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 To allow us to be able to track our growers from registration to selling

 To be able to fully account for inputs stocks in the company
 To fully account for debt per grower/FO/FS/RM/Chairperson and ensure the system
is capable of producing 100% recovery of all delivered crop and account for
outstanding debt accurately
 To be able to ascertain an accurate volume forecast basing on assessments done and
uploaded into the GMS system per grower.
 To be able to validate GMS stop orders against TIMB stop orders and tag any
anomalies way in time.
 To accurately compute volume and recovery incentive and allow payments to be
done within the required timeframe
 To flag daily cases where sales happen and corresponding recovery fails and flag over
recovery to assist in processing refunds.
 Capture daily sales and be able to offer daily sales analysis reports.
 Re - compute commission income from sales system per grower
 Provide TIMB interfaces which ensure that we have TIMB accurate information in
our internal systems.
 Provide a comprehensive audit trail.
Processes involved
Inputs Processes
1. Capture/upload from TIMB all registered growers into the GMS by
2. Vetting of growers as per given checklist (Debt, Documentation) and necessary
3. Recommend/Approve/Authorise disbursement list and standby lists
4. Buy inventory into warehouse and then despatch to OM/FS/FO as per approved
disbursement/allocated lists.
5. Process all inventory documentation for despatch and receipts and balance off at
each level.
6. Approve actual disbursements done on (4) then balance off (5) to HO despatch on (4)
and any stock returns.
7. Be able to conduct periodic stocktake per warehouse (incorporate regional
8. Calculate interest on inputs scheme as prescribed.
9. Use multi-pricing model on inputs sales
10. Produce grower receipts and statements which do not show details whilst internally
we can view details.
11. Be able to process additional issues for growers.
12. Be able to do a proper hessian recon, Propak-grower and back.
13. Be able to validate stop-orders in TIMB system against our GMS system and flag any
14. Via a web connect link regional teams should be able to check, verify, agree and sign
off data appearing under their names periodically.
15. Process texts/emails as and when necessary.

1. Upload Odoo files into the GMS system as per agreed format and be able to produce
consolidated reports.
2. Do daily hessian reconciliations Floor counted vs deducted system. Hessian updated
via field web link connect vs Floor counted and give a detailed recon.
3. Upload sales from walk in grower and be able to flag them as such.
4. Upload daily recoveries as per TIMB report
5. Calculate incentive commissions as prescribed and process schedules for payment.
6. Reconcile Statutory/offtaker calculated commissions against source data and provide
a variance analysis.
7. Capture and account for cash advances, food advances etc
8. Validate and process refunds for over-deductions.
9. Capture cash /ecocash/ swipe recoveries.
10. Process texts/emails as and when necessary to a specified group

Analytical Parameters

 Be able to run reports per field structure/geographical location

 Able to custom make reports as maybe needed by different users.
 Reconcile GMS data to Pastel data or better integrate Pastel and GMS.
 Access view remotely by field team via web connect or app if funds permit.

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