Act 2019, Article 51, 106

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IAS INTR()t)U(],]) IN THlt \A' ONAL ASSI.t\r81.'!


turlher to amend the Constitution of the Islanric Relublic of Pakistan

WIILREAS it is expedienL lirrther to amend thc Constilutiorl ol the Islanric Republic ol

I'akirtrn ii,r th( pLrllo:cs h(rcinulrcr upFeJri'U:

It is hereby enacted as lblkrrvs:

1. Short titlc and commencement.- l) This Act may be callecl the Constitution
(.\mendme t) Act. :01 9.

(l) It shull conre inkr lbrcc at once.

2. Amcndmcnt of Articlcs 5l of thc Constitut'ion.- ID the Constitution of Islanlrc Republic

ol Prkislan. hereinot'tcr retlrred to as the Consritulion- in Arlrcle 51. lir clause (1.\). rhe
firllowing shall he suhstituted. ncmelvt -

"(l.\) l-he s.ats t'ol the Pro\rnce ol'Kh)ber Pa Iuuthqa. relefied to iD clause (--t)

includc t\\cl\. gencral seats. ru respect olrhe Irederally Adirrnistered Tribal

-1. Amcndmcnt of Articlcs 106 ot the ('onstitution.- ln thc Constilution. in Arlicle 106.
(l) in clause ( lA).
(i) IbIthc rvord "sjxleen ' Ihe \\ord "t$cnl) tour" shallbc subs.tilutcd:
(ii) lbr the uords ' fbur' thc urrd 'si\" shall bc substituted: and
(iii) Ihc pro\'iso shall bc omittcd
(2) (llansc (lB.)sliall be onitted


[-rnder thc Constitution ol thc Islamic Republic ol Pakrstan. the State is responsihlc to protcct the
rights ol dll citiTens and k) gi\,c them just rcflescntations in all $'alks ol life. T,, ensLl|c nli,I]Er'
rcprcsentatiorl ol thc arcos that ucre part of lcderally Administcrcd 'l'ribal r\rcas. crstrvhile
(I]1TA). it is necessarl that thc nunlbq of genercl seats sfcciticd Lrthose areas ofclection of
the \lenlhcrs ofNational Assemhll ol Pakistan rernaifs intoct. The currcnt allocation ofthcsaid
lcncrxl \elts lnndc on thc basrs of proYincral reslrlts oi the NatLorral ( erlsus-1O I 7 d id not include
lnlcrrrall) Displaced Persons (lDP's) in populalion ol the areas that \\ere previousl) par1 ol
c.sluhile 1j.\'lA. Thcr'clirlc, 1ol propcr rcprcscutation of pcoplc of thosc rrcas. this Bill is


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