examples of Rational Inequalities
The next discussion will be about solving rational inequalities. You are provided with the steps on how to
solve rational inequalities, however, you are not limited to following these steps. You are free to follow
other steps considering the correct answer.

Steps in Solving Rational Inequalities

1. Put the equality in general form as denoted in Equation #1.
2. Set numerator and denominator equal to zero and solve.
3. Plot the critical values or the values which will define the regions on the number line.
4. Take any test number within each interval and plug it into the original inequality, to test if the
solution can be found on that region where you took the test number.
5. After finding the region where the solution can be found, graph its solution and express the
solution in inequality form.

1. Given: 𝐱−𝟏
Step 1: Put the equality in general form.
𝟐𝐱 + 𝟒 Put the inequality in general form. Transpose
𝐱−𝟏 +1 on the left side of the inequality. This
must be your resulting inequality.
2x+4 x−1 Find the LCD to perform the indicate
− ≤0
x−1 x−1
operation. In this case, the LCD is 𝑥 − 1
x+5 This is the general form of the inequality.
Step 2: Set numerator and denominator equal to zero and solve.

𝐱+𝟓=𝟎 𝐱−𝟏=𝟎
𝐱 = −𝟓 𝐱=𝟏

In this case, the critical values are −5 and − 1. These values will define the regions in the number line.

Step 3: Plot the critical values on a number line, breaking the number line into intervals.

Figure 1: The number line with regions defined by the critical values

Step 4: Take any test number from each interval and plug it into the original inequality.


Figure 2: The number line with three regions where the test numbers will be taken

For the first region, let us take a test number 𝑥 = −10. Test if the number will satisfy the given
inequality. If the number satisfies the inequality, that region where the test number is taken, is a
solution to the inequality.
2x+4 This is the original inequality, where you will plug
the test number.
2(−10)+4 Substitute the test number and simplify.
16 This is the resulting inequality. As you can see, the
test number did not satisfy the inequality, since 11 is
not less than or equal to 1. If a test number does
not satisfy the original inequality, the region where
the test number is taken is not a solution to the

For the second region, let us take a test number 𝑥 = 0. Test if the number will satisfy the given
inequality. If the number satisfies the inequality, that region where the test number is taken, is a
solution to the inequality.
2x+4 This is the original inequality, where you will plug
the test number.
2(0)+4 Substitute the test number and simplify.
−4 ≤ 1 This is the resulting inequality. As you can see, the
test number satisfies the inequality, since −4 is less
than or equal to 1. If a test number satisfies the
original inequality, the region where the test
number is taken is a solution to the inequality.

For the third region, let us take a test number 𝑥 = 10. Test if the number will satisfy the given
inequality. If the number satisfies the inequality, that region where the test number is taken, is a
solution to the inequality.
2x+4 This is the original inequality, where you will
plug the test number.
2(10)+4 Substitute the test number and simplify.
8 This is the resulting inequality. As you can see,
the test number did not satisfy the inequality,
since 3 is not less than or equal to 1. If a test
number does not satisfy the original inequality,
the region where the test number is taken is not
a solution to the inequality.

Since the solution can be found on the second region, draw a line on the second interval. To know if the
circles on the graph is shaded or unshaded, plug – 𝟓 and 𝟏 on the original inequality. If the numbers
satisfy the inequality, the circle should be shaded, if not make it unshaded.

Critical Value −𝟓
2x+4 This is the original inequality, where you will plug the
critical value −5.
2(−5)+4 Substitute the test number and simplify.
1≤1 This is the resulting inequality. As you can see, the
critical value satisfies the inequality, since 1 is less
than or equal to 1. If the critical value satisfies the
inequality, the circle should be shaded.
Critical Value 𝟏
2x+4 This is the original inequality, where you will plug
the critical value 1.
2(1)+4 Substitute the test number and simplify.
6 This is the resulting inequality. As you can see, the
critical value does not satisfy the inequality, since
is undefined. If the critical value does not satisfy the
inequality, the circle should be unshaded.
This is the graphical solution to the inequality ≤ 1:

⋅ ∘
Figure 3: Solution to the inequality x−1

To come up with the inequality form of the solution, consider the values on the second region. As you
can see, the solution should be the numbers greater than or equal to – 5 but less 1. In symbols, −5 ≤

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