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Group members :

1. Nur Amira Shafika

2. Nur Elyana Shafiqa

Deep talk Ali and Ain

Ain : Abang , I want to ask something , boleh tak ?

Ali : Yes dear . Tanyalah .

Ain : Apa perkara yang paling teruk yang abang pernah buat semasa kecil but never being punished ?

Ali : Abang rasa the worst that I have done was putting a big amount of salt in my mom’s cooking .

HAHAHAHAHA . When my father rasa the meal , my father straight away when to the kitchen and

wash his mouth quickly. Later on , he decided to bring us to the restaurant near our house . But my

mom was so confused until she taste the food . After she taste the food , without any hesitation ,

she agreed with my father punya keputusan .

Ain : HAHAHAHAHAHA , oh my god , you are so childish . I never thought abang was like this before .

Ali : Biasalah masih kanak-kanak right ?

Ain : Oh yeah , everyone buat mistakes .

Ain : Then , how do they know that it was you yang letak garam in the food ?

Ali : Actually , abang ambil masa lebih kurang one week to tell them the truth . After they find out that

I’m the one who did so , they didn’t punished me . They just laughing and just bagi advice so that I

don’t repeat the same mistake again .


Ali : How about you Ain ? Do you have any worst thing that you have done in the past ?

Ain : Abang thought Ain macam abang ke ? I’m a very nice daughter to my parents . *giggles*

Ali : Eleh , you are so perasan ye . HAHAHAHAHA .

Ain : Of course , tengoklah wife siapa ? LOL .

Ali : Wife Ali la . Siapa lagi ?

Ain : Abang , I ada important question ni . Can I ask ?

Ali : *nervous* . Kenapa today nak tanya soalan asyik ask permission dulu ? You can just ask me directly.

Ain : Saja *giggles* . Okay now be serious . My question is apa perkara yang abang rindu when you were

single ?

Ali : Hmmmm , let me think about it . HAAAAA , I think I miss being around with my friend without any

time limit . As we know , sekarang all dah kahwin and ada responsibility masing-masing , so nak be

like before sangat susah . *emotional*

Ain : It’s okay abang , Ain faham perasaan abang . Later we lepak together okay ?

Ali : Awww , so sweet . *crying*


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