Coordination and Response 1 QP

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(i) Plot a bar graph to show the number of people who became ill and the number of

people who died from listeriosis after eating the different types of food.

(ii) The likelihood of a person dying from listeriosis depends on which food the
bacterium came from.
Use the information in the table to determine which type of food is most likely
to cause a bacterial infection that leads to death.
Show your working.

type of food ......................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


adh hypthalmus

oestrogen ovary

it would cause the concentration gradient of water to be low in the cell

as the glucose will then use osmosis to leave the cell

then it will dissolve

Its called a reflex reaction, receptor, senseory neuron, relay neuron,motor neuron, effectorm

receptor / nerve ending;

sensory neurone / sensory nerve;
impulse / message / signal;
CNS / spinal cord / grey matter;
relay neurone / relay nerve;
motor neurone ;
muscle / effector;
Large animals have a smaller surface-area : volume ratio and so the less relative area there is to
lose heat.

the thick fat is an insulator of heat, it will try to keep the heat INSIDE the body

no trapped air in the feathers

the muscle has no direct relation to the temperature in the ground. so it mostly stays warm


it will help them survive heavy temperature , therefore increasing their overall survival.

and protect them

noise or no noise range

same species of crops and mass of them.

mass eaten

time period within start to eaten


same number / species of the birds

same area.

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