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Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 25–30

28th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering

Sustainability assessment of methods to prevent progressive collapse of RC

flat slab buildings
Suyash Garga *, Vinay Agrawalb, Ravindra Nagarc
PhD Scholar, Civil Engineering Department, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India - 302017
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India - 302017
Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India - 302017

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-9799534155. E-mail address:


Previous studies have shown that RC flat slab buildings are highly vulnerable to progressive collapse because no beams could help redistribute
the loads previously carried by the lost columns. The necessary strengthening methods should, therefore, be adapted to reduce the occurrence of
progressive collapse. In this paper, the progressive collapse behaviour of five-storey R.C flat slab building is assessed by removing columns from
the first-storey and dynamic analysis is conducted in compliance with GSA guidelines (2016). The results are analyzed in terms of vertical
displacement and chord rotation at the location of removed columns and compared with the allowable limits as specified in DoD guidelines
(2009). Different sized perimeter beams are used as strengthening methods to increase the progressive collapse resistance of the studied flat slab
building. Since building strengthening uses structural elements that consume natural resources, sustainability criteria should be explicitly included
in the strengthening requirements. These performance enhancement methods are then evaluated from structural, cost and environmental aspects
and the results are examined. A strengthening alternative is then proposed which not only satisfy the progressive collapse code requirements but
also requires less cost and emits less CO2 gas.
© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 28th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering.
Keywords: Sustainability; Progressive collapse; Flat slab; Perimeter beam; Cost calculation; CO2 emission.

1. Introduction approaches currently used to assess the effectiveness of the

structure against the progressive collapse by evaluating the
Progressive collapse is a scenario in which a local failure response from the structure undergoing the instantaneous
causes a chain of events spreading across the entire structure removal of the column. The building is first designed in
and leading to a global catastrophe. The Ronan Point apartment accordance with the respective country codes such as IS
building in London and Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma 456:2000 for India, ACI 318-M05-2005 for the USA, BS
City are examples of such structural failures during recent 8110:1995 for the UK, EN 1992 Eurocode 2:2003 for Europe,
decades. Due to the catastrophic implications, the progressive CSA A.23.3-2004 for Canada, etc. The designed building is
collapse in the civil engineering research community has then checked for progressive collapse under the GSA
gained increased interest, especially in developing design guidelines. If the analysis indicates that any element or
guidelines. The alternative load path technique, according to connection does not meet the acceptance criteria, the building
the guidelines General Service Administration (GSA) 2016 [1] does not satisfy the progressive collapse requirements and must
and Department of Defense (DoD) 2009 [2], is one of the be re-designed or strengthened to eliminate the non-compliant

2212-8271 © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 28th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering.

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26 Suyash Garg et al. / Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 25–30

