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seems connected with abub (a Semitic word for ``flute''; cf.

length. Extending in longitudinal dimensions 257 ft., it is

it would occur in the isolated word; and (3) the circumflex,

into plates, weapons, rods and wire, ground and polished,

Princess Juana, Alphonso caused himself to be proclaimed

Col Rosset (Val Savaranche to the Rhemes Valley), bridle path (C) . . .9,922

friction tubes are in most favour on the continent, and

factories for ginning and pressing cotton, a tannery and boot

soil of the heavily wooded valleys and lower mountain slopes

York on the 25th of November 1783. The reasons of Great

(Paris, 1865). The far greater part of his works relate to

and the keepership is also held upon the same terms; while

modification of this view). J. S. Mill very properly rejects

and soon after taking part in the election of Maximilian as

Hollo A-Mambwe } Luba-

Journ. Photog., 1861), and Thomas Sutton (Photographic

died (1316) before the second trial was completed. He was

in his dramas the actions and sentiments of Grecian heroes.

being that he brought back into his purse, by the aid of the

a handsome defeat on Osman Digna at Kufit in September

Glaucophane . . NaAl(SiO3)2.(Fe,Mg)SiO3.

include the lofty spurs of the northern flank of the Hindu

(15) In order to attain a clear view of native Abyssinian

flexible joint. Above and below these movable coils, which

is about 300 yds. and the extent of front covered 25 yds.

Guadalhorce, and on the Cordova-Malaga railway. Pop. (1900)

with the crust which in the electric furnace surrounds the

the determination of the flash-point of petroleum, was another

bodies which allows the influence of A to be traced all the

being well known. Such are the Chuya Alps, having an average

the subject in the dictionaries of Christian and liturgical

containing in its anhydrous state 24.4% of the metal,

been empowered to sign so long as the Board consisted of six

inconvenience to the reader. In the main, however, it is

cadet school which serves as a preparatory school for the

Graeco-Buddhist period Afghanistan is remarkably deficient. Of

negligence of his servants; but it is at the rame time

Balmhorn . . . . . . . . . . . 12,176 Schwarzhorn(Grindelwald) . . . . .9,613

R\ R\ R\ /NO2

grace. The history of actions is the history of civil procedure

when dry ammonia gas is passed into an ethereal solution of

sense-perception, with the world of objects which is our common

abundant. They include oysters, crabs of great size, and a

Over 500 '' 13,809 0.6 5,219 1.3

of great activities, for Philip, by war and diplomacy, was

word (earlier akerne, and acharn) is well discussed in the

which the modern scientific groundwork of anatomy is built.

more rapidly than any other power in Europe. Much depends on

however, fresh accusations were brought against him, and he

literally dissection or cutting asunder, a term always used

after roasting (in order to oxidize any iron present), is

that it was composed of the Paracelsian elements ``earth''

feast of St James the Apostle. A mayor of Altrincham is

adjoining to this, so that the eye of the father of the whole

to another, at last subsisting entirely on the proceeds of

Cocoa and chocolate are liable to a number of fraudulent

enough details of man's structure to make the articles on

observations on the ``different natures of grounds, how

the central line of lakes and the Nile. Other travellers

not less obvious that the costliness of news service renders

garrison. Turning towards the east, Clausel organized

is in the place Malakoff, next to the governor-general's

information on naval matters obtainable at home and

the battle of Corinth (October 3-4), though on the evening

fire-works, for some descriptions of explosives, for safety

not those of another person, and this usage was adopted by the

Britain at all events would support him, he obstinately refused

his sister, and thence to the family of Clary and Aldringen.

and spent the remainder of his life at Pekin, where he died

the prospects of the colony by treaties with Menelek and

is, however, 0 for 3 and 32, but positive or negative at other

refrigeration and cold-storage has been the chief factor in

to an important extent prepared the way for the ``smokeless

Federal union which broke entirely with the Marxist general

steady spherical vortex is an example of the latter case.

of acid and local action) is a measure of the energy lost

the title Commentarios do Grande Affonso d'Alboquerque .

centuries. The castle of Bourbon l'Archambault, which

was erected in 1901 to commemorate the Russians who fell.

gives this deep impression of privacy; high, clear, brief in

i.; Apollodorus, l.c.). This story may be compared with

but in the presence of minute traces of water a red coloration

the canal is therefore thrown into folds. The fundamental

the Mithridatic war by Sulla, from whom (or from Cornelius

bank, as if they feared to challenge the mysteries of the

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