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ho-ther to onterul thc ( on\titution t)/ tht l:ldnic Rapublic of I'akistun
\\'HEREAS. ir is e\pcdicnt further to nurcnd thc Constitution of the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan fbr the pLtrposes hcreinalier appcaring:-

lt is hcrcbv enactcd as lollo\\s:-

l. Short title and commcncemcnt.-( I ) lhis Act shall be cailed the Conslitution
(Anlcndn)or)t) Acl. 2022.

(2) It shall come into force at once

2. Amcndmcnt of Article 5l oI the Constitution.- In the Constitution of the lslamic

Rcpublic oi Pakistan. hereinafter referred to as rhe Constitulion, in Article 51,

(il in clause (l). for the !1ords "rhirl!'six . thc uords, 'lhirty-eight". shall bc
(ii) in clausc (,+), alier the words, non-lvluslims". the words, 'and two seats reserved
,br overseas PakistaLnis". shall bc addedt and
( iii) in clause (6),
(a) in paragraph (c.), allcr the uords rcscrved lbr Non-Muslims" the words. "and
overseas Pakisnnis" shall bc ilrscrted; and
(b) in paragraph (e), after thc words "rcservccl lirr Non-Muslims" the words, "itnd
overseas Pakistanis" shall bc inscrtcd.

-1. Amcndment in Article 59 of the Constitution.- ln thc (lonstitution. jn Article 59,

(i) in clause ( 1),

1a) in the riding clause, lor the rords "ninely six". the \\'ords "ninety-eighl ' shall
bc substituted: and
(b) atir'r paragraph (1). the lbllowing nc* paragraph (g) shall be added. namel):-

'1_q1 lvo shall bc clccted I'rom o\crseas Pakisianis b! the \ational

Assernbl;; '

( ii) in clause (3), ailer paragraph (l), thc li)llolr'ing new paraglaph (g) shall be added.

"(g) oI the mernhcrs rclcrrcd 1o in paragraph (g) ofthc aloresaid clausc.

one shail relire aftcr thc cxpiration of tllst threc ycars and one shall
rctirc aftcr thc cxpiralion ol ncxl thrcc ycars:

Provided that the ElcctioD Commission for the first lerm of

seats for overs€as Pakistanis shall draw a lot as to which one
memb€r shall retile after {ilst thee years."
3. Amendment in A rticle 106 of the Constitution.- In the Consr irlltior. m Afticle 106.

(i) irr clausc ( ).

(r,) aft,.r lhe words, "and seats reseneL.l lor". the expression, ovcrsoas
Pal,.istanis, ' shall bo inscrlcd; and

(h) for thc tablc thc lollo\a inp shall bc suhstitutcd:-

G€neral Non- I otal

sexts Muslims l'akistanis
Ra rchistan 51 11 I 66
Kh,rber l15 26 1 I 146
Pufiab 291 66 lJ \.i2
Sin,lh 1:0 29 I I69

(ii) in clause (3),

(a) in pangraph (b), after the wolds, "seats rcserved for", the expression.
"overseas Pakistanis," shall be inserted; and
(b) in paragraph (c), after the words, "seats reserved for", the expression,
"overseas Pakistanis," shall be inserted.


Ker)ping rn !ie$' lhe impo ance of overseas Pakistanis and to give thern

oppoftunit'r' to ser',e and represent them in the Natiooal Assembly, Senatc and Prorincial
Assernblier, this Bill has been proposed. Ior that puipose, two seats in the National
Assernbly, two se.rts in the Senate and one seat in each Provincial Assembly havc bcco
resen,ed. Ihe whole Pakistan will be single constituency lbr seats reserved iD the
National hsscmbly as wcll as each Pro,,ince will bc singlc constituency lor the seal
reservcd frrr each Provincc. f)n the seats rescrlcd for ovcrscas Pakistanis in lhe Scnato.
the meml:ers will be elected by fie National Assembll.

The Bill seeks to achieve the above objectives.



Mcmbcr. National Assembly.
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