Notations Table 1. CO2 emission factor and unit cost by the strength of materials used in
C-1 Corner Column strengthening alternatives.
E-1 Edge Column - 1 Material
Strength CO2 emission
Unit cost
E-2 Edge Column - 2 (MPa) factor
ΔC-1 Vertical Displacement at the location of the Concrete
25 236.8 kg-CO2/m3 ₹ 9400.85/m3
removed corner column
Rebar (Fe 500) 500 424.2 kg-CO2/ton ₹ 83500.0/ton
ΔE-1 Vertical Displacement at the location of the
removed edge column - 1
ΔE-2 Vertical Displacement at the location of the In civil engineering, structures are at risk of a local failure
removed edge column - 2 which can cause repeated failures leading to complete collapse.
θC-1 Chord Rotation at the location of the removed Consequently, numerous strengthening alternatives are
corner column required to be implemented to achieve adequate protection.
θE-1 Chord Rotation at the location of the removed Strengthening, however, like constructing new houses, often
edge column - 1 requires forms of energy and creates harmful gases.
θE-2 Chord Rotation at the location of the removed Sustainability issues should therefore be studied from an
edge column - 2 engineering point of view. The CO2 emission factors and unit
costs are adjusted according to the material quality. Therefore,
element. The acceptance criteria for beams, two-way slabs and proper strengthening system to save money and protect the
slab column connections (flat slabs) of different material types environment must be determined. Table 1 [14] indicates the
(reinforced concrete, steel, masonry, wood, cold-formed steel) CO2 emission factors and unit costs of concrete and rebar based
are presented in the DoD guidelines in terms of plastic rotation on their strength.
angles in radians.
Flat slab structures are more vulnerable to progressive 3. Detail of Building Models
collapse because there are no beams to help redistribute the
loads [3-7]. Several researchers have therefore attempted to The studied RC flat slab building consists of five storeys
investigate the behaviour of RC flat slab structures in resisting with 3x4 bays having a span of 8.0 m in each direction with a
progressive collapse. On the basis of validated numerical height of 3.6 m in all storeys. ETABS software [16] is used to
analyses, Keyvani et al. [8] evaluated the impact of replicate the flat slab building. A plan and 3-D view of the
compressive membrane action on the progressive collapse building under study can be seen in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively.
capacity of flat plate structures. Qian and Li [9,10] assessed the For modelling flat slabs, the Equivalent Frame Method (EFM)
behaviour of RC flat slab structures under corner or interior [17-19] is used. For each storey, the size of column taken as
column removals. Peng et al. [11] examined the dynamic 450 x 450 mm, the thickness of the flat slab is taken as 200 mm,
behaviour of flat plate substructure under the instantaneous and size of the inner and outer flat slab beams are taken as 1780
removal of the exterior column. x 200 mm and 890 x 200 mm, respectively. In each building
In these conditions, there is a considerable need to carry out layout, a Live Load (LL) of 4.0 kN/m2 and a superimposed
an effective performance evaluation of RC flat slab buildings
Dead Load (DL) 2.0 kN/m2 is applied to all floors. The grade
and to evaluate potential strengthening schemes to meet the
of concrete and steel is taken as M25 and Fe500, respectively.
criteria of the progressive collapse code [1, 2]. Perimeter beams
are strongly recommended to allow frame action to redistribute Buildings are designed for gravity loads in accordance with IS
vertical loads and improve the shear connection of floors to 456:2000 [20].
columns, and can, therefore, be used as an effective The size and reinforcement details of the seven
strengthening tool [12]. strengthening alternatives, examined in this study, in the form
In this study, the progressive collapse behaviour of a five- of different perimeter beams are shown in Table 2. The
storey RC flat slab building subjected to instantaneous removal building model without any strengthening measure, B-PB, is
of first storey columns is assessed using dynamic analysis and compared with building models B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 and
various strengthening alternatives to meet the current B7 having different sized perimeter beams.
progressive collapse code requirements are presented. These
alternatives, in the form of different sized perimeter beams, are
then examined from the chord rotation at the location of the
removed column, the cost and CO2 gas generation perspectives
and the results are demonstrated for comparison.

2. Sustainability Criteria

One of the most important problems for developing

countries is the optimal usage of scarce natural resources.
Therefore, the proper use of these resources has become
increasingly important. Consequently, the researchers seek to
apply the sustainability viewpoint in several ways [13-15].
Sustainability means the most effective way of using available
resources. Buildings need large quantities of financial
investment and capital. Fig. 1. Plan of studied flat slab building model.

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Suyash Garg et al. / Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 25–30 27

Table 2. Details of seven strengthening alternatives.

Total quantity of
Longitudinal Top Longitudinal Transverse (bar quantity of
Building Detail of strengthening alternatives reinforcement
(number @ bar Bottom (number dia in mm @ concrete
dia in mm) @ bar dia in mm) spacing in mm) (m3)
B-1 Perimeter beam 450x450 mm at all storeys 2#25 + 2#20 2#25 + 2#20 10@175 113.40 17.71
B-2 Perimeter beam 450x500 mm at all storeys 3#25 + 1#20 3#25 + 1#20 10@162.5 126.00 19.76
B-3 Perimeter beam 450x550 mm at all storeys 4#25 4#25 10@150 138.60 21.88
B-4 Perimeter beam 450x600 mm at all storeys 4#25 + 1#20 4#25 + 1#20 10@137.5 151.20 25.31
B-5 Perimeter beam 450x650 mm at all storeys 5#25 5#25 10@125 163.80 27.67
Perimeter beam 450x450 mm at 1 st storey 2#25 + 2#20 2#25 + 2#20 10@175
Perimeter beam 450x500 mm at 2 nd storey 3#25 + 1#20 3#25 + 1#20 10@162.5
B-6 Perimeter beam 450x550 mm at 3 rd storey 4#25 4#25 10@150 138.60 22.46
Perimeter beam 450x600 mm at 4 th storey 4#25 + 1#20 4#25 + 1#20 10@137.5
Perimeter beam 450x650 mm at 5 th storey 5#25 5#25 10@125
Perimeter beam 450x650 mm at 1 st storey 5#25 5#25 10@125
Perimeter beam 450x600 mm at 2 nd storey 4#25 + 1#20 4#25 + 1#20 10@137.5
B-7 Perimeter beam 450x550 mm at 3 rd storey 4#25 4#25 10@150 138.60 22.46
Perimeter beam 450x500 mm at 4 th storey 3#25 + 1#20 3#25 + 1#20 10@162.5
Perimeter beam 450x450 mm at 5 th storey 2#25 + 2#20 2#25 + 2#20 10@175

stable equilibrium and eventually the force is immediately

removed in 0.005 sec. The total dynamic analysis time is
estimated to be 3.0 sec, which is sufficient to determine the
maximum response and achieve a stable state under 5 per cent
of the damping ratio. The results are measured in terms of
vertical displacements at the location of the removed column,
where displacements are taken as peak values (absolute
maximum) of the time-history responses determined.
The typical columns C-1, E-1 and E-2 are alternately
removed from the first storey and the vertical joint
displacement at the removed column location is determined to
evaluate the impact of seven strengthening alternatives on the
progressive collapse resistance of the studied flat slab building.
Fig. 2. 3-D view of studied flat slab building model.
In addition, the chord rotation (in radians) at each column
removal position is measured as the ratio of vertical joint
displacement and length of the member. The determined chord
rotation values at the corresponding joint for flat slab structures
are then compared with the allowed plastic rotation angle of
0.05 radians, as per the DoD guidelines [2].

5. Results and Discussion

This section addresses the findings of the study of the

modelled buildings. Section 5.1 examines the behaviour of
progressive collapse under various column removals, while
Section 5.2 and Section 5.3 evaluate strengthening alternatives
from a structural and sustainability point of view, respectively.
Fig. 3. Load time history – simulation of instantaneous column removal.
5.1. Assessment of progressive collapse behaviour under
different column removals
4. Method of Analysis
The progressive collapse resistance is evaluated when the
columns C-1, E-1, and E-2 are removed one at a time from the
In the dynamic progressive collapse analysis, gravity
first storey. From Table 3, for building model B-PB, the
loading of 1.2 DL+0.5 LL is uniformly applied across the entire
findings indicate that the removal of C-1 results in a maximum
frame as per GSA guidelines [1]. The column is then removed
displacement of 850.2 mm, while the removal of E-2 results in
and replaced by a force (F) equal and opposite to its reaction
a minimum displacement of 725.3 mm. This may be related to
force. For dynamic column removal, the member force (F) is
the fact that the C-1 is only connected to two edge columns,
suddenly removed using a time-history function as shown in
Fig. 3. The member force is applied up to 1.5 sec to achieve a

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28 Suyash Garg et al. / Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 25–30

Table 3. Vertical displacement and chord rotation at location of removed

columns for different buildings.
Vertical displacements at -200
Chord rotation at location of
location of the removed
the removed column (rad) -300

ΔE-1 (mm)
Building column (mm)
ΔC-1 ΔE-1 ΔE-2 θC-1 θE-1 θE-2
B-NB 850.2 749.7 725.3 0.106 0.094 0.091 -600
B-1 449.6 540.1 515.1 0.056 0.068 0.064
B-2 400.2 501.3 474.9 0.050 0.063 0.059
B-3 366.1 460.5 435.5 0.046 0.058 0.054 -800
B-4 295.3 369.8 348.8 0.037 0.046 0.044 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3
B-5 250.5 352.1 325.6 0.031 0.044 0.041 Time (sec)
B-6 341.4 420.6 405.2 0.043 0.053 0.051
B-7 315.5 380.2 369.4 0.039 0.048 0.046
B-NB B-1 B-5 B-7

200 Fig. 5. Time history of vertical displacement when E-1 is instantaneously

0 removed at t = 1.5 sec.

-200 0
ΔC-1 (mm)

-600 -300

ΔE-2 (mm)
-800 -400
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3
Time (sec) -800
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3
B-NB B-1 B-5 B-7
Time (sec)

Fig. 4. Time history of vertical displacement when C-1 is instantaneously B-NB B-1 B-5 B-7
removed at t = 1.5 sec.

Fig. 6. Time history of vertical displacement when E-2 is instantaneously

while the E-2 is connected to three columns. Further, it is removed at t = 1.5 sec.
observed that ΔE-1 is marginally higher than ΔE-2 which could displacement and chord rotation in all column removal
be due to the fact that the E-1 column is removed from the short situations as seen from Figs. 7, 8 and 9.
edge of the building, while the E-2 column is removed from the By comparing the joint displacements of model B-1 with model
long edge of the building. It is also noted from Table 3 that the B-NB, it is found that adding perimeter beams has decreased
results obtained in terms of joint displacement (ΔC-1, ΔE-1 and ΔC-1 by 47.1 %, ΔE-1 by 27.9 % and ΔC-1 by 29.0 %. It may be
ΔE-2) display similar trends when the resistance to progressive attributed to the fact that the perimeter beams strengthen all the
collapse is compared in form of chord rotation (θC-1, θE-1 and associated slab beams in the event of C-1 removal, while they
θE-2). strengthen only two out of three associated slab beams in the
For the buildings B-NB, B-1, B-5 and B-7, the time history event of E-1 and E-2 removal. As the size of the perimeter
of vertical displacements at location of removed columns C-1, beam subsequently increases in B-2, B-3, B-4 and B-5, its
E-1, and E-2 is shown in Figs. 4, 5 and 6, respectively. From t
effect on improvement in progressive collapse also increases.
= 0.0 sec to t = 1.5 sec, building reaches static equilibrium; at t
The addition of perimeter beams reduced ΔC-1 by 70.5 %, ΔE-1
= 1.5 sec, the columns C-1, E-1, and E-2 are suddenly removed
by 53.0 % and ΔC-1 by 55.1 % when model B-5 is compared
in 0.005 sec; from t = 1.5 sec to t = 2.75 sec, building shows
dynamic response; from t = 2.75 sec to t = 3.0 sec, stabilization with model B-NB. Further, it can be seen from the Figs. 7, 8
of vibration in the building. and 9 that, among the models B-1 to B-5, where the same sized
perimeter beams are incorporated on each storey, the chord
5.2. Assessment of strengthening from a structural perspective rotation is kept below the 0.05 limit for the building models B-
4 and B-5. However, in cases where different sized perimeter
The seven flat slab building models B-1 to B-7 are beams are added to different storeys, as in B-6 (beam size
strengthened by different sized perimeter beams and their decreasing from top) and B-7 (beam size increasing from top),
progressive collapse resistance is compared to the B-NB the results showed that the chord rotation values are held below
model. The findings of the progressive collapse analysis as 0.05 for the building model B-7. This means that if perimeter
shown in Table 3, for model B-NB, clearly show the beams of different sizes are to be added to strengthen different
development of progressive collapse as the values of chord storeys, it is desirable to provide a heavier section of the
rotation exceeds the limit of 0.05 in all the column removal perimeter beam on the first storey rather than on the top storey,
scenarios. Inclusion of the perimeter beams in the studied flat in order to effectively transfer the loads to the adjacent
slab building has significantly decreased the values of joint columns.

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Suyash Garg et al. / Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 25–30 29

0.060 0.070



θC-1 (rad)

θE-2 (rad)

Beam size decreasing from top

Beam size decreasing from top

Beam size increasing from top

Beam size increasing from top


Beam 450x500 mm

Beam 450x600 mm
Beam 450x550 mm

Beam 450x550 mm
Beam 450x650 mm

Beam 450x650 mm
Beam 450x600 mm
Beam 450x450 mm

Beam 450x500 mm
Beam 450x450 mm


0.000 0.000
B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7
Strengthening alternatives Strengthening alternatives

Fig. 7. Chord rotation when C-1 removed. Fig. 8. Chord rotation when E-2 removed.

0.070 4000000.00

0.060 3500000.00

COST (₹)

θE-1 (rad)

Beam size inccreasing from top
Beam size decreasing from top

Beam size decreasing from top

Beam size increasing from top

Beam 450x650 mm
Beam 450x500 mm

Beam 450x450 mm

Beam 450x500 mm

Beam 450x550 mm

Beam 450x600 mm

Beam 450x650 mm
Beam 450x450 mm

Beam 450x550 mm

Beam 450x600 mm


0.010 500000.00

0.000 0.00
B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7
Strengthening alternatives Strengthening alternatives

Fig. 9. Chord rotation when E-1 removed. Fig. 10. Cost of strengthening alternatives.

5.3. Assessment of strengthening from a sustainability of CO2 decreases as the perimeter beam size decreases. But the
perspective reduction in perimeter beam size results in a higher chord
rotation at the location of the removed column. Thus, in order
Strengthening of the studied flat slab building is assessed to balance the chord rotation with the perimeter beam size, the
from a sustainability perspective, taking into account costs and strengthening methods B6 and B7 used approximately the same
CO2 emissions. Consumption of concrete and steel materials in quantity of concrete and reinforcement as used in alternative B-
the system is used in the measurements with a view to assessing 3. Alternative B-7 judiciously used different sized perimeter
the environmental effect of strengthening. The total cost and beams on different storeys (beam size increasing from the top
CO2 emissions of strengthening methods are shown in Figs. 10 storey having largest size on the first storey) and achieved
and 11, respectively. Alternative B-5 has the least chord chord rotation values within the limit of 0.05 which is not
rotation, but it is the most expensive and reveals the most CO2 achieved in the case of B-3 where same sized perimeter beams
gas among all alternatives. Alternative B-1, on the other hand, are incorporated on each storey. Thus, strengthening alternative
is the cheapest and emits the least CO2 gas, but has the highest B-7 not only requires low cost and emits less CO2 but also
chord rotation than any other alternative. In strengthening meets the structural requirements of the GSA and DoD
alternatives B-1 to B-5, it is noted that the cost and emission guidelines.

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30 Suyash Garg et al. / Procedia CIRP 98 (2021) 25–30

storeys (beam size increasing from the top storey having largest
60000.00 size on the first storey) and satisfy the progressive collapse
code requirements with a limited cost and CO2 emission.

50000.00 Acknowledgements

40000.00 The authors would like to acknowledge the Malaviya

CO2 emission (Kg)

National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, for their aid in

licensing and providing technical assistance for the use of
30000.00 ETABS software.

Beam size decreasing from top

Beam size increasing from top

20000.00 References
Beam 450x500 mm
Beam 450x450 mm

Beam 450x650 mm
Beam 450x550 mm

Beam 450x600 mm

